Tang's dining table

Chapter 828: Keep someone under the knife

There have been a lot more people in Luoyang city recently, especially the rich and powerful. In addition, these people have conflicts with the locals of Luoyang. Therefore, the public security in Luoyang has been very chaotic recently.

Fortunately, the assassins in Luoyang City disappeared, which reassured the dignitaries from Chang'an.

However, in Luoyang City, although they are all from the Tang Dynasty, people from Luoyang, Chang'an and other places can be clearly distinguished.

Ever since Wenrou discovered this problem in Luoyang City, he felt that this was not a good phenomenon, so he spent a lot of time studying this problem.

After interviewing many people and completing many question and answer papers, Wen Wen was shocked to discover that the people of the Tang Dynasty had a regional understanding of the country.

The Tang Dynasty in the hearts of the people of Chang'an was so bright and arrogant that they did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives and blood for it.

In the eyes of Luoyang people, the Tang Dynasty was magnificent and unattainable. The Tang Dynasty was the Tang Dynasty of the emperors and the nobles, and had nothing to do with them.

As for outsiders, they just want to be people from Chang'an or Luoyang. Some of them are from Shandong and Hebei. The content of the questionnaire is not as good as that of Turks and Japanese.

After checking thousands of question and answer papers, Wen Wenrou's heart dropped.

It has been nearly fifty years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, and it has experienced incomparable glorious moments. However, the people of the Tang Dynasty, even those who have the opportunity to come to Luoyang, still have an extremely indifferent understanding of the country of the Tang Dynasty.

He felt that it was necessary to continue to study this issue in depth.

When Yun Chu was in the army, he saw Wen Wen's letter and couldn't help but shake his head. The matter was far more serious than Wen Wen found. Not only the people thought this way, but also the behavior of the soldiers.

The eight thousand cavalry and two thousand infantry assigned to Yunchu all came from the sixteen Zhechong Prefectures on Longyou Road. Most Zhechong Prefectures sent their most elite regiments, and some Zhechong Prefectures sent two regiments. , and finally mixed into this 10,000-strong army under Yun Chu's command.

The soldiers of Longyou Road have always been called arrogant and fierce generals, and they are the most difficult to command among all armies.

These people formed small groups based on their respective Zhechong mansions, and then formed relatively larger circles based on geographical distance and close relationships. Finally, six large groups were formed based on the relative strength and mutual reliance.

The nineteen generals who had been persuaded by Yun Chu were a group of amiable generals. Since they really came into contact with the army, except for Chief Shi Yu Wenjing and Army Commander Huo Tiancheng, they still stood firmly behind Yun Chu. The other fourteen people have already As soon as I came into contact with the army, I integrated into those six large groups.

"It seems that I did not kill anyone to establish my authority, so that they would think that I am weak and can be bullied."

Just after the drum gathering meeting, Yunchu discovered that his subordinates used him as a tablet in the shrine.

Yu Wenjing smiled bitterly and said, "The prince used to command the soldiers of Chang'an City. They were from the same hometown as the prince, so they naturally looked up to him. Now, these soldiers all come from various prefectures in Longyou Road. Beware of you. It is human nature to overuse them.

However, even these people would not dare to disobey the king's general's orders. "

Yun Chu sneered and said: "In my army, if you can't use your arms and fingers like an arm, how can you talk about being invincible?"

Army Commander Ma Huo Tiancheng said: "You might as well use the strategy of division and defeat each one."

Yun Chu looked at Huo Tiancheng and said, "What's the plan?"

Huo Tiancheng and Yu Wenjing looked at each other and said, "The captains of Zhechong may be able to control the army, but the power of food, equipment, rewards and punishments for the army lies with the princes.

For those who are willing to obey the king's orders wholeheartedly, their food, fodder, and equipment can be appropriately tilted. For those who are unwilling to obey their king's orders wholeheartedly, their food, fodder, equipment, and rewards and punishments will naturally be unsatisfactory. "

Yun Chu smiled and said, "When you did this before, what was the effect?"

Seeing Yun Chu looking at him with a half-smile, Yu Wenjing knew that this was a master who could not be deceived, so she could only sigh and said: "They will take turns to be loyal to the king, and after getting the benefits, they will stay away from the king. Generally, they will take turns to be loyal to the king." After two times, the military affairs will be over, and everyone will pat their butts and go back to their homes, and we will have nothing to do with each other from now on."

Yun Chu smiled when he heard this, because he found that things had developed into a channel that he was very familiar with.

Yunchu, who had been able to control the sixty-seven cadres and workers in the entire street a long time ago, felt that the natives of the Tang Dynasty should be better managed.

After all, these people are basically illiterate and live in poverty. Unlike those people on the street who had read books before, sixty-seven people had eight hundred thoughts.

Generally speaking, there are actually only two ways to deal with disobedient subordinates - giving money and giving benefits.

If money and benefits are given, but the subordinates are still disobedient, there is only one reason left, and that is the money and the benefits are not given.

Even if there are many gangs in the military, these gangs only use profit as a means to form gangs.

If Yun Chu, the coach, gives more benefits to the soldiers than the gangs, it will be much easier to win over the soldiers.

When the people's hearts are gathered together and Lin Li's gang is dispersed, it will be the turn of these government soldiers who have taken huge benefits from Yunchu to pay... By then they will understand a truth-the effort must be equal to the gain.

"How many replaceable armors and weapons are there in the army?" Yun Chu thought for a while and then directly asked Shi Yuwenjing, the commander in charge of logistics affairs.

"Reporting back to the commander-in-chief, the general has ordered 200 new armors, 200 new horses, 1,000 horizontal swords, 600 additional war horses, 1,000 spears and iron spears, 200 bows, and 120,000 arrows. There are two hundred short crossbows for horse fighting, three thousand crossbow arrows, five thousand catties of gunpowder, five thousand thunder and fire bombs, five thousand catties of kerosene, and two thousand kerosene bombs.

In addition, there are armors of various colors and two thousand swords to arm the civilians in times of crisis. "

Yu Wenjing looked calm, her answers were clear and detailed, and she looked like she was talking nonsense.

Yun Chu himself worked as a affairs officer. It had only been two days since Yu Wenjing entered the army. As for the materials he mentioned, he couldn't even count them in two days, let alone report them in such a clear and detailed manner. .

This guy was obviously a bastard, and a veteran at that. Yun Chu felt that if he wanted to reorganize the army, there was nothing wrong with targeting this guy first.

Therefore, the first order issued by Yunchu at the Yunchu army camp was to deprive the marching commander Shi Yuwenjing of all rights and responsibilities, assign the groom battalion to serve as grooms, and be solely responsible for the raising of fifty war horses.

Yu Wenjing was not panicked, but was stunned for a moment after hearing Yun Chu's military order. She didn't know where she had exposed herself and was caught by Yun Chu.

Yu Wenjing was assigned to raise horses, which did not attract more attention in the Yunchu military camp. In a new military camp, such drastic personnel changes were considered normal.

Yu Wenjing did not raise the horses herself in the groom's camp, but handed over the military affairs of raising horses to other grooms. The other grooms also regarded this matter as a normal matter and were willing to help. When everything seemed to be natural, Yun Chu Suddenly appeared in the groom's camp when the groom was feeding night grass to the war horses...

Yu Wenjing, who was sleeping soundly, should be executed according to the law!

When Yu Wenjing saw Yun Chu's half-smiling face again, she frowned and said, "If you want to incriminate someone, why bother?"

Yun Chu pondered for a moment and said to Yu Wenjing: "A marching commander can actually command eight thousand cavalry directly, bypassing the commander of the army. Yu Wenjing, you are making things simple."

Yu Wenjing said nonchalantly: "This is a common practice in the army."

Yun Chu smiled when he heard this, came to Yu Wenjing and said, "I just said that you made this matter simple.

If this army cannot be used by the Tang Dynasty, it is harmful. Since it is harmful, it must be eradicated. Don't forget, this is an army and does not require conclusive evidence.

For the sake of your father, send someone to find a way quickly. From now on, you only have five hours. At three quarters of noon, without His Majesty's will, your head will definitely fall to the ground. "

Yu Wenjing stared into Yun Chu's eyes and said, "You don't dare."

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "Your father has been the governor of Longyou for many years. After he died of illness in the 16th year of Zhenguan, I didn't expect that so many years later, he would still have such a great influence on Longyou's Zhechong Mansion. I admire you, I admire you."

Army Sima Huo Tiancheng looked at Yun Chu with something wrong, and his eyes were full of fear.

He felt that Yun Chu did not want to take back all control of the army from Yu Wenjing, but wanted to wipe out the entire Yuwen clan.

Huo Tiancheng was something that even outsiders found terrifying, but Yu Wenjing acted extremely calmly. She didn't care about Yun Chu's words about beheading him at three quarters noon, and even more about Yun Chu's words threatening to kill his whole family. , pretending not to understand, being tied to the rack without fear, refusing to beg Yunchu for mercy, and refusing to immediately send people to find foreign help.

Yun Chu was not in a hurry. After dawn, he beat the drums again and gathered the generals, preparing for the whole army to watch Yu Wenjing beheaded on the spot and take the opportunity to establish his military power as a general.

Ten thousand fully armed soldiers stood in the yellow leaves all over the sky. It was already an endless scene. Yun Chu was riding a horse and looked up from time to time to look at the cold sun in the sky.

The sun in autumn couldn't reach the top of the head, so Yun Chu even got a sundial to calculate the accurate time.

Seeing that the shadow of the sundial was about to reach three quarters noon, Ren Yaxiang, the obese Minister of War of the Tang Empire, arrived as promised.

Seeing Yunchu looking at him with a smile, Ren Yaxiang sighed and said, "The prince is a sensible person, why did he make the situation so miserable?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "I am quite smart, and I will understand what I should understand. However, I would like to know more, who gave His Majesty the method to divide the Zhe Chong Mansion and restrain the coach?

The army has not yet encountered the enemy, but it has already been torn apart internally. This is the sign of a defeated army and the death of a country. Don't you, the Minister of War, not see it at all? "

Ren Yaxiang said with some embarrassment: "I will take him away and send you a better marching commander."

Yun Chu watched the shadow of the sundial slowly pass by the three quarters of noon. He slowly shook his head and said, "It's too late."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ren Yaxiang heard the sound of a cannon, his face changed drastically, and he shouted to Yun Chu: "Save someone under the knife."

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