Tang's dining table

Chapter 856 Nine times out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory

When Li Hong stood up and was being cleaned by the palace servants, the Crown Princess Pei turned over, hugging the quilt and looking at Li Hong's strong back and tight buttocks. She lowered her head and bit the corners of the quilt, letting out a low moan. .

Li Hong turned around and looked at Mr. Pei and said, "The relationship between men and women is nothing more than this. Don't indulge in it."

Pei Wanying said: "I feel wronged by the prince. I can only use my talents in vain."

Li Hong quickly put on his inner clothes, covering his majestic body and said calmly: "If you want to completely secure your position as Crown Princess, you should find a way to get pregnant as soon as possible.

If you are someone who shows mercy at all times, then your hard days are coming. "

Pei Wanying said: "This is my concubine's fault. Why doesn't the prince stay here?"

Li Hong smiled and said: "This is what you want. If I give it to you, don't complain."

Pei Wanying said: "The women in the East Palace each have their own characteristics..."

Li Hong waved his hands and said impatiently: "They are just a bunch of vulgar fans..."

After saying that, he strode out of the palace.

Pei Wanying let go of the corner of the quilt she was biting and said to the dowry nanny who was helping her clean up: "Except for not really liking me, he is a very good husband."

Mammy raised her head and looked at Pei Wanying and said, "Young lady, you shouldn't talk about other women today. Are you thinking of using the women in the East Palace to make the prince forget about the Queen of the Western Regions?"

Pei Wanying raised her legs and said bitterly: "That woman is thousands of miles away, but she still holds the prince's heart tightly."

Mammy said solemnly: "So far, the prince is very good to you. This can be seen from the fact that he is unwilling to find a woman other than you. He is willing to give birth to his eldest son with you.

The Queen of the Western Regions successfully gave birth to a baby girl. This is the opportunity God gives you. If you cannot seize this opportunity, then you can't blame anyone. "

Pei Wanying scratched her belly irritably and said, "I want it too."

Mammy tucked Pei Wanying's naked body back into the quilt, covered her carefully, and sighed: "Since the prince can give birth to a baby girl, if you are childless, then it will be all your problem."

Pei Wanying sighed and closed her eyes, but there were two strands of tears winding down from the corners of her eyes.

When Li Hong came to the place where Xu Jingzong lived, he found the old guy lying in the bathtub, with his back facing the sky and a woman under each arm.

Seeing the prince come in, Xu Jingzong glanced at the corners of the prince's eyes, and sighed: "I have accompanied the prince many times, but she always comes to me to find something to do."

Li Hong sat astride a spring stool and said irritably: "The matter in Yanshi County is over. The wealthy families have been wiped out. The land in the county has been divided according to the founding regulations. This is what you want to see, master." the result of?"

Xu Jingzong raised his arms, and the two young women walked past Li Hong openly and naked. Li Hong glanced at them, then looked at Xu Jingzong again and said, "Master is old, and health care is the priority."

Xu Jingzong said: "If you don't have some freedom, what will you do if you live for such a long time? You are still young, and you should indulge in sex when you were young. If you wait until I am this old, you will only have regrets."

Li Hongdao: "It's good for two people to be in love with each other. Otherwise, what's the difference between them and animals?"

Xu Jingzong chuckled and said: "Your master Yunchu felt that building Chang'an City into what he dreamed of was his greatest happiness. Therefore, he restrained his selfish desires and made his words and actions in line with etiquette. This was in order to pursue what he dreamed of. "Benevolence".

At the same time, Yunchu was also sober. He knew where the limit of his power was, so he chose Chang'an City as the place where he could realize "benevolence". Therefore, he only implemented all his benevolent policies in Chang'an City. Some people may say that this is a small kind of "benevolence", but "benevolence" is "benevolence" and there is no distinction between big or small.

He would feel happy when he saw the people in Chang'an City getting richer and richer, and he would feel happy when he saw the Tang Dynasty becoming more and more prosperous, because this joy brought him more pleasure than physical stimulation, so , he will practice self-denial and restoration of rites.

Prince, you still have a long time to come. It is normal to have selfish desires. Selfish desires will not disappear because you deliberately suppress them. They will only hide and wait slowly. Waiting for the moment when you relax. Waiting for you. When you become an emperor and no one restrains you anymore, your selfish desires that have been suppressed for many years will expand. If they expand ten times, a hundred times, or a thousand times as much as they do now, if you don't know how to exercise restraint yet, what will you do to this? bring disaster to the country.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty is your example. When Yang Guang was king, who wouldn't praise him as a wise king? "

Li Hong shook his head and said: "I didn't deliberately suppress my selfish desires. I really didn't like it. When I was with Naha in the Longmen Valley, we kept asking for it day and night. Even when I was exhausted, I wanted to tear her apart. Swallow the pieces into your stomach.

It’s just because I’ve seen better things that I disdain the mere temptation in front of me.

Now, can the master tell me about Yanshi County? "

Xu Jingzong shook his head, raised his withered and thin arms from the water, pushed them out suddenly and said: "Pull it down and start over. This is what your Majesty did in Yanshi County. Your master Yun Chu has used Anding Princess, I was the first to drop a seed on the new land of Yanshi County. I would like to name the seed thrown by Yun Chu - hope.

Whether it is His Majesty's heroic and unprecedented plan to bulldoze and start over, or the seed of hope sown by Yunchu in Yanshi County, it will have a profound impact on the politics and even the direction of the Tang Dynasty in the future. profound influence.

What you have to do now is to watch carefully, listen carefully, and think carefully to see how His Majesty displays his talents and strategies, and to think about how Yunchu's seeds take root, sprout, and grow.

The origin, development, and end of all things in this world are traceable. They are not water without a source or a tree without roots. As long as the prince finds that clue, the fog that currently makes the prince feel confused will disappear. . "

Li Hong carefully remembered Xu Jingzong's teachings in his heart, and then said: "My master said that the new magistrate of Yanshi County is a fool. Why is that?"

Xu Jingzong laughed and said: "It means literally. I want your Majesty to replace him. Yunchu found out that the magistrate of Yanshi County is a fool. Wen Wen said that the magistrate of Yanshi County Huang Tong is a pig. Since they said so There is no room for maneuver, which means one thing: that Huang Tong is really a fool and a pig that cannot be used."

Li Hong said in surprise: "Yanshi County is indeed very important at this time. Since master said that Huang Tong is a fool, he must be a fool. What I feel strange now is why my father sent a pig to Yanshi County to serve as a master." Where is the county magistrate?”

Xu Jingzong looked at Li Hong and said: "Your Majesty has no reason to destroy his plan, and the prince has not used any means to do it. So, who does the prince think sent that pig?"

Li Hong took a breath of cold air as if he had a toothache, shook his head hard and said, "In that case, I'd better go back to the princess's place and continue sleeping. While it's a good day for her, if she can have sex twice more, maybe she can give birth to Qilin as soon as possible." Son."

Xu Jingzong laughed loudly and said: "It should be like this. When the prince went out, let the four maids come in, and I felt refreshed..."

Li Hong curled his lips and walked away, but the smile on Xu Jingzong's face slowly disappeared. He looked down at his old and frail body, punched the water heavily, and shouted angrily: "If I could still be thirty years younger, Zai, I will not let you be more beautiful than before."

The palace in Bianzhou is larger than the palaces in other places. In the main hall of the palace, Chengfeng Hall, Li Zhi's heavy breathing can be clearly heard.

Just under the steps of Chengfeng Hall, the body of Huang Tong, the magistrate of Yanshi County, lay there quietly, with the head gone.

Several eunuchs threw the headless corpse onto a cart and took it away. The remaining eunuchs brought water to wash away the blood stains on the stone slab. As the water continued to wash away, the blood stains that were already frozen were , gradually diluted by water.

On a cold day, Zhao Chengzhou knelt at the foot of the steps, looking like a steamer. White air kept rising from under his armor and helmet, and in an instant, he was gone.

On the higher steps, Li Jingxuan held the wat board with his back straight. The reason why Huang Tong's body was dismembered was because of him.

Ever since he heard that Yunchu had captured Yanshi County Magistrate Huang Tong and sent him to Bianzhou, Li Jingxuan had thought about Yunchu's monk Aye and his unknown aunt countless times.

He originally wanted to keep Huang Tong, a fool, to serve as a shield for his son in Yanshi County for a while. After this fool made his son a shrewd official, he would then kill Huang Tong and help his son. Become the chief official in Yanshi County, a place that can definitely produce political achievements.

Now, trouble, Yunchu said Huang Tong was a fool.

It makes no sense that even Yunchu could know something. He, a person who had personally met Huang Tong and dealt with him personally, would not know that Huang Tong was a fool.

Therefore, this guy came to Chengfeng Hall as soon as he got the news, and happened to meet Huang Tong who was kneeling outside the hall waiting for the emperor's summons.

He only thought for a moment before decisively pulling out the horizontal knife from Zhao Chengzhou's waist who was caught off guard, and chopped off Huang Tong's head with one blow.

The rest was very simple. He just had to play the role of a critic. Anyway, he, Yun Chu and Wen Wen had already reached a consensus on the fact that Huang Tong was a fool.

As for beheading Huang Tong outside the main hall, it was to eliminate the possibility of the emperor sending this guy to Yanshi County as a county magistrate again.

Ruichun came to Li Jingxuan with gloomy eyes and said, "Your Majesty announces that Li Shilang will meet you."

After hearing this, Li Jingxuan gathered his thoughts and stepped into Chengfeng Hall with his head held high.

Li Zhi sat quietly on the chair and looked at Li Jingxuan who walked in expressionlessly.

Li Jingxuan quietly stepped forward to salute, but the emperor did not say anything to avoid the ceremony. Li Jingxuan could only keep bending down and waiting for the emperor's instructions.

"You are so brave. You dare to kill people with a knife at my door. Li Jingxuan, tell me. If you can't give me a justifiable reason, this matter will not go through."

Li Jingxuan stood up straight and said, "When did Wei Chen kill someone?"

Li Zhi was stunned by Li Jingxuan's words, but he immediately said angrily: "Huang Tong!"

Li Jingxuan said with a smile: "It turned out to be him, but he is not a person, but a pig. I wanted to kill him when I was in Yanshi County, but it was difficult to kill him because the pig was an official of the imperial court. I just saw it outside the palace, and the murderous desire in my heart could no longer be suppressed, so I borrowed the army commander's knife and killed the pig."

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