Tang's dining table

Chapter 862 It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not

It's funny to say that Li Si is Li Hong's biological sister, but she has no right to live in Li Hong's residence.

There are certain rituals where the prince lives. Even though Li Si is the princess and the prince Li Hong are brothers and sisters, their social statuses are different. One is a monarch and the other is a minister.

After leaving Li Hong's residence, Li Si breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had a clue about his plan to make money.

In this world, there is only one person who can confidently take away the monks' money of 280,000 yuan without paying any price, and that is her father. In this matter, not even the queen mother and the prince can do it.

Judging from the information obtained by Di Guangsi, her mother issued three Queen's Teachings to Ganye Temple within one year. The contents of these three Queen's Teachings were basically the same, and they were all used to improve the status of monks and nuns.

From the size of Ganye Temple's land area, building scale, to the number of people, it far exceeds that of ordinary temples and nunneries.

These edicts seemed to only enhance the status of Ganye Temple, a royal nunnery. In fact, as the status of Ganye Temple continued to rise, he unknowingly raised the political ceiling of the temple.

Anyone who has ever been an official knows very well that in the process of executing government orders, generally only two factors are considered, one is the upper limit and the other is the lower limit. If you are in a good mood, the matter is good for the spleen and stomach, and the filial piety is rich, this matter can be done Execute according to the upper limit.

If you don't like it and it's not good for you, then you can only do it according to the lower limit.

Whether it is the upper limit or the lower limit, they are all within the scope allowed by the imperial decree. As long as it is not exceeded, there will be no problem in its implementation.

However, God knows how much room there is between the upper limit and the lower limit.

After the Queen's three edicts raised the upper limit of Ganye Temple again and again, it also increased the activity space of temples and nunneries all over the world.

Yong Wangxian played the biggest role in this monk crisis, but all the gains went to the queen.

Li Si never thought about getting the 280,000 guan for no reason from the beginning, because no matter who got the huge 280,000 guan, then the losses caused to Zhengzhou by the decree should be borne by Who will make up for it.

The fact that the Queen got it means that the Queen will have a great say in the land of Zhengzhou in the future. Emperor Li Zhi had no choice but to give up all the interests in this land in order to protect his son.

Now, Li Si can start planning. His mother's 280,000 yuan of money belongs to the queen. There is no doubt about this. As for how to spend and use the money, this is the focus of Li Si's attention.

Her prince brother has deployed no less than 300 seed bases all over the world. Over the years, many achievements have been remarkable. Although there are not many breakthroughs in staple food, after large-scale trial planting and improvement, wheat, rice, millet , the yield of grain crops such as millet is generally higher than that of the people's own seeds. Even if the yield can only be increased by 10% or 20%, it is already a great progress if it is spread all over the world.

The main reason why these things have not been popularized is the stubbornness of farmers and the general distrust of the government.

The first problem they face is the stubbornness of farmers. This stubbornness comes from distrust in the future. Once the new seeds fail, farmers will be in danger of starving to death. Therefore, they would rather believe in themselves. I don’t believe in the seeds promoted by the government.

In their eyes, the government does everything except good things.

In addition, seeds are one of the ways for wealthy families to make a fortune, so naturally they cannot be promoted.

Zhengzhou is different now. Without the big families and the clan mentality, they are just a mess. When the time comes, as long as she shows her identity as Princess An Ding, the villagers will be able to obey.

By then, Li Si will not only promote high-yield crops, but also cash crops such as cabbage, onions, beets, etc. It only takes two or three years of popularization, and she will have a new and huge source of goods.

Although winter was still raging on the earth, spring was coming soon. Li Si couldn't wait to benefit all the people, so after discussing the seed purchase with the prince's brother, he decisively came to the queen.

This time, in order to get a share of the huge sum of 280,000 yuan, Li Si spent a lot of money.

High-end goods such as wooden oxen and flowing horses were generously given to Li Xian and Li Dan each. A square of exquisite mutton-fat warm jade was given to Taiping. As for the Queen, it was a copy of "Tibetan Buddhism" specially printed by the copperplate printing house. through".

Wooden oxen, flowing horses and mutton-fat warm jade are all. Just one Tripitaka alone filled eleven carriages.

This "Tripitaka" is completely different from the "Tripitaka" that Yunchu only knew. The so-called Tripitaka is a general name for the scriptures that entered China since the Eastern Han Dynasty and were translated by eminent monks and sages from all walks of life.

There are fifty-five volumes in the main collection, thirty volumes in the supplementary collection, and fifteen volumes in separate volumes, totaling one hundred volumes and 3,186 volumes. It can be called an overview of Buddhist scriptures in the Tang Dynasty.

The chief editor is Master Xuanzang, and the names of the other ten great virtues of the Tang Dynasty also appear on the title page of this collection of books.

It is the first time since the copperplate printing workshop was established that both the quantity of printing and the degree of exquisiteness were achieved. For this reason, the cost of copperplate printing just paid to the eminent monks responsible for organizing the texts at Daci'en Temple exceeded 8,000 guan.

In the Tang Dynasty, no one who was a scholar could resist dozens of boxes full of books, even Wu Mei was no exception.

It’s ridiculous to say that the clay movable type printed on copper plates advanced to wood movable type, and then advanced to lead and tin movable type. The department responsible for printing in the imperial court still used woodblock printing.

If you think about it, you will know that if they want to publish a book, they must first engrave the book on a wooden board, and then they can print the book. It is relatively easy to engrave the book in the negative direction. If it is engraving in the positive direction, a set of The price of templates is not something ordinary people can afford.

Wu Mei looked around dozens of boxes of books, and then said to Li Si, who was following her relentlessly: "You little monkey, what do you want?"

Li Si said flatteringly: "It's about honoring your mother."

Wu Mei took out a book from the box and flipped through it. The pages rustled in her hands. After reading for a moment and checking the clarity of the writing in the book, she put the book down and said, "Tell me what you want first. Otherwise, your mother and I will not be able to keep this thing securely."

Li Si said seriously: "Actually, the child is here to ask for orders from the people of Zhengzhou."

"I came here to ask for the life of the people of Zhengzhou. Tell me what kind of life you are asking for."

Li Si followed the formal example of those officials who intervened and saluted: "I'm asking for a chance to get rich."

Wu Mei smiled lightly and said, "Not all places are as suitable for doing business as Chang'an."

Li Si shook his head and said: "Farming and mulberry trees are the foundation of the country."

Wu Mei's eyes flashed, and she immediately understood. She pointed at Li Sid and said, "Are you talking about the mountains of seeds piled up in the prince's place?"

Li Sidao: "The people are ignorant and don't dare to use good things. They waste all the hard work of the prince and brother in vain."

Wu Mei shook her head and said: "It's not as simple as you think. Everyone wants to plant high-yielding crops, but before planting, the farmers need to understand that the most important thing is that these seeds are reliable.

Farmers have always been farming with the best hope for a similar result. For them, it means a good year. Once the seeds are wrong, there is a worry of famine.

When your master Yunchu was promoting cotton near Chang'an, he first gave the villagers a year's rations, and then mobilized farmers to plant cotton. This was the most reliable way to promote cotton.

So, are you going to do your master's old deeds in Zhengzhou, a place where there is no human support? "

Li Sidao: "Zhou Xing was unjustly imprisoned in Daxing, Zhengzhou, and racked up countless crimes, which also led to countless people being imprisoned and their families destroyed. At this time, the people in Zhengzhou were living in fear, and the majesty of the government had reached its highest level.

At this time, the people were called on to cultivate new crops and plant some crops that could be exchanged for money. In less than five years, as life gradually gets better, the fear in the hearts of the people of Zhengzhou will be calmed down. This is also some of the considerations that the child made for his father. "

Wu Mei smiled and said: "It seems that you are ready for everything. You only owe money and food?"

Li Si said sarcastically: "I heard that my mother just got a big fortune."

Wu Mei smiled and said nothing, looked at Li Xian and Li Dan who were running around the hall with wooden cows and horses, and then said to Li Si: "Have you ever thought about the future of your brothers?"

Li Si shook his head and said: "This is a matter for the father, the emperor and the empress to consider. Children only need to be filial and respectful."

Wu Mei sighed and said, "You slapped Xian'er last time. That slap was not just to teach your brother a lesson, but there was also a feeling of revenge in it, right?"

Li Si frowned and said, "Even if my child has resentment in his heart, they are my younger brothers and sisters after all. Even if they hate me to the extreme, that's what they look like. That's not resentment, but jealousy."

Wu Mei looked at Yun Jin, who was kneeling quietly on the futon, Wen Huan, and Di Guangsi said, "You should come here often to see your brothers and sisters."

Li Sidao: "Those three are my partners."

Wu Mei frowned and said, "Can't a business of 280,000 yuan allow you to get closer to your younger brothers and sisters?"

Li Si's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

Wu Mei asked doubtfully: "Are you sincere?"

Li Si smiled and said: "Master once taught me how to put myself in an advantageous position when negotiating with others. Master said: When the facts are beneficial to you, then emphasize the facts. When the rules are beneficial to you, When things go wrong, I have to emphasize the rules. When the facts and rules are not good for me, all I have to do is flip the table and mess things up.

Therefore, my son is a person who is happy-go-lucky. As long as my mother is willing to help me, I will definitely do whatever my mother needs me to do without making any mistakes. "

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