Tang's dining table

Chapter 876 Just take your time, don’t rush

The further east you go, the poorer the people become.

The scenery is getting better and better.

The higher the mountain, the shorter the houses, the clearer the water, and the more shabby and dirty people's clothes are.

A ranger returned to the group, carrying four puppies on a long gun pole. The four dogs were tied to the gun poles, twisting feebly and looking not very lively.

Yun Chu called the ranger, pointed at the four puppies on his gun barrel and said, "Where did they come from?"

You Qi reported back: "Commander Qi Zhen, I found it in a ravine."

Yun Chu grabbed a puppy and took a look at it and said, "Did you kill the bitch?"

Yugi shook his head and said, "No, when the little one saw the four puppies, he didn't see the big dog."

Yun Chu grabbed a few golden melon seeds from his purse and threw them to You Qi: "Dog, I want them."

You Qi was overjoyed and immediately untied the four puppies from the gun barrels and placed them at Yun Chu's feet.

The weather was too cold and the dogs were too small. The four puppies were tightly clustered together as soon as they landed. They were four very ordinary local dogs. They were black, gray and light gray in color. The mother who produced these four puppies The female dog is like a printer without ink. The puppies printed out are lighter in color than the other.

Yun Chu opened Li Si's carriage behind him and let the four little guys huddled in the carriage get out.

Children should originally like small animals. Unfortunately, Li Si, Yun Jin, Wen Huan, and Di Guangsi are not ordinary children. Even if they like small animals, they also like the tall and powerful ones, or the lively and cute ones. , how could these four dirty puppies in front of them get into their eyes.

"I don't like this ugly native dog with a thick mouth."

"I like thin dogs, the kind that can catch foxes and rabbits."

"This dog is so dirty."

"Maybe I can't survive."

When Yun Chu saw the four young men chattering non-stop, he said to them directly: "Each person adopts one, and he must raise it himself. He should keep it with him at all times and take good care of it."

Li Si carefully looked up at Yun Chu and whispered, "This is too ugly."

Yun Chu said coldly: "When the old god put you in my arms, you cried like a cat, your hair was sparse, your limbs were skinny, and you even had diarrhea. I didn't despise you for being ugly or dirty. I worked hard to raise you so big and beautiful, and the same goes for these puppies.”

Hearing this, Li Si smiled at Yun Chu and said, "I will raise it. I will raise it myself, and I won't do it with the help of others."

Yun Chu nodded and looked at Yun Jin again: "When you were a child..."

Yun Jin jumped up suddenly, picked up a puppy and said, "Can't I raise it myself? I know that I often wet the bed when I was a child, and sometimes I peed on Aye's belly."

Before Yun Chu could turn his attention to Wen Huan, Di Guangsi had already picked up a dog. He was worried that the puppy would be cold, so he deliberately stuffed the puppy into his arms and smiled flatteringly at Yun Chu.

Yun Chu touched the heads of the four little guys and said, "Raise them well. If you raise them well, you will be rewarded. If you raise them poorly, the consequences will be serious."

After giving the four little guys a meaningful smile, Yun Chu entered the Chinese army again and continued to move forward slowly as the large group of people.

The four little guys were left looking at the four trembling dirty dogs looking at each other.

"The dog should be bathed first at this time."

"Who washes it and calls the guards over?"

"Well, that's right, you go and call."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Pitch a tent and do it ourselves..."

The smile the master gave when he left was strange and insidious. Li Si and the four decided not to be fooled. They were just raising a dog, and it was not a bad idea to do it themselves.

Li Si was given a pure black little bitch, so he put the squeaking puppy into warm water. The originally clean water immediately turned black...

The same goes for the other three dogs. When Yun Jin put the last greyhound into the water, he realized belatedly that what he got might be a white dog.

The army walked eastward unhurriedly, with the Yellow River always accompanying them on the left hand side. Yunchu did not think about the long journey of heaven and earth, but shed tears of poetry with sadness.

Even Li Si, who had suffered serious losses in Bianzhou, found this place very boring. It was a barren land that did not attract her interest in making money.

The eagles in the sky flew in vain, and there was no prey worthy of their wings on the plains. There were only some dark people wandering the plains in winter, looking almost like lonely ghosts.

There is always no bark on the old elm trees beside the road. The bark was peeled off by the people three years ago, ground into elm noodles and eaten by the people. Three years ago, there was a locust plague here.

Even three years later, the aftermath of the famine still plagues the people here, leaving them with no hope of living a better life.

Therefore, the elm trees here always grow strangely tall, and some bare branches are like spears piercing the blue sky.

Ten years of accumulation is no match for one disaster.

This is the so-called Yonghui prosperous age.

No matter how prosperous Chang'an is, for the people here, it is just an elusive dream.

Wen Wen, who was walking side by side, saw Yun Chu's long silence and thought he was contemplating poetry. However, after waiting for a long time, Yun Chu didn't recite poetry, so he asked curiously: "Why don't you recite poetry?"

Yun Chu looked at Wen Wen strangely and said, "Why do you want to recite poetry?"

Gentle said: "Isn't this feeling and this scene worthy of a poem?"

Yun Chu shook his head and said: "My mind is full of poems about bones being exposed in the wild and no roosters crowing for thousands of miles. Is it possible to write new poems there?"

Di Renjie nodded and said, "Cao Mengde probably looked like this when he went to Caozhou."

Wen Wen shook his head and said: "Those were the years of war, but now we are in peace."

Yun Chu pointed to the bare barkless elm tree and said, "Is there any difference?"

Gentle said: "Isn't that a disaster?"

Yun Chu said: "In the past six years, Chang'an County has suffered floods, droughts, insect disasters, and frost disasters. Did it have a great impact on the lives of the people?"

Wen Wen stared at her eyes and said: "You are being arrogant when you say this. The Yellow River keeps swaying here, sometimes in the east and sometimes in the west. How can people here live a good life? You and I both understand that wealth The prerequisite is stability. If it is not stable, it will be extremely wealthy.

Furthermore, when the First Emperor came here, he saw that there were many swamps here and the smog lingered all day long, so he named the place Donghun County. Until the early Han Dynasty, the emperor felt that it was not easy to change the name to Dongming County. It was very foggy in the day, making it difficult to manage. "

Yun Chu curled his lips and said: "Government based on talents is a good way. If you can't do anything, it doesn't mean that others can't do anything."

Wenwen cupped her hands and said, "Don't just talk, come on."

Yun Chu shook his head and said, "I'd better stay in Chang'an."

Wen Wen laughed and said, "I thought so too. Your Majesty crossed the river to Jeju and placed us in Caozhou on this side of the river, facing us across the river. Tell me, what's the reason?"

Yunchu sighed and said, "Guard the Caozhou Yellow River Floating Bridge for him. If there is any disharmony in Jeju, you can retreat from the bridge to Caozhou."

Di Renjie said: "Your Majesty, don't you think that with the two armies of Pei Xingjian and Xue Rengui, he can't guarantee his thoroughness?"

Yun Chu said: "Since you have abundant troops, your Majesty will naturally arrange them as safely as possible. After all, when Your Majesty enters Shandong and Hebei this time, what he plans to do will arouse the hatred of many people."

Wen Wen bared her teeth and said, "Isn't it too lawless for Pei Xingjian to slaughter three thousand people in one day in Juye?"

Yun Chu remained silent.

Pei Xingjian is a guy who likes to convince people with reason. When it comes to killing, it is really not his strong point. The reason why he went against the will of heaven this time was 90% because he got the emperor's order.

Obviously, the emperor had felt the threat and was preparing to retreat to the rear army Yunchu, so that Xue Rengui's army could be liberated to continue participating in the deployment of Shandong and Hebei.

This was a very smart approach, and at the same time, it gave Yunchu unprecedented trust.

This is also a military state office, and it is the seat of the yamen of Henan's deposed ambassador Yan Liben. Since the emperor has arrived, Yan Liben's local authority has naturally been removed, and the Jeju governor Pei Shouzhen has come forward.

Ever since an organized gang of thieves began to appear here, Yan Liben had been restless. Although he was old and frail, Yan Liben still personally guarded the gate for the emperor in his armor.

The emperor asked him several times not to do this, but Yan Liben said that if the emperor did not leave Puyang City, the seat of Jeju, he would not disarm.

There was no way Li Zhi could do anything about this old stubborn man, so he invited Yan Liben to join him and personally guarded him. Firstly, he declared to Yan Liben that he trusted him. Secondly, he didn't want this old minister to be outside. Suffer.

"Your Majesty, Yunchu's army has arrived in Caozhou as scheduled. I heard that the army has just arrived in Caozhou and has already controlled most of Caozhou. If Your Majesty can cross the river to Caozhou at this time, it will be a blessing to all the people."

Today, Yan Liben came to the bank and was on duty. He kept talking to the emperor, hoping that Luan Jia could cross the river.

Li Zhi looked at Yan Liben, who had a gray beard, and said with a smile: "In your eyes, am I as timid as a mouse? There are just some thieves in the wilderness, and I have to retreat across the river. Isn't it to make others more ambitious?" Destroy the majesty of the Tang Dynasty?"

Yan Liben swallowed his saliva and said: "Your Majesty is a member of our country, the Tang Dynasty. How can you venture into dangerous places? There are a few thieves in Shandong and Hebei. Once the army arrives, it will naturally disappear. However, this Puyang City is a bitter cold place, and your Majesty has always been ill." , it would be better to go to the warmer Caozhou to escape the cold."

Li Zhi shook his head and said: "I'm not going there, I'm just going to stay here in Puyang City and see how I, the son of the Tang Dynasty, can clear away the evil atmosphere."

Yan Liben took a step forward and said, "In that case, Your Majesty will allow the old minister to go into battle in person and clear away the unconquerors for Your Majesty as soon as possible."

As he spoke, he pretended to leave.

He thought Li Zhi would stop him, but he didn't expect Li Zhi to just sit there with a smile and not move.

Yan Liben took two steps, then turned back helplessly and said, "It seems that Your Majesty really doesn't pity this old minister's life."

Li Zhi waved his hand, and the eunuchs in the palace rushed forward to remove Yan Liben's armor, and at the emperor's signal, he put a fox fur on him.

Li Zhi waved to Yan Liben and said: "Pei Xingxing will review the matters on the battlefield, and Xue Rengui and the others will consider it. Why don't you come over and see if the "Giant Bear Eating Bamboo" I drew has entered the palace."

Yan Liben smiled bitterly and said: "I hope that your majesty can discuss the current situation with me."

Li Zhi laughed and said: "There are just a few thieves, why bother my right minister?"

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