Tang's dining table

Chapter 962 Crisis, crisis, opportunity in danger

Sima Wangdao, Sima Wangdao of the Shangzhou Zhechong Prefecture Army, watched the last Khitan man slowly sinking into the glacier without saying a word. It was not until the government soldiers used hooks to pull the body of the drowned Khitan cavalryman out of the river that Wang Dao He raised his horizontal sword and roared towards the sky: "Brothers of Yezhuyuan, my brother is here to avenge you."

After saying that, he jumped off the horse, knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

A commander of the Zhechongfu regiment shook off the ice and snow from his helmet and said to his fellow brigade commander: "We killed two thousand enemies tonight and suffered 206 casualties. The number of casualties was less than a hundred."

The brigade commander spat bloody spit on the snow and said, "Because this battle was not fought under the leadership of that idiot Wang Xiaojie."

The regimental leader said: "Actually, the two battles at Pingdingshan and Hupaoling are not bad."

The brigade commander said: "The following are all stupid moves... Anyway, I am from Guanzhong. From now on, when fighting with the king, you must use more strength, and when fighting with others, you must be more careful.

If I die in battle with the king, my wife can still get a cow to help plow the fields and raise the children. If I follow others, my death will be in vain. "

The regiment leader nodded when he heard this and said: "Yes, it is best for the Guanzhong people to be led by General Guanzhong..."

After Army Sima Wangdao cried bitterly by the river, he felt much better. At least, with the promise given by the monarch, the Prince Cult in his arms, and the two thousand level gains, Yezhuyuan was responsible for the defeat. , it will not fall on their heads.

What Junhou said was not wrong at all. Yezhuyuan was defeated not because the soldiers were not brave in fighting, but because they were unable to fight in the mud and water wearing iron armor.

Wang Dao and the others spent a whole day cleaning the battlefield. When it got dark, he led a group of generals to Jialan Palace again, but the monk in Jialan Palace was missing.

Written on the shabby door were two large blood-red characters - Go Home!

Wang Dao looked back at his colleagues in disbelief and said, "Can we return to Guanzhong?"

Zhang Donghai, dressed in the attire of a high-ranking officer of the Hundred Cavalry Division, walked out of the Jialan Palace and handed Wang Dao a document saying: "There is an order from the Ministry of War, ordering you to return to the headquarters of Zhechong Mansion to rebuild the army."

Wang Dao read the military orders issued by the Ministry of War and the marching commander of Liaodong Road. After confirming that they were correct, he led a group of military generals to kneel down on one knee, facing the gate of Jialan Palace, and said, "Here."

It took Yunchu four days to come here, four days to kill Guo Daifeng, and ten days to go back.

Without it, it was just because when the bay-red horse excitedly carried Yun Chu back, he ran too carried away, causing both the man and the horse to fly out when he turned a sharp corner.

If Yunchu hadn't been smart enough to fly out in advance, support the pine tree with his legs, and forcefully push the huge bay horse back, the bay horse would have fallen into the ravine.

Even then, one of the bay horse's front hoofs was injured.

When he returned to Guangfu Temple, Yunchu felt that his image was very good. If he had a good barber at this time, he could give him a beautiful haircut.

Looking at Wen Wen and Di Renjie, who had returned one step ahead of schedule, their heads were still as messed up as before. Master Qiu Ji, who had long disliked Yun Chu, once again personally took action to remove Yun Chu's few worries.

When Yun Chu stroked his bald head and wanted to chat with Wen Wen and Di Renjie about what was going on in Chang'an, he found that the mouths of these two people were not only shiny, but also had a strong smell when they burped. The smell of Chang'an fried chicken comes over me.

Yun Chu pulled the two of them out of the gate of Guangfu Temple before complaining: "At least respect Master Xuanzang."

Rourou burped again and said, "You, Aye, left for Luoyang five days ago. I heard that the Buddha bone relics from Fahua Temple are going to Luoyang to be worshiped by all people."

"So, this fried chicken..."

"It belongs to Master Guiji. This old monk, as long as Master Xuanzang is around, he is a monk with pure six senses. After Master Xuanzang left, he returned to the appearance of a meat-and-wine monk.

Don't say that your brother didn't think about you and left half a chicken for you. "

Yun Chu quickly looked around, then took the lotus leaf bag that Wen Wen took out from his wide sleeves. He hadn't eaten meat for several months, so half a chicken was just a meal for a big-bellied man like him. Stuff between teeth.

He casually spat the last remaining chicken bone into the woods five feet away. Yun Chu wiped his mouth and said, "Who went to Chang'an to take office?"

He smiled softly and said: "As you wish, the brothers Wu Chengsi and Wu Sansi are going. However, it seems that these two brothers were specially ordered by the queen to take over the post of magistrate of Wannian County. However, their position with the county magistrate is different. They have been slow to go to the county government to take office. The brothers walked for ten days from Luoyang to Chang'an and still haven't arrived.

It seemed that even after arriving in Chang'an, the two brothers would definitely not go to work at the Wannian County Yamen.

I, Aye, wrote from Luoyang and said that as long as you surrender to His Majesty now, the two brothers will immediately turn around and return to Luoyang. "

Yun Chu smiled and said, "I guess some people won't let the Queen realize her wishful thinking."

Di Renjie said: "Xue Rengui has arrived in Yingzhou. The Xi people and the Khitans have retreated to Pingding Mountain and beyond Hupao Ridge. Your Majesty may be really angry this time. The number of Hu tribes exterminated by Xue Rengui has risen to nine. Now, the foreigners in Yingzhou are desperately trying to prove their tribe's innocence to General Xue.

On the other hand, the Xi people and the Khitan people seemed very tough and evacuated the tribesmen who stayed in Yingzhou. It seems that from now on, they will go all out to manage Baishan Heishui. "

Yun Chu said: "The most savage ones are usually hunter tribes, and at the same time, the most powerful ones are usually hunter tribes. Unfortunately, such tribes cannot grow at all.

The herdsmen tribe comes second. The number of herdsmen is generally more than that of the hunter tribes. However, although the shepherd tribes can be stronger for a while, they cannot give birth to a strong and lasting dynasty. When the shepherd tribes evolve into farming tribes, their strength will be limited. will disappear, and the same is true for the hunter tribe. When a hunter tribe turns to a nomadic tribe, their personal bravery will slowly deteriorate.

Compared with the hunter tribes, the nomadic tribes have some deficiencies in personal bravery, but they are the most durable tribe. As long as the farming tribes find a way to kill the hunters and nomadic warriors without relying on personal bravery.

Hunter tribes and nomadic tribes will become slaves of farming tribes.

Xi people, the Khitans could have completely transformed their semi-farming, semi-nomadic tribe into a farming tribe in Yingzhou, and finally integrated it into the pure farming tribe of the Tang Dynasty. This was the best way for them to survive.

Now that the Tang Dynasty has mastered gunpowder, a powerful weapon that requires no competition of personal force, the bravery of the Xiren and Khitan tribes can no longer gain even the slightest advantage against the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

At this time, I have to say that it was an extremely stupid decision to migrate my tribe to the cold White Mountains and Black Waters and return to the hunter tribe.

The identity of a hunter is destined to be unable to maintain a huge tribe, so living separately and finding ways to survive separately is the reason why the Khitan tribe will inevitably fall apart.

These scattered Xi people and Khitans will sooner or later become the targets of the brave human traffickers of the Tang Dynasty, and sooner or later they will become the slaves of the Tang people. "

Wen Wen asked suspiciously: "Capture the Xi people and make the Khitans slaves? What do you want with so many people?"

Yun Chu smiled and said: "Because of the vigorous mass production in the Tang Dynasty, the era of large farms is coming."

Wen Wen frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Yun Chu said: "When the people of Chang'an and Luoyang continue to have higher requirements for a better life, they will inevitably consume a lot of materials, whether it is food, alcohol, meat, clothing, etc. There will be a huge gap in all materials that can improve people's living standards.

At this time, the importance of the various Donggong farms that His Royal Highness has been operating for many years has gradually become apparent. These farms use criminals, so their production costs are very low, but their output is high.

The people of the Tang Dynasty were not fools. They used convicts as labor force. They did not have the right to use Tang people as slaves. The laws were very strict. Not to mention that the emperor had just killed and deposed so many wealthy families. No one dared to do it. At this time, we are going to touch the emperor's bad luck and seize the Yongye field, which was used by the Tang people to maintain the military system. "

So, what should we do with the countless wastelands in the Tang Dynasty?

When the country was in urgent need of a large amount of supplies to fill the appetites of big cities such as Chang'an and Luoyang, reclamation of wasteland was bound to be something that the emperor liked to hear and see. It was also an opportunity for the emperor to ease conflicts with nobles and wealthy people.

After all, the reason why the emperor wanted to split up the large farmland occupied by the nobles and give it to the common people this time was not for the people to live a prosperous life, but for the sake of the military system that he, Li, had used for many years and always found it useful. !

In order to continue the imperial military system, the emperor had to do this. It became inevitable for the nobles to suppress the wealthy families.

The nobles will never be satisfied with just a Japanese country. As long as His Majesty is willing to open up the hole of Kenghuang, you can see that the nobles of the Tang Dynasty who have lost a lot of land will go north, south, east and west out of nowhere. .

When the time comes there will not be enough people to farm, to raise horses, to raise cattle, and to raise sheep. What do you think they will do with the virtues of Ying Gong, Cheng Yaojin, Su Dingfang, and Liang Jianfang, these veteran ruffians? "

Di Renjie stared at Yun Chu with wide eyes and said, "The reason why those old guys fell in love with the Japanese country is because there are too many people there, right?"

Yun Chu sneered and said: "The Japanese country is extremely poor, has few products, and is far away. What do you think the British Duke sees in them?"

Wen Wen swallowed and said: "Xue Changfeng also went to the Japanese country. Can you also get a group of Japanese people back for us to help us farm in uninhabited places?"

Yun Chu nodded and said: "This is a good idea. The Japanese are naturally eager to be strong and accept their fate. As long as the Tang Dynasty is strong enough, they will be the most useful slaves of the Tang Dynasty."

Dedicated to September 18th!

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