Technological Hegemony

Chapter 99: Join forces again!

The night was deep, but the Huawei headquarters on Songshan Lake was still brightly lit.

华为 In Huawei's history, overtime is nothing new. However, today is different. Employees are not immersed in work, but anxiously waiting for the decision at the highest level.

It is not an easy decision to join forces with Xingchen Technology to surround Google and fight for operating system supremacy.

The benefits involved in Qi are too great. A little carelessness will push the company to the abyss of no end.

The meeting room fell into silence, everyone has seen the star system, it is very powerful.

A self-confident person like Xuan Ren has to admit that the system of Xingchen is much stronger than his own, and it is not a hierarchical existence.

"Is it compatible with Android applications?" Ren Ren asked.

"Fully compatible." Luo Jia confidently said, "All Android applications can be put into use in the Star system, seamless switching."

"Are the test tools developed?"

"Yes, it is currently stored on our server and can be downloaded and tested by all partners at any time." Luo Jia said calmly.

The meeting room fell silent again. It turned out that Luo Jia had already prepared everything, waiting for them to nod.

Mr. Lei, who was always on Xiaomi, suddenly grabbed his head with his hands and stood up irritably. Luo Jia found that his eyes were a bit red.

"Fuck, it's so **** irritating, who gave me a cigarette." Lei always swears, and then reaches out to the people present to smoke.

Luo Luojia took out a box of soft Chinese and threw one to President Lei.

As a result, the whole pack of cigarettes was grabbed by Mr. Ren, and he ripped open the pack, took out one from the inside, and lit it with Luo Jia's lighter.

Others also came to get cigarettes, returned to their respective positions, silently swallowing the clouds and misting.

"I have actually quit smoking for many years."

"Who isn't?" Everyone said.

Yong Ren picked up the phone, called the secretary, and asked him to bring in the ashtray.

Secretary Jian said that there is no ashtray, because the entire company is non-smoking, President Ren hung up the phone and took a tea cup directly at his hand.

"It's too much involved." Mr. Ren frowned, "If you don't know, you will play with yourself. Your star technology is also a domestic giant-level enterprise. I am not afraid to annoy Google's backstage and give you a global blockade?"

"This is an operating system. No one in the world, only Americans!"

假设 "Assuming there is an operating system in the world that is not controlled by the United States, they will definitely retaliate, believe me, they will."

Luo Luojia smiled, "Why not afraid? Of course, I am afraid that Americans will take revenge. After all, they are the only superpower on the planet."

"But there are things that you have to do even if you are afraid, because if we don't do it now, we may never have a chance in the future."

就像 "Like Microsoft, it is very difficult for anyone to challenge WINDOWS 'hegemony in the field of computer operating systems, because we have been using it for too long and everyone is used to it."

"But mobile phone operating systems are different. It hasn't been that long before the evolution from feature phones to smart phones, and habits have not been ingrained."

"Having your own operating system and not having it is a completely different concept. Although it is now a mobile phone platform, in the future we can develop into a tablet and even challenge the desktop computer field. It is not impossible. "

"And if not, we will always be controlled by others."

Everyone didn't say anything, they all understood the reason, but now everyone is different from the past. They have a great career and take their lives to gamble on an uncertain future. Everyone will have concerns in their hearts.

Mr. Ren Ren looked up and stared at Luo Jia. "Tell me, how determined are you this time?"

Luo Luojia shrugged. "Thai University hasn't fired me yet. I have already made up my mind to lose everything and go back to school."

Uh ...

This is really a difficult night.

From dusk to midnight, and from midnight to early morning, Luo Jia and the big brothers representing the Big Four had an in-depth discussion.

The temptation is very obvious. Luo Jia has always been a very trusted partner. He promised that the Star system is free forever, and Cook promised to help the four giants set up an IOS-based system with completely different results.

I can say without exaggeration that the Big Four can have today, that is, Star Technology, relying on its own strength, to pull hard, to bring them to the global mobile phone industry dominance.

If they don't believe Luo Jia, they might as well find a crooked neck tree and kill them with one head.

However, the consequences of failure are equally terrifying.

Google is not fighting alone. He represents the interests of Wall Street financial predators, the interests of Silicon Valley, and even the hegemony of the US authorities in the field of operating systems.

一旦 Once this step is taken out, no one can predict how crazy the chain reaction will be.

All night, the atmosphere was extremely depressing and anxious.

When I was at the age of Mr. Ren, his hair fell down one by one, and a group of people who did not smoke at all usually smoked in the meeting room. When the sun rose the next day, everyone's eyes were red.

Luo Luojia behaved very calmly, he did not give any impassioned speech, nor did he use his own supply chain to persecute anyone.

After all, they can become allies with Luo Jia because of trust and cooperation. Luo Jia wants to go to the sword mountain, and for no reason compels them to go together.

I would like to say that these are the industry's top tycoons, a set of operating systems with independent intellectual property rights of China, how significant the significance is, they cannot possibly be unclear.

Wu Tianguang finally fully lit, and President Ren annihilated his cigarette **** in the tea cup.

"Just decide it like that!" President Ren said hoarsely but resolutely, "If we win, we will leave a fortune in the history of science and technology. If we lose, we will start from scratch!"

Xiaomi's Lei always laughed ~ ~ Yeah, I can go back and write a program, the most bad thing, and I won't tell you, I was a very good programmer. "

When I heard this, everyone laughed.

An important decision that was enough to rewrite history was reached in this laughter.

Xingchen Technology will join hands with the four giants of China Mobile Phone Industry for the second time!

The Huawei headquarters, which had been waiting for a whole night, boiled instantly. The other three giants, as well as the star technology of Hudu, also received this exciting news.

"It's time to go to war!"

"The Big Four and Star Technology have joined forces again, this time we are going to 怼 Google! We need to build a big one around the vital field of operating systems!"

Everyone rushed to tell everyone that even though they didn't sleep overnight, the elites of these technology industries felt unparalleled excitement at the moment.

After all, being able to occupy a place in the field of operating systems is something that generations of technology people have been dreaming of!

At the shore of Songshan Lake, everyone was finally relieved.

However, when they looked back, they found that Ren Ren was holding his mobile phone and looking at the address book. He looked very serious.

Xi Ren always saw everyone looking at him with a bitter smile, "You don't think it's such a big thing, is it just a matter of our five?"

"I have a hunch that this battle will probably evolve into Silicon Valley and Huaxia, the pinnacle of the two major technology groups."

所以 "So we need more friendly forces."

Luo Jia paused for a moment, and asked curiously, "Who are you calling?"

Mr. Ren Ren glanced at Luo Jia, then pressed the dial button, and put the phone in his ear.

"Ma Yun." President Ren said.

At this point, there are six days left before the deadline set by Google.

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