Technological Hegemony

Chapter 105: Tough! Star system reached the top of the world!

This second day of the second day is doomed to be calm.

It was during the Chinese New Year period that there was a bit of fireworks in my home, so I took it out and put it away.

For a time, the sound of Chinese artillery booms and the fireworks shook the sky, faintly surpassing the night of the 30th year.

Ever since, China's first operating system with independent intellectual property rights has finally been born, and everyone's excitement is really difficult to restrain.

And the star system made a beautiful, directly stunning the world!

Not counting logistical assistance, it took more than 800 of the first-line elite programmers, plus Luo Jia, the guide of the inheritor of the extraterrestrial civilization, who worked for half a year, which is the largest project in company history.

Can such a high-intensity and large-scale investment make the star system amazing?

In fact, more than 800 first-line programmers do not all serve the Star System. Among them, there is another project of Luo Jia, but that project is still in the secret period, which is Luo Jia's hole card.

All in all, on the night of the second day of the new year, the star system was regarded as fierce, and once launched, it quickly caused an uproar.

Not only did Huaxia explode here, it also exploded all over the world!

When the Big Four announced the official launch of the new system, their servers located around the world flooded into countless netizens who wanted to download, and submitted as many platform switching applications as possible.

It is said that such amazing data requests make it difficult for the Big Four servers to withstand.

But Huaxia's state-owned servers are not just the four giants, Ali, Tencent, the three major telecommunications operators, almost all companies with a large number of server resources, all began to offload the four giants.

From domestic to foreign, tens of thousands of server resources are opened at the same time, the scene is magnificent, the momentum is spectacular, and it is also rare in the world.

With the full support of domestic technology companies, there is no problem even if netizens around the world download at the same time.

The torrent of data is surging and rushing around the world.

And the star system is as powerful as ever, setting new highs constantly!

Just six hours after the switch of the open platform, the market share of Xingchen System reached an astonishing 12%.

At the press conference, the demo animation provided by Xingchen Technology was too bursting.

The picture is exquisite and the style is advanced. No one has seen it before. Everyone wants to try something new.

Chinese netizens who updated the system for the first time were full of praise.

And overseas netizens also shouted the slogan of Zhenxiang neatly and unanimously.

Luo Jia's initial investment has finally started to receive huge returns.

The predecessor of this huge project of Xingchen System actually came from that little mobile assistant.

Luo Jia relied on her mobile phone assistant to collect amazing big data, and conducted in-depth research on the usage habits of all users.

These are the amazing foundations of the star system

After the press conference, Mr. Ren made Dong and drank Qing Gong.

Everyone was afraid of being noisy, so I didn't find any big restaurant, and opened a private room in a nearby Cantonese restaurant that looked quite quiet.

Luo Jia and he and Li Moran, Ren Ren with Lao Yu, anyway, there are two people, no more, no less, just sit at a table.

The dishes were not selected, and the shopkeeper just had to go to a table. After all, no one came to eat, mainly to drink a few drinks and talk about something.

Although there were many accompanying persons, they all went to the larger Hunan restaurant opposite.

After three rounds of drinking, Mr. Ren made a speech, "Our operating system is a horse honeycomb. We broke it today. I just talked to Mr. Luo when we developed the conference just now. From now on, the trouble is definitely inevitable. . "

Mr. Shen of Vivo nodded his head. "It can be expected that Wall Street and Silicon Valley will definitely not let us go. I just looked at the US stocks and have started to fall across the board. Google has suffered the worst. It is estimated that the market value will at least fall. At 30%, other technology companies will suffer. "

"After all, Google is a top Internet giant and has deep connections in Silicon Valley. It is not difficult to unite a group of companies to deal with us."

Opal's Chen face was a little heavy. "Actually, I'm not afraid of the people on Wall Street and Silicon Valley. The really disturbing thing is the North American authorities."

Mr. Lei frowned. "Isn't it possible to achieve that level of business between companies?"

"It's hard to tell." President Ren took a sip of soup. "After all, this is an operating system. If they don't take the name of this matter and use other things as an excuse, what can you do?"

"An excuse for this kind of thing, I always want to find it."

There was silence for a while, and they turned to Luo Jia.

The reason why they joined forces at first was largely because of him. Now that Ma Xiaohuo has opened up, Luo Jia needs to take a stand.

Luo Jia smiled, and he and Li Moran looked at each other inadvertently.

This look caught the attention of the people present. They were all old foxes who had been in the business community for many years. They faintly felt that Luo Jia must be hiding something.

"I told you before that something really happened, I will carry it." Luo Jia said, "As for how I carry it, you don't have to guess, you can't guess anyway."

"10% can't say for sure, but I think it should be 70%."

President Ren gently nodded and raised the wine glass. "It's enough to have you. We all believe in you. I followed you before and ate the mobile phone market. This time I followed you to eat some ash. It's nothing great."

"The old saying is good, don't be afraid of trouble, don't be afraid of trouble. Since we dare to play this gamble, we have everything in mind."

Others also raised toasts in praise of Mr. Ren's words.

Then talked about other things, around 11 o'clock in the evening, the feast ended.

The boss said that he refused to collect any money. He also watched the live broadcast and recognized everyone here. This meal is free, as long as a photo is taken at the store entrance, and a big photo will be hung in the store.

Everyone is very happy today and gladly agreed.

They left a group photo of the top five Chinese technology companies in front of this small restaurant.

This photo will really become the golden sign of this Cantonese restaurant in the future. In the middle of the high hall, from the old president Ren to the young Luo Jia, all of them are full of vitality.

Recently busy with work and highly overdrawn, Luo Jia is really exhausted.

He got up a little late the next day. The robots had already prepared breakfast, a bowl of tomato and egg noodles, and a slice of pickles thinner than hair.

Luo Jia took a chopsticks pickle and looked at it, and couldn't help but sigh. These little guys are indeed born craftsmen.

However, the taste of noodles is very ordinary. After all, cooking is a craft that requires understanding, and is not the same as a craftsman.

They have only primary artificial intelligence, each of them is a top craftsman, but because of lack of understanding, there is no potential to become a master, which is a small regret.

Luo Jia was eating while watching the news.

As he predicted, customers around the world have received rave reviews of the Star System, and they are full of words.

The major evaluation media released the evaluation report of Xingchen System overnight. They all made Xingchen System an epoch-making product without any exception. It is currently the world's best mobile phone operating system.

At the same time, a large number of North American netizens have left messages, claiming that the Star system is a serious challenge to the original operating system pattern.

They hope that Google, Apple, Microsoft, the rulers of the three operating system industries, quickly find a way.

"Mother Hippie!"

Luo Jia was black-faced and could not help swearing.

The game is not so fun. When the three major American giants ruled the operating system, everything was fine.

Now that Luo Jia's side is getting better, North American public opinion has begun to fry.

Looking at those titles, Luo Jia's Qiqiao smokes.

The Wall Street Times headline article, "The Chinese are here! 】

In this article, the Huaxia people are described as flood beasts. As if if Star Technology got the ticket to the operating system, it would cause world war-level disasters.

Luo Jia, the entrepreneurial star of China's technology industry ~ ~, is a broom star in American media articles.

But in this world, after all, it still depends on strength.

The torrent of history is rolling in. Once the stars system is launched, it will sweep the globe like a bamboo.

On February 8th, the Star system equaled Google, and in terms of market share, it went hand in hand with the former overlord Android, leaving Apple's iOS far behind.

On the evening of February 9th, three days after the launch of the Star System, the market share reached an amazing 50%!

In other words, half of all smartphone users worldwide have switched to the Star System!

And Google ’s Android system has suffered a historic defeat!

In the major mobile phone markets, the star system has failed to defeat the army, and it has retreated.

At this point, the star system is as powerful as the rainbow, reaching the top in the world!

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