Technological Hegemony

Chapter 122: The dark moon and the dark night, the modern group that dared to enter!

Enron hurriedly came to Luo Jia's office and showed Luo Jia his tablet.

"This is the latest article from the French Le Figaro, even they have already begun." Enron said with a surprised look on his face. "It's weird. We want to kill Samsung. How do they know?"

Luo Jia took a tablet and looked at it. This article in French probably means this.

Areva has no future in small nuclear batteries. Look at other Korean counterparts. They have even developed 400WH lithium batteries. Instead of wasting money, it is better to cooperate with South Korea as soon as possible.

At the end of the article, the Prime Minister is urged to visit South Korea, because in the fierce competition in the automotive industry, the French PSA, which is the Citroen logo group, and the Renault-Nissan alliance, are already in a difficult situation. If they fall behind again in the wave of new energy vehicles, they may fall into extinction Abyss.

"In addition, OPEC also held an emergency meeting to discuss how oil producers should respond if a new energy revolution erupts. From the perspective of the meeting, global oil players are panic-stricken."

"The latest offer for Brent crude oil in the North Sea has fallen to forty dollars, while Ural high-sulphur crude oil produced by Russia even fell below the thirty-dollar mark, and New York crude oil barely held the 32-dollar mark."

"The stock market has gone crazy. Royal Dutch Shell, Total, BP, Chevron of North America, these oil companies have fallen to historical lows, and even the shares of the two major oil service companies, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes, It's spitting too. "

Enron spoke at his rapid pace, and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Luo Jia drew a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, took a deep breath, and his back was also cold wind.

It is indeed the world's major hooligans. Luo Jia never expected that they also saw the clues, and they had a tacit choice to fight together!

The current situation is that Luo Jia originally wanted to try to hang a bit, he could better Samsung Samsung, and then he would come to power and die with them.

However, as several major hooligans around the world have shot, this game has become a global killer!

Of course, not everyone is as cunning as Britain and America, and the upright Germans stood up.

The 13th German Federal Institute of Physics in the world said that the Koreans' technology has not been tested in actual combat, and they are skeptical of 400WH lithium battery technology.

Fortunately, the Germans did not find that Samsung batteries were really defective. Instead, they questioned with a rational skepticism, otherwise the situation of the global pitfall could not have been achieved.

Luo Jia sighed and annihilated the cigarette butt. "China can see that our intention is not strange. As for developed countries, you should forget Britain. They are the world's most famous **** sticks. Without them, Europe would have been They are united. "

"The rhythm of this wave abroad was first led by Britain, and North America was a British ally. As for France, they are also a hooligan. African countries are almost drained by France, and even currencies are francs. You say France Without means, the poor African countries would certainly not agree. "

"As for Germany and Neon, it is estimated that Neon is the inside news of North American father. Only Germany does not control it. North America wants to kill the German automobile industry, and it does not mean that it is a day or two."

"So you see, this is basically a chain of interests. Except for the upright Germanic people, others are either monkey spirits or have deep interests. In this world, no one can be mixed into a great power country. No one is simple."

Enron nodded again and again, taking Luo Jia's judgment seriously.

Luo Jia also said, "As for whether they dare to make such a big bet, I'm afraid they dare, because the automobile industry is too big, but that's sales of five trillion dollars a year!"

"Furthermore, after you buy a car, you have to repair it. You have to make some interiors in the car. You have to wash the car if it is dirty. After two years of driving, you need to replace the wearing parts such as tires. It is too big, and it involves the employment of hundreds of millions of people. "

"Several rogues are not because of lithium batteries desperately, but because of the entire automotive industry behind lithium batteries."

"So we only put in 300WH products and throw them into the market to see the response.

"The two projects of battery and car need to be calm and look at the timing. If you do n’t, then you must decide the battle situation.

Anran smiled bitterly. "I see. This is called Mu Xiu Yulin, and the wind will destroy it."

Luo Jia nodded. "So, before our real killer comes out, we must not be too much ahead of others, just a little ahead of them. Let's build the domestic electric vehicle industry first, and build supporting facilities such as charging piles. stand up."

"Then wait until the time is right, put a big move directly, and end the battle completely. Before that, all were tentative attacks."

Enron stared at Luo Jia, his eyes full of admiration.

When it comes to IQ, Enron is not afraid of anyone, but it is better than vision and leadership. Luo Jianeng beat Enron.

Since the start-up, each time the company enters an industry, Luo Jia will do in-depth research and long-term arrangements and prepare more than one hole card to deal with emergencies.

There is still no exception this time. Luo Jia is right. The battery will eventually serve the car. Before the decisive battle, the supporting facilities must be built first. Because there are no supporting facilities, electric cars are not easy to sell.

Luo Jiawang looked out the window and said lightly, "Now, everything that should be shot has already been shot. Let us wait quietly, and the response from South Korea."


Seoul, Korea.

The meeting has been going on for three full hours, and it is time to have dinner, so we will temporarily adjourn the meeting, let's take a break, and do some small actions by the way.

Why do we do small moves?

Because the size of the South Korean army is too big this time, not only all the top ten wealth managers have participated in it, but also a large number of automobile upstream and downstream companies, financial companies, and even those who sell sweets want a share.

In a group battle of this scale, consensus is needed to decide whether to put the new lithium battery into large-scale use.

At present, their opinions have been severely divided.

Some companies represented by Samsung have refused to go public on a large scale because they have suffered losses in battery technology.

And some other companies represented by Hyundai are eager to win the global automotive market.

The adjournment time was the time when the leaders of the two factions contacted in private to win over the younger brother.

Li Zaiyu of Samsung Group and Zheng Yixuan of Hyundai Group, where they can eat, they kept looking for partners to discuss the conditions, and they all hope to get more support.

The Samsung Group has been exploded, and now there are almost no Samsung phones in the world, so they have been very careful.

Hyundai Group also has good reasons. Recently, Hyundai and Kia vehicles have been unable to sell globally, and new technologies are urgently needed to inject vitality.

Originally, Hyundai and Kia's largest market was Huaxia, but since the Sade incident, the national sentiment in the country has risen. It is hard to see Korean cars. They feel that their technology is not as good as neon, quality is not as good as Germany, and the price is less than domestic.

Since then, Hyundai Kia Group has been in trouble.

What does 400WH mean?

This means that the battery life of pure electric vehicles can exceed the 800 km mark!

So Hyundai Group can't wait to sell electric cars to the world tomorrow.

Originally, if the technology was in the hands of Samsung Group, Hyundai Group would be useless urgently. The key is that Samsung and LG jointly own the technology, and LG President Ku Guangmo supports Hyundai.

South Korea accounts for seven of the top 100 global auto parts companies.

In addition to Hyundai Mobis, Hyundai WIA, Hyundai Volta, Hyundai Kifik, Hyundai Momos, the other two major component suppliers, Mando Group and Hanon Systems Group.

In addition, Kumho Asiana Group, which makes tires, and Posco, which makes steel, etc., because their interests are closely related to the automotive industry, they are simply going to the battle to fully support Hyundai Group.

It can also be seen here that South Korea, with a population of only 50 million, is really not simple.

Not only do they own Hyundai and Kia Motors, they even have seven companies that can enter the global top 100 parts and components, and so far in our country, there are only eight companies that can enter the top 100 list.

The half-hour break was over, and the two camps fought fiercely again.

Li Zaiyu of Samsung Group raised his glasses. "This time, the situation is extraordinary. After we announced the new battery technology, China News reported rare large-scale reports, and the evaluation was positive. As a competitor, I Don't think this is a good phenomenon. "

Zheng Yixuan, the president of Hyundai, looked sternly. "Do you mean that North America and Europe are colluding with China?"

"How can this be possible! All I know is that the world is crazy because of us! An era of electric cars is coming!"

Li Zaijing added, "Don't forget, German colleagues reminded us that battery technology must be treated with care, because it will involve safety issues!"

Zheng Yixuan snorted in the nose, "Those stupid Germanic people, if they were really capable, they would have spoken German all over Europe! You believe them, but you do n’t believe in North America. You know, even Bell Labs does n’t Stupid! "

What's interesting about this thing is that apart from Germany, global public opinion believes that South Korea will rule the lithium battery and automobile industries in the future, which gives the South Korean army great confidence.

If Luo Jia or Huaxia's power alone would not make them so crazy, but now this new lithium battery is out, the whole world is boasting.

South Korea has almost exploded. People are marching on the street, demanding that since they have such a good battery technology, they should be put on the market immediately!

Why are Koreans so excited?

The reason is still on Luo Jia, because last year they were hit too badly by Xingchen Technology.

Samsung ’s mobile phones and displays are the pride of the entire Korean people, in just a few months. Continuously hit by Star Technology ~ ~ The whole Korean society therefore gritted its teeth.

This is like a group of gamblers who lose red eyes. When people are excited, they will become stubborn.

All in all, surrounded by all coincidences, Samsung Group was finally pushed to the forefront.

Launch it, there is no 100% certainty.

Do n’t push it, the people and Hyundai do n’t agree, and even LG wants to make a lot of money quickly, because Panasonic is likely to launch a similar level of technology immediately.

The meeting went on all night.

In the end, they reached a compromise plan, temporarily not fully launching lithium battery products, but conducting large-scale testing.

How big is the scale?

The anxious Hyundai Group plans to assemble 3,000 pure electric vehicles of various models overnight for a comprehensive test.

Assuming Luo Jia knows the result, I'm afraid he will be a little disappointed.

Because this result is not the best, the best result is that Samsung took the risk and directly pushed lithium battery products.

However, Samsung Group is not a group of fools after all. In the final stage of the meeting, they were forced to die, and Hyundai Group had to give up the idea of ​​directly entering the product.

But insiders can still see that Hyundai Group made a mistake, they ignored the risk of system integration.

Electric cars and mobile phones are completely different!

A car needs to install thousands or even tens of thousands of batteries. Any abnormality of any battery can cause serious chain reactions.

This is why electric vehicles are so difficult to manufacture.

Not only batteries, but also tens of thousands of batteries, the discharge performance and charging performance are highly consistent, the operating temperature is consistent, and the anti-bump and anti-impact performance is consistent.

All these are called electronic control systems.

The technical difficulty of the electronic control system is actually higher than the battery system.

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