Technological Hegemony

Chapter 165: CFD software of Xingchen Technology, a German ally

In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Li Moran stood up. He looked around and said with a smile: "This is the case. In April this year, the software department set a plan to enter the industrial software field. By now, time has passed. Six months."

"We have made some progress. According to Mr. Luo's requirements, our first project to tackle the problem is CFD software, computational fluid dynamics."

"So, this time the hardware department is developing a fan, you can try to use our own industrial software."

"It needs to be explained that our CFD software is based on the computer version of Xingchen System. On our own system, we run our own software. The data security issue that everyone was concerned about just now is not a problem. "

Li Moran still had the tone of slackness. After speaking these words, he sat back to his place.

However, at this moment, my colleagues in the hardware department set off a stormy sea.

Just now Li Moran revealed two important messages. One is that the software center has developed CFD software with independent intellectual property rights.

The other information is even more amazing. The Star system has evolved from a mobile phone operating system to a computer operating system! ?

Is it time for the Software Center to attack Microsoft?

"Good job!"

"The software department is really good!"

"In this way, our big problem is completely solved!"

"Six months ago, the software department started an industrial software project. It seems that Luo always expected to have today."

Everyone congratulated the software department, and was also convinced by Luo Jia's foresight.

Luo Jia said with a smile, "You don't have to be too happy. Although the CFD software has been written, it still needs to be tested."

"Like wind power, which involves a lot of trade secrets, the software must use our own. If a colleague of the hardware department finds any shortcomings in industrial software, please immediately point out that the software department can improve it, and everyone works together. Only industrial software can be implemented. "

Although the software level of Xingchen Technology is high, after all, it is the first time to make industrial software. It belongs to crossing the river by feeling the stones. Luo Jia does not guarantee that it will be particularly easy to use.

I have to mention here that the four new directors of the software center, Tao Tao, Zheng Lin, Bai Xianyong, and Wei Jianing.

The four of them all came to Xingchen Technology from the world-class industrial software group, and all of them were senior management.

The company can make achievements in the very difficult industrial software field in such a short period of time, thanks to the rich experience of the four, and the arduous struggle.

Of course, the software center has expanded from 1,200 people half a year ago to nearly 2,000 people today. There are still many masters invited from the world. Wei Jianing, four of them, are just representatives of this elite group. People.

Wind power is a huge project. When everyone discusses these things, the time has passed noon.

Luo Jia asked the administrative department to pack the lunch in the cafeteria, and everyone continued to discuss while eating.

Basic materials and fluid mechanics software are already in direction. Luo Jia has begun to assign the person in charge of electromechanical, telex, surveying, meteorology, and other projects.

It is no exaggeration to say that this time, the stars have done their best.

The scale of the company's 5,000 researchers, with the exception of optics, shows the remaining staff in these departments, all other forces are directly or indirectly serving wind power projects.


Cuxhaven, Germany.

At the same time that Xingchen Technology began its research on the Carmen Vortex effect power generation, the deep-sea energy storage experiments of Siemens and Rhein Group were also in full swing.

When it comes to offshore wind power generation, there are actually reasons for the development of technology in Europe. The most important one is the North Sea.

The wind resources in the North Sea are much higher than those in China's coastal areas. Of course, you can also understand that the climate is harsh and the sea winds are blowing all year round.

In such an environment, living by the sea is tantamount to suffering, but it is perfect for generating electricity.

Therefore, Europeans have been studying how to utilize the wind resources of the North Sea from a very early age.

Coupled with the influence of the game of great powers, Europe does not like to give its own energy lifeline to Russia. Even if the Soviet Union has been disintegrated for decades, the European continent is always guarding the fighting nations of the north.

Although the North Sea produces the highest quality crude oil in the world, and the Middle East also has a good relationship with Europe, in addition to crude oil, Russia ’s real killer is actually natural gas.

Natural gas that is transported to Europe through the pipeline through Ukraine is much cheaper than LNG from the Middle East. Europe is like drug addicted patients, that is, they don't like Russia and cannot live without them.

Anyway, based on the above many reasons, leading to crazy research and development of nuclear energy and wind energy throughout Europe, there are a series of nuclear and wind energy giants led by Areva, Siemens, and Vitas.

In all fairness, Europe ’s nuclear and wind energy technologies are higher than those in China. The wind turbine manufacturers led by Sinovel have referenced many Siemens designs, and the third generation nuclear power plant of CGNPC is also the imported Areva technology.

This time, facing the aggressive offensive of Xingchen Technology in the field of wind power and energy storage, the Germans stood up again.

Siemens and Rheinland Group formally conducted large-scale testing of deep-sea energy storage technologies, and also joined Danish giants Maersk and Vitas to prepare for an unprecedented European wind energy consortium.

Not only the German and Danish experts, but also many well-known scholars from North America and Europe participated in the test. They stood on the coast of the North Sea and excitedly read the data generated after the test was launched.

So far, the tests have been smooth.

As Luo Jia predicts, deep-sea energy storage is a genius design. It is free of environmental restrictions and uses water pressure directly as a natural energy storage medium. It is also very cheap in terms of cost.

If the supercapacitors of Xingchen Technology were not born, deep-sea energy storage would be the best technology in the world.

Judging from the current situation, supercapacitors and deep-sea energy storage have their advantages. The advantage of supercapacitors is that they cost only three cents per kilowatt-hour. Although deep-sea energy storage costs are high, they are fast to build and do not occupy land space.

As the test progresses, exciting good news keeps coming.

Hundreds of experts in the experimental center were delighted by this. They all thought that they had found the best way to deal with Huaxia people. With deep-sea energy storage technology, the gap between Xingchen Technology and China could be shortened.

And the Germans learned enough lessons from the experience of World War II.

They finally realized that they are not afraid of opponents like God, but afraid of teammates like Pig.

If it was not the stunned allies who were victorious, or if the arrogant neon man attacked Pearl Harbor, which led to the full participation of North America, it is likely that most parts of Europe today are already speaking German.

Anyway, the Germans were smart enough to learn, and the first ally they chose for themselves was the only super country in the world, North America.

Jarien of Bell Labs, Jones of Los Labs, they have been in Germany for more than a week and have witnessed this great experiment with their own eyes.

For future new energy sources, batteries alone are not enough. Energy storage and green power generation are also indispensable.

Assuming that the Germans are willing to transfer their technology, it will be extremely beneficial to North America and all countries that compete with China.

And are the Germans willing to transfer deep-sea energy storage technology?

Yes, but there is a necessary condition that the Super Five Hundred Plan in North America and the German Super Battery Plan also share technology.

With this condition, Dr. Jones and Dr. Jerryn flew from Europe to North America without stopping.


At the end of October, Baoshan Base.

Luo Jia received a call from Enron in the office, then he wore a coat, left the office, and went to the Star Research Institute.

I saw Enran and Bai Xianyong of the software center together, constantly pointing around a large screen.

Industrial software is divided into many varieties, and CFD software on fluid mechanics was developed by Bai Xianyong. At this moment, the software department and hardware department are working together to carry out final debugging of the CFD software.

"General Luo, I don't think there is any problem in software." An Ran said to Luo Jia with excitement. "The CFD software independently developed by the company is really powerful. I personally think that it is better than CFX and FLUENT. Software, the integration is even higher and more comprehensive. "

Bai Xianyong said very modestly, "That is because Luo always requested that CFD be made first, so the entire software department has worked **** fluid mechanics in the last three months to gather all our strength."

Luo Jia said with a smile, "The company has the ability to develop industrial software. The biggest advantage is that it can be customized. From now on, if the hardware department needs any special plug-ins, just say hello to the software department. Now. "

Bai Xianyong nodded again and again, "Yes, industrial software is still for industrial services. I used to work for Siemens, the industrial software department of Siemens. A very important part of the job is tailor-made for the hardware department."

"Many of the software used by these international giants are unique. To surpass them in industry, we must first have our own software system."

Now that Enron feels that the company's CFD software is very mature ~ ~ then the next work that Luo Jia has to do is to promote industrial software. After all, after investing so many resources in industrial software, it still has to make money.

At present, there are many domestic institutions applying fluid mechanics, but the most important application scenario should be in the field of aircraft.

Of course, in the fields of rockets, missiles, and aerospace, computational fluid dynamics is also needed, but in the military and aerospace sector, Luo Jia does not understand that they should not use civilian software?

After returning to the office, Luo Jia sat in the position and pondered that Shang Fei was very close to himself. The key is that there has been no intersection at all. You need to find someone to introduce yourself.

Luo Jia quickly thought of Professor Ouyang. He is not only a well-known scholar in China, but also seems to be a bridge between Xingchen Technology and the upper layers.

Last time in Beijing, Professor Ouyang told Luo Jia mysteriously that some people were very satisfied with his speech, and it was estimated that it represented the high-level meaning.

Thinking of this, Luo Jia called Professor Ouyang's phone.

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