Technological Hegemony

Chapter 173: With half of the country in hand, Xingchen Technology officially reached the top of th

Luo Jia was lethargic on the sofa of the meditation center for four hours, and then he got up and saw the blanket on his body. He knew that the robots had quietly covered it for him, so that Luo Jia's heart felt warm.

Gritting his teeth, Luo Jia strode into the bathroom.

Even after taking a shower, Luo Jia came out of the bathroom after simply brushing his teeth and washing his face. The robots heard the sound of Luo Jia waking up and gathered in the living room, and prepared him a clean hooded sweater and cotton track pants.

Luo Jia quickly changed his clothes, took the coffee handed by the robots, drank it, wiped his mouth, and was ready to go out.

For more than half a month, Luo Jia's life can no longer be described as busy, it is simply crazy.

From the end of November, Xingchen Technology officially signed a contract with COMAC, and then the industrial software was launched worldwide. Free download was started. His life was completely occupied by his work. He even returned home once and never slept for more than four hours a day. .

Luo Jia became so busy because of the beginning of the general attack on industrial software.

In the situation where the opponent was completely unprepared, a new era was just opened by Luo Jia and his Star Technology, which opened the chapter of history.

Unlike the vigorous launch of the Star System, Star Industry was very low-key at first, it was gradually recognized by the world after a period of time after the download was opened, and its sharp minions were slowly exposed.

Why didn't Xingchen Industry show its edge at the beginning?

This problem must start from the nature of industrial software. As an application tool for industrial services, the more industrial software is used, the better. Xingchen Technology's thousands of experts closely monitor the front-end application side in the background. Tuning and optimizing software.

It's like you just bought a car, and the new car needs several thousand kilometers to run in and change the oil several times to realize the full capacity of the mechanical system.

Xingchen Industrial Software also has the same reason. With the increase of front-end applications, more and more first-hand real-time data is received in the background. These data help the software to optimize and adjust, and help the industrial version of Little Star to continue to learn. power.

Engineers and designers were surprised to find that Xingchen Industry can greatly improve work efficiency!

Depending on the application level, an average efficiency increase of up to 50%!

In other words, in the past, it took eight hours to complete the work. After using Star Industry, four hours was enough.

Time is money, efficiency creates value. Star Industry is like a slow-starting battleship. When leaving the port, the speed is not fast, but as the battleship enters the deep water area and enters the vast ocean, the high-horsepower engine starts to run at full speed, and it has launched a momentum such as Rainbow's Sprint!

It gets faster and faster, faster and faster!

In the end, it used the wind and waves to destroy the dazzling white light on the vast Pacific Ocean!

Behind all this, more than half a month in a row, Luo Jia and the Software Corps have been in a state of extreme excitement. They worked like a chicken blood and worked tirelessly at a great cost.

In the eyes of the robots, Luo Jia rushed out of the meditation center and walked towards the software building while thinking.

Looking up at the sky, it's almost dusk at this moment. Where can he find the concept of time? For more than 20 days, Luo Jia and everyone in the software center came this way.

When you are hungry, let the administrative department go to the cafeteria to get something to eat. If you are sleepy, you can sleep anywhere for a few hours and then continue to work after getting up.

Luo Jia walked past the company's main entrance and saw a row of girls standing outside.

On such a cold day, the girls came from various places in Shanghai, just to meet their boyfriends, and then they had to take the bus and subway for an hour or two to return to school or the company.

This kind of scene is unimaginable in other places. Xingchen's friendship is really powerful. He picked out the simplest and least princess-free group of girls in the world and introduced them to the company's steel straight men.

Luo Jia saw that some developers who were released by the shawl stepped out of the office building, snuggled up with their girlfriends by the side of the road, whispered a few whispers, and waved goodbye to them, watching the girls reluctantly. Go back to work.

When entering the office building, Luo Jia met a developer with glasses that looked shaved and had not washed his face for a long time. Luo Jia remembered that he was called Leng Yan.

"General Luo." Leng Yan greeted Luo Jia on his own initiative.

"Well, your girlfriend?"


"Still at school?"

"Graduate students and students of Jiaotong University, I said that she would not be allowed to come, but she just didn't listen. In such a cold day, it would take one hour and 43 minutes to return." Leng Yan said.

Luo Jia was speechless. He was a straight man under her command. Even calculating his girlfriend's distance was accurate to the minute.

"She is so good to you, cherish it in the future." Luo Jia patted Leng's shoulder.

"It is necessary, when we are busy, we are going to get married. After all, we are not too young." Leng Ye nodded shyly.

Luo Jia suddenly became interested. Just then the elevator came down and they both entered the elevator together.

"Congratulations in advance, did you find an administrative department to apply for housing?" Luo Jia asked.

"I've applied for it, but it's too busy these days, I haven't got the keys yet," Leng Yan said.

"Okay, good." Luo Jia repeatedly nodded. "If you have any financial difficulties, say hello to the Finance Department and the company will provide interest-free loans."

Leng Yan smiled and said, "Mr. Luo, you paid the wages, you still don't know? My monthly income is higher than the total income of my parents for three years, and the company's house is so cheap. I have already saved enough. Relatives and friends at home can envy me. I don't need to borrow money from the company at all. "

Luo Jia didn't say anything. Every employee of Xingchen Technology, holding the highest salary in the country, worked coldly in the company for more than a year, and it is normal to save a large amount of money.

"I have been working hard for you recently. You and your girlfriend have no time to date, but industrial software is the company's two core plans at the moment. There must be no mistakes. We must win them as soon as possible, so we need to stick to it." Luo Jia said.

After listening to this, Leng Yan straightened his waist stick and said very seriously, "General Luo, industrial software is the lifeblood of the manufacturing industry. This is a difficult thing. If you are afraid of suffering, you will not come to Star Technology. As long as the company needs Let me work overtime all year without problems! "

Ding ~

Leng Ye's floor arrived. He waved his hand to Luo Jia and quickly walked out of the elevator. He was still carrying his girlfriend Yu Xiang, turned his head back to his station, and banged his hands on the keyboard desperately.

When Luo Jia appeared on the top floor of the software building, what was in front of him was a huge projection, a global map projection, like a sand table used by the army in combat.

And on the global map, every flashing red dot means that there is something that needs to be improved in the application of industrial software.

Twenty-four hours a day, the front-end data is continuously transmitted to the headquarters, while the Software Corps is desperately processing these data, and once problems are found, they are immediately resolved on the spot.

In the eyes of industrial software users, it has become the rapid evolution of Xingchen Industry.

"How's the situation?" Luo Jia came to Li Moran.

"As before you left, the amendment application is becoming less and less. It is estimated that in two days, the overtime status of all staff can be ended." Li Moran said a little tired.

Luo Jia sat down beside him, and the people gathered around Luo Jia were the core brainstorming group of the company.

The biggest difference between industrial software and ordinary software is that problems are constantly discovered and solved during use.

The arrogant French suffers from severe procrastination. COMAC is a major customer of Dassault. It pays Dassault tens of millions of euros in software license fees each year. Even so, COMAC wants Dassault to change some background data, often It was also a week or two, or even a month or two.

Xingchen Technology is the world's most famous tough guy sky group. It is a combat-type enterprise. Procrastination has never existed in Xingchen Technology. They have always acted immediately. The problems that can be dealt with today will never be delayed. tomorrow.

Customers report problems and help Xingchen Industrial Software to improve, although it is very good, but not all improvement suggestions will be accepted, so we need to check with brainstorming team.

For example, one company felt that the Flory-Huggins polymer solution model currently used by Xingchen Industry could be modified appropriately.

At this time, the brainstorming group will start to discuss whether the polymer solution model should be changed, and if so, how to change it.

When the brainstorming team discusses the results, it will be decentralized to the tough guy sky group for specific implementation.

This is the current working method of the Software Corps. They don't even wait for a minute. As long as the customers provide opinions, they will immediately research and implement it!

Is such a desperate working attitude useful?

Of course it is useful. Xingchen Industry is becoming more and more powerful and getting closer to perfection at an unbelievable speed.

Twenty days after going online, the company has received fewer and fewer suggestions for improvement. It is precisely because Star Industry has reached the point where it can be changed!

They put all algorithms, all models, all calculation methods, and all the highest peaks that industrial software can reach!

In the lobby of the brainstorming team, in addition to the huge map of the world, there is another display screen.

On that display, there is a crazy number and a steep market share curve.

In the first week of launch, the market share of Star Industry was only 5%.

With the start of the headquarters' aggressive efforts ~ ~ this number is becoming more and more amazing.

Until now, Xingchen Industry has been online for three weeks, and the market share has reached the unprecedented 50% mark!

This is the offensive of Xingchen Technology!

Either don't do it and do it absolutely.

Use global digging, free global crazy tactics, and use the world's amazing system development speed to beat competitors to death!

From Dassault, France, to FLUENT, CFX, STAR-CCM +, PHOENICS, all these old-fashioned CFD software have been defeated under the weight of Xingchen Technology, and they have all retreated!

The second year of entrepreneurship, December 21.

Xingchen Technology has won half of the CFD field.

Officially reached the top of the global hegemony!

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