Technological Hegemony

Chapter 242: Star University officially opens

Luo Jia has never been a showy person, but when Star University started, countless media wanted to live broadcast the start of the school, especially when Luo Jia started his speech, he almost agreed without hesitation.

Enron was very interesting about this. At the beginning of his business, Luo Jia always avoided the media deliberately, but today, Luo Jia is starting to appear more and more in the world. This change is obviously his intention.

Not long ago, his speech on the need for national rejuvenation to climb over the five Tianwang Mountains caused a huge sensation. People still talk about it, because it is the clearest roadmap in history. It starts with industry and technology, and finally it is determined by cultural hegemony World.

The significance of that speech will be remembered by history. Many young people were encouraged by Luo Jia and devoted themselves to industry and technology.

Unfortunately, the examination of civil servants as officials has always been very enthusiastic in the history of China. Luo Jia has no ability to reverse the Chinese people's obsession with official standards, but at least he has made his own efforts in changing everyone's views. Had some effect.

"This will be my second effort." Luo Jia told Enron, "Human beings are a kind of stubborn thinking and inertia. Concepts are often the most difficult to change, but I am willing to rise up and do what is necessary. Try, after all, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, the discourse is the right. Now that I have some speaking power, I should make good use of it in the future. "

Enran nodded gently, "Yeah, what successful people say, even if it ’s not justified, it will become justified. When you speak publicly, everyone is willing to listen and believe, if you do n’t speak, let those so-called big V It's nonsense, and the result will only be worse. "

"One incident that happened not long ago still makes me feel irritated now. President Yu of the New Western Education disparaged Huawei and said nothing worthy of Huawei technology was bought from the West. Poor Huawei has hundreds of billions of R & D every year. With input, Hisilicon ranked fifth in global chip design. These achievements were rejected by the general manager Yu. "

"It is even more tragic that there are still a lot of ignorant people who really believe it. The technology that scolds Huawei all day is not great. It is bought from us and the West. From this we can see how important the right to speak is, ordinary. When people talk with each other, at most, they will affect a few people around them, and if celebrities talk nonsense, the whole society will be affected. "

Luo Jia laughed. "They are New Western education. They rely on training foreign languages ​​and sending students to study abroad to make money. Suppose one day, everyone realizes that foreign moons are not all round, which means breaking the new one. Fortunes in the West, and breaking people's wealth is tantamount to killing parents. "

"Therefore, the New West must continue to promote the advanced nature of foreign countries and seduce everyone to send their children abroad to study, so that children will desperately learn foreign languages ​​so that they can make more money as a training institution and study abroad agency. "

"As a group of capitalists, how can they have any feelings? The so-called study abroad countries are all publicity. I believe that in their hearts, training and studying abroad is a profitable business."


The curriculum of Xingchen University was spread to the society two days ago. The intensive high-intensity study courses shocked the whole world at once.

After two days of fermentation, the eyes of the world fell again in the east of the world. Everyone is looking forward to the opening ceremony of Xingchen University. Want to see what is happening in this independent university?

People ’s concerns can be understood. Parents like to compare their own children with others ’children. Star University is definitely the highest benchmark in education. Every move has received serious attention from the whole society. I want to know how these geniuses of other people's families learn.

The time came to the afternoon of September 1st. Luo Jia walked into the campus of Xingchen University. He will be the principal to make an important opening speech. After the speech, the university will hold a dinner party, Xingchen employees, plus some Leaders and celebrities will come to participate in a large scale.

The little geniuses changed into handsome school uniforms, and the specially designed school uniforms surprised the audience in front of the TV at the first appearance.

"It's a handsome school uniform, it's very figure, and it feels like a guard of honor of the armed forces."

"No, the military uniforms are too rigid. The design of the Uniform of Star University is very futuristic, especially the collar and shoulders. I have never seen such a design with so many sharp lines."

"The color matching is awesome! Bold jump colors are used at the trouser seam junction to make the image of the little geniuses come to life immediately."

"It's mad! Look at the sportswear of our school, and then look at the uniforms of Xingchen University, it seems like two completely different worlds."

"I sincerely recommend that domestic schools not stop using sportswear as school uniforms.

"Actually, sportswear also looks good, but the aesthetics of school leaders are not good."

The barrage discussions were heated, and people were surprised that the university uniforms of Xingchen University far surpassed their contemporaries and brought amazing beauty to the whole world. Little geniuses wore such uniforms and became radiant.

In fact, everyone feels that the school uniform is amazing, and it is not surprising, because this school uniform comes from the golden dome and is a fleet dress.

To put it simply, the crew of the space fleet, the clothes worn at formal occasions, have an interstellar aesthetic in design, far beyond the earth's clothing designers. I don't know how many levels, it caused a sensation at the first appearance, it is normal.

Luo Jia sat on the stage and looked around the audience with satisfaction. The reason why soldiers wear military uniforms is not only for uniformity, but also for a sense of ritual and mission. Since wearing military uniforms, it is no longer an ordinary People, but a glorious soldier, a man who defended his country and defended his country.

The university uniform of Xingchen University naturally has the same effect. Since wearing the school uniform of this university, this life will be doomed to be different and shoulder the mission of leading humankind to the ocean of stars.

Luo Jia doesn't like formalism, so the opening ceremony of Xingchen University is very simple. First, Rafael will make an introduction, then Luo Jia will give the opening speech, finally play the school song, and hold a welcome banquet. Some students will come on stage to show their talents. .

Principal Raphael went to the microphone with excitement and made a brief introduction, introducing the heads of the school's various departments and other management to the students and the audience in front of the TV.

An important characteristic of the management of Xingchen University is that the department is famous.

Everyone in the management has held important positions in world-class universities, with a global vision and rich education experience.

The lineup has been unprecedentedly strong, causing exclaimed barrage bursts. In order to do a good job in Star University, Luo Jia invited a group of the world's most prestigious experts. Their rich management experience will become the basis for Star University to quickly move towards regularization and institutionalization in the future. .

Soon, Rafael's introduction was over. He invited Luo Jia, and Luo Jia went to the front desk with a smile ~ ~ Arousing warm cheers and applause, everyone is looking forward to this legendary Great God character, what are we going to talk about today.

Judging from past experience, Luo Jia has not given a lot of speeches on the stage, but each time will have a huge impact and even change people's thinking.

First of all, Luo Jia made a simple opening remarks. Thanks to the support of the authorities, the attention of all circles, welcome the students to choose to study at Xingchen University and so on.

These are all polite words, not too nutritional, but just when people are generally bored, Luo Jia suddenly turned around and started a topic that everyone had unexpected.

"Next, I want to tell you about the prehistoric flood." Luo Jia said.

His voice had just fallen, and the scene was suddenly stunned.

. Emperor Jiutian

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