Technological Hegemony

Chapter 348: Bye-by-you, Huaxia starts new immigration policy

Outside the gate of the Chinese consulate in Los Angeles, there are two brand-new signages, one on which is the express lane for Chinese citizens, and the other is a passage for foreigners.

The couple Zhou Zhou was suspicious. They had never seen these two brands before. No one was lining up in the Huaxia channel, and the foreigner channel was lined up in the sun. It was more than a hundred meters long and the scene was spectacular.

"No, it was because there were not so many people queuing up for visas in the past. Xingchen Technology may overcome a series of intractable diseases including AIDS in the near future. Therefore, some Chinese who have joined foreign nationalities have plans to restore their origin. "A military attache of the consulate said to the queuing crowd.

It's very painful to line up on the road in this hot day. The overseas Chinese gentlemen are mostly rich. After suffering this kind of suffering, many people can't stand it anymore, but they dare not leave casually because the people in the queue are getting more and more. More and more, many Chinese who live outside of Los Angeles come late and have just arrived at this moment.

"It wasn't that trouble before? Fill in an application form and submit it within three days. Why is there more interviews now? Seeing diplomats one-on-one is so much trouble."

"That is, it was only troublesome for foreigners to apply for a Huaxia visa before. Those overseas Chinese who have emigrated from the motherland have special treatment. They do not need to wait in line or interview."

"Yes, they are all compatriots. Everyone knows the bottom line, don't you be so rigid?"

The queuing crowds talked around and surrounded the young military officer, complaining to him.

In the past, the consulate did have preferential policies for overseas Chinese. Although they have already immigrated to North America, they still want to return to China. It is very convenient to apply for a visa to visit relatives and friends. Even if they have a travel visa, they can quickly sign out.

In contrast, it is not easy for a foreigner to go to Huaxia. It is necessary to walk down a whole set of procedures. If it is unlucky, it will be taken out for an interview.

However, now the consulate has unified the treatment of overseas Chinese and foreigners. Foreigners have to wait in line, overseas Chinese have to queue up, foreigners have to interview, and overseas Chinese have to interview.

As a result, the overseas Chinese felt angry and complained to the attache officers, hoping to return the privileges of the overseas Chinese in the past.

Whoever thought, the military attache was angry.

He snorted coldly: "Comrades? I'm curious, why are you a group of North Americans like our Chinese? We are fellow citizens. I would like to ask, do you have ID cards?"


This military attache is new, very young, and speaks a little bit. The overseas Chinese who are engaged are very embarrassed.

An elderly overseas Chinese frowned: "Young man, don't talk nonsense. We were also born in Huaxia and grew up eating Huaxia rice. Although we are now North Americans, after our reinstatement, everyone will not Fellow? "

"This is reasonable for the elderly. It is often said that everything stays on the front line and I will meet each other in the future. Maybe we will meet again in China someday."

Hahaha ~

The young military officer laughed and said in a strange tone, "Are you sure you will meet again in China?"

"Boy, what do you mean by this?" The old man snapped and asked, "Well, it's easy. Many people have returned to China in recent years."

The young military officer said faintly, "It's not interesting, I just want to tell you, if you want to go, just come. Do you think Huaxia opened an inn?"

"When Carmen Vortex ’s power generation technology was born, there was already a wave of reinstatement. It was a group of businessmen. They expected that within a short period of time, Huaxia Power would reach unprecedented low prices and thus gain global competition. Huge cost advantage. "

"Businessmen are pursuing profits, and they are keenly aware that the future balance is tilting towards Huaxia, and it will be easier to do business when they return to China, so they will be reinstated in large numbers."

"It's your turn again today. The previous big moves in business, technology and energy were not enough to make you determined, but this time it's different. Xingchen Technology has opened the password of life."

"Although technology is still immature, this is like opening a gap in the door of life. The powerful tough guy group has passed through this gap and saw the ultimate secret of life."

"So you are back, not only because the immune system activation therapy will suppress 90% of the known viral diseases in the world, but also because there is a legend on the Internet that legend says that Star Technology has set a different life science department. Stage goals. "

"Immune activation is only their first step. In the next step, they will also control the metabolism, and from the bottom of life, control the proliferation and change of cells."

"This second-level life science is really powerful, because human beings are composed of countless cells. Controlling cells is equivalent to controlling life itself."

"Whether it is ten or eight years, once Xingchen Technology has developed the second-level technology in life sciences, humans dare not say that they are immortal. It is easy to live a hundred or two hundred years old easily."

"So you are here, and you have to reinstate your life because you love your hometown?"

"Don't make fun, can't you be honest with yourself, just say that you don't have to despise you if you want to return to China to enjoy the benefits. No one despises you because we don't care what you think. Whoever you love."

The overseas Chinese were suddenly stunned and very embarrassed. The military officer was young and vigorous, and he didn't save face for everyone at all, and directly poke their backbones with words.

After a pause, the young military attaché continued: "To tell you the truth, the new immigration law is already being prepared. The policy of repatriation of overseas Chinese was officially cancelled yesterday! It is just that the documents are stuck in the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Procedures, so it has not been announced. "

"Of course, although re-registration is not possible, foreign friends are welcome in the future to come to our Huaxia for sightseeing. The Great Wall of the Forbidden City to find out?"

The young military attachor heard the accent from Beijing, and his mouth was slippery. After saying this, a corner of his mouth raised an arc, showing a playful smile.

Welcome everyone to come to Huaxia for sightseeing?

The military attache was very mischievous. He was obviously deliberately mad at the overseas Chinese.

"No way! There is no reinstatement policy in the future !?"

"Damn, I called my mother yesterday and asked her to wait for me to go home. The mother was terribly excited, and immediately informed the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt that I was going back, and now I will not allow reinstatement. How can I explain to my family? ? "

"Oh, why is my heart suddenly uncomfortable, take out the quick-acting Jiuxin Pills."

"It's not fair. So many people have reinstated before. Why is it our turn to change our policy? I object, I want to complain!"

Hahaha ~

The young military attache laughed amusedly at the man, "No, laugh at me. Are you here to make fun? My country's immigration policy is a matter of fart, are you a foreigner complaining about yarn?"

The old overseas Chinese eagerly said, "The reinstatement policy has been cancelled. What can we do in the future? How can we get back Chinese identity?"

The attache said: "Actually, there is one way."

"What way? You say it quickly." The overseas Chinese eagerly said.

The attache said: "When you applied for immigration to North America, you applied for immigration to China, as a foreigner."

"Of course, China Huaxia is different from yours in North America. We are not an immigrant country and there is no immigration tradition. The number of immigrants we receive each year is probably dozens. It is only those who have made significant contributions to the development of China. Qualifying for Chinese nationality. "

"I estimate that in the future, immigration policy should be somewhat open, but the number will never be large. It will be very important to approve hundreds of immigration quotas a year."

When the overseas Chinese heard the news, they suddenly cried without tears, and went mad. Some people even stunned and lost their breath.

Chinese immigration is the most difficult in the world, which basically equals the possibility of ordinary people returning to their place of origin.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

At that time, Enron did not apply to immigrate to North America and returned directly to the country. Assuming he applied for immigration, he can still return to the country at any time, because talents are invaluable, and the big cattle in various fields are rushing for the world. Does not exist.

In this way, Huaxia's policy is very clear. Enron, big cattle like Cao Yuan, the country welcomes with open arms, and ordinary people who have already immigrated, sorry, but you finally went out, so please rest assured Well, there is nothing special, you don't want to come back, let's get together and relax.

What the hell!

The overseas Chinese who lined up learned the details and felt that the sky was going to collapse. This was not only the entry of the National Army in 1949, but also the transition from the People's Liberation Army to the National Army in 1949. If there were more cups, there would be more cups.

Regardless of whether Huaxia develops and grows in the future, or whether the average life expectancy of Huaxia people has increased to two hundred years of age, it has nothing to do with them. This is really too painful!

Well, with the continuous exploration of Xingchen Technology ’s life restricted area, the 80-year-old mother who stayed in her hometown was very healthy and fragrant. Her 50-year-old son who immigrated to North America was injured and died earlier than the old mother. .

This is a **** human tragedy!

What's worse is that the children of the rich and big people, in order for their children to grow up healthy in the land of North America and breathe free and sweet air, they tried every means to send their children abroad.

The situation now is that while the parents are still in the country, the child has become a foreigner and can never return.

It feels so good ~ ~ The rhythm of strength to pit the biological son into the dead!

The brains of Zhou Lin's couple were blank. For a few minutes, the two were completely stupid until someone patted Zhou Lin's shoulder.

Zhou Lin looked back and saw that it was Jiang Changgeng. He came from Anhui like Zhou Lin and now lives and works in North America. The only difference is that Jiang Changgeng only got a green card and was not naturalized.

The two stood up and said a few words of shame, Zhou Lin complained to Jiang Changgeng, feeling that the sky was about to fall.

Jiang Changgeng expressed sympathy and said that there is nothing he can do about it. Don't worry, wait and see. Maybe things will change for the better.

Zhou Lin felt completely lost, and his wife was preparing to go home. At this time, they saw the military officer who spoke very indifferently, looked at the credentials, and said with a smile to Jiang Changgeng, "No problem, please come in quickly. North America, the consulate is the home of all our fellow citizens, welcome home! "

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