Technological Hegemony

Chapter 366: Heavy rain is coming

At the end of the press conference, the North American CDC released an extremely exaggerated list.

In order to face head-to-head with Xingchen Technology, North America has discharged an unprecedented strong lineup, led by the North American Centers for Disease Control, Bell Labs and Cold Spring Harbor Labs, the three top scientific research institutions.

In addition, the global medical giant, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Monash University, the world's number one in pharmacology, ranks second in the world in the field of life sciences in addition to Cold Spring Harbor. It is also Harvard, the alma mater of Wen ’s brothers. Universities, twins in global biology, University of Maryland in North America and University of Groningen in the Netherlands, twins in genetics and genetics, MIT and Stanford are all on the list.

In addition to these educational and scientific institutions, Novartis Pharma Group, the world's largest commercial pharmaceutical group, which once stole gene samples by clumsy methods, and Tiva Pharmaceuticals, a well-known generic drug company in Israel, also appeared on the list.

"Nima!" Dr. Ji Ming, who was always bad-tempered, was angry on the spot, and he said angrily, "This is the rhythm of the world's joint siege of us? Too outrageous, all scientific research institutions and enterprises related to life sciences Almost all of them are on this list. "

"Novartis and Teva are also here," said Dr. Ma Chuncheng, the company's veteran. "These two jerk, Novartis stole the samples from Brazil, and Teva bites the dog in Swiss dogs and poses Novartis together. It would not be a good thing. Without them And we will not be so passive. "

Fang Yuanchu, the person in charge of the Semiconductor Business Unit, said, "Oh, I always thought that Israel and us had a good relationship, and the key moment was unreliable. The size of the leaked sample this time is very large, which is mainly due to Israel. People are fooling around. They not only stole the samples, they were anxious after being caught, and spread the samples in the lake. I have never seen such shameful people. "

Due to World War II and propaganda, the Chinese people generally expressed sympathy and affection for Israel and the Jews. However, this incident was shocking. The Israelis' method of putting samples into the lake is too lacking in morality. If there is a way to suppress the piranha, Europe may be experiencing a real-life biochemical crisis.

Even more hateful, Xingchen Technology has no way to take the Israelis, because it is indeed they who evolved the piranhas, and it is not good for Xingchen Technology to grow up. It can only interrupt the front teeth and swallow them.

Luo Jia sighed and said, "This is called the distance produces beauty. As more and more Chinese people approach the world, we gradually come to understand that white people are not nobler than us, and foreign moons are not more round."

"However, after all, we are still too far away from Israel. In addition, the Chinese people have no interest in religion, so most people don't know. Actually, whether it is Christianity or YSL, it is actually derived from Judaism."

"Hariddy, a Jewish extreme fundamentalist, yes, I am not wrong. Fundamentalism is not a patent for terrorists, and there are many Jews. They wear round hats, beards, do not care about science, and focus on teaching methods and rules. It's more complex than all religions around the world. "

"Haridians do n’t eat pork, do n’t pay taxes, do n’t serve the army, and do n’t donate their lives to the country. Any food and furniture must be doctrinal. Men and women must be strictly separated. Men can casually hit their wives at home. Christians are prohibited from studying science. Israel The government has also specifically introduced the Haridian doctrine of buses. In Haridian communities, vehicles are prohibited from entering and Internet access is prohibited, because many things on the Internet do not conform to the teachings. "

"According to the latest statistics, the Haridians make up about 20% of Israel's total population. If you are interested, you can find a Jewish Bible to read, and you will find that, in fact, Harry seems to be ridiculous. Di people, their approach is the most consistent with Judaism. "

After listening to Luo Jia, everyone was stupid!

Everyone hates terrorism, but few people know where it came from. Now everyone finally understands that the truth is so bizarre.

"Still have to read more." Father Lu Chengfeng of the Optics Department sighed with emotion: "Live to the old and learn the old. Today, listening to what Mr. Luo said, I suddenly understood a lot of things that I didn't understand in the past."

"I am over seventy years old this year. I have seen the whole process from the founding of Israel to the rise. I have not quite understood why the Israeli army was so radical. They bombed civilian buses and bombed freighters in Haifa Port. He has assassinated heads of states, bombed hotels, bombed embassies in other countries, slaughtered civilian villages, and even shot down civil aviation planes. "

"Every time this kind of thing happens, I wonder, Israel is also supposed to be the world's leading developed country, how to do things in such a sloppy way. Now it seems that I was wrong, and this is the style in people's history."

The crowd laughed. Luo Jia said, "Poor people must have hate. The experience of Jews in Europe was worthy of sympathy, but the reasons were extremely complicated. I think that the biggest mistake of Chinese people at present is to treat foreigners. Too friendly and harsh on myself. "

"In this world, there are countless civilizations, but only our Chinese people, who have inherited it with kindness, wisdom, respect, and gentle respect, have inherited it to this day."

"Even if you have mastered fluent English after many years of hard work, there will still be a huge gap between you and foreigners. This gap is called civilization."

"We once worshiped the Jews blindly, countless big Vs brainwashed the masses, preached that the Jews would do business, focused on children's education, and so on, but did not tell the masses that that nation was historically excluded and forced to displacement. . "

"There is a huge difference between civilizations and civilizations. We worship white civilizations, and even be silly to worship Jewish civilizations, without asking what the essence and core of these civilizations are, and without comparing them. The Chinese civilization, which has been continuously sought for thousands of years, is put together with other civilizations in the world to see if they are worthy of worship. "

"To be honest, if we really compare all civilizations together, we will find that we are holding Jinshan for dinner, and compared with the Chinese civilization, most other civilizations are simply rubbish."

As Luo Jia recalled, he said with a bitter smile: "It is enough to worship white civilization. After all, in modern times, white people do make a lot of contributions."

"But in our China, there are a lot of idiots who don't ask for innocence, but all foreigners kneel and lick, not only kneeling and licking white people, but also kneeling and licking Koreans, and even uncle Black who hangs on the tree all day long and plays. Licking, this makes people have to wonder if these licking dogs have any IQ problems. "

"When I was in elementary school, I once came to the Korean Teachers' League to interact with our school."

"It is supposed to be just normal communication. Teachers urged long conversations, exchanged experiences, and discussed how to better carry out education. It is not a very important matter."

"The key is that our principal, Chong Yangmei, not only arranges rehearsals for teachers and students throughout the school, but also pays tribute to the students. He is the model of a school and a model for a student. He actually drove the door for Korean foreign guests and poured tea, anyway. , A pair of slaves. "

"To this day, I really want to tie up the charming headmaster and take a hard meal because this guy is trying to plant a seed of admiration on the young me so that the young me Realizing that I am cheaper than foreigners, I hate her behavior, I just do n’t have any bones, and I bring bad children! "

"Even the teacher, the principal, and even the officials take the lead in Chongyangmei, can the children have a good one?"

"Prime Minister Zhou once said that there is no trivial matter in foreign affairs. Under this guiding ideology, the authorities, based on the principle of peace of mind, mobilized police forces throughout the city, helped foreigners find bicycles, and granted Westerners all privileges in Huaxia. "

"The upper class kneels and licks foreigners. What do you make the lower class think? What do you do?"

"If you really want to change, you must change from top to bottom, throwing the slogan" nothing trivial in foreign affairs, "and throw it into the garbage dump of history, and replace it with Huaxia Priority, or the affairs of foreigners are related to our birds."

Hahaha ~

After listening to Luo Jia, everyone laughed.

The tough guy ’s leader is not only knowledgeable, but also funny in character. He is also a rare pragmatist. He does not play with hypocrisy. Luo Jia reads history and sees the truth and game of civilization from history. , Held high the banner of Chinese national rejuvenation.

At that time, Mr. Mandela of South Africa had won unanimous praise from all over the world. However, behind this praise, South Africa took the initiative to destroy nuclear weapons and allowed foreign capital to run rampant in the country. In just ten years, South Africa has developed from a medium-developed country. Gradually reduced to the dumping ground of the great powers, the national industry is gone, and the living standards of the people have plummeted.

Luo Jia didn't understand this very much. What's the use of Mr. Mandela's name?

The five biggest hooligans in the world all agree to admire someone and think he is great. Is this a good thing? There must be something wrong with this fuck!

By means of the five major hooligans, if they all expressed that they were very happy, it definitely meant that some people had to get rid of bad mold. Little children would like to wear a small red flower to get a certificate, and adults only talk about their interests.

Even if the five major hooligans are scolded to death, they must first improve the people's living standards. After all, as the South African president, the first job is not to be praised by foreigners, but to take care of their own people.

The meeting room, which was very happy, suddenly quieted down, because everyone found that Luo Jia's face gradually became serious, and his eyes began to gather sharp murderous spirit.

"Anyway ~ ~ The war has begun. Today's press conference of the North American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a war book for us."

Luo Jia said, while projecting the mobile phone screen to the center of the conference room, during the projection, I saw that he had just sent a text message to the Wen family brothers in South America. The content was very simple, only six words, "The storm is coming , Quick return. "

When everyone saw the content of the short message, their eyes flashed. From the short and powerful words, it was not difficult to feel Luo Jia's determination.

"The opponents are not joking." Luo Jiashen said: "Although Cold Spring Harbor Labs was deliberately placed at the bottom of the cooperation list, we should be clear that the dominant players this time must be them, as the famous lunatic experiment The world ’s largest life sciences institution, Cold Spring Harbor will be a terrible opponent. "

"What's more, not only does the West have Cold Spring Harbor, but all institutions with life science research and development capabilities have almost rolled up their sleeves this time, and we will have to single out the world!"

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