Technological Hegemony

Chapter 418: Pay at the bottom of the kettle!

The next day, Luo Jia and the Wen family brothers met Cui Yingtai, and also learned his requirements. He used the chromosome technology he had acquired in exchange for the black technology and resources of Xingchen Technology to resurrect his dead wife and daughter.

I have to say that this request is really crazy. Luo Jia can never agree. After all, there are too many secrets in the technology reserve of Xingchen Technology that cannot be known by outsiders. However, he turned his thoughts and seemed to listen to this. Professor Cui's reason is not a bad thing. Since he dares to open such crazy conditions, he should rely on it.

"I will use what I know about the secret of the twenty-fourth human chromosome in exchange for the support of Xingchen Technology." Cui Yingtai said.

Luo Jia heard that, for a moment, it is known that the number of human chromosomes is twenty-three pairs, but it is strange that all primates, except humans, whether orangutans or apes, have the same number of chromosomes, all of which are twenty. Four pairs.

In fact, among humans, there are also some humans with twenty-four pairs of chromosomes, and they usually have the type of rain people, that is, genius idiots.

If you have seen the movie Rain Man starring Dustin Huffman, you will know how amazing a genius-type idiot is. Although this type of human is a mess in life performance, IQ is often less than that of a three- or four-year-old child. However, they have strange specialization talents, perhaps mathematics, physics and music.

Under the guidance of talent, children who seem to be a little silly, can complete complex advanced math problems at a speed that astounds mathematicians, or can draw mysterious and profound art works.

All in all, the twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes is an unsolved mystery in the scientific community. There are only 23 pairs of chromosomes in 99.99% of human beings. Some even put forward bold assumptions. In the process of human evolution, Whether they have ever interfered with higher intelligent life is that they artificially removed the last chromosome.

Or the origin of biology comes from the seeds of life floating in the universe. From the beginning, the human species was defined by some mysterious and powerful force.

Turning her eyes to Cui Yingtai's face, Luo Jia smiled and said, "Is the twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes? To be honest, as a scientific worker, I only believe what I see, unless you give evidence, otherwise I won't believe you discovered their secrets. "

Hahahahaha ~~

Cui Yingtai laughed. "You want evidence? Don't you see my paper published in the journal Nature?"

"Of course I saw it," Luo Jia said. "However, your paper can only prove that you found a gene editing technology that repairs chromosomal errors, but it cannot prove that your research is related to the last pair of chromosomes in the legend."

Cui Yingtai turned right, and then started his own performance. He tried to prove to Luo Jia that although his research is still in the field of chromosome editing, he continued to follow the clues he had found and could finally unlock the twentieth. The mystery of four pairs of chromosomes.

Of course, achieving this crazy goal requires a lot of support, including the technology reserve of Xingchen Technology.

The Wen brothers are very excited. They are attracted by the beautiful future that Cui Yingtai paints. They completely forget. There is a huge problem here. As an expert in genetics and genetics, Cui Yingtai wants to see how the technology reserve of Xingchen Technology is. meaning?

You know, Xingchen Technology not only has the Department of Life Science, but also optics, electrical, materials, and even fusion research, etc., all the most advanced scientific research, these things are open to him, does he understand?

"Impossible," Luo Jia said firmly. "Professor Cui, if you are willing to join Xingchen Technology, I can provide you with the world's first-class laboratory to meet your needs in terms of funding, but the advanced technology reserve is the thing. It will never be open to you, and what you do is chromosome research. We do n’t use our hardware technology at all. You will have read access to the research results in life sciences, but not hardware. "

Cui Yingtai showed a disappointed look. He gritted his teeth, stood up from his seat, pointed his hand at the huge liquid nitrogen tank in the center of the laboratory, and said with a deep voice: "This is my wife and son. Although decades have passed, their bodies are still intact. "

"Now I want to bring my wife and son back to life. Of course, this kind of thing requires hardware support, including cryoplasty biopsy, rapid cell warming device, sign retention device, etc."

Cui Yingtai told Luo Jia a tragic story. His wife and son were critically ill because of hereditary immunodeficiency, and they could not bear to die. Cui Yingtai sealed them in a liquid nitrogen tank when they were about to die.

After listening to this story, Luo Jia couldn't help but have a cold back. The original surname was Cui, who was a ruthless man. When he threw his wife and son into a liquid nitrogen tank, he did not die, but he was still alive ...

"Sorry, I still can't answer your request, but please believe that we will try our best to help you, save your wife and children, and use the power of Xingchen Technology." Luo Jia said very sincerely.

Seeing repeated persuasion, Cui Yingtai finally couldn't bear it anymore. His temples swelled a few green tendons. He was furious and said, "Do you know what you are rejecting? I am the best chromosome expert in the world without my help. It is absolutely impossible for you to defeat North America opposite the Pacific Ocean, but they have even dispatched the famous Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory! "

"Without my chromosome technology, your immune activation and super mitochondrial technology is garbage! You will lose out! In the field of life sciences, your opponents will be far behind!"

Is this true?

Luo Jia silently watched Cui Yingtai's performance. Suddenly, his phone vibrated slightly. Luo Jia raised his hand to light up the screen. After seeing the content of the message, he laughed slightly, and at the same time waved gently to the Wen brothers. We can leave.

Hey ~

The brothers of the Wen family sighed. Although they were not reconciled, Professor Cui's face was really nothing to talk about. Taking the company's core technology for chromosome technology, as long as Luo Jia was not a fool, he would never agree to this. No clue.

"It seems that we don't have any common language. Qingshan does not change the green water and long flow, Professor Cui, see you later." Luo Jia said politely.

When Cui Yingtai saw Luo Jia leave, he immediately frowned, and said in a threatening tone: "Out of this door, you will definitely regret it in the future."

"We scientists of the Korean nation are the most backboned scientists in the world. Unlike your Chinese soft eggs, no matter how you ask me in the future, I will never bird you again. I will see you in life. On the scientific battlefield, it was a mess to be killed by North America! In the future, people all over the world can have a life span of more than two hundred years. Only you Huaxia people are short-lived ghosts, and you can only blame you for agreeing to my conditions today! "

Luo Jia stopped and gave a sigh. Xu Chunbiao's sleeves had been rolled up. It was unbearable. Brother Biao suddenly had an urge to kill him. However, before Xu Chunbiao started to move, Luo Jia pulled it. he.

"You should recognize these people." Luo Jia suddenly turned back, picked up her phone, and said to the text on the screen: "Jin Yongzhong, Han Lizhi, Liu Xiangcheng ..."

Cui Yingtai was shocked and puzzled, and then panic appeared. The whole man was involuntarily stunned. Each of these names was his student, a core member of the chromosome research group.

"What do you mean !?" Cui Yingtai jumped up and growled.

Luo Jia chuckled and shrugged, "It's not interesting. Ten minutes ago, those people who had read their names had signed the contract and officially joined Star Technology. Since Professor Cui is not willing to go to Huaxia, your team is the same. "

The Wen family brothers suddenly realized at this moment. No wonder it has been two days since he saw Di Wuchang. It turned out that he was busy with this big event!

Silently poached the entire team named Cui?

Wen Chengling almost shouted out the words from Wuchang Brother Niubi.

Wen Chengfeng frowned, thinking that in Sun Tzu's art of war, this trick should be called a bottom pay!

"Impossible, this is impossible! They are students who have been with me for many years and have been loyal to me!" Cui Yingtai's eyes were red and loud.

Luo Jia frowned and said, "Allegiance to your sister! Do you really consider yourself an emperor of the earth? I tell you, on this earth, no one is the same."

"I hate you as a mentor who treats students as free labor. Brain-intensive projects like chromosomes, I am afraid that most of your work is done by your students? It is obviously the power of the team, but why do you stand in the end? Under the flash? "

Luo Jia is telling the truth, because in Xingchen Technology, all honors are attributed to the collective and never advocated individual heroism. Whether it is a big cow who engages in research and development or an aunt who sweeps the logistics, everyone is a member of the collective. .

After a pause, Luo Jia continued: "Now the whole world is eager to learn about us and Huawei, but in the end you learned an egg, and instead of replacing all the team members with males, you can be called a tough guy sky group."

"The reason why Xingchen Technology is Xingchen Technology is that everyone in our team holds the highest salary in the world! Enjoy the best treatment on the planet!"

"Our employees have never been a social animal, but a combat-type scientific researcher who enjoys high benefits and freedom, and does not care about individuals. He pays more attention to the overall honor! Huawei is the same. Before Star Technology, Huawei had the highest salary in China. Mr. Ren has never hesitated to send money to employees. He has been employed as a postdoctoral fellow and has a starting salary of up to two million yuan. "

"Compared to us? Why do you value talents! Is it based on the row of Nobel Prize sculptures of Seoul University?"

Luo Jia turned back with a rage and scolded Professor Cui directly.

As the saying goes, scolding people does not expose shortcomings, but Luo Jia does not seem to have this habit. The biggest disadvantage of South Korea is shame and arrogance. On the campus of Seoul University, there is a whole row of Nobel Prize winner sculptures. Base.

So the whole world was wondering, why did n’t you Seoul University win the Nobel Prize, what are you doing with so many pedestals?

However, Seoul University is not only ashamed, but also proud of its publicity, "Anyway, we Koreans are superior in IQ, and will soon compare the whole world with many Nobel Prizes. By then, these pedestals will be Used. "

So there is a wonderful work in universities all over the world. Seoul University has set up a monument to those who have not yet won the Nobel Prize. So arrogant and ignorant, I am afraid that the world will not find a second one.

Students are shameless and shameless, and if the teacher is shameless, it will harm the entire nation.

As for why Di Wuchang was able to hollow out Cui Yingtai's team, the problem is even simpler.

If you look closely, you will find that whether it is South Korea or Neon, it is not a normal social model, but a typical model of authority.

On April 16, 2014, the accident of the shipwreck of South Korea ’s Shiyue was of course a tragedy, and it is worth remembering and regretting. However, since the danger occurred and the ship sank, it took an hour and a half in the middle. The classmates and passengers who received the order of the captain I really stayed in the cabin waiting for the rescue, and finally followed the ship to sink into the ocean permanently.

In China, such a thing is impossible to imagine.

The captain said that if you do n’t move, you really wo n’t move?

how is this possible!

You old man is so bad, I believe you a ghost!

Looking at the essence through the phenomenon, the biggest tragedy of the authoritative society is the suppression of the limits of human nature and the lack of opportunities for young people. When the young students of Star University have gradually begun to pick the girders and shoulder the heavy responsibility of the cultural front, South Korea And the neon young people are still silently discussing seniority behind the teachers and their predecessors.

Leaving Cui Yingtai's house, everyone felt refreshed and refreshed. The brothers Wen and Xu Chunbiao praised Di Wuchang forcibly and dug out Cui Yingtai's team with a bad breath.

"This is just the beginning." Luo Jia said, "This guy Di Wuchang is already infamous in the headhunting industry. What do you think he did in South Korea? It was to dig the wall!"

"Whether Samsung or Hyundai ~ ~ Seoul University or Sungkyunkwan University, as long as the gimmick dances well, there is no wall to dig, and the semiconductor alone alone, Huaxia has hundreds of thousands of engineers, why? Fuck? Just do it from Koreans! "

Xu Chunbiao frowned and said, "Is it possible to dig so many Koreans?"

Luo Jia smiled, "I have had this kind of anxiety in the past, but I have thought about it for a long time. In the end, I still feel that white people and East Asians are more willing to believe in the latter. At least there is no problem in the work attitude and professionalism of the three East Asian countries. One is counted as one, all of them are overtime madness, team spirit, obedience to organizational arrangements, and they are not fussy. "

"However, Europe and the United States are completely different. The cultural gap is too large and belongs to the category of misconceptions. As for blacks and Middle Easterners, I don't want much money."

"So in a nutshell, Huaxia has no semiconductor technology, and now it ’s working fast. There is a shortage of people, a lot of people, and no one can only dig. Rather than digging Europe and the United States, I prefer to dig East Asia, South Korea, Neon, Wanwan. Province, Singapore, wait, Di Wuchang will not let them go. "

As the vehicle accelerated towards the city, Luo Jia leaned her head on the window and looked at the heavy rain outside, thinking about the twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes, and the sound of ticking in her ears gradually merged with the sound of rain.

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