Technological Hegemony

Chapter 471: Competition ancient monsters are waking up!

Cape Canaveral Space Center.

Crackling ~

The camera was shooting wildly, and Musk facing the camera was already accustomed to this scene. Since his teens, he has been a household-known genius in North America. At this moment, his relaxed fingers lightly point out the space to signal CNN's Reporters can ask themselves questions.

"Excuse me, Mr. Musk, what do you think of Xingchen Technology's successful launch of a heavy-duty launch vehicle, sending the first module of the synchronous orbit space station into the scheduled orbit? And successfully completing the recovery of the rocket's first and second-stage thrusters?"

Musk smiled, "Congratulations, everything that happened in China's Jiuquan today proved two things. First, the technology of Xingchen's recyclable launch vehicle is comparable to ours. Second, they have a great chance to complete The envisaged very large synchronous orbit space station, as long as the funding chain is not broken. "

The reporters at the scene listened to Musk's words, and they immediately became upset. Just as Luo Jia valued Musk, Musk also gave Xingchen Technology a very high rating. This is probably the regret between geniuses.

"Mr. Musk, I'm a reporter from Fox News, don't you have any worries about the barbarians from China?" Another reporter asked.

Musk couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm not so worried, I'm so happy now."

"Did you know? Since the end of the Cold War, our space technology has made little progress. The reason is very simple, because we have lost our adversary."

"Now China replaces the former Soviet Union and is on the race track of the space race, and this huge machine of NASA has also been asleep for too long, and it is time to restart it."

"I look forward to a wonderful contest, and look forward to Huaxia not to die suddenly in the competition like the Soviet Union. If so, I will be very disappointed."

The expressions on the faces of the reporters were suddenly realized. Musk was right. NASA is actually a behemoth during the hibernation period. As of now, North America ’s annual military expenditure is 600 billion US dollars, and NASA ’s budget is not just To 20 billion.

As a lifelong dream of colonizing Mars, Musk is happy to see North America and Huaxia compete, because this is a typical national dispute, and even if North America is lethargic, it is impossible to give up. Once NASA ’s budget is also How much scientific research will be produced every year if it is increased to 600 billion US dollars? After a few years, humans can really colonize Mars.

At the peak of the US-Soviet competition, 9.5 percent of the total annual budget of the North American authorities was allocated to NASA! The money NASA spends every year is close to North American military spending!

The ultimate goal of scientific research is not to create wealth, but the scientific research itself is destined to consume huge amounts of wealth. It was precisely during the Cold War that North American authorities madly poured money into the space industry, so we only saw the Apollo plan that was recorded in history. Challenger plans, etc., there is no star sea without money, the reality is always so cruel.

Want to understand this level, the reporters flushed with excitement. Could it be said that another space race is coming?

Nowadays, the fierce contention between the United States and the Soviet Union over space hegemony is still vividly remembered, to what extent?

Although there are also reasons for the decline in international oil prices and the war in Afghanistan, a country as powerful as the Soviet Union had no **** left until the last poor. The Great Empire collapsed overnight. A large part of the reason was that it was dragged down by the space race. Broken.

Assuming that North America and Huaxia start the battle for space supremacy, this sleeping ancient war machine will be revived in the past. In the past competition, top scientific research institutions including jet propulsion and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory were all defeated by the stars. At the foot of technology, perhaps restarting NASA is the key to resisting China's brutal invasion.

"You don't have to wait too long," Musk said excitedly. "The reason why Xingchen Technology passed all the way is because they have not encountered us in the strongest state at all, so they can maintain a record of victory."

"And now, the real competition has come. The fierce defeat for several years has made the elites in the Western world feel pained. Not only has NASA entered the startup process, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the European Nuclear Research Center, etc., have also entered the expansion period. During the acceleration period, more and more financial support will be provided. "

"In addition, there are research institutions affiliated with major companies, such as giants such as Google and Apple. In recent years, they have not lost a lot on Xingchen Technology, and have been struggling to try to fight back in the Jedi. It will become a force to encircle Xingchen Technology. "

"In short, please don't be fooled by the appearance. I suggest you pay attention to an index, an index of research investment, and when will NASA's annual R & D investment no longer be 20 billion US dollars, but 200 billion US dollars? At a trillion dollars! It is the symbol of the full power of the ancient war machine! "

The reporters applauded one after another. Scientific research investment is an absolute indicator. Previously, NASA had only a budget of US $ 20 billion per year. What does it mean?

It shows that the powerful war machine did not start at all. North America and the entire West rely on the old foundation accumulated before, and then confronted with Star Technology.

"What would happen if we won World War II and brought down the former Soviet Union's war machine again?" A reporter asked with longing.

Musk shrugged, "I don't know, but it should be wonderful, like this time, a few hours ago, Star Technology launched their first recyclable heavy-duty rocket in Huaxia Jiuquan. Guess, we What would you do? "

"Of course it is a tough counterattack! It is rumored that as long as Xingchen Technology starts to build a synchronous orbit space station, we will start the Star Chain project!"

"Xingchen Technology launches rockets, we must launch them too!"

The reporters shouted loudly, Musk nodded with a smile, raised **** in front of the camera, and said with a playful voice: "To be precise, every time Star Technology launches a rocket, we will Shoot two. "

"This is the space race! The battle for space supremacy, we will not let it go!"

Uh ...

Boom ~

The battle for space hegemony between Huaxia and North America has caused an uproar in the world. Everyone was shocked by North America's resolute attitude. Only six hours after the launch of Xingchen ’s heavy-duty transport rocket, Canavy, Florida, North America Cape Lal Space Base launched two consecutive launches.

The protagonist of the launch is SpaceX's Super Falcon Rocket, with a single payload of 220 tons and a total of 128 satellite-chain communication satellites. These satellites are located at 150 kilometers on the ground. Low earth orbit.

According to the current available data, each of the StarChain satellites is equipped with four star sensors, eight momentum wheels and eight Hall-type electric thrusters. It weighs more than two tons and uses solar energy as its energy source. Its operating life is 35 years. In the year, all satellite communications and data bands worldwide were carried.

In simple terms, this gadget is 6G technology placed in low-Earth orbit. Only the first phase of the plan requires more than 12,000 satellites to form a global data network. Through a dedicated modem, it can Achieve satellite Internet and call.

Immediately after the establishment of this Skynet, it will be the second generation of StarChain, and it will launch 48,000 second-generation satellites that are heavier, cover more orbits, and have higher data bandwidth. By then, the number of satellites in the sky will reach crazy. Of the 60,000 satellites, the total number of backup satellites is not less than 64,000, and these satellites will form a true broadband star network.

As we all know, telecommunications services are a very profitable business. Only Huaxia Mobile Group has a revenue of more than 800 billion yuan a year. North America's ambition to build a star chain is to replace telecommunications service providers in various countries, such as mobile, China Unicom, Vodafone Enterprises, all killed.

If this step can really be achieved, the Star Chain Group will become a super giant with annual revenue of trillions of dollars in the future. While making money, it will also have global telecommunications hegemony.

In contrast, Star Technology is a bit puzzling. The existence of a synchronous orbiting space station clearly has unparalleled advantages in scientific research. Space breeding, space mining, deep space telescopes and a series of scientific studies. Both can be deployed on the space station, but it seems that there is no profit prospect and it is difficult to make money.

In short, the unstoppable history came on September 14th, the sixth year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology.

Huaxia and North America both made their own choices. North America restarted the ancient war weapon NASA and launched the Star Chain Program, while China's rising star in the scientific research community, Star Technology, has made every effort to conquer the synchronous orbit space station.

On September 19, just five days after the first launch, the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center sent another good news. The second basic module of the Star Space Station was successfully launched!

Subsequently, the time came to September 21, the Cape Canaveral Space Base, Florida, the second double firing of the Super Falcon, sending 128 satellites into low-Earth orbit again. The Falcon is lower in launch load bearing than Star Technology's heavy-duty transport rocket, but it seems Musk intends to rely on quantity to make up.

It is rumored that NASA is testing a new generation of liquid oxygen methane engine. If the project is successful, the second generation of Super Falcon will equalize or even surpass the star heavy-duty rocket in terms of thrust.

As for Russia, their engines are still the strongest thrusters, but it seems that they have encountered financial difficulties and are seeking international cooperation, mainly with India. After all, Indian dogs have money, and Russia has years of pitting India. Traditional experience, the two sides hit it off, India pays money and Russia pays for technology to participate in a new round of space competition.

Finally, the European side, of course, they are not willing to give up space hegemony, but it is a pity that the European economy is in recession now, and all countries are scattered, and at the end of negotiations, they are really willing to make money for the European Aerospace Agency ~ Germany and France, and the rest of Italy, such as Italy, have not been counted on.

All in all, Russia and Europe barely reached the table at the last moment and brought together a table of mahjong, but everyone knows that the protagonist of this space hegemony is actually China and the United States, and it can only be China and the United States.

On October 1, the third year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology, the Jiuquan base launched for the third time in just half a month, and Luo Jia promised in his column program that as the production capacity of Xingchen Industrial Group climbs, in the future We will increase the launch frequency to two or even three rounds per week, and strive to complete the largest space station project in human history within two years.

Later that day, the Cape Canaveral of North America was double-engined, and the 128 satellites were sent into space for the third time, making the Star Chain plan to deploy more than half a month. Up to 380 communications satellites! More than the total number of Chinese launch satellites last year!

NASA's Dallas plant, Salt Lake City plant, Florida plant, Massachusetts plant, four long-established aerospace industry manufacturing bases, rarely started a 24-hour assembly line operation.

It seems that ancient war monsters are really slowly waking up.

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