Technological Hegemony

Chapter 485: 1 star chart?

"Mengzhou heard that you have been suffering from bad health recently. I was brought to you specifically. Considering that you have good health, you have rarely been ill. Mengzhou said that this amount is enough for you. You do n’t need to take too strong medicine. . "

An Ran put the box with the words pediatric cold medicine on Luo Jia's desk, showing a ‘look, brother, I care most about you’ expression.

"Why, I'm afraid it's your daughter who has a cold and drinking the rest?" Luo Jia was defamatory in her heart.

"Thank me for helping me, sister."

减少 In order to reduce the trouble, Luo Jia still accepted the cold medicine for children and thanked Enran. Anyway, he has been in bad health recently, just because the ticking sound in his head is not so sick, so he won't take medicine.

The saying is also very magical. Since inheriting the knowledge of the golden dome, Luo Jia has never been sick for seven years, and his health is a mess. Every time he encounters a situation where he must rest, it is due to receiving important knowledge.

From two days ago, Luo Jia suddenly felt a headache, and the buzzing noises kept coming and burst his scalp. He was absent-minded during the two days of regular meetings, and he hid in the office during the day and fell asleep. Everyone thought it was a cold.

Only Luo Jia himself knew that the pain was only temporary. When the pain was over, the golden dome spree would be born.

Previously, Luo Jia received a total of three important inheritances from the golden dome, primary robot technology, primary artificial intelligence, and primary semiconductor technology.

Among them, robots and artificial intelligence are transmitted synchronously, which shows that in the knowledge division of the golden dome, robots and artificial intelligence are integral and need to cooperate with each other.

Now this is the third important knowledge transfer. Although Luo Jia is still having a headache, she can't help but think of things like aircraft carriers and death stars, and she feels pretty good.

"The outside world can be lively," said Enron, frowning. "As you expected, artificial intelligence and robots have completely ignited the enthusiasm of capitalists, and foreign media have been reporting long and hard. The poor people do n’t understand that capital The power of has already controlled the media, thus achieving the purpose of manipulating public opinion. If robot technology is introduced, which means that billions of people will be unemployed, the people will suffer a great deal, and it is only those capitalists who really profit. "

This is good news. Luo Jia reluctantly smiled and said, "For the benefit, the capitalists can disregard everything. As long as the price is appropriate, they will even sell their own ropes. Very well, our plan has moved forward. Take a big step and keep a close eye on Western public opinion. If necessary, we can also release energy and help capitalists make a difference. "

Enran nodded, "I suddenly remembered a question asked a year ago. When someone wanted to be comprador's face exposed, someone once asked, suppose that at first, someone who wanted to fight for power, the winner of the idealist is Academician Ni, but not Liu comprador. What will it look like? "First https: // https: //

On the one hand, Enron revealed the longing eyes: "I think you are the best answer. Although you have idealists who like whimsical common diseases, and sometimes they are crazy, but one thing is admirable. It is a rich country. You, today are still wearing a hooded sweater of 149 yuan for Uniqlo. "

钱 "For you, money is really just a tool, not a purpose. Under your leadership, one day, our group of upright science and technology men will definitely realize their dreams."

Ha ~

Luo Jia laughed out loud. "I, a heartless and capitalless capitalist, can get such a high evaluation from you. It's not like I haven't been in this world for a while. Just go and don't worry about me. Just rest a little. Will be fine."

An Ran nodded, stood up and pointed at the cold cold medicine on the table. "Then I'll go back. There is still a lot of work to do. Don't forget to take medicine."

Crackling ~

After Enron left, Luo Jia threw the cold medicine into the trash can. He was not ill at all. According to past experience, whenever there was such a thing, there was no way other than suffering. Sometimes, he became a star. The inheritors of foreign civilizations are also individual laborers.

Time turned to the third day, and the dizzy ticking sound in his brain suddenly weakened. Luo Jia jumped from the sofa like a chicken blood, and took the little robot responsible for pouring tea to him. Startled.

"It's over? Transmission is not short. It should be a very important science and technology inheritance? If it is life science and technology, it would be great. The progress of the Wen brothers seems to be very difficult. Of course, if it is interstellar navigation technology, Or the engine technology is also good, after all, we will be out of the earth within a maximum of two years. "Luo Jia pondered in his heart.

Closing his eyes, Luo Jia explored in his mind. Countless folders are arranged neatly. Each folder represents a heritage of knowledge from the golden dome, mainly science and technology, but there are also literary arts such as aesthetics and music. It is a pity that Luo Jia has no literary cells, at most, it is the design of the galaxy wind that plagiarizes the golden dome.

At the top are primary robots, primary artificial intelligence, and primary semiconductors. These three most important and key folders, Luo Jia deliberately displays them separately when organizing the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the development of the matter was unexpected by Luo Jia. When he found the folder that was transmitted by the golden dome, the whole person was dumbfounded.

Uh ...

"star map!?"

Luo Jia had a weird face and muttered in his heart, "Lao Tzu has suffered for three full days, but just for a star chart? You better be valuable enough, otherwise I will be a big loser, I hope the stars and the moon every day, I want controllable fusion Or some other black technology, what's the use of a star map? I don't even have a shuttle now. "

As a pragmatist, Luo Jia doesn't feel that she needs star maps now. Today, she hasn't even gotten out of the earth, and she is far from the real star sea.

无论 However, since the star map has been sent over, please take a look at it.

Luo Luojia manipulated the idea to open the folder, and the full name of this star chart came into view.

"Star map, Department of Mechanical Engineering, RV1769443 ..." Luo Jianian muttered a long string of text below the star map and said to himself: "What does the Department of Mechanical mean? Is it something that belongs to different departments like I did when I was in college, Will be specifically marked to prevent loss or confusion. "

Luo Jia immediately thought of using a red ink pen to write the four-character table, chair, and bench. The knowledge gained by his golden dome was indeed biased towards mechanical hard cores. He really wanted knowledge related to life sciences or plant agriculture, but So far, Luo Jia hasn't got it.

If this speculation is true, there should be other departments besides the mechanical department, such as the biological department, the quantum department, and so on. In response to this problem, Luo Jia is inevitably imaginative.

"Assuming that the mechanical department is the name I have inherited, then what does the long string of characters represent? Some kind of positioning mark? Or the decoder's startup password?" Luo Jia was suspicious in his heart.

The answer is of course no. He had to stop thinking about it and open the star map with the doubts, and a huge sense of the picture instantly struck, as if Luo Jia had been brought into the real universe.

At the foot of the foot is a deep dark starry sky, and the pink nebula winding in the distance, like a dragon of stars, standing in the starry sky, Luo Jia feels as small as ever, with the impulse to worship at the top of the Xinghai.

Forcibly stabilizing his emotions, Luo Jia looked closely, and found that glowing golden text was hidden in the nebula. Those texts came from the ancient language of the golden dome. Because knowledge was written in Luo Jia's mind, it was written. He can naturally understand text messages and easily switch between golden language and Chinese.

"Blue Star County, Silent Star County, Abyss Star County, Garan Star County, Venar Star County, Eternal Star County, Stranglethorn Star County, Undead Nightingale Star County ..."

Soon, Luo Jia was stunned by the magical place names around him. It seems that Star County is an astronomical unit. A Star County often contains many galaxies, which may emit dazzling glory and shine in the gloom. Or dim and cold, quiet and magnificent like a white glacier.

"So many star counties, don't know which star county the earth and solar system belong to?"

又 "Or where is the golden dome? Far from the earth and the sun, in a hidden corner of the endless universe."

Luo Jia felt his heartbeat speeding up. He reached out and tapped the nearest Galastar County. The glory suddenly flowed in front of him. The dark blue zoomed in sharply. Luo Jia saw more detailed information of this Star County. The pupil of Gala seemed to be the main planet. The huge transition channel in the upper left corner connects the far end of Hoshiguna, a galaxy called the Valley of Convolutions.

"This is amazing too !?"

Luo Luojia exclaimed in her heart, her throat squirmed quickly, and she continued to zoom in and out of the star map, sometimes squatting and looking closely, and sometimes experiencing the magnificence of Xinghe from a distance.

Luo Luojia has always been interested in looking at maps. Huge maps of the world, Huaxia maps, and large globes on the table are hanging in his home. That was his father's reward when he was a third-grade student in his second grade.

The young Luo Jia once accompanied by a globe ~ ~ spent countless days and nights, fantasizing about traveling around the world, imagining himself crossing ancient times, leading cavalry across the long Siberian ice sheet, and killing along the Dnieper River. Enter the Slavs's nest and capture all the Slav girls with white and long legs ...

Anyway, Luo Jia is a person who is always interested in the world. A small globe can accompany him through many happy childhoods. Besides, this dreamlike universe panoramic star map is no surprise, magic. The star map quickly made Luo Jia obsessed. Update fastest computer: https: /// first release

For a month and a half, Luo Jia stayed out of the house and was immersed in the joy of getting a star chart. Except for the regular meeting of the Authority every morning, he stayed in the meditation center until his mother called and he hurried home and took a meal. Cumin Lamb Chops.

When I was eating, my parents informed Luo Jia of the Spring Festival arrangements. Next week, they will return to their hometown in Pengcheng. They will not go out to travel this year, so they will stay in their hometown to visit relatives and friends.

Luo Luojia agreed, but he would not go back because there is no time. During the Spring Festival, Jiuquan Center will choose a good weather for launch, and the robot engineering team will go to space for construction, but that is a global event of great concern.

"I pack some dumplings and freeze them, and you take them to Jiuquan. When you are hungry, you can cook the dumplings yourself." The mother ordered Luo Jia.

Poor parents, Luo Jia's boss has long been financially free, but his mother is still worried about his hungry.

"Well, I want to eat beef dumplings." Luo Jia nodded with a smile, and suddenly found that her mother's two wives had another touch of silver.

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