Technological Hegemony

Chapter 494: Star Chain starts! Guarding the Great Wall of China, was penetrated! (4 ...

"Hey, what's going on like this? Xingchen Technology is gradually turning North America and even the entire Western world into their technological colony."

"Perhaps, it really should be a strong counterattack."

With a long sigh in his heart, Musk closed the door of his younger son's bedroom. His son Locke was lying in front of the computer and watching the live broadcast of station zero. Whenever the robot walked in space, it completed a difficult task. At that time, Locke would exclaim, his eyes flashed, and he was already the most loyal fan of the robot.

Locke also posted robot posters on the walls of the bedroom and subscribed to robots and automation magazines. Although Locke's age did not understand the esoteric and obscure technology books, Musk understood that his son just wanted the robot posters in the magazine. Nothing more.

Young people like Locke who are enthusiastic about robots are extremely large and spread throughout the West. Although so far, Star Technology has not officially sold even one robot, but the impact it has caused has been sweeping the world like a hurricane. .

Countless people are crazy about it, calling the robot and the synchronous orbital station zero constructed by the robot as a milestone for humans, and the birth of robots as a new era for humans, thinking that this epoch-making technology will definitely lead humans to interstellar colony Enter the second era of great sailing.

Coming downstairs to the living room, Musk looked at Yu Ye out of the window in a daze. He was facing unprecedented pressure, and the entire Western world was facing unprecedented pressure.

In the field of energy, the West wants to use controlled fusion to counter Star Technology ’s Carmen Vortex Power Array.

In the automotive field, the West has continuously launched a new generation of vector motors, which are desperately trying to catch up with Xingchen's ultrasonic motors.

In the field of semiconductors, there is no end to the process of catching up. The West is still using UV lithography machines and silicon wafers, but Star Technology has used lasers and graphene wafers.

In short, today's era is cruel to Western scientific researchers. People are drinking and dancing, but scientific researchers have suddenly discovered that in just a few years, they have gone from being a comprehensive leader to falling behind. situation.

Not to mention that hate in my heart, the speed of scientific research around the world has always been normal, but since the existence of Xingchen Technology, the scientific research community has gone completely crazy!

This 99.9% member is a male evil scientific research organization, with a strong military-like character, carefully selected from the entire East Asia, the most powerful genius team, even more terrible, they also have a mysterious And the omniscient head.

Anyway, the existence of Xingchen Technology is already a Western confidant, hating the kind of bones.

"Fortunately, our space program is still strong." Musk opened the refrigerator, took out a can of Red Bull, and muttered to himself, "In a few days, Locke will be proud of me. , Will bring a heavy blow to Huaxia, the telecommunications and Internet market valued at two trillion US dollars per year, we have to fix! "

Throwing the beverage can into the trash can, Musk came to his study, turned on the computer, and connected to the spy satellite. With his status at the White House today, he could use many secret resources of the North American national team.

Of course, this type of spy satellite that can also be connected at home is far from high-level secrets. The real North American killer, the kh keyhole series spy satellite, can only be used in certain specific occasions.

On March 31, 2019, the North American president released a spy photo, which immediately shocked the whole world. It was a photo after the rocket explosion at the Khomeini Space Center in Iran, from the kh11 spy satellite, namely the keyhole 11.

What is the standard of the kh series spy satellites?

In simple terms, the technical standard of kh11 is equivalent to the Harper Space Telescope. The photos taken are uploaded to social networks after compression, and the resolution still reaches an amazing ten centimeters per pixel, and the actual resolution is unknown. It is speculated that No less than one centimeter per pixel.

China ’s gap in the space field is still quite large. After all, we really started too late. Take the spy satellite as an example. The first generation of the keyhole series was launched in 1962, and the most advanced keyhole series spy The satellite is not kh11, but kh12. In addition, the spy satellites owned by North America are not just a series of keyholes.

"Why is it a rope, so thin and so long, what is the use of this rope?"

Musk scratched his head and was baffled. Through the main lens of the spy satellite, Musk and senior Americans knew that Star Technology had launched six reins. In other words, in the last six launches, Star Technology did not have a launch module. , All launched are ropes.

I do n’t know what thin ropes are, and I do n’t know what the guys in China are doing.


Wiener Star County and Stranglethorn Star County border, forgetting the galaxy.

The fleet with an average ship age of more than one hundred years is slowly passing through in the dark. In the command center, the crew members are grateful for the rest of their lives. The lady holds a heart socket, her face is pale, the man's mouth is spitting, his breath is heavy One after another.

"Oh my God, it was a crack in space!"

"We just passed through the gap in the space, but we weren't sucked in. It's so lucky!"

"Long live the commander! It is indeed the son of the guardian of the Western District. Unfortunately, it is even better if the commander is not an illegitimate child."

The crew had a lot of fluctuations in their hearts. As the fleet passed through the cracks in the space, the instruments completely collapsed, and the ion propulsion was intermittent. At one time, everyone thought it would be impossible, but in the end, they passed without surprise, and everyone was encouraged.

"Thank you Mr. Pilot!"

Sitting at the highest point of the command center, Black Sword remained calm on the surface, but the storm was already set in his heart.

His half-brother had to put himself to death, and by chance coincided with a strong Mr. Luo Jia, but gave him the hope of life. In contrast, the black sword's respect and trust in Luo Jia reached an unprecedented high. point.

"If you can survive this time, you must repay Mr. Pilot in the future! I swear by my mother's necklace!" Hei Jian shouted with a cold face.


Cape Canaveral, Florida.

This is the conference with the highest specifications in the West in recent years. Musk and the North American authorities invited news media from around the world, especially Huaxia Media. With a flaunting mood, North America sent a heroic post to Huaxia. Huaxia Media, a resident reporter, all received invitations.

Such a grand event quickly attracted global attention. The time came to Valentine's Day. There was a full seat below the temporary platform built by the Air Force Base, and further away was a rocket launch tower. The loaded Super Falcon rocket was ready to go. The sky is so prestigious.


Applause rang, Musk stepped forward to the front of all expectations, waved his hand to everyone, and then spoke a welcome.

Subsequently, Musk signaled that the technician could start, and the huge screen behind him was suddenly lit. I saw a middle-aged man standing in the snow with a microphone in his hands. He is officially familiar to the North American people and is a well-known host of the Discovery Channel. People, Mario White.

"White, tell me where are you now?" Musk asked with a smile.

"Antarctic, I'm in Antarctica." White replied excitedly: "Through the powerful data transmission capability of StarChain, I sent back the live signal from Antarctica! The resolution reached 4k!"

After hearing these words, the scene suddenly became an uproar. Nowadays, satellite communication is not a new thing. The key is the amazing bandwidth. White sent back a 4k ultra-clear picture. The previous satellite communication system could not transmit this. Intensity of data flow.

"White, let's take a look at the live broadcast equipment you use." Musk added.

Immediately, the photographers around White began to work, and according to the real-time screen, it can be clearly seen that the great reporter White at this moment was holding a newest model of Apple mobile phone for selfie.

"Mobile !? This live broadcast was actually done on a mobile phone!"

"There is no need for a large satellite broadcast truck, a mobile phone is directly connected to the satellite, and it transmits 4k HD signals, which is too powerful !?"

"I think this is the legendary 6g! When Huaxia is still playing 5g, we have entered the 6g era ahead of time!"

Suddenly, the world has completely fried the pan. People are in Antarctica, and they can lift up their mobile phones to connect to the star chain and transmit 4k signals. The situation is really amazing. People ca n’t help but think whether it will be in the near future. In the future, will StarChain lead the world into the wireless era?

"Fall! Stocks of telecommunications giants are starting to plummet!"

"Sure enough, capital is the most sensitive sense of smell. Aol, Vodafone, SoftBank, and China Telecom's three major telecommunications operators, all these stocks have fallen into dogs!"

"It is indeed Mr. Musk! Once the star chain is completed, all global telecom operators will die!"

"Good guy, the power of Xinglian is comparable to a nuclear bomb!"

It is unclear whether StarChain can rule the world, but the financial turmoil has begun to take the lead. In recent years, the financial industry has not been able to do it. Technology has continued to introduce new technologies, which has led to rapid reshuffle in various industries. Yesterday, it was also worth a billion dollars in the super monopoly. Beast companies, maybe bankruptcy and liquidation tomorrow. People in the investment bank and the financial industry all put their heads on the belt of their trousers and talked about their lives in peace.

In fact, the financial circle should be fortunate, because the monster of Xingchen Technology has not entered the financial field so far. If one day, if the steel straight men's group entered the financial industry, it would be interesting.

The press conference is very fast. Musk will publicize it. He has found many well-known personalities as helpers, and these well-known personalities hold a good computer connected to the Starchain mobile phone, appear at the poles, appear in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, and appear in The top of the pyramid appears on the Champs-Elysées.


Musk announced emotionally, "It ’s not the Internet that the Star Chain brings to the world, but freedom! You can be in the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mongolian grasslands, Pampas grasslands, Nanzhou grasslands, Antarctica, Arctic, The equator can be on top of the Himalayas, on top of Kilimanjaro, on top of Elbrus! "

"In short, you can use StarChain from any corner of the earth, call your family, share your videos and photos through the Internet, and enjoy the endless convenience brought by StarChain. This is freedom! This is the future of humanity! Except Star Chain, no one in the world can give you this freedom! "

Boom ~

The online world broke out completely, and the names of Musk and Xinglian kept swiping the screen.

"Well, it's heartbeat."

"It's not easy. Since the birth of Xingchen Technology, I have paid little attention to foreign technologies and products, but this time, I stand on Musk."

"Agree, although Station Zero has an epoch-making significance for scientific research, it is still a little far away from us ordinary people. At least Starlink can see it."

"Musk is the enemy, and Mobile and China Unicom will not be able to get better. My old customer, Unicom, who is not as good as dogs, knows this well. When the star chain comes out, I plan to get a backup machine."

"The Star Chain is of great value to business people. Get one first and use it. In the future, the tough guy sky group will also have a similar Star Chain existence, and then change it back."

"I don't know how Xingchen Technology plans to respond? Telecom and Internet hegemony is not a joke ~ ~ Although I don't like Mobile Unicom, I don't want to see them killed by Musk."

Chinese netizens have talked a lot. Although everyone has always supported Xingchen Technology and is a strong guy in the tough guy sky group, this time, Musk has done a good job and is free to connect with the global star chain, which is really enviable.

After a short pause, Musk raised his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then smiled and pointed at the large screen behind him.

Uh ~

The screen flickered, and the Great Wall appeared. Karen, a blonde reporter in her early thirties, stood on the Great Wall of Kulai to take a selfie, and compared her hands to the camera, making a naughty look.

"Karen, tell everyone, where are you at the moment?" Musk asked.

"Great Wall! Located on the ancient Great Wall in northern China!"

Karen replied excitedly. The weather in Beijing in February was very cold, and she finished her tight cashmere scarf.

Musk asked again: "Second question, do you connect to Cape Canaveral and use the Huaxia local network?"

"No!" Karen pointed the phone at the sky and shouted, "It's not the local network of China, it's StarChain! I'm broadcasting live with StarChain!"


Immediately after Karen's words fell, Western audiences gathered. They stood up and applauded to celebrate this moment of special significance. Many also whistled and hugged each other.

Musk shrugged with a smile. "From Western Monday BC until the Qing Dynasty in modern times, the Huaxia people built the oldest and largest fortification on this earth to resist alien invasion for more than 2,000 years."

"However, from now on, anyone can use any telecommunications service and internet via StarChain freely and uncontrolledly within the territory of Huaxia!"

"Guarding the Great Wall of China for more than 2,000 years, today, we were penetrated!"

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