Technological Hegemony

Chapter 531: HD Telescope and Star Map

The Eye of the Star consists of a series of complex space telescopes. One of the optical mirrors has just launched and caused a huge sensation around the world. North America witnessed the behemoth slowly leaving the synchronous orbit and heading to the Weber Space Telescope. Lagrange started at 2 o'clock, and gradually began to panic.

But whatever comes out of fear, after flying 1.57 million kilometers, the No. 1 Mirror of the Eye of the Star stopped intentionally not far from the Weber Space Telescope.

They are all space telescopes, all of which use the refractive Newton structure, but they have completely different volumes. If Weber is like a newborn baby, then the No. 1 Mirror of the Eyes of Stars is like three Yao Mings playing Pilohan. The gap is staggering.

And there are obviously more connectors on that base, which should be prepared for the second mirror, the third mirror, and more astronomical telescopes. Through continuous expansion and connection, the eye of the stars will eventually become more of a dark starry sky. Eye monster, staring at distant stars.

Click ~

The picture freezes at this moment. The deep-space camera installed on Space Zero perfectly captures the moment when the Eye of the Star and the Weber Space Telescope are staggered. The data is transmitted back to Earth and entered the database of the Star Media. Less than an hour later, related news Produced by Star Media Group, it appears on the front page of almost all mainstream media in the world.

After Huaxia had eaten too much in terms of propaganda, Luo Jia had already given up the traditional theory that wine is not afraid of alleys and took the initiative to send his only student, Shen Lang, to fight global cultural hegemony. Never miss a good opportunity to expand your influence.

"The contrast is too strong, is it? One is so huge, one is so small."

"Sure enough, it is the straight man's style of Xingchen Technology. It is simple, crude and effective, and it can always work wonders."

"Remember that not long ago, North America also advertised how advanced their Weber space telescope was, claiming to be half a century ahead of China and setting more than a thousand world records. It was not as fast as they wanted to face, Star Technology directly built a giant mirror. , Hitting Weber's face! "

"Good job! This kind of real visual contrast is better than all publicity!"

"Xingchen Technology is a cow! The straight steel man is big!"

The news came back to China, the fellow citizens were very excited. Considering the long construction period of Space Station 0 and the space elevator, the Eye of Star was obviously more realistic. Within a week, Star Technology deployed the giant space telescope to Lag The L2 point of Longe is a testament to the powerful space delivery capability of Xingchen Technology.

After all, the current space elevator is not completed, only the two orbits of the first and second delivery tracks are opened. These two tracks are very simple, just like the engineering elevator used by workers during the construction of the building. The orbits are constantly transporting building materials into space, and then the robot construction team starts the construction of Space Station Zero.

It turns out that even the humble temporary delivery elevator can still reach space! The existence of a telescope and the like can be delivered when said to be sent.

Science and technology enthusiasts are even more confident about the future prospects of space elevators. It is nothing to transport space telescopes. In the future, it will be more exciting to bring precious mineral veins in the universe back to Earth, build docks in space, and create starships. .

Compared with the pride of the Chinese people, the western eating melon is a completely different mood.

"Oh, we just put Webber on it and Xingchen Technology got a bigger guy."

"It's more than a big guy. Compared to Weber, which is 6.5 meters in diameter, the Eye of the Star should be considered a giant!"

"The Big Mac is not the most hateful. The most hateful is the **** Chinese who deliberately placed the Big Mac next to Webber!"

"Damn! They're obviously humiliating us!"

"You can't stand it? It's early! You go and see. Half an hour ago, Eye of the Star just released a photo. In that photo, the **** on the turf of the White House is clearly visible!"

"Really fake !? The eyes of the stars can be taken so clearly !?"

"Do n’t you lie to me? Is there a bonus? The photo is on the Star's Eye website. Go and see for yourself."

The Star Entertainment Group managed by Shen Lang has set up his own website for Star Eyes to publish related news, photos and videos taken by the telescope, etc., and called on everyone to join the event and see who can find out from the photos Alien.

In short, the straight guys created such interesting good things as the Eye of the Star, there is no reason to hide it, and everyone should be known. Maybe which genius is affected by this. When he grows up, he will go back to the astronomical world. Talents have been cultivated for the cause of astronomy in China.

Education has always been the most important thing for Xingchen Technology.

The core of education is not indoctrination, but guidance. From the eyes of the stars to the supercomputing system, these open scientific research systems have helped many young Chinese to build their interest in science and a scientific worldview.

Human beings still need to believe, and once you believe in science, those messy religions, cheating health care products without bragging drafts, all the unscientific and anti-human dregs will not affect your thinking, you Always be rational and objective.

Although science does not necessarily make you smarter, IQ is often born, and we must admit it, but believing in science will definitely make you live more clearly.

After all, when we came to this world and walked around, it was not to be cheated, nor was it to help cheaters count money after being cheated. Compared to ignorance and ignorance, everyone should be alive and well.

In short, the melon-eating crowd who got the news flocked to the exclusive website of Eye of the Star and saw a lot of strange and magnificent magnificent photos, some of which were taken on the earth in orbit, and some were facing the distant galaxy. Office.

"Oh my God, I can't imagine that there is such a magic place in the universe, who knows where this is?"

"Each picture is explained below. This is the Orion Nebula."

"Orion? How beautiful it is!"

People have talked about these photos. Due to the advanced equipment of the Eye of the Star, the photos taken are extremely sharp. After zooming in dozens of times, the star clusters and stardust are still clear. This is like you have suddenly come to the digital from the era of mosaic videotapes. In the era of high-definition codelessness, naturally there is a kind of shock in my heart.

One of the most famous photos is the **** on the turf of the White House.

The people who eat the melon are actually wrong about one thing. The **** map is not taken by the eye of the stars, but a space telescope from low-earth orbit, which is specifically responsible for shooting to the ground.

People's attention is on the Big Mac at Lagrange point. It is not noticed that the telescopes launched at the same time are not one, but three, one Lagrange point, one near-Earth orbit, and one. The telescope is installed in synchronous orbit, that is, space station zero.

Xingchen Technology did not explain the photos, because in their planning, the Eye of the Star is not a telescope, but a system, synchronous orbit, low-earth orbit, and even Mars orbit, Jupiter orbit, and the Kuiper Belt at the edge of the solar system. In the end, they will be placed on the space telescope, and all these space telescopes will constitute the largest, most complex and most sophisticated deep space observation system in human history, namely the Eye of the Star.

In any case, the appearance of the Eye of the Star has brought great shock and panic to the world. The distant nebula is presented in high definition, and science fiction enthusiasts are deeply fascinated by it. The telescope is clear enough to see the amount of your hair, and the people who eat melon feel that their personal privacy has been violated.

"It's over! With the eyes of the stars, the entire world is completely exposed to their sight, and I can no longer be safe even if I swim naked on the beach."

"Come on, do you think you can't get married?"

"That is, you are willing to be naked. We are also afraid of getting your eyes dirty. To be honest, the biggest trouble brought by the Eye of the Star, in the military field, from now on, global military movements will be under the supervision of Chinese people."

"Can you sue them? The Huaxia people are too arrogant, relying on their technical advantages and doing illegal things."

"It is okay to sue Huaxia, but North America must go to court together to monitor such things around the world. North America dare to say that it did not do it?"

"No law supports prosecution. After all, Xingchen's telescope is not on the earth."

"You don't know. There is a space convention in the world. I heard that all countries are studying the regulations in the space convention and are preparing to give Huaxia a hard blow in an international court."

Western netizens' discussions ranged from the star's invasion of privacy to the use of the space convention to sue star technology. In short, how much star technology caused a sensation around the world, the voices against them were arrogant.

"Sue? Then let them come over." Three days later, at the meeting of the Star Science and Technology Administration Bureau, Luo Jia waved his hand gently and said impatiently: "We have done things like the violation of the space convention, and North America has also Yes, they are all foxes for thousands of years.

"You don't need to worry about other things. Now that our Eye of the Star has begun to build, let's solve something that should have been done for a long time but has not been done."

Everyone was suspicious, and they did not know what Luo Jia was supposed to do long ago.

"When I returned to my hometown in the New Year, I drove my parents to visit my old classmates. My hometown changed a lot. I was a bit confused, so I searched with the whiteness map. I clearly searched for the name of the community, but the advertisement came out. , Recommend me to see a male hospital. "

"I was so angry that my lungs were about to explode. Lao Tzu was so busy that he didn't even have time for his girlfriend. Baidu actually recommended me to see an male department! I see your sister!"

Hahaha ~

Everyone laughed ~ ~ Li Moran said that Luo Jia's situation is very real. Recently he encountered the same situation. The only difference is that Baidu did not recommend Li Moran to see the male department, but recommended him to increase Crude.

"The situation you encountered was more severe." Luo Jiachong Li Moran raised his thumb. "I am also very helpless. We have worked hard to build an advanced electric vehicle system and established a nationwide wireless charging network. In the end, But they have followed suit in software. "

"After this incident, I carefully studied our country's map system and found that it is still quite different from foreign advanced levels. Google Maps is naturally incomparable to us. Even the YANDEX map made by Russians is better than our whiteness and Gaode is easy to use, and I believe that people who often use maps have all learned. "

"The map is not a big thing, but it is very important to our lives. Now that our Eye of the Star has begun to run, please take this project by the way, Li Moran, the Star Map project will give you software Ministry to complete, is it okay? "

Li Moran nodded and said in a joking tone: "No, just recommend me to increase and thicken the whiteness, and I have to repay them well."

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