Technological Hegemony

Chapter 535: Big airplane projects can't be towed anymore

The birth of the Eye of the Star and the Map of the Star has stunned the whole world, and has also brought a devastating blow to competitors. Google has a street view function as a moat. For the time being, the stars have not been stripped of the underpants by Star Technology, and the rest is as white as Both Ali and Ali fell apart in a very short period of time and fell apart.

Half a month after the launch of Star Maps, only Star Technology and Google left the global map product. Although Star Maps is extremely powerful, Luo Jia still has no way to eliminate Google Maps, on the one hand because of the resistance of North American authorities, and on the other hand, the West Nationalist self-protection.

"Oath to resist the Chinese invasion! Defend our Internet!"

"Reject technological colonization and stop the barbarians of China!"

"Even if the Star Map is as good as we need to be! Be a strong westerner! Support Google to fight Star Technology!"

When the so-called free and open Western world was facing a crisis, their xenophobia erupted far more seriously than that of Huaxia, defending Los Angeles, defending Paris, defending Amsterdam, countless signs were standing on the street, and the slogans of fighting against Chinese imperialism were endless.

In the new situation of fierce confrontation between the East and the West, it took five or six years for Star Operating System, Star Search and other products to complete the global monopoly, not to mention the Star Map that was only listed for half a month.

The West will keep Google at any cost, just like the national brand we wanted to keep at a loss. In terms of survival desire, there is no difference between the East and the West.

Because the eyes of the stars are biased towards the scientific research community, the vibrations caused by them are not reflected in the people. The scientists in the field of astronomical observation have felt the powerful threat of the eyes of the stars for a while.

Both Weber in North America and Gaia in Europe are all younger brothers in front of the Eyes of the Stars. The West ’s delusions of wanting to use the StarChain plan to suppress Hua Xiawen ’s research have completely failed. When the low-earth orbit is full of communication satellites, the biggest The victim is actually the West himself.

However, Musk has not slowed down the speed of the star chain plan. The Super Falcon rocket is still taking off, sending more and more communication satellites into low-Earth orbit.

The developments are all today. In fact, no matter whether it is in the East or the West, there is no retreat. Even if you bite your head, you can only die.


In late May, Star Technology Group.

Luo Jia frowned and wrote down a phrase on the whiteboard. Some of these phrases are already in the company's ongoing projects, such as space elevators, such as metabolic control, or controlled fusion, ion propulsion, trititanium alloy.

But more on the white board are the Tianwang Mountains waiting for challenges, such as laser technology, quantum technology, agricultural technology, planet environment transformation technology, starship technology, curved engine technology, transition engine technology, gravitational wave radar technology, and so on.

"It's really troublesome. There is too much work to do."

Luo Jia read, he dropped his ink pen, put on his jacket and walked out, ready to attend the regular meeting of the Authority, and that white board will always exist, constantly reminding Luo Jia that there is no slackness, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

Soon after, Luo Jia appeared in the conference room of the Authority. He drank soy milk and ate the meat clams brought in by the secretary, and listened to reports from several responsible persons.

"I have good news for you here." When the regular meeting was about to end, Enron smiled and said, "We customized the aero engine for COMAC, and finally passed the technical verification, and will be put into mass production."

"Aero engines are going offline in batches?"

"This is really good news. At that time, we will ask Commercial Aircraft to buy a few domestic aircraft and eliminate the current Airbus and Gulfstream aircraft."

"When the COMAC project started, we hadn't entered the company yet. I'm afraid this is the longest-consuming project for us, right?" Wen Chengling asked curiously.

After listening to everyone's remarks, Luo Jia felt emotional and turned his eyes to the window.

The aircraft project and the automobile project started almost at the same time. In more than four years, domestic electric vehicles have been siege the world, and 55% of the country has been smashed. But for domestic large-scale aircraft projects, even one aircraft has not come out. The production line.

Enron shrugged and said, "After all, the aircraft project is led by the national team. We are only the cooperating unit. We have no final decision on the project."

"And the reason why this project takes so long, the reasons behind it are very complicated. First of all, we supply COMAC not only with aero engines, flight control systems, main structures, even landing gear and tires. We supply it, it's a real big project. "

Li Moran echoed: "No, the software department still has more than 1,200 engineers working at COMAC, and in terms of hardware, COMAC is our production line, our five-axis machine tool, and we For more than four years, the COMAC project has almost been repeated again. "

"In addition, the aircraft is not a car after all. Any trivial mistake can cause irreparable losses. Not only does the hardware have to be tested again and again, the flight control we have written has also been repeatedly modified to meet stringent aviation standards. . "

Both Enron and Li Moran thought that the delay period was normal because the aviation standards were really too harsh and completely different from building cars. However, Luo Jia saw that Shen Lang sitting opposite him frowned.

"Shen Lang, do you know about the large aircraft project?" Luo Jia asked deliberately.

Shen Lang nodded, "Cultural Entertainment Group helps Commercial Aircraft to do public relations, shoot advertising videos and the like. According to my observations, Commercial Aircraft Group is actually **** with hands and feet on the aircraft project, unknowingly , In prisoner's dilemma. "

Shen Lang's remarks were a bit shocking. Everyone was stunned and motioned him to continue.

"The teacher has said more than once that our ultimate goal is not only to research and develop technology, but also to learn to set standards and become the person who masters the rules of the game. The real difficulty for COMAC is that they do not master the standards."

"Aircraft standards are developed in the West. If COMAC wants to obtain a global airworthiness certificate, it must meet European and American standards. If it does not meet our standards, even if our aircraft is built, it cannot fly international routes and can only be used in its own country."

"The COMAC Group is unwilling to fly its own aircraft only in China, because everyone knows that after joining the power of our star technology, we have completely surpassed Boeing and Airbus. However, no matter how excellent the product, eventually It is no doubt a sadness, and it is also the pain of COMAC.

Shen Lang is indeed a military genius. Shopping malls are often as cruel as war. Through observation, he found that the real crux of COMAC is that he does not have the right to speak in the industry.

In the plane project, is it OK to play with the West?

Of course, it is possible to issue airworthiness certificates domestically and fly within the country and in several small surrounding countries without any problems.

However, if there is no European and American airworthiness certificate, 90% of the countries in the world will not buy Huaxia aircraft. Even domestic airlines who want to use domestic aircraft to perform European and American routes are impossible, because they do not have European and American airworthiness certificate. Aircraft cannot land at most airports around the world.

This is the prisoner's dilemma of COMAC. They are eager to prove themselves, but they do not have the right to make rules. They can only accept it again and again, and work hard in exchange for an airworthiness certificate issued by Europe and the United States.

Mastering absolute power in Europe and America has dragged on and on. Until more than four years later, domestically produced large aircraft have not been offline, and Star Technology, which is responsible for providing core technology, is already ready.

"Why can't COMAC get rid of the West and do it alone?" Wen Chengfeng asked inexplicably: "We have helped them to pave the way. It is difficult to move forward boldly."

Shen Lang shook his head gently. "Mr. Wen, things are not that simple. You may not know that COMAC has prepared more than two decades before and after the large aircraft project. It has spent a lot of money and resources to maintain its connections in the West. Once you decide to go it alone, all previous efforts will give up your previous achievements, which requires the courage of a strong man to break his wrist. "


Everyone boasted that Shen Lang was a young man who liked to go straight to the essence when looking at the problem. It seemed that he could succeed one step forward. However, this step was delayed but he couldn't go through. This caused the dilemma of Shangfei's dilemma.

After a pause, Shen Lang continued to add: "This matter can't blame anyone, and COMAC didn't want to do this. When they started the large aircraft project, our competition with the West was not as fierce as it is today."

At this time, Luo Jia stood up and said, "Things involve the interests of the national team. We can't make good judgments. Let's go. I will go to Shangfei for the test flight the day after tomorrow."

Immediately, Luo Jia turned her attention to Shen Lang, adding: "Arrange the work at hand and go with me."

"Good teacher ~ ~ Shen Lang nodded and agreed.

"Then we will be here today." Luo Jia announced the news of the meeting.

Leaving the company, Luo Jia returned to the meditation center and landed on the secret network.

He is now meeting with Black Sword and Blue Feather every few days. Unfortunately, Blue Feather is busy arranging the territories abandoned by the clan, and the Black Sword's fleet is still resting, and it will take another time to resume the mission. For the time being, they do not need the help of the pilot Luo Jia.

In truth, Luo Jia hopes that the two of them will ask for themselves. The more human owe they owe themselves, the more space Luo Jia will be able to operate in the future. This year, 996 is not a blessing but exploitation, which allows aliens. To owe one's favor, that is the real blessing.

After all, the old saying is good, relying on parents at home and friends on the go, maybe one day, our little broken ball will need the help of alien friends.

Time flies quickly, and the day after tomorrow comes, Luo Jia gets up early and takes Shen Lang to COMAC in person.

There are many night long dreams. In any case, the project of big airplanes can no longer be towed.

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