Technological Hegemony

Chapter 538: You have to use a bull knife to kill chickens!

After returning from Commercial Aircraft, Luo Jia, after thinking all night, established Xingchen Technology's plan to enter the field of large aircraft, and gave crazy solutions, vertical take-off and landing-type future fast air traffic system.

When they heard the news, everyone in the Authority seemed very excited.

"I don't have an opinion on COMAC." Luo Jia said earnestly, "I have opinions on all the aviation companies in the world!"

Pointing his finger in the direction of the Hudu Airport, Luo Jia said: "Our synchronous space stations have been completed 23%. Next spring, the zero space station and the first space elevator will all be completed. On earth, We're still running around with old-fashioned jets, and this backwardness must change! "

Everyone nodded again and again, there are a lot of car and train fans in the world, but if there are few people who are addicted to flying by plane, I don't think there are too many reasons. It is so uncomfortable to fly by plane.

Regardless of the drastic changes in air pressure during ascent and descent, the cramped space is often frustrating. If the time is too short, the time is too long, it will be a great test of physical fitness and spirit. The price is destined not to serve ordinary people, so it is no longer discussed.

With more and more text and sketches on the whiteboard, everyone gradually understood Luo Jia's plan. In short, he believed that the current transportation system seriously hindered social progress, so he wanted to overthrow reconstruction.

"I don't like airport security and I don't like boring waiting." Luo Jia said bluntly: "Whether it is a plane or a train, you should take a bus every ten minutes. Sit down, even from Sanya to Mohe, it should not take more than five hours. Within a day, it should be able to complete any two points in our country. "

Everyone heard Luo Jia's words and laughed. They arrived at any place in China within five hours. This kind of transportation efficiency is too ideal. You know, China has a vast territory of 9.6 million square kilometers.

"If we want to reach the whole country in five hours, we can't do trains and planes, so we need the next-generation air traffic system," Luo Jia said firmly.

Enron frowned, "It is the general trend that the new generation transportation system will greatly improve the quality of life for all, and I believe no one will object to it."

"But this is another plan that takes a long time. We need to build a vertical lift vehicle from scratch. And building a vehicle is only the first step. We also need to study flight attitude control, ground signals and traffic. The collaboration of tools, research on the impact mechanism between vehicles, and research to maximize traffic efficiency. "

"In short, there are too many things to study. To this end, at least a third-level research department must be established to organize a scientific research and engineering team of not less than 15,000 people."

Luo Jia suddenly laughed, "The reason why I suddenly proposed this plan is precisely that we already have such a team, but also have sufficient technical reserves and sufficient development experience, do not need to spend much time at all. Off-the-shelf technology can be delivered directly to the factory. "

Is there such a thing?

Everyone was stunned. Does the Authority know that there is such a team in the company? Shouldn't this team be invisible? It's a company secret.

I think it's still wrong because even the company secrets can only be established if all the members of the authority have to sign it. The reason why Luo Jia set up the authority is to decentralize and let Enran and others manage the company. He needs time to learn and log on to the secret network. Touch the stars.

After selling it intentionally, Luo Jia said after a pause, "The team I'm talking about is the company's second plan."

Boom ~

Everyone suddenly showed a stunned expression. Everyone knows that the synchronous orbiting space station is the zero plan, and the space elevator from Weigudao to the universe is the first plan. Then, in addition to the zero and one, does Star Technology still have the second Plan, what about plan three?

The answer is yes. At the time of the start of Weigu Island, Star Technology Group has established a special group of plan two, and the core of plan two is the interstellar transportation means, referred to as the starship plan.

"How did I forget this!" An Ran slammed the table and said, "Starships take off and land vertically. Except for some small materials, they use the scientific research power we have reserved for the Starship Program to develop. The vertical take-off and landing transportation system in the atmosphere is absolutely no problem! "

Li Moran nodded: "This is indeed a brilliant idea. The starship plan currently lacks three key front-end technologies, namely controlled fusion, ion propulsion, and tri-titanium alloy."

"As for gravitational-wave deep-space detection radars, quantum-level supercomputing, etc., although these technologies are also critical, they will not affect the first stage of the starship plan. Starships manufactured in the first stage will not have a quantum computer. Using a graphene computer, anyway, our graphene chip performance is not bad. "

Cao Yuan rubbed his hands excitedly: "Things are getting more and more interesting. We use the technology we prepared for the Starship Program to create a flying saucer in the atmosphere. This is a typical use of oversized materials, reduced dimension strikes, Airbus and Boeing. Good show. "

Shen Lang said while thinking: "I agree with everyone else. In addition, I have two opinions. First, the flying saucer in the atmosphere should not only use the Starship technology, but also the team using the Starship Project."

"It's like you should dissect some chickens, ducks, rabbits, and cats before killing people. As a trial, you will give the air flying saucer plan to the starship team ~ ~ It is also a kind of training, starship plan We have n’t opened all the necessary technology trees, and it takes time to wait. However, the front-end technology of the flying saucer project in the atmosphere has no problems. Let them practice their hands without waiting. "

Everyone heard Shen Lang's words and nodded in approval. Even if he was proud of Enron, he had a bit of admiration for Shen Lang. He had a strong outlook and a strong sense of fighting. He proposed that the Starship team directly take over the flying saucer in the atmosphere. As if the general wanted to test his soldiers, but just dissected the rabbit before killing? Shen Lang's thinking mode seems strange.

Shen Lang continued: "Second, in order to convince the predecessors to take over the UFO project, it is best for the teacher to go to Inner Mongolia in person. After all, the predecessors of the step are very stubborn, and the person he admires most is the teacher you. The rest No one can convince him. "

The person responsible for such an important project of the starship cannot be a mortal person. The step seniors in the mouth of Shen Lang, named Bu Mobei, are a generation of geniuses, but also a typical Northwestern man. The kind of looking back.

"Shen Lang speaks very well, and a bull knife can kill chickens." An Ran turned to Luo Jia and said, "Laobu ’s donkey, only you can surrender. I remember your favorite cumin lamb chop, Laobu. The team's location is in Bayannaoer, Inner Mongolia, where the lambs are delicious. "

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