Technological Hegemony

Chapter 566: East China Sea westward project, opposite the Pacific Ocean

Autumn is airy at the end of September.

A bit of misinformation came to the ears of the media. Xingchen Technology is preparing to show its new technology to the public at the Bohai Sea.

Is it a technology related to the sea?

The media and people from all walks of life speculated that they could not help recalling the scene where the East Coast Sea was dancing for a long time, and the Carmen Vortex Street Power Array was born for the first time.

The epoch-making Carmen vortex street technology has brought China's coveted energy freedom. Except for those energy oligarchs, every ordinary person on the planet is a beneficiary of that energy revolution. The price of electricity in China has been as low as one cent per kilowatt-hour, and because Low electricity prices extend a number of productivity expansions and electricity-related technologies, such as using the cheap electricity to create the greenhouse effect, accelerating plant growth, reducing the price of cherry seeds, and so on.

And there are few countries outside Huaxia that can use the low electricity prices brought by the Carmen Vortex Street Array. After all, if you want energy freedom, you must first trade in a name and become a friendly country of China. Only Huaxia trusts you. Help you build a power station.

However, due to the huge mass of Huaxia, after the overall shift to electricity, crude oil consumption dropped sharply, causing large dogs in the Middle East to vomit blood three liters, lowering the oil price to less than the past 30%, and the world ’s people consumed petrochemical products became cheaper. Foreigners also received a lot of money Affordable.

In addition, Xingchen Technology has also revolutionized the shipbuilding and shipping industry. Now China ’s high-speed electric-driven freighters are a bit expensive, but the operation is extremely cheap, and the traditional shipping giants that directly hit the bankruptcy. Who still remembers Maersk now, Mediterranean shipping, referring to marine transportation business, all start with the Chinese character, COSCO, AVIC, China Shipping and so on.

In short, the project of Shanghai Star Technology Shanghai has brought tremendous changes to the world. It can be called a world upset. After the media and people eating the news, it is inevitable to start looking forward to what kind of articles Star Technology can make around the vast sea.

In the early morning of October 1st, the mighty media team appeared inside a military base in the Bohai Bay. After being heavily guarded, the reporters seemed a little nervous. They talked down and exchanged information in a low voice. However, this time The confidentiality policy is relatively strict. Both the domestic and foreign media know nothing about Xingchen Technology's plan, and can only speculate through the situation today that this project may be related to the military.

And journalists were keen to find that this military base was also unusual, with huge black pipes extending into the distance and buried underground not far from the sea.

These huge pipes are obviously not metal, but the star product of Xingchen Technology, super-strength carbon fiber. After a few years of listing, the price of carbon fiber has dropped a lot compared to the original, and it has truly benefited the public, but the price of steel has fallen even more. .

The iron ore suppliers in Australia and Brazil were anxious because of the decreasing amount of Huaxia steel. They bought half and bought half to send resources to Huaxia. In addition, the technology upgrade of the Huaxia smelting industry used very cheap electricity. One or two. Iron and steel have become the true price of Chinese cabbage, and by the way, the global steelmaking market has also been unified. After all, other countries do not have the convenience of a dime per kilowatt-hour, and there is no COSCO, AVIC-powered super freight fleet.

"You see, it's strange here. Although guarded by guards, there are almost no military facilities, just a few patrol boats and some military camps."

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe there is any new military equipment, we don't recognize it, you look at the huge carbon fiber pipes, it is very suspicious."

"There is also a device like a condensation tower over there, which is also suspicious."

During the idle time, the reporters talked privately. Compared to military bases, this place is more like a water supply point for a water plant. Of course, the scale is too amazing. The huge pipelines with a diameter of 12 meters are lined up. It is impossible to imagine what cities would need such a powerful water supply facility.

"Welcome everyone to the starting point of the East China Sea Westward Project."

At this time, Luo Jia's bus was long overdue. It is not difficult to see that he had a good relationship with the military. The bus stopped directly inside the barracks without being blocked.

"What works?"

"Go east to west?"

"I haven't heard of it. I have only heard of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project."

The reporters were puzzled, and Luo Jia, smiling, took them to the inside of the unbuilt pipeline. The huge pipe with a diameter of 12 meters was dark and deep, extending from the coast to the inland. Where it leads to, people in such a huge pipeline will inevitably become dark and depressed. Some reporters hit the pipe wall with their fingers and found that the carbon fiber pipe wall is still very thick, and it is likely to be designed to withstand high pressure.

Later Luo Jia took them to visit the condensing tower, the steam pump room, and the steam efficiency conversion center. When visiting the main control room, the reporters were not allowed to enter, but stood outside the floor glass and looked at it from afar. The impression of the control room is probably very sci-fi and complicated.

"I said, Mr. Luo, what exactly did you sell?"

"Why not, what kind of project is the East China Sea going west?"

The visit did not confuse journalists, but made them more curious and could not help asking questions.

After a circle around the base, Luo Jia and the press team finally came to a medium-sized conference room. There are podiums here, but there are not too many seats. Some reporters without seats stood in the aisle and turned the microphone in their hands. Point the camera at Luo Jia.

"Well, the East China Sea Westward Project can only show you so much. Play a demonstration animation below. After watching it, you will understand what the East China Sea Westward Progression is."

Luo Jia said, reaching out, and then the lights in the conference room dimmed, the big screen started, and the presentation animation started to play.

In the dark, Luo Jia observes that most reporters have a depressed and unhappy face, especially western reporters. In the impression, what Star Technology has to do, they always like to go straight into the sky, and there are not many secretive situations like today. Can be regarded as spoiled by reporters.

However, Luo Jia also has his own reasons. The core technology of the East China Sea Westward Project is not carbon fiber pipes, nor robots and buses involved in construction, but star simulators, and controlled nuclear fusion.

A big killer like controllable fusion has too much influence on the military, space, and the entire planet. Of course, it ca n’t be announced without announcement. It's better not to see the truth.

The space elevator and the space station zero are too big, and there is no way to hide it, so everyone knows it. Controllable fusion is not the same. It is installed in a starship and installed under the sea. Others see it. If you do n’t see or feel it, you may have some doubts, but I just do n’t say, how can you help me.

This is the current situation in the East China Sea Westward Project. Steam condensed water is sent to the west under pressure to completely reform the geological environment. These can be made public, but it cannot be said how seawater turns into steam. Westerners let them themselves. Guess it.

The opening animation of the demonstration was extremely shocking. The huge pipeline started from the Bohai Sea, entered the southeast of Inner Mongolia, and then turned sharply down through Yanshan, across Yin Mountain, out of Wolf Mountain in the west, into Yanhai, and then rolled around Mane Mountain, and finally arrived in West Xinjiang, at 400,000 square kilometers. The Tarim Basin converges into a very large lake.

Go west, open the road to Fengshan, and bridge over the water. The pipes continue to spread along the way. Large lakes emerge from the sky, and the surface water system spreads. Like the dense capillary in the human body, the barren Gobi becomes a swamp, and water plants and shrubs grow. Animals and fish came by the water and eventually settled here to thrive.

The surface water system is transpiration, the sky is dark, the clouds are rolling, the fields are raining heavily, the dry ground is irrigated, the green grass is reborn after the rain, the buds emerge from the soil, and they attack the desert of the steppe. They are gradually surrounded by green vegetation, and the yellow sand can no longer move forward. It was solidified by more and more lush plants, eventually turning the sand into soil, the dunes became mountains, and crooked small trees grew.

Unconsciously, when the demonstration animation ended, in addition to the shock of the reporters, many people were already in tears. There is no doubt that if the desert in the West Xinjiang can be turned into a forest pasture, it will be of great significance to the Chinese people. .

"I'm going, this is to create another rhythm of Jiangnan!"

"It's too terrible. Change the climate of the whole west!"

"400,000 square kilometers of Tarim Lake? If it is used to develop aquaculture, should it be able to rule the global fishery?"

"Western Xinjiang has a better climate and environment, which can encourage migration to the west, which is good for us to stabilize our territory."

"Xingchen Technology is great! Support Tough Guy Sky Group!"

The barrage is very lively, and most ordinary people support Xingchen Technology to transform the west, and they cheer for it.

"What is shown in the animation above is our East China Sea Westward Project. Now, you can ask questions if you have any doubts." Luo Jia said on the stage with a smile.

Unsurprisingly, all reporters enthusiastically asked questions, and Luo Jia also answered questions one by one.

A huge blueprint for transforming the west slowly appeared. The reporters finally figured it out. The water source is evaporatively cooled seawater, and the transmission power is steam. The carbon fiber pipeline can fully withstand the high pressure. The robots and buses are used for the pipeline. Do n’t look at the pipeline. It is huge, but if it is hoisted from the air by bus, the construction speed can reach a very amazing level.

Reporters can understand these issues ~ ~ But what is confusing is, where does the energy of evaporation seawater come from?

Luo Jia laughed at such a core question.

So on the National Day of the seventh year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology, one secret file after another was placed in the confidential offices of western countries and shocked the entire western world.

Fools also know that such a huge project in the East China Sea and West China must use incredible energy technology behind it, otherwise Chinese people would not be able to propose the Tarim Lake, a crazy scheme that is so unimaginable.

To put it simply, moving westward from the East China Sea is to move an entire sea to the west. This is an unprecedented feat.

So the question is, what is the core technology of Huaxia East China Sea Westward Project?

Could it be the legendary controlled fusion?

If China has mastered controllable fusion technology, how should the West respond?

These problems, without any surprise, made the other side of the Pacific Ocean scorched and looked around, and a chicken and a dog jumped.

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