Technological Hegemony

Chapter 568: Food Empire and the Forgotten Legion

Controllable fusion technology was put into use secretly, causing great panic in the West. After all, controllable fusion is the only energy source for humans to get out of the solar system in the future. By any other means, it cannot provide sufficient power for starships and master controllable fusion technology. , Is equivalent to paving the way for the journey of the stars and the sea.

However, Luo Jia is a chicken thief. He did not announce the successful development of controllable fusion, but only held a small-scale celebration party within the company. He then gave a batch production task to the nuclear fusion center in charge of Dr. Xie Tian and started industrial production of reactors.

Many people do not understand the power of the words industrialized production. In fact, industrialized production is the sublimation of scientific and technological research. Does everyone value Elon Musk so much because he built electric cars?

No, it is because he pushed the space industry to large-scale industrialization, the recovery of the Falcon IX, the secondary use of the heavy falcon fairings, the ugly but cheap dragon ship, all of which are based on industrialization. Logic is produced and manufactured.

Prior to Musk, no country had the ability to continuously launch rockets like the monkeys. It was Musk who transformed the expensive space business into Chinese cabbage and scaled up the production of aircraft. Tens of thousands of satellites formed the interstellar Internet. Feats that were unimaginable in the past are now being realized.

On December 27, 2019, on the 5th Long March of the China Long March, Yao Xia successfully took off. For a while, flowers and thunderous applause. While everyone was excited and celebrating, Luo Jia fell into deeper anxiety.

Huaxia Aerospace has always maintained a steady pace, and it is very stable. However, since the fifth year, the aerospace people have become crazy. Why?

Because the rules of the game have been completely changed, Musk is here. He has turned aerospace from a cause into a large-scale production industry. Relying on the strong industrial aerospace capabilities, the North American Space Force was established, bringing unprecedented benefits to the world. Great threat.

Russia set up an airspace army along the way. What is more funny is that France, which has always bullied and bullied African black uncles, even followed suit.

The most hilarious scene appeared in Neon. On January 5, 2020, the neon authorities let out the wind and wanted to change the Aviation Self-Defense Force into the Aerospace Self-Defense Force. Such a sci-fi-like name reflects the animation culture of Yamato Tradition and rich imagination, even Luo Jia could not help but give a thumbs up and gave a thumbs up.

It seemed that the military of all countries had worked with the universe overnight. The Chinese side did not hesitate to spend a lot of money in a short period of time and released five long flights. The previous failure failed, and the launch was immediately arranged. The YF77 engine was not mature, and it was necessary to reduce the power. Behind all this madness was forced by Musk.

The above examples are the power of industrialization. Today, the goal of Xingchen Technology is to quietly complete the industrialization of controlled fusion, mass-produce fusion reactors, and study how to reduce the cost to the price of cabbage.

Of course, the controllable fusion project still has a soft underbelly, that is, fuel helium III. In a few months, when the space elevator and the zero space station are completed, Luo Jia should put the lunar base on the agenda. That will be the company's. The third plan.

On the one hand, Xingchen Technology looks at the starry sea, and on the other hand, it cannot forget its hometown. At the request of the national team, Xingchen Construction Group is preparing to start the East China Sea Westward Project. According to the habits of the Chinese people, it has created a lot of rich soil and water but not brought it. It is a pity to plant the land, so Luo Jia found Blue Feather on the secret net again, and obtained the data and information of the plant family from him.

Ending the secret network party, Luo Jia and Lan Yu and Hei Jian agreed to meet next time, and instructed them to leave a message at any time.

Because the secret network needs spiritual access through a virtual warehouse or virtual helmet, there is no way to exchange data in real time when they are not wearing a virtual helmet, so the message board becomes their only information interaction address, although it is not as convenient as real-time information exchange , But finally better than nothing.

Returning to the meditation center, Luo Jia began to study agricultural technology.

Agriculture is the most important and neglected industry in this world.

Luo Jia believes that as a Chinese, we should especially pay attention to agriculture. Even if we do not mention our tradition of farming civilization, only from the perspective of food, if agriculture is not good, it will greatly affect the happiness of Chinese people.

The name of Huaxia Food is not just plain and unexplained. It is supported by data.

Many people may not know that in 2018, the total global seafood consumption was 144 million tons, of which 65 million tons were killed by Huaxia itself, accounting for 45% of the total global seafood consumption!

This list is followed by 13 million tons in the European Union, 7.4 million tons in neon and 7.1 million tons in North America. India and Huaxia have the same population. However, their annual seafood consumption is only 4.8 million tons. Thirteen-fifteenths.

It is not difficult to see that China's per capita consumption of seafood is very huge, similar to the neon people who are famous for their seafood, leaving the EU and North America behind.

The data proves that in this world, only Huaxia and Neon are the real seafood eaters, and the rest are all smashed, so that sometimes it is difficult for Luo Jia to understand. Those who take photos in the circle of friends and show off to eat seafood in Europe What kind of mind are people?

Compared with Huaxia, Europeans do n’t eat seafood at all and ca n’t afford it. Even if you take a photo of neon to eat seafood, it ’s justified. The amount of European seafood is worth mentioning?

In Europe, people put a dozen or so green clams on the plate and dared to sell them. However, Luo Jia's mother has always been talking about pots, and her artistic and fresh brain circuits are like Luo Jia's science and technology. Straight man will never understand. In his mode of thinking, shellfish should be eaten in a pan, otherwise it will not be enough.

Closer to home, of the 65 million tons of seafood consumed by Huaxia, 15 million tons come from marine fishing and 50 million tons come from farming. Thanks to the development of seafood breeding technology, ordinary people can buy cheap seafood. Affordable seafood for daily meals.

In addition, China ’s output of vegetables and fruits is also in an absolute leading position in the world. According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2018, Chinese people eat 42% of vegetables and fruits with one fifth of the world ’s population. A total of 760 million tons, which is more than half a ton of food for each Chinese supplier! People who love fruits and vegetables are so afraid to ask?

Our neighbor, India, has a population equal to that of Huaxia. It is known as a nationwide religion and a nation that is vegetarian. The annual consumption of fruits and vegetables is only 180 million tons, equivalent to the meat-loving Huaxia people, which is close to a quarter.

Luo Jia has been to some countries and has done detailed investigations. He dare to pat his **** to guarantee that the tropical species, Huaxia fruits and vegetables, which are not produced by himself, are the cheapest in the world. There is no one. Students who have seen watermelon in Neon should have a deep understanding.

In short, the wheels of history are rolling forward. After years of struggle, Luo Jia finally has to start working on agriculture, the foundation and lifeline of this Chinese nation.

In this regard, he was very excited. He worked hard to make up for agricultural technology all day and night. Unlike most young people today, he lacked interest in agriculture. He did not know where the food on his plate came from, and he couldn't tell the difference in the fields. crop.

Luo Jia struggled to study, and at the same time, she remembered those respectable people, and her heart was always full of emotion.

The East China Sea goes west is a huge plan, but before this plan, was Xinjiang really a barren land?

Absolutely not. Who dares to say that West Xinjiang is a barren land, Luo Jia dares to fight desperately with him, because such an irresponsible statement is equivalent to killing the heroes who are struggling in West Xinjiang. The names of those heroes are called the Production and Construction Corps. .

If you look at Kekedala in the western Xinjiang from a high altitude, you will find a clear line. To the west of the line is the Almaty region of Kazakhstan, where the soil is barren and the acid content is too high to be suitable for farming. Abandoned in a large area, only the boundless yellow sand and dry grass.

However, when I turned my attention back to the territory of China, it was 10,000 acres of good farmland, ditches, green fields, and eccentric.

The same barren and hard-to-cultivated land, but with a completely different destiny, what is going on?

Quite simply, we have a powerful force called the Production and Construction Corps!

For decades, the Production and Construction Corps has been learning from advanced agricultural countries, how to plant crops on barren dry land, and slowly develop the barren land in West Xinjiang, which has been stationed here for generations. And eventually buried the frontier.

Luo Jia thinks that ordinary people should not pay much attention to the production and construction corps and can hear this name. Most of them are watching the Spring Festival Gala. Once Luo Jia couldn't understand why the host of the Spring Festival Gala wanted to separate the production and construction corps. Very Say their names seriously, is there anything remarkable about them?

Later, Luo Jia's history has been read a lot, and finally understood. Since February 1, 1952, the day when the Production and Construction Corps was established, they were destined to leave their names in history.

Not only at the Spring Festival Gala every year, in any formal occasion that requires roll call, the host should read the name of the Production and Construction Corps aloud. What they do must have a place, but Luo Jia feels that The so-called siblings, etc., might as well be deleted.

History will never forget that in those days, batch after batch of soldiers and intellectual youths, with simple luggage, rushed from the bustling southeast to West Xinjiang.

At the edge of the desert, they plant poplars and red willow date palms. They have white and lilac flowers. When they bloom, they always have a strong aroma, and greedy children ignore the warnings of adults and eat secretly. Many jujubes eventually cause difficulty in defecation, and the flushed little face can't pull it out.

The adults of the Corps must not only cultivate farming, but also invest in military training on weekends. When things such as flood fighting and rescue happen, they always have to lead the way, because although they are planting cotton, they are soldiers, and they cannot bear responsibility for the motherland. responsibility.

Luo Jia often thinks ~ ~ Assuming that the people in the Corps do not enter the West Xinjiang, but stay in their hometown, they may already be successful businessmen, officials, or become rich overnight because of the demolition and buy two. Land Rover, drive one when the single number is restricted, and the other when the double number is restricted.

It is a pity that in this world there is no if, under the call of history, they have become the screws that guard the West Xinjiang. In fact, the existence of the Corps does not depend on how many cotton and tomatoes they have planted, but on decades of watchfulness And persist.

Of course, the production and construction corps really planted a lot of tomatoes. The annual output of tomatoes in our country is 56.3 million tons, of which 14 million tons are in western Xinjiang. The spaghetti you eat is not good. The Corps made tomatoes. In addition, they also cultivated 93,000 hectares of farmland, built 105 reservoirs, and 52,200 kilometers of canals.

Therefore, whoever said that Western Xinjiang was a barren land, Luo Jia would never agree, unless he was willing to eat all the 93,000 hectares of land reclaimed by the Corps.

But at the same time, Luo Jia also understood that with the development of the times, people in the Corps cannot be screwed in the West Xinjiang for generations, which is inhumane and unfair.

So he began to study agriculture hard, and wanted to change the territory of the western Xinjiang region as soon as possible.

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