Technological Hegemony

Chapter 578: Captured travellers move North American financial hegemony?

At the same time that the space elevator and the zero space station were officially opened, people did not notice that the deepest space probe farthest from the earth, Voyager 1, had lost contact with the earth for more than 72 hours.

"Are there still no signals?" A middle-aged man in charge of DSN Canberra asked a young researcher under his hand.

"No, it's been so long. We sent Hundreds of Communication Requests to Voyager One, and it turned out to be all over the sea. Shouldn't it have gone out of control?" The young man was worried.

"Don't worry." The middle-aged executive said very calmly. "Traveler One is too far and far away from us now. Radio signals travel in the deep space and it takes more than 24 hours to reach Earth. Maybe travel. The reply of No. 1 is on the way, and wait a moment, we will receive its message. "

Faced with the optimistic judgment of the supervisor, the young researcher said nothing. In the universe, distance is always the most severe challenge. The distant space calculated in light years is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

As early as 2012, scientists have discovered two terrestrial planets that are likely to be suitable for human habitation. However, desperately, they are located in the constellation Cetacean, twelve light years away. Any existing vehicle is absolutely There is no way to send humans past, so we can only look at them from a distance.

The director looked around, the office area was deserted, and most people went to watch the live broadcast. Xingchen Technology built a space elevator and operated a huge space station zero. In front of these miracles that can shake all humanity, who will remember the traveler No.

"Human beings are always new and old," said the director with a bitter smile. "So many years have passed. Traveler One is already an old antique. It is shaky, it may be paralyzed at any time, and it can no longer wake up. This is its fate. . "

"Forget it, you can also watch the live broadcast. The matter of Traveler No. 1 will not be resolved later. Although we can't bear it, we all understand that the day when travellers stop traveling, they will come sooner or later."

Although it's sad, it's all true. The young researcher nodded, stood up, and walked to the rest hall. There was a lot of enthusiasm. When Luo Jia introduced the new function of Space Station Zero, or something interesting, people would be excited and loud. cheer.

The whole world was shocked by the space program of Xingchen Technology. It transcends the age and is extraordinary and holy.

In the carnival, no one on earth knows that Voyager One has actually stopped, because it was caught by another aircraft, more powerful and advanced than the Voyager, firmly grasped and unable to break free.

This extraterrestrial aircraft, which did not know where it came from, had a signal shielding device that far surpassed Earth technology, and the detector carried by Voyager One had not been able to detect it in time. The Voyager No. 1 was tied up, and the Voyager No. 1 communications were blocked, preventing it from calling for help to Earth.

Click ~

The data probe, like the tail of a poisonous scorpion, instantly penetrated the steel plate and inserted into the Voyager 1 CPU.

The full set of actions was completed in one go. It was like a seasoned predator, approached silently, and captured the Voyager One with a thunderbolt, taking away its most important existence and data.

Soon after, the Predator left Voyager 1's body and walked away.

In the dark and lonely starry sky, there is only a pile of broken metal floating, and the destructive plundering regardless of the consequences has completely destroyed the Voyager One. No one can tell that it was a collection of cutting-edge technology The deep space probe, once full of human hopes, transmitted friendly messages to the stars.

A long time, a lonely trip, and passing by death in the deep air again and again, nothing has ever stopped the traveler's footsteps.

Unfortunately, it still failed to escape its fate.

On the first day of the eighth year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology, 23:17.

The greatest adventurer in human history, Voyager One.



After spending an unforgettable three days and three nights on Space Station Zero, Luo Jia returned by a space elevator. When he returned to the Xingchen Technology Headquarters in Baoshan District, he was warmly welcomed by members of the Administration. Enron and others stood at the door. Applaud Luo Jia who strode in, and hug him.

In the rational world, there is nothing absolute, and the same is true of space elevators. No one can guarantee its absolute safety.

However, Luo Jia still boarded the elevator with confidence and showed amazing temperament and demeanor. It is no exaggeration to say that if there are still many voices questioning the space elevator before, this is an overly radical project, then Luo Jia has passed Personal experience and live broadcast made them all shut up.

"This time the propaganda offensive was unprecedentedly powerful. It showed our space science and technology to the Western opponents in an all-round way. It not only deterred the enemy, but also inspired the compatriots." Li Moran said excitedly.

"If you count the time spent in the elevator, it is a full four days of high-intensity live broadcast, the average daily live broadcast time has reached 16 hours, and even the meal is facing the camera, the efforts made by Mr. Luo this time are not huge." Wen Chengling said with emotion: "If you change me, I'm probably vomiting long ago, and I can't stick to it at all."

"It is even more rare that the quality of the teacher ’s live broadcast is not reduced even by a small amount because of time and intensity. From beginning to end, there are wonderful words, and complex technical issues can be told in the simplest language. Everyone loves it. Watching the teacher live, and can understand a large part, not to mention the motivation part, just counting science work, the teacher also made great contributions. "Shen Lang said.

Luo Jia couldn't bear such a star-like compliment. He waved again and again: "Okay, not outsiders, you don't want to be flattered. Seriously, although the effect is very good, it also tired me. Broken, if nothing special happens, I plan to take a few days off. "

Enron thought for a while, "There is nothing special, but the disappearance of Voyager 1 is very heartbreaking. After all, it is a hero in human history. Many star travel enthusiasts have seen the photos returned by it. It's the first time we have known clearly our own galaxy. "

Speaking of Voyager 1, everyone in the Authority is devout and nostalgic. In 1979, Voyager 1 photographed the famous Jupiter's Great Red Spot, as well as the frosted Europa, and Europa frozen. .

In the following 1981, Voyager 1 photographed the magical ring of Saturn and Enceladus, which also owns the ocean. In 1986 and 1989, it photographed Uranus and Neptune up close and the picture looking back at the earth And finally look back.

Voyager, Courage, Sailor, Courier, Opportunity, Curiosity ...

Although China and the United States are rivals, they are destined to compete and fight each other for a long time, but this does not prevent Luo Jia's admiration for the pioneers of space exploration. At first, he heard the news that the Voyager was missing. He didn't feel like it.

"No matter the entire universe or the life of each of us ~ ~ It is only a moment to get together, loneliness and separation are eternal. If NASA can determine that Traveler No. 1 has lost contact, write it in the name of the company It ’s a sacrifice. Although Voyager is a Western deep space probe, it is also our youth. ”Luo ​​Jia said.

Li Moran nodded gently, "I agree, this is fair. Just like many years later, when the Western children grow up, their first impression of the universe will also be our space elevator and space station zero."

Everyone agreed, and by the way, to Cao Yuan, everyone in the Authority will not go to Space Zero together. It is Cao Yuan's turn tomorrow. He will also live in space for three days. I heard that Cao Yuan was too excited two weeks ago. Pack your luggage and open it for inspection every day.

Enron said to Luo Jia: "You have no problem during the holiday, but please think carefully about the way forward. The space plan has caused the West to fall behind in the field of science and technology. The five hegemonies we have destroyed industry and technology, culture and The military is competing, and the only thing left is finance. Perhaps it is time to take action on their financial hegemony. "

Do you want to move North American financial hegemony?

Luo Jia thought secretly and then said, "The U.S. dollar is the currency of North America, but it is a trouble in the whole world. It matters a lot. Let me think it over."

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