Technological Hegemony

Chapter 580: Replace gold with gold

Until today, Luo Jia has discovered a very serious problem. The seven-member group of the Administration has only one person married and raised offspring, and the others are all single dogs.

This married man was Enron. He and Qi Mengzhou Xuejie married with each other, and gave birth to a small peace of mind, forming a traditional family. The family is very enviable.

There is another person who, although he is not married, has a girlfriend, which is much better than single dogs. This person is Li Moran.

It is just that Luo Jiawan never thought that Li Moran, who had a thick eyebrow, actually had a big radish in his bones. He changed his girlfriend almost every year, but he didn't get married and looked at him.

When the Department of Life Sciences extended human life, Li Moran's idea of ​​not planning to get married and have children became more and more serious. In short, the seven people in the Authority and the seven most intelligent brains in the world, in the end, had only one offspring of peace of mind. Their It's a pity that the top-level genes cannot be continued.

When Cao Yuan returned from Space Station Zero, Enron set off with his wife and children. Qi Mengzhou had a hot personality, and as an older woman, she was able to chase down the young, handsome and promising top genius. It has already become a good story. .

In the space plan, Xuejie ’s punyness was verified again. She decided to take a public opinion and decided to take her daughter and Enron to space together, making herself the first woman in history to land on Space Station Zero. Her daughter was at ease. It was the first child in human history to reach space, and both mother and daughter made history.

"Okay, let's talk about serious business." Luo Jia muttered.

Today ’s regular meeting of the Authority has become an occasion for Enron to show off his daughter. He took his daughter and wife to experience weightlessness on Space Station Zero, and the family is very happy to play. As far away as the earth, Luo Jia has a few single dogs. Staring at each other.

Enron smiled slightly, let Xuejie and Anxin play by themselves, turned away from the center axis area of ​​Space Station Zero, and came to the annular area with gravity.

Luo Jia was right, Shen said: "Today I want to talk about financial issues. I have carefully considered Enron's proposal. Financial hegemony is the lifeblood of North America. If we do n’t move, we must play hard. Instead of playing at the table, you might as well lift it off. "

"The reason why we did n’t touch finance in the past is because our foundation is not strong enough. North America is the global hegemon and the largest capitalist on the planet. They open money houses to run casinos, make money every day. We are poor and we do n’t want to work hard and learn To make a lot of money by opening a bank, that is to die. "

"Financial hegemony is actually a pseudo-proposition. Behind financial hegemony in North America is a military capability that sweeps the world. It occupies the educational and scientific research capabilities of global university rankings. It is the Internet **** brought by a series of giants such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. Under these prerequisites, North America dared to build a financial nation ... "

Luo Jia carefully analyzed the issue of finance, broke it up, shattered it, and interpreted it little by little, while others listened carefully.

Most things in the world are actually related. Previously, North America ruled finance because they were strong in all fields. According to the theory of the strong and the strong, let it naturally take financial hegemony.

In modern history, no one has challenged the hegemony of the dollar. As we all know, Colonel Card of Libya once made a decision that regretted him for life. When he decided to use the euro instead of the US dollar for oil trading, he soon became like a wild dog. , Was killed.

This is the policy in North America. Left-handed stick, right-handed dollar. If you choose US dollars, Uncle Sam has a smile on his face and a warm welcome. If you do n’t choose US dollars, Uncle Sam will have a big stick in his hand and will hurt you. And let you choose again ...

In short, Luo Jia took a long time to analyze the damage that finance and financial derivatives have brought to the world.

Take futures, for example, all economists who are in favor of futures use the slogan of hedging, risk aversion, etc. However, according to statistics from the International Monetary Fund, only hedging in the futures market really accounts for 100% One of the ninety-nine percent of transactions is speculative. Can you say that such a market, which is mainly used by Wall Street predators, is healthy?

"We all understand the reason," said Enron frowning across the screen across the screen. "Financial rules are set by North America, and they are getting farther and farther under the leadership of North America."

"Take the simplest example. Let's go to the Star Sea. What do we need? Holding up the US dollar or RMB to conquer alien civilization and conquer the entire galaxy? Isn't this nonsense, there has never been such a truth in the world. "

"And everything in the world is conserved. Elite talents run stocks and run real estate, which will cause the foundation of industry and technology to shake. This is exactly what we are trying to avoid, we are science and technology. The party, whoever prevents us from developing science and technology, must be killed. "

"In summary, there is no doubt that finance has a value, but it is not very valuable. It is not comparable to industry and technology. The key is that we already know that excessive finance is harmful and excessive real estate is stupid. , But how can we change this phenomenon? "

After listening to Enron's words, they all agreed that they could not place the dream of the stars and the sea on finance or real estate, otherwise it would be the biggest stupidity in the world.

Luo Jia smiled. "In fact, you don't have to be too pessimistic. Remember that technology is always the primary productive force. Financial problems can also be solved with technology."

"First of all, in this world, there is actually a currency that is stronger and stronger than the US dollar, and it is gold."

"Gold has always existed as a natural currency. The reason why gold exits the currency stage today is because of the explosive growth of the global population and economy, which has led to a rapid increase in the total economic volume. If gold continues to be used as a currency, the quantity is far from enough. , So in the absence of a solution, the world only uses paper currency for transaction settlement. "

"In essence, there is no difference between paper money and white paper. You trust the US dollar, white paper is also the US dollar, you do not trust Zimbabwean coins, and Zimbabwean coins are also white paper."

"In order to solve the problem of gold scarcity, we need space mining technology. In addition to mining helium III, we also need to mine a large amount of gold in the solar system, and then use gold to replace the US dollar."

"This is only the first step. Once we have defeated the dollar hegemony and established the gold hegemony controlled by us, we can formulate the rules of the game ~ ~ and this is our ultimate goal, let alone gold Even the U.S. dollar, they are not important. The right to make rules is the most important. "

Papapa ~

Everyone applauded, replacing gold with gold is indeed a brilliant idea. The obstacle to the internationalization of RMB is trust. But who would not trust gold?

Once the currency control is obtained, Xingchen Technology will be able to formulate rules in the financial field to prevent stupid humans from using all their energy and wisdom to engage in finance, ensuring that for many years to come, the planet will still place industry and technology at the top of development .

Who would have thought that it would not be Xingchen Bank that would eventually kill North American financial hegemony, but Xingchen Mining, the massive gold brought by space mining, which would solve the big trouble of the dollar in the future.

While everything was proceeding as planned, Luo Jia and all the Earthlings didn't realize that the danger was quickly approaching.

As we all know, as Star Technology continues to advance the space program, sooner or later, we will have a third type of contact with other intelligent life in the universe.

It's just that people didn't expect this day to come so fast.

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