Technological Hegemony

Chapter 586: Then we withdraw from the UN

In this world, there has never been an impenetrable wall. Xingchen Technology conducted an e-bomb test, which resulted in the explosion of an alien spacecraft. Eventually, it leaked out and caused a great uproar among the people.

Everyone was shocked. People couldn't believe that extraterrestrial life actually existed, and they were moving around the earth. From the distance of the appearance of the worker ant, they seemed to be monitoring the earth.

For a while, public opinion burst completely, and all sorts of gossips were full of excitement. Everyone wanted to know what the aliens looked like, whether they had tentacled heads like octopuses, and why they were monitoring the earth.

However, how can such a question be answered? The only way to solve the mystery is to enter the spaceship that is obviously from an alien civilization.

But the problem is also here. According to space law, outer space is not the territory of anyone, and the West is not reconciled. This third type of contact that attracted worldwide attention was led by the Chinese side and only served as a spectator.

The Worker Ant was blown up by Xingchen Technology. Huaxia is also a space elevator and an e-bomb. It has gained a lot of popularity in the space field. The West is in a competitive consideration and it is absolutely impossible to be willing.

The so-called space law is actually a system composed of five laws. They are the outer space treaty, the rescue agreement, the liability convention, the registration convention, and the moon agreement. Most countries in the world are parties to the space law. Of course, it also includes China.

To this day, the legal basis for the Western want to insert the manual ant number incident is the space convention. Since outer space is not the private territory of any country, then everything that happens in outer space has the right to share a slice of it.


California, Los Angeles.

In his office, Musk received a video call from Washington. The opposite of him was the special assistant to the president, Von Mitterrand.

"No, are you really going to grab with Huaxia?" Musk said helplessly after listening to Mitterrand's facts: "Of course I am extremely concerned about what happened in outer space, but I understand that The starship was blown up by Xingchen Technology's e. It makes no sense that we should send a space shuttle for investigation. To the maximum extent, we can only apply for an observer to assist Huaxia in the third type of contact. "

Mitterrand waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Please pay attention to your words. As the current chief scientific adviser of the White House, it is obviously inappropriate for you to use this word. You should say that we are a whole and we are all glorious. It's all damaged, and if anything goes wrong, you can't blame it. "

Musk froze with a stinging expression.

Mitterrand paused and continued: "You don't know the situation. In terms of technology, we have been quickly opened the gap by Xingchen Technology. If nothing else, Huaxia people will be in ten or eight years. Become the dominator of the earth, this kind of ending is absolutely unacceptable to all great Anglo-Saxon descendants. "

"The reason why the President wants to make a bet is because this alien spacecraft is too important for us. If we can bring it back to Earth and study it, it will greatly reduce the technological gap with China, and even There may be multiple areas to achieve the Jedi Anti-Leadership. "

"So I found you, as well as leaders of other top laboratories, universities, and technology companies, to inquire about whether technology and knowledge can be learned from it."

Musk looked at Mitterrand suspiciously, "This is still consulting? As long as we can get this alien spaceship back, the rewards must be great! The only question is, can we bring such a large spaceship back to Earth? "My Dragon spacecraft will not work, nor will the NASA space shuttle, let alone Huaxia and Xingchen Technology, they will never agree."

"However, I heard that Star Technology's second project engineering group has issued a military order. Within one week, the assembly of the first starship was completed. Counting the time, that is, four days later, we have little time left. Now. "

As a genius of generation, Musk felt that Mitterrand had asked a stupid question. He also wanted to know with his heels that he could get an alien spacecraft for research, and the gains would certainly be great. ?

"That ’s why we have to rush before the completion of Starship ’s starship. Many people do n’t realize that this is a cruel, smoke-free war. In any case, Startech is already too powerful, and they must not be made any more. With this alien spaceship, then we will no longer be able to challenge them. "Mitterrand was so distraught that it seemed like he would lose his global leadership, causing him extreme pain.

At this time, Musk said in a ridiculous tone: "It seems like you have a way to stop them."

"Of course I do," Mitterrand insisted.

"Any way?" Musk didn't believe it.

"The best course is to get that spaceship back. Secondly, if we can't get it, no one should think about it." Mitterrand voice said with a sense of killing. "The space shuttle will carry a nuclear ejection and rush under the control of Star Technology Blast the alien spacecraft before it. "

I go!

You can still do this! ?

Musk, dumbfounded by Mitterrand's words, couldn't believe his ears.

Obviously, if Xingchen Technology gets that alien spacecraft, they will upgrade the technology again soon. At least the Ants seem to have a very powerful stealth system. Huaxia getting such black technology will inevitably become a nightmare in the West. Anglo-Saxon Pulse, I'm afraid never to look at it again.

Therefore, in order to stop Star Technology, North American authorities were prepared to blow up the spacecraft, and they could not get it, and Star Technology didn't even think about it.

These guys really hurt others ...

Musk didn't tell what he was saying. He touched his chin with his hands and fell into contemplation. At this time, shouldn't the earth people quarrel with the enemy? How did you get involved with these black-hearted politicians? Is this really good?

Mitterrand proudly said: "As long as we are the first to arrive, we can lie that we have been fatally threatened and have to activate nuclear weapons to destroy the spacecraft. Under the existing UN space convention framework, even if Chinese people are angry, there is nothing we can do. After all, we just use the rules reasonably. "


New York, United Nations Headquarters.

A tit-for-tat battle is going on fiercely. Representatives from both sides are Wei Dong from Huaxia and Lei Barton from North America.

"I would like to ask the representative of Huaxia, since you have said in your mouth that you have the ability to capture alien spacecraft, why haven't you started to act?" Ray Barton asked with a yin and yang voice.

There is not much expression on Wei Dong's face, and he said lightly, "Act? Do you think that the third type of contact full of danger is like going to McDonald's to order a Big Mac package? Without being fully prepared, we are not It will act rashly. Four days later, the first starship of Huaxia, which was designed and produced by Xingchen Technology, will be officially completed. At that time, we will use this starship and send a robot army to capture the target spacecraft. . "

"Now that I'm here, I would like to ask the North American representative, are you so eager to wait because you have better technology than starships? What are you planning to send to perform the capture mission?"

After listening to this sentence, the crowds eating melon on the spot immediately stood up and waited for Ray Barton's answer. Now in this world, in the presence of the two strong Chinese and Americans, all countries are only eaten by the crowd, or mixed with younger brothers, this is The most real reality.

Maybe it was not expected, Wei Dong asked so directly, Ray Barton blushed, and whispered, "Use a shuttle or a dragon ship."


There was irresistible laughter at the scene. The space shuttle is a long-cold Cold War technology. Although Musk's Dragon spacecraft is good, how can it be compared with the Galenian Empire's Worker Ant in a length of up to two hundred? In front of the 94-meter alien spacecraft, the dragon spacecraft is not as good as an ant.

North America actually intends to use these two things to capture alien spacecraft. It will inevitably give people a sense of heaven and earth. No matter from which point of view, it is more reliable for Huaxia's plan. To strengthen the large army of robots, or contact the third type, as long as it is done, we must ensure the best results.

"What are you laughing at?"

"What the **** are you laughing at ?!"

Rybaton was furious and said: "Time is the most precious! Huaxia is so forward-looking and he is not worthy of becoming a global leader. Now it is necessary to capture the unknown spaceship as soon as possible at any cost, to understand the situation of the enemy and prevent them from calling for reinforcements!"

"Since the coward of China is afraid to make a third contact, let us come!"

"Although there are no synchronous orbit stations and e-weapons, we have the determination not to fear death, and our nuclear weapons are not vegetarian!"

Although Ray Barton's words were very polite, Wei Dong remained expressionless and could not see any anger or impatience.

"Please note that I am not discussing with you." Wei Dong said again: "A few minutes ago, I was authorized to inform the North American representative that your space shuttle or Dragon spacecraft, if attempting to make a third type of contact, will be my Fang arrested him by e-attack, directly destroying all electronic systems. "

I go!

It's cruel!

The people who eat melon are all silly ~ ~ Ray Barton is also silly, he jumped up from his chair and pointed at the nose of Huaxia representative Wei Dong, "You are crazy! According to the United Nations space convention, Outer space belongs to all human beings, not your private land in China! We have rights! "

After hearing the complaint from Lei Barton, the people who ate the melon quickly turned their eyes to Wei Dong.

"Then we will withdraw from the space convention." Wei Dong's answer was concise.

Withdraw from the space convention?

Boom ~

The frypot is on the spot, politics, pay attention to the sky-high price to repay the money, after all, it is still an interest, but Wei Dong is better, and does not follow the routine!

The people who eat melon suspect that Huaxia deliberately let this expressionless Wei Dong be a representative, a poker face, without bedding, and not to discuss with you. Once it comes up, it is Wang Bo, who is directly inside and outside. Joke, it's so **** exciting.

Ray Barton was shocked, and then annoyed and angry again. He gritted his teeth and said, "Here is the United Nations! All the nations of the world ca n’t stand it!"

"Withdraw from the space convention? First ask more than 200 UN members, they promised not to!"

Oh okay….

After listening to this, Wei Dong swept the crowd one by one with his poker face and eyes without waves.

"Then we will withdraw from the United Nations." Wei Dongdao.

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