Technological Hegemony

Chapter 595: Take power!

The torrent of history came unstoppable. In the ninth year of the founding of Xingchen Technology, Luo Jia came to the United Nations to observe the reactions and attitudes of all parties. In the end, he made a decision and cut it quickly. Since the United Nations has no ability to turn the tide over, Then there is no reason for the United Nations to continue.

He should replace it with new powerful institutions. Only in this way can he lead the earth out of danger.

"What the **** do you mean !?"

"There is no United Nations? Meals can be eaten freely, but words can't be freely spoken."

"Crazy! I thought that Huaxia was arrogant enough. I did not expect that China's most famous tough guy sky group, you are even more arrogant!"

众 Everyone at the scene made remarks and reprimands. They instinctively felt that Luo Jia was threatening himself, but did not understand the meaning behind this remark.

Wei Lian Huaxia's representative Wei Dong was also startled. He frowned and looked at Luo Jia. "General Luo, we are already suffering from the enemy. If you threaten this, you will only provoke a rebound. It is not good for negotiations."

Luo Jia replied very calmly: "Assuming you understand my life over the years, you will find that I am not the kind of person who likes to threaten others. Our credo of Xingchen Technology is that you can never move your mouth and be calm. Wait, it won't be long before everything settles down. "

Wei Dong was suspicious. He didn't know what Luo Jia was selling. However, as soon as Luo Jia's words fell, he heard the people around him start to clamor.

"Ah, the network is down?"

是 "Yeah, no signal, the video conference between the Prime Minister and I was forced to be suspended."

"Waste equipment, I have warned you not to use Huawei anymore. You see that we use Ericsson and Nokia in North America."

"It should have nothing to do with the equipment. The submarine cable and the star chain were interrupted at the same time. Certain major changes must have occurred."

what! ?

After hearing this, Nedro and several other North American representatives jumped at the same time. North America's submarine optical cables connecting other continents and the star chain network arranged in low earth orbit were interrupted at the same time? In this case, wouldn't North America become an island? Can't get in touch with other continents?

Niderow was worried, he seemed to smell the conspiracy, so he hurriedly ordered his men to leave the conference room, and he looked at Wei Dong and Luo Jia, who were sitting on many sides, and saw Wei Dong anxiously sweating, and Luo Jia But squinting slightly, as if recuperating, a careless look, it is really suspicious.

见 "Hell, there is still no way to contact Europe."

我们 "So did we, and there was nothing in Tokyo."

Everyone continued to discuss, the depressed atmosphere began to spread, and the sound of running was heard from the outer corridor, as if the military and police guarding the United Nations were conducting large-scale transfers. Leather boots stepped on the floor, sending out agitated waves, making everyone in the conference room more disturbed .

I remembered what Luo Jia had said just now, and the cold feeling came from everyone's back. It was strange. It seemed that after Luo Jia spoke, the whole world was completely in chaos.

Uh ~

在 At this moment, Nidro sent the deputy outside the conference room, and he ran in with a pale face and whispered in Nieder's ear.

"What !? UN headquarters is surrounded !?"


"The Star Corps Machinery Corps !?"

Nidro jumped up from his seat, looking at Luo Jia with a look of a ghost.

At this time, Luo Jia was still calm. He took a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth, but it was not lit. Then he turned his head and shrugged his shoulders at these strange-looking people.

别 "Don't worry, in fact, I have stopped smoking." Luo Jia said lightly.

Uh ...

北美 Arlington, Virginia, North American Defense Headquarters, commonly known as the Pentagon.

In the huge global command center, the red lights flashed and the harsh alarm sound came quickly, making everyone present upset.

"Warning, the system is under attack!"

"Warning, the system is under attack!"

Listening to the system's crazy warnings again and again, the technical director Wellington Hugh looked aggressive, his fingers were clearly on the keyboard, and he never trembled, but instead kept shaking, like Parkinson's disease The appearance of the cold sweat, like spring water slipping from the forehead, wet his gold-rimmed glasses.

"Damn, what do you do !?"

With the roar of the Secretary of Defense behind him, Wellington swallowed and breathed out of breath, saying: "No way, the other side is too fast. The global headquarters are located in 162 data centers around the world. Falling in a row, we don't even have time to disconnect the system manually! "

Purr ~

先生 Mr. Secretary of Defense took a sip of air-conditioning, which was too fast to disconnect the system? What's going on? What kind of enemy can capture the world's most powerful military command headquarters at such a crazy speed!

"Report! Polish bases fall! We have lost all authority of Eastern European Command!"

"Mr. Minister, the Seventh Fleet has been captured by unknown forces, and four Virginia-class nuclear submarines are out of control. They are setting Washington as the target of attack!"

"My God! The Pacific Theater is completely out of control. Hawaii, Guam, Okinawa, Busan. They are gone. They have all disappeared from the command system!"

"Report, we just lost all contact with NATO!"

"Greek base was breached! All our bases in Europe are out of control!"

As the situation collapsed, fear began to spread in the Pentagon, and people were full of hearts and minds, and invisible enemies were destroying the Western global military with a devastating offensive.

"too terrifying…"

"It's terrible ..."

Wellington trembled and said, "I have never seen such a powerful cyber war, and now we have lost everything ..."

Lose everything?

Mr. Secretary of Defense is still suspicious of what it means to lose everything. At this moment, in the global command center, countless large and small screens are dimmed one after another. After the restart, the screen of a conference room is unified. This scenario undoubtedly means the complete fall of the Ministry of Defense.

Qilian's North American military headquarters has been captured. It is conceivable that in this world, there is nothing safe.

"Oh? This guy is very familiar."

"Indeed, it seems to be our representative to the United Nations ~ ~ Mr. Rebatton."

"The Asians sitting opposite Mr. Rebatton are also familiar."

"He seems to be, Luo Jia ...?"

Uh ...

This early spring festival of the ninth year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology is destined to be permanently recorded in history. Under no circumstances, Luo Jia launched a comprehensive offensive and took over the control of the world's network in a very short time. As a result, all military forces around the world are divided, and powerful national machinery cannot operate.

However, Luo Jia knew that this was not the end of everything, but the beginning.

What he has to do now is to convince the citizens of the earth not to panic, to accept the rules of the new world, and the reality of military control.

An unprecedented and unprecedented challenge lies in front of Luo Jia. Although he has given many speeches in his life, this time is undoubtedly the most important, because if he cannot convince the people, Star Technology will inevitably fall into the betrayal of the people and the people's war In the ocean, all previous efforts failed.

The Mechanical Corps has gone out of the house to form the most powerful military force on the planet and control every corner of the world, but if everyone hates Star Technology, picks up weapons and fights with Star Technology, and fights against the Mechanical Legion, this takeover has another What's the point?

Does Luo Jia want to rule the world? ?

I ’m not. Compared with the bright stars, the earth is too small and too small. Luo Jia just wants to lead his compatriots out of the quagmire and escape the crisis of survival that is related to the fate of the earth.

The live broadcast signal quickly spread to the whole world. In the confused and fearful eyes of people all over the world, Luo Jia stood up, with a usual smile on her face, and walked to the front of the camera, saying softly, "Hi everyone, this is Luo Jia. "

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