Technological Hegemony

Chapter 604: Conference and future planning

Are you casual?

Luo Jia's words made all the reporters at the scene stupid, followed by a half-minute silence, the western people could hardly believe their ears, but Luo Jia said calmly, "If you have no other questions, I It's about to be announced. "

Luo Jia's words awakened everyone like a dream, and the crowd became chaotic. The reporters raised their hands in hopes that Luo Jia would be named.

"Mr. Luo Jia, I'm from Al Jazeera. What you just said, if I understand correctly, it is a China space project, and will not seek international cooperation? Are you ready to build your own base on the moon and Mars?" The bearded reporter asked Luo Jia.

"I need to correct your statement." Luo Jia replied with a smile: "It is not preparation, but it has already begun, long before our war with the Galen Empire began, we were on the moon, Mars, Europa , Set up an outpost, completed base survey and planning, and formulated a planet-level greening and transformation plan. "

"Now, the Mechanical Corps has entered and officially started construction. It is believed that it won't take long for everyone to see the changes on Mars and the Moon through the space telescope ..."

Luo Jia talked in front of a global audience and introduced the solar system colonization plan of Xingchen Technology to control the solar system, which is the first and most important step for Huaxia to enter the sea of ​​stars.

No matter how far the Chinese people go in the future, the earth will always be their home star, and the solar system is the main base of China. Even the foundation is not stable, and it is impossible to build a skyscraper.

For the transformation of the solar system, Xingchen Technology has adopted a huge and radical scheme, not only to build closed bases, but also to transform potential planets into green habitable planets.

In simple terms, it is to plant rainforests on the moon, gather the sea on Mars, cultivate good fields on Europa, and grow fruits and vegetables.

In order to achieve this goal, Luo Jia will use the golden dome, plant civilization, energy civilization, and mastered technology. In addition, the technology of the Galen Empire will also be applied. Their curtain-type stealth generators are very powerful and can be used as space bases. Add a layer of stealth protection.

"We will set up educational branches in all galaxy bases. In the future, Huaxia students will take turns learning on each planet. After all, times have changed. We must not only train talents, but also train qualified, cosmic talents. "

Later, Luo Jia also mentioned that she attached great importance to education. In addition to scientific research, the cultivation of engineering and technical personnel is also very important. A considerable part of the captives of the Galen Empire will become mentors for young Chinese people. Skills for working on a starship, how to maintain a space base, and more.

In short, Huaxia's talent training system will be officially connected to the Star Ocean. Young people have been exposed to interstellar life since they were very young, and they often see the world, which is extremely beneficial for entering the era of the universe.

This is an irresistible change in the times. From agricultural society to industrial society, from industrial society to information society, the human lifestyle has undergone huge changes every time. Now, Huaxia people will take the lead from the information society and enter the interstellar space. society.

The past learning and working methods must be eliminated in the interstellar society. If the biggest feature of the information society is the interconnection of all things, regardless of whether men, women, old or young people hold mobile phones, then in the interstellar society, Distance will be calculated in light years.

Children will live on starships or space stations throughout their lives. They have never set foot on real land and have seen the real sea. This will be the future. The small broken ball, as the parent star of all Earth people, may become a kind of Eternal faith, those who drift out can only see the homes where their ancestors lived from the light and shadow of the documentary, but never have the opportunity to see the beauty of the earth with their own eyes.

In any case, change has begun, and the flood of history, now and in the future, cannot stay for anyone, either adapt or eliminate it. The road to the sea is so cruel and simple.

Luo Jia chose to embrace the future and give more opportunities to the universe to young people in Huaxia, so that they can prepare for the journey of the stars and the sea from an early age.

"It's too good, is the alien a teacher, studying and studying in the interstellar range?"

"If only I had been born in Huaxia, maybe I could be part of the Star Fleet."

"Here is my heart. I'm still waiting to see the Chinese jokes. In a blink of an eye, people will not take us to play!"

"Hey, China is all starry, but we still have to draw a circle on the ground and play with urine and mud."

Human beings are most afraid of comparison, watching Huaxia, once impoverished, stepping towards the sea of ​​stars step by step, the sourness of the people who eat melon almost burst.

Human nature has always been like this. Bill Gates is rich and you will not be jealous, but if the poor neighbor next to your family is rich overnight, with a BMW in his left hand and a big horse in his right hand, you will definitely be jealous of the night.

"Mr. Luo, is it true that the people of other countries, except Huaxia, really cannot enjoy it, the progress brought by the era of the universe?" Another reporter asked loudly.

Luo Jia laughed: "Of course, as long as you pass the assessment and prove that you are the talent required by Huaxia, you can get a temporary visa. After a three-year inspection period, the temporary visa can be converted into a formal visa until you obtain permanent residency."

"There is no need to doubt our respect for and desire for talents. We are well-received and full of capacity. A successful civilization will inevitably require strong metabolism, constantly absorb fresh blood, strengthen blood-forming functions, introduce external competition, and enhance overall combat effectiveness."

"Previously, we have introduced many scientists from Japan and South Korea, and this policy will continue in the future. In short, we welcome all wisdom and strength to join, but first of all, you need to prove that you are a talent, not a scum."

"The current Chinese study abroad system has huge loopholes. Forcibly internationalizing for the sake of internationalization has led to a lot of low-quality Indo-Philadelphias. Looking at the crowds of people, walking on the land I love, playing against international friends. I am angry, but I am not worried. "

"Because I believe that the Huaxia nation can survive to this day, it is not a group of idiots. Today, the people of Indo-Phila that mingle with China, what they do is clear to the people. Once the young people have grown up and mastered their rights, things will happen. An unstoppable reversal has taken place. "

Luo Jia clarified the conditions of the talent plan. In the era of stars and seas, Huaxia was thirsty, but at the same time, their requirements for talents were higher. Unless they are top talents and proficient in Chinese and Chinese characters, they are simply not qualified to obtain them. visa.

"Unfair!" A reporter from CNN suddenly jumped up ~ ~ flushed, "Mr. Luo Jia, this is naked discrimination! The conditions for obtaining a Chinese visa are too unfair to the theists! Again Coupled with the difficulty of Chinese, most people who believe that they can obtain visas will be of East Asian descent. Western young people have too few opportunities. "

Luo Jia frowned slightly. "Isn't this something that should be taken for granted? As a Chinese civilization, we must recruit talents, and of course we must open up to people who are closer to our cultural circle, because it is easier to integrate, and it makes no sense to use chopsticks. Let ’s not, we have to find a group of people who use knife and fork and are covered in odor? ”

"In East Asia, there is no such thing as black life expensive, green life expensive. Compared with political correctness, we care more about being realistic. We like to give our children high-intensity education, we don't like to keep their children in stock, and we don't waste everything. Education is said to be liberation of nature ... "

Luo Jia's speech aroused the collective applause of the East Asian people. Although everyone has a lot of grievances with each other, they really look at the world. The East and the West really have different cultures. They took the lead in recruiting East Asian talents. This strategy is not unique today. Over the past few years, Xingchen Technology has done so.

This is not because Luo Jia particularly likes who, but because of the false West represented by North America, the tyrants represented by big dogs in the Middle East, the uncle Black who hangs on the African continent, and the Latin-style indulgence on the South American continent. East Asia is so much better Already.

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