Technological Hegemony

Chapter 609: 2nd Fleet and Artificial Wormholes

In order to hurry, the Galenian Expeditionary Fleet was divided into two. The large starships equipped with high-magnitude curvature engines were the first to advance into the solar system, while those small, old, and under-speed starships , Then pieced together into a second fleet.

In October of the ninth year of the establishment of Xingchen Technology, two months after the end of the first Earth Defense War, the second fleet of the Galen Empire also entered the solar system.

They consist of 79 small and medium-sized starships, most of which are auxiliary ships, such as electronic warships, small bomber starships, communication relay starships, and so on.

Although this fleet does not have frontal combat capabilities, they have the same advanced stealth system as the main fleet, so they can arrive smoothly without being noticed by the Earth fleet.

After the second fleet sent a reconnaissance ship and conducted a full three-day investigation around the earth, the remaining commander Wilson announced a captain-level meeting to discuss countermeasures.

So, in a remote corner outside the solar system, the captains in the state of no heads of dragons gathered together with anxiety. When Wilson entered the conference room, all he heard was hissing, it seems that everyone ’s The mood is very bad.

"I've passed this unfortunate news back to the empire," Wilson said after he sat down.

The defeat of the main fleet failed to conceal the reconnaissance by Wilson and others. After all, it was 432 starships, large and small. They are orbiting the earth and are undergoing the transformation of the Mechanical Corps. They are very unusual in the solar system. The obvious goal.

"Compared to the information we have obtained before, the Earth's changes are too great now. Robots are releasing unparalleled huge productivity. It may not be long before they will spread the entire solar system like a virus." A captain used a belt Said in a fearful voice.

Others nodded in agreement, and when they accelerated all the way to the solar system, they saw a nightmare scene.

The Huaxia people and the Mechanical Corps are developing madly. Each mining base and colonial base is established in the solar system. Every day, tens of thousands of Mechanical Corps step down the production line and invest in the manufacturing and construction in full swing.

If it is normal for robots to work tirelessly, what are they doing to those incredible Chinese people who are hardworking?

Facts have proved that the Huaxia Nationality and the Mechanical Corps are really angry with each other.

No matter how many shortcomings you can pick out from the Huaxia nation, no one can deny that in this world, the Huaxia nation is truly an industrial spirit.

When plagues and wars strike, the Chinese people can always show a high degree of synergy. The overnight blockade is a feat unprecedented in human history, and it is also impossible for other countries to imagine and replicate.

There are countless kinds of rights in the world, but whether it is feminism or racial equality, in the end it can take precedence over everything else, only survival.

Perhaps the western people can confuse the Huaxia black, but it turns out that when facing a major crisis, it is precisely the Huaxia people they look down on, most likely to survive, and most able to adapt to the era of high industrialization.

In short, the captains alive in the Galen Empire have witnessed the most terrible miracle they have ever encountered, a highly coordinated nation, and a group of precision-working robots, forming the most unique group in the universe.

They have no publicity at all, they don't admire individual heroism, and they lack the talent for acting. When facing the outside world, they are restrained and shy, and they look like a group of honest people who are easy to bully.

However, this group of honest people will be crazy about infrastructure, crazy mining, crazy smelting, crazy manufacturing, crazy development, they will play explosives at a crazy speed, and they will develop honestly without any imagination.

Take a look at this solar system. The mess that has been dug up today is too miserable, as if a vicious dog had been struck.

The Chinese nation is taking the Mechanical Corps to move development to the universe. They open their way to the mountains and bridge over water. They are happy to develop manufacturing.

Wilson emphasised: "I've enumerated the situation of the earth and what makes them different, and made a detailed report to headquarters."

"So how did the headquarters respond?" A captain asked quickly.

"Damn Earth, the empire can't take this breath!"

"War! Only war and blood can wash away the shame of the empire!"

The captains shouted in excitement. Although there are fixed wormholes, the expeditionary fleet has left communication repeaters along the way. This kind of equipment is like a communication tower to help receive and strengthen signals.

Every other week, the empire sends special ships across the wormhole to the galaxy, receives signals from the expeditionary fleet, and takes the data to the empire.

It is a relatively stupid way to manually move information between the two starry sky, but at least it can also ensure that the information is transmitted, and it will not lead to loss of contact due to distance.

Wilson's gaze swept across everyone present, and Shen said: "Actually, we have lost contact with the headquarters. The week when General May was defeated, the Empire's communication ship did not enter the galaxy, so far, the Empire has not Know the news of the defeat of the fleet and our inspection of the earth. "

Boom ~

Everyone was shocked. If it had been struck by lightning, it had been out of contact with the headquarters for eight weeks. Wilson had been deliberately hiding news to ensure the stability of the fleet.

The captains couldn't help but be confused, sending communication ships to the galaxy every week to bring back the information of the expeditionary fleet. This is not a difficult operation. Unless the empire encounters a great change, there is no reason why it has not been in the eight communication cycles. appear.

At this moment, the expeditionary fleet has a long voyage of one year and seven months from the empire. Even if the spaceship is sent back to the empire to ask, I'm afraid it's too late?

Damn, what the **** is going on here?

When everyone lost touch with the empire, and was worried, Wilson's assistant suddenly rushed. Regardless of the etiquette of the conference room, he shouted directly: "Master! Lord Wilson! Come and see, we detect Arrived at the artificial wormhole! "

Uh ~

Originally, I was going to reprimand Wilson, who did not understand politeness, and suddenly felt scalp tingling. As we all know, artificial wormholes need very powerful space technology. If Earth people have even mastered space technology, it is really terrifying. Ah.

The deputy did not wait for Wilson's response. The palm of the hand was slammed on the multimedia core. The real-time signal from the command center entered the conference room and appeared in the center of the large screen. Then the deputy hurriedly explained to everyone.

"We detected this signal about a minute ago. First, the strong energy gathered, then the space disturbance and energy puncture, and finally the space disturbance quickly stabilized. According to speculation, someone used energy to puncture the space accurately, and artificially created space cracks. , Which is the wormhole. "

"You see this signal. It is the second flagship of the Expeditionary Fleet. Although the Hail has been captured and modified by Earth people, its overall parameters have not changed. We can clearly determine its identity. Now, the Hail is fast Close to the artificial wormhole, it seems to want to go through the wormhole! "Wilson exclaimed.

The first flagship of the Galen Empire Expeditionary Fleet is the Tianqing ~ ~ However, because the Tianqing is a reloaded battleship, its volume is too large and it does not meet the standards of this transition engine test, so Luo Jia chose The powerful but small Hail was used as a test object.

In a large fleet, there is usually a first commander and a second commander. Once the first commander is killed, the second commander will take his place.

The first commander and the second commander do not live on the same ship. In order to prevent the tragedy of all commanders in the event of a ship crash, there is also a distinction between the first flagship and the second flagship in the fleet. Wilson's acting commander, he was the third commander of the expeditionary fleet.

"It's gone, really through the wormhole!"

"A complete loss of signal, the target has left the space!"

"Artificial wormholes? Starships traverse? God, this is not the legendary jump engine !?"

Witnessing such a miraculous scene, the meeting room suddenly set off a raging sea. The earth not only mastered robotics, but even a jump engine?

Such speculation really frightened everyone, one by one.

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