Technological Hegemony

Chapter 638: enemy? friend? Lord of the giant space station

Luo Jia ’s spacecraft reached the outer edge of the tranquil Star County, and then jumped two more times, which is the range of the Star Language County.

Since ancient times, Miyuxing County has been filled with mysterious signal interference waves, which has caused extremely unstable interstellar communication. What is even more magical is that this interference wave of Miyuxing County can not only forcibly cut off electromagnetic and particle signals, but also connect space and quantum. The signal cannot escape the interference wave.

Scientists can hardly imagine, what kind of existence is this? Can cross-space communication be interrupted, and can break the top laws of physics such as quantum entanglement?

In short, the miraculous interference wave of the Stars County, known as the top ten unsolved mysteries of the stars, is a strange place that will make scientists crazy. But fortunately, the interference wave of the Stars County in the Miyu County has only interfered and stolen communications. Never destroy the ship or the fleet.

This situation is very magical, because the power that even the law of quantum entanglement can break is bound to be very powerful. This mysterious power only interferes with communication and does not cause more trouble. It is really a great luck for human beings.

"In ancient times, Miyuxing County was also called the Elven Star County." Luo Jia faced the porthole and pointed away from the milky white nebula in the distance. "Some people believe that Miyu Star County lives with many elves. The reason for the communication is It will be lost because the elves are very naughty and like to eavesdrop on the secrets of human beings, but they just eavesdrop, but will not harm others because of it. "

The robot family left Luo Jia with a huge amount of data. In addition to the detailed path labeling, there are many unverified gossip. The legend of the elf is one of the gossip rumors attached to the star chart.

Wow ~

It's so amazing ~

The robots listened, and little stars flashed in their eyes. I wonder if they are the yearning elves, or admire Luo Jia's knowledge and knowledge. Anyway, they have always been so stupid, with their iron shells on their heads, but their thinking is only elementary artificial. Intelligence and IQ are equivalent to a group of children. As we all know, children always like to listen to stories told by adults.

No. 7 made a haha, this product was indifferent to Luo Jia ’s gossip story. Since No. 7 and Luo Jia established a life contract, this man has revealed his true face. He stunned and slept every day, without any enthusiasm for entrepreneurship. .

It was at this time that the answering machine finally received a reply from the other party and issued a series of crisp dripping sounds.

Ola only told Luo Jia a position mark, plus a communication channel, let Luo Jia reach the destination before contacting.

So after arriving, Luo Jia immediately sent a contact request, but waiting for the other party to reply, it took almost half a day.

"It's a new mark." Luo Jia looked at the answering machine and said to herself in doubt.

No way, Luo Jia had to drive the Blitz to transfer, and responded several times in a row. After several changes of position, Luo Jia finally saw the real face of Lushan, a giant space station that could move, its volume even exceeded the moon.

The outer armor of the space station has long been mottled, and it seems to have floated in the universe for a long time. It is shaped like a spindle, raised in the middle, and has straight spires above and below. Around the space station, there are many large and small docks, the largest dock. Enough to accommodate heavy battleships.

With the size of Lightning, only a small dock is enough. The automatic navigation draws the ship into it, and then the dock is closed, and the communication with the outside world is completely disconnected.

Patap ~

Luo Jia knocked on the quantum communicator on the podium, the signal has been completely disconnected, and such a decisive communication is cut off, making Luo Jia can't help but think of the secret language Star County next door. It seems that this space station has a similar communication termination technology.

"Is it a transition?"

Luo Jia stunned, feeling that the space station was shaking slightly, and the particles in the air were temporarily solidified like glue, which is the unique physical phenomenon of space transition.

"Such a huge space station still has the ability to jump? It must be an extremely powerful space engine, and anyone with such a giant engine can never be underestimated." Luo Jia murmured.

These days are the years after the annihilation of civilization. Those who master the top technology in their hands must either have an identity, have inherited their ancestors, or like Luo Jia, have luck against the sky.

Luo Jia carefully sorted out the clothes and thought about the wording to be used later. Although he hadn't met him yet, he had already added a lot of curiosity to the owner of the giant space station and had to pay attention to it.

Open the cabin door, and the fresh air is coming on the face. Unlike most space stations, there is no air decay due to the perennial closure. A large number of artificially cultivated plants make the space station full of vitality.

The green vines entwined in the thick pipes, and the colorful flowers laid out in the pots on both sides of the road.

Luo Jia felt an inexplicable familiarity. After obtaining plant cultivation technology from Lan Yu, the Life Science Department led by the Wen family brothers has always been devoted to plant science and technology research. Nowadays, the ships and bases of the Earth Fleet have already had large-scale Space plant figure.

"Isn't it also the technology of plant civilization." Luo Jia guessed that if the owner of the space station could not do well, he had no connection with the plant family.

"Welcome you, dear guest."

Around the empty tarmac, the sound of nothingness sounded.

Luo Jia looked around and found no owner of the space station.

Ola has said that whether you can see the owner depends on luck. Only when he wants you to see you can you see him.

"Hello, my name is Luo Jia, introduced by Ms. Euler, Starring Trading Group." Luo Jia looked up.

"Ms. Euler, Madam ..." The illusory voice pondered for a few seconds, and said with infinite emotion: "Yeah, it has been 14 years since the last time I saw Euler, now she is already an adult, indeed Can be called a lady. "

"Perhaps it is because I have lived here for too long. I have no concept of the outside world. I often feel that I am still living in the old days of the past."

"Old days? Presumably the owner of this space station is a very old man, has undergone genetic modification, and it is not necessary to live for thousands of years." Luo Jiamo silently gossip about the owner's age.

"How is Euler?"

"Very well, because of her outstanding performance, she is about to become the executive officer of Silver Wheel Star County. I do n’t know the specifics. It seems that it is relatively rare for a young girl to control the branch in the Star Ring Trading Group. A great ability. "Luo Jia repeated what Euler said to herself when she last met.

"Oula really inherited her father's business talent." The Void Voice said comfortably: "You brought me good news, I am very happy, do not know what I can do for you?"

Luo Jia said with a smile: "I was looking for a boat, Euler told me that there is a mysterious gentleman living in the quiet Star County, he is the only one who can help me."

"Oh, did Euler tell you this?"


"Oh, gentleman, I'm actually just a superfluous person." The void voice laughed at itself. "For so many years, except for Euler's brother Glen, you are the second person introduced by her. Presumably you are right Is she important? "

Asked this ...

Luo Jia is not a fool. He could hear that the other party may have misunderstood. As a steel straight man, Luo Jia did not have the idea of ​​taking advantage of Euler, and said very sincerely: "I and she are only business partners. La is about to be promoted from the Minister of Commerce to the Executive Officer, a large part of which is because of the exclusive agency right signed with me. Xinghuan Trading is now earning a lot of money because of the agency of our company ’s products. "

"Such ..." The void voice was slightly disappointed, "In any case, you always helped Euler, tell your request."

"I want to buy an elite class warship." Luo Jia said bluntly.

"Why?" Asked the void voice.

"There is no special reason. I am afraid of death. I heard that the elite class warship is the best in the heyday of civilization. It runs fast, has strong firepower, and can better protect my life. So I want to buy one." Luo Jia said .

After a short pause, the void voice laughed, "You human beings are funny, straightforward, and not hypocritical at all, much like a friend I knew before."

The first half of the sentence was happy, and the second half was slightly sentimental. Luo Jia didn't care. He had long believed that the owner of the space station was an old man, and the old people were usually very old.

"It's true, elite-class warships are not difficult for me." Nihon said: "The only problem is that they are old and need to be repaired and maintained before they can be used. Do you have time to wait?"


Is simply amazing!

Luo Jia nodded again and again. He knew the value of elite warships. What could he do if he took some time to wait.

Suddenly, Luo Jia's right hand was slightly painful, and a golden voice sounded in his mind, "Don't forget, we are being hunted down. If we stay here for too long, we will definitely be caught up by my kind. I guarantee that after all, element tracking is not affected. Space and time constraints have no end. "

Luo Jia stunned suddenly, his face changing continuously.

Yeah, the reason why I left my hometown and left the Earth Fleet and my brothers was because I was chased and killed, maybe seventy-two hours, or maybe a little longer, and the elements would catch up at first.

"Otherwise let him repair the warship first, I will pick it up later?"

"Will it be rude to ask?"

Luo Jia was embarrassed to think about it. The owner of the space station promised to sell it to his elite warship. It was already very interesting. If other requirements were raised, this old man would be angered, and it would be bad.

If you stay, it will inevitably be chased by the elemental force, it will only be more difficult.

When Luo Jiazheng was in a dilemma, UU read books www.uukansan. Suddenly, com changed.

嗖 ~

A dark red laser shot from a distance, instantly hitting the invisible star claw, the light burst, the red laser directly penetrated the micro robot, and the graphene circuit burned out, and a ray of blue smoke came out.

Luo Jia is stupid!

He is not a soldier. Of course, he must bring a mechanical legion when he comes out. Now he depends on the mechanical legion to save his life.

But today is really evil, the invisibility of the star claw's curtain actually didn't work, it was discovered by the owner of the space station!

Hum ~

Luo Jia was suddenly as big as a fight, be aware that the mechanical legion is his biggest rely on, and cannot be discovered by anyone.

As the infamous public enemy of the stars, if known, Luo Jia turned out to be the heir of mechanical civilization, and will definitely be under siege from the entire universe! It will be ugly!

"Don't hesitate!"

"Kill him! Occupy the space station!"

"The Engine Corps!"

"If you don't kill him, he will reveal your secret!"

Gold is worthy of elemental power. He shouted in Luo Jia's mind, and his murderous intention quickly condensed, making Luo Jia's right hand golden light soar.

Luo Jia's brain is running fast. In any case, he has entered the space station and occupied a favorable position. Here, he releases the mechanical legion and takes control of the space station in one fell swoop. It is very likely.


When Duan continued to rebel against it, just at the moment Luo Jia was about to order an attack, the sound of nothingness suddenly became strange and choked. .

Seems ...

Space Station owner, sobbing in a low voice ...

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