Technological Hegemony

Chapter 667: Attack poison with poison!

Chapter 664 Attacking poison with poison!

If it is not seen with your own eyes, it is difficult to imagine that in this world, there is an element of this strange life form.

Elements are like tiny molecules that can fly around in the air as individuals, take advantage of the opportunity to invade the human brain, or they can be combined into large element bodies, which are terrifying and terror, and charge the army's defense line.

After all, it is the strong enemy who controls the entire universe behind the scenes. The brutality of the elemental power is undoubted, but fortunately Luo Jia found a way to deal with the elemental power, using Kro alloy to create a device similar to a vacuum cleaner, absorbing element molecules into the storage tank, Then seal it up.

This method seems to be very effective, but it is also a bit dangerous, because once the initial number of elements exceeds the limit, it will cause the strength of the element to exceed the limit of the sealing force of the Kro alloy, the element is freed from the storage tank, and the manufacturing scale is not large. A small explosion left the skeleton of a robot carrying an alloy sealed canister.

"Do not overabsorb!"

"Once the initial elements are successfully absorbed, no matter how much, retreat immediately!"

"The power of individual elements is limited, but once they gather, they will produce unimaginable explosive power!"

"We want to weaken them a little bit! Anyway, we are a mechanical legion. We are not afraid of the number!"

Luo Jia commanded remotely and gave orders one by one. This was originally the work of Shen Lang, but Luo Jia did it himself, and he did well.

Perhaps it is because of the ability of the science and technology man to observe the essence through the phenomenon. Luo Jia has now fully understood the strengths and weaknesses of the elemental power, and then formulated a strategy for boiling frogs in warm water for the weaknesses.

Uh ~

The number of claws is huge, and these crawling robots gather through the sewers, ventilation pipes, and electrical lines to the main battlefield.

Once the elemental power was successfully captured, it immediately entered a small gap to retreat. The scene was terrifying, much like the large-scale invasion of the Zerg in the horror movie.

In this way, the elemental force failed to destroy many claws of the stars. Instead, it was weakened by these insidious little robots by way of zeroing.

Ao ~

Finally, the remaining elemental forces realized that if they continued to drag on, they would face more dangers and had to leave with hatred.

Boom ~

Hearing a loud noise, the remaining elemental powers sprinted through one, two, and three decks, directly breaking open the hull, turning into a red-red elemental light, roaring in space, apparently extremely angry.

Click ~ Click ~

The ship's self-protection system is activated, the alarm bells are overwhelming, and the airtight door falls down urgently to isolate the damaged cabin and prevent air leakage.

However, the soldiers who had no time to retreat, and almost all the members of the clown circus, were instantly sucked into the airless and cold universe. Their eyes quickly swelled and swelled in one second, and the skin and hair became frost, and the whole body became stiff and cold , As if the freeze-dried corpse had just been removed from the liquid nitrogen tank.

The scar was also sucked into space, but as the ultimate weapon of biological civilization, he not only did not die, but stared at the crimson light formed by the condensed elemental force on the proud stand of a standard posture.

Rumble ~

The surrounding starships started firing large-caliber naval guns. They also used Kro alloy shells, which could threaten elemental forces.

Even crazier is the Star Claw. The ghost knows how Luo Jia thought of it, and actually ordered the Star Claw to use the vacuum cleaner jar behind it as a mobile tool.

In a vacuum state, the robot has almost no weight, floats in space at will, and gently opens the electromagnetic siphon. In a flash, the claws of the star burst out like bullets, and it is more flexible and faster than in the cabin.

"It's so powerful, it's a mechanical legion!"

"Little spider robots have such wisdom, and God knows what fighting power the robot army has!"

"The speed is too fast! The elemental power is absolutely unexpected. Under the space environment, the mechanical legion is more powerful than the cabin!"

The claws of countless stars instantly turned into bullets blasted in countless space, all rushing towards the cluster of red-red elemental polymer, using short contact to capture the elemental molecules in it.

Knowing that the general trend is gone, it may be that the command was received. At first, the element was no longer in love, but suddenly accelerated, rushing into the dark deep space. Numerous element molecules formed a comet-like celestial body, dragging the crimson tail, and disappeared in an instant.


"We have defeated elemental power!"

"It is worthy of mechanical civilization. This time, it will no longer be an enemy of mechanical civilization, but will it be their ally?"

"It's unclear, anyhow, everything is messy!"

Some high-level civilizations are discussing, and most soldiers do n’t know about elemental power at all. They only know that their army and the mechanical legion have teamed up to drive away some very strange and invisible enemies that look like clouds and fog.


To summarize, record, and analyze, Luo Jia did the first thing after the battle.

As for how to deal with the captured elemental power, leave it to Aunt Duoer and Advanced Artificial Intelligence Colin. As a superior, Luo Jia cannot worry about everything. It is the right way to use the capabilities of the people around him reasonably.

"I am back."

Scared frown, walked into Luo Jia's office.

No. 7 stunned slightly, jumped on Luo Jia's shoulder, and stared at this familiar and strange guy. The beast was born with six keen senses. No. 7 knew that scars were his own kind, but somehow, he still thought Luo Jia could bring him more Security.

As for this guy ...

He is so fierce, and the scars on his face are quite ugly ...

"Please sit down." Luo Jia said with a smile: "Lan Yu didn't come back with you?"

The scar nodded softly and said: "Mr. Lan Yu masters the magical power of the plant family. He said that he would make an analysis of the battle scene and use the special ability of the plant family to see if there will be gains."

"So the water-shaped civilization is safe?" Luo Jia asked again.

"Almost." Scar said: "I followed their starships around and found no hidden enemies, sir, you really are like a god, and you don't know how you judge that elemental power will give up and destroy the water Civilized plan? "

Luo Jia shrugged, not thinking: "The invisible enemy is the most dangerous. For elemental forces, I am the invisible enemy. They do n’t know if I am a ship, a fleet, or the whole. Mechanical family. "

"I don't know who the enemy is and what his strength is. In this case, any sensible commander will order to terminate the current plan and re-investigate the intelligence."

"So as long as I do n’t take the initiative to reveal the bottom card, elemental powers dare not act rashly. In the final analysis, this is the trick to pull the tiger skin to make a big banner. I throw out tens of thousands of star claws, which represents more than a group of robots, and It represents the entire mechanical family. "

The scar nodded lightly, and the weight of the four words mechanical civilization is multiple. Only those who have really participated in the universe war can understand it. Under the intervention of elemental forces, all civilizations declared war on the mechanical clan at the same time. It still took many, many years. Is extremely difficult.

In the end, the mechanical civilization failed, not because of the frontal battlefield, but because of logistics.

Even if the rare mineral veins needed by mechanical civilization are destroyed by nuclear power, they will not be exploited by the mechanical family. Under such resource-consuming tactics similar to Sanguang, the mechanical civilization has failed because of insufficient logistics supplies.

Assuming that the mineral supply is always sufficient and the production line is fully powered, the final result is not yet known.

Soon after, Lan Yu, Duoer, and Colin returned to the Storm Goddess and brought their own news.

It is a pity that Lan Yu failed to find useful clues, but after this battle, he has gained more understanding and enlightenment for the special enemy of elemental power, and it has increased his knowledge.

Duo'er and Colin completed the elemental seal design. They were going to manufacture a honeycomb structure, fill small cans with elemental power, and then seal them layer by layer with Clo alloy at any cost.

"In any case, make preparations first and build the seal's nest before I talk." Luo Jia Shen said ~ ~ Aunt Duo Er suddenly stunned, puzzled: "What, listen to you Meaning, has the power of the seal element been decided yet? "

"I can tell you that those elements are dangerous, and energy testing shows that they are always trying to break through the Kro alloy, but whenever a storage tank ruptures and releases the elements, a large number of elemental forces will follow the trail and chase us down. "

The scar nodded gently. "It is true. There is a way of communication between elements that cannot be blocked by time and space. The only substance that can isolate this connection at the moment is Kelloll."

Luo Jia scratched his head and frowned: "I actually understand the truth better than you, but I have been thinking for a long time, and I feel that I always have to find a solution to this matter."

"At present, the idea of ​​biological civilization is good. Since the element is a typical individual's powerful life, then it is necessary to attack the poison with poison and create a stronger individual, which is opposed to it."

Slowly lifting the gloved right hand and shaking it in front of everyone's eyes, Luo Jia said lightly: "I want to give it a try, can I absorb these elements."

(End of this chapter)

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