The moment Liu Runzhi’s voice fell.

The quiet atmosphere of the entire conference hall exploded at once!


Plasma stealth technology has broken through the technical barrier?

Fake it!

Last month, their work progress has not reached 10%??? ”

“emmm…… It turns out that the gossip is true!

There really is a mysterious genius who helped the White Dragon 606 to complete the technical attack! ”

“WDNMD, this is also fetal cowhide, right?” Who is this Jiang Chen?

Single-handedly break through the barriers of plasma stealth technology? ”

“I don’t know about this, it is said that Feng Chang’an of the White Dragon Military Region at that time rushed directly to Donghuang University by helicopter.”

Because of the confidentiality agreement, no one knows the true face of this Jiang Chen…”

“Let me guess, it can’t be some old professor at Donghuang University, right?”

“Big brother, they all say that they are geniuses, still old professors?” I guess it should be a really big guy in his forties! ”

“Liu said such a long list, I thought they got the plasma stealth technology… Feelings are the help of the big guys! ”

“After breaking through such a big technical barrier, today’s big guy will definitely be commended by the above, who do you say is the big guy?”


Everyone in the chamber was buzzing.

Lu Yushan, vice minister of the Military Armed Forces Department on the counter, motioned for Liu Runzhi to sit down.

Then he took a deep breath close to the microphone and said slowly.

“One year and five months have passed since the launch of the sixth-generation fighter program.

The hard work of all the scientific research workers and staff, I Lu Yushan can see in my eyes!

But everyone knows it.

Sixth-generation fighters are a whole new frontier, unlike the previous 2345-generation fighters.

The difficulty has increased several times, or even more.

Plasma stealth technology, airborne laser weapon system, and new engine technology are recognized as the three major technical barriers by the countries that have developed sixth-generation fighters in the world!

But it is such a difficult environment.

Our comrade Jiang Chen only relies on the equipment rented by the school, the laboratory…

Break through the barriers of plasma stealth technology with your own efforts!

He showed all our scientific workers the national spirit of Longguo scientists who are not afraid of difficulties, dare to forge ahead, and dare to be the first!

I hope that everyone can learn more from Comrade Jiang Chen in the days to come!

The last item of this work report meeting is carried out below.

For the commendation ceremony of Comrade Jiang Chen, Comrade Jiang Chen was invited to the stage! ”

Lu Yushan was speaking.

Su Youwei, who was sitting next to Jiang Chen, frowned a little unnaturally.

Jiang Chen…

Jiang Chen…

Where had she heard the name?

Until the moment when Lu Yushan’s voice fell.

Jiang Chen, who was standing next to her, stood up and walked to the podium of the conference hall.

Su Youwei finally reacted as she watched Jiang Chen walk onto the stage.

Hold a piece of grass!

Isn’t Jiang Chen the little master that Teacher Song asked her to pick up?

Thinking about the words that Jiang Chen had just said to her, Su You’s tiny face turned red as soon as she brushed it.

This bastard little disciple.

She also thought that Jiang Chen was joking with her.

Actually play for real!

But in addition to regret, Su Youwei also had some doubts about life.

If she remembered correctly, Jiang Chen should have just graduated from undergraduate…

Just by virtue of the equipment rented by the school, the laboratory …

Single-handedly break the barriers of plasma stealth technology….

Is her little disciple really human???

When Su Youwei fell into deep autism, Jiang Chen had already walked to the stage.

Feng Chang’an, who was sitting next to Lu Yushan, quietly winked at him, and the hand under the table secretly gave a thumbs up, signaling Jiang Chen not to be nervous.

Jiang Chen smiled in his heart.

On the stage now sat a minister and four generals!

If he’s not nervous, then it’s weird…

When Jiang Chen took the stage, the entire conference hall immediately exploded.

“wdnmd, wait, this is what Minister Lu said about Jiang Chen??? This Nyima is just a student who is still in school, right? ”

“Helplessly, I have no culture, and I am lying in the world.”

Just said that Jiang Chen is the boss of the stand up, I will not kill you! ”

“Well, this is at most in your early twenties, right?”

Minister Lu is not mistaken… Is plasma stealth really developed by him? ”

“No wonder it is genius, in his early twenties he developed plasma stealth technology, this is not a genius what is genius…”

“Yesterday’s graduation defense of Donghuang University was fortunate to be present, and you can’t imagine how terrible this guy’s knowledge reserve is!”

All kinds of laws of ideas are at your fingertips, and physical chemistry is all involved.

When I listened to him share plasma stealth technology, I was on my knees listening! ”

“People are more popular than dead people, I graduated when it was difficult to even graduate, people directly took plasma stealth technology as a graduation design, it was simply …”


[PS: Dear readers, do we still have anyone to read this book, the little brother is so uncomfortable with the stand-alone machine.]

Kneeling down to beg the big guys to spend a flower and a ticket, even if it is a word of cheering, the little brother is grateful!

Kneeling down to beg the big guys to spend a flower and a ticket, even if it is a word of cheering, the little brother is grateful!

Kneeling down to beg the big guys to spend a flower and a ticket, even if it is a word of cheering, the little brother is grateful! 】

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