Lu Yushan’s secretary was also shocked to see Lu Yushan’s anxious appearance.

Ever since their minister returned from Longhang Industries in the morning.

The whole person’s mood is a little unstable.

This sentiment was especially evident after General Lu of the Ning Naval District had just arrived!

He didn’t know exactly what was going on.

But he knew he had to find people as soon as possible….

Otherwise he is in danger!


Ten minutes.

In a hurry, several academicians of the Dragon Academy of Sciences and the Dragon Engineering Academy with a confused look on their faces gathered in Lu Yushan’s office.

Most of them are researchers and designers who have made outstanding contributions to the previous generation of Arrow-20.

Therefore, everyone is an expert in the field of fighter aircraft research and development.

After the completion of the development of the Arrow-20, he also retired.

Either he is the dean of the Longguo Academy of Sciences and the Longguo Academy of Engineering, or he teaches at universities.

Of course, for the field of fighter aircraft research and development.

There is also a tradition.

That is, the previous generation of fighter developers usually become members of the program evaluation of the next generation of fighter aircraft development.

This is also a tradition in the field of scientific research in the Dragon Kingdom.

Several academicians with white sideburns entered Lu Yushan’s office.

Yang Weigang, the chief designer of the fifth-generation fighter Arrow-20, looked at Lu Yushan’s eager appearance and asked doubtfully

“Minister Lu, your voice is shouting, these old bones of ours have almost fallen apart…”

Academician Wei, Academician Pan and others behind them also nodded their heads.

Lu Yushan looked at a big man in the industry and smiled helplessly:

“Elder Yang, Elder Wei…

It’s really not that I’m playing a big card, it’s that the situation is too urgent, and it’s too unexpected for me….

This is why I urgently summoned a few of you over. ”

Lu Yushan said so.

Several retired old academicians couldn’t help but be curious.

What could make Lu Yushan so excited.

I’m afraid it’s not small!

Lu Yushan took a deep breath and handed over the top-secret information of the seven-star in his hand to the academician group headed by Yang Weigang.

“Elder Yang, Elder Wei, I would like to bother you to evaluate this information…”

Yang Weigang took the information in Lu Yushan’s hand and put on reading glasses.

When the eyes look at the level of secrecy on the information.

Several academicians were stupid.

Good guys….

Seven Star Top Secret Materials!

The last time they saw seven-star top-secret information was 10 years ago when they were working on the Arrow-20, right?

Didn’t you hear that the development of the Arrow-30 sixth-generation fighter has only been going on for more than a year?

This brings out top-secret information that can reach seven stars?

Patience took the material out of the file bag.

“On the Conceptual Direction and R&D Scheme of Variable Cycle Adaptive Engine”

The moment the name of the profile appears.

Several academicians of Yang Weigang were dumbfounded.


Old Wei, am I already confused…

This is written on the “Conceptual Direction and Research and Development Scheme of Variable Cycle Adaptive Engine”, right? ”

Academician Wei wiped his eyes and nodded.

“You’re not stupid…

It is indeed “About the Conceptual Direction and Development Scheme of Variable Cycle Adaptive Engine”…”

The rest of the academicians also nodded their heads.

But both eyes are a little sluggish.

Although everyone has retired, the enthusiasm for scientific research is still there.

There is a lot of international scientific research information, and everyone still knows a lot about it to a greater or lesser extent.

The famous variable-cycle adaptive engine they have certainly heard of.

This was the engine that was first hailed as the most powerful engine for the six teams of fighters!

But didn’t even the bald eagle and the furry bear give up in the back?

Is it said that it will take at least 30 years to conquer?

Why do they now have the R&D solution for the variable cycle adaptive engine in their hands?

Lu Yushan and Lü Wei, who were waiting on the side, looked at the shock and helplessness of several old academicians and smiled bitterly.

Their looks just now are much more humiliating than these ones…

Yang Weigang raised his head and looked at Lu Yushan and Lü Wei.

The doubts in my heart were still not asked, but I opened the information in my hand.

Compare that to what exactly this information is about.

Or the profile itself is more attractive to them a few old guys!

When the moment of opening the information, several old academicians were silent….

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