134. No matter how you think about it, the Asian lead actor is a bit

The influence of France in the world film industry is not small.

In 1889, Edison, the king of inventors, invented the first projector, but it was the Lumiere brothers in France who made a movie using it, and it was Méliès who made the first ‘fiction’ movie.

All of these were French.

The love and pride of France for cinema was as great as that.

What is the image that comes to your mind when you think of French films?

Somewhat boring and difficult.

The psychological description of the characters is more important than the interest of the plot.

In other words, there is a strong tendency for auteurist art films.

However, French cinema like this has also recently faced a period of upheaval.

This is because the number of released films is increasing, but on the other hand, the market share is decreasing.

Universal, the largest investor in French cinema, has declared the end of French cultural exceptionalism.

Most of the French films that have recently hit the box office have been heavily Americanized.

Gradually, a movement to escape from the glory of the Nouvelle Vague era and follow the new trend began to appear.


Europakov, one of the biggest French film production companies.

However, in recent years, its reputation has been in great danger.

Last year, [City of Angels], which was ambitiously prepared with astronomical production costs, failed miserably at the box office.

It suffered a large deficit of about 150 billion won,

In the aftermath, intensive restructuring was carried out, from the CEO to the executive team.

After that, Pierre Lucien was newly elected as the representative through the resolution of the board of directors.

He was a film director when he was young, but after realizing that he had more talent for investment and production, he jumped into this industry early and succeeded.

After he took office as CEO of Europakov, many filmmakers, including the board of directors, placed high expectations on him.

It was because Europakov was the symbol and pride of French cinema.

The first plenary meeting held since he took office.

A heated debate ensued that made the air hot.

“A new challenge is good, but what are we good at? Action. action! We need to increase the proportion of action!”

“No, then are you saying that we should only pursue works that smell like money like the Americans? How was our French cinema great? If you go down the same path as them, you will only end up in the shadow of America.”

“So what’s left of keeping that pride until now? How long are you going to stick with that bastard’s auteurism and old-fashioned things like Nouvelle Vague? Don’t you know that if you fail, it’s all over anyway?”

“what!? did you say everything? What is Goritabun? It’s because of money-grubbers like you that French cinema is what it is! Know!?”

“what!? This gentleman! I’ve said everything. now!?”

“stop! Please stop it!”

The representative, Lucien, intervened between the two executives, whose emotions were running high.

“I know what you both mean. There is also a point. In the end, the key is which one to stick to between ‘capital’ and ‘pride’. This is not an easy choice. It seems too overheated, so let’s leave today’s meeting up to this point and continue tomorrow’s meeting.”

So the meeting ended.

Lucien stares at the CEO’s nameplate, which has not even been peeled off.

Frustrated, he took out a thick cigar, lit it, and inhaled deeply.

“Whoa… that’s difficult. There is nothing that is not important to money and pride. If you follow the money, you will become a traitor to the world who sold France’s artistic soul, and if you follow your pride, you will become the one who ruined the company. hahahahaha, traitor or failure… Is this a single-handed person?”

I knew the rough internal situation from the time I accepted the representative position, but after taking office, the situation was much worse than expected.

Just as he was deep in thought, his cell phone rang.

“Well? Who is it?”

Lucien was puzzled by the number he saw for the first time.

“Yeah. This is Pierre Lucien. Where did you call from?”

Surprise spread across Lucien’s expressionless face for a moment.

“Who? Are you really a senior? no! how? How are you? yes yes See you soon. Yes. Okay. I’ll see you then.”

As if he still couldn’t believe it, Lucien muttered with a dumbfounded face.

“Senior Jean Dumont… suddenly…?”

To Lucien, Jean Dumont was a very special person.

The immature days when I didn’t know anything and boasted that I was a director in my own way.

When no one cares about you,

Jean Dumont already had a great reputation as a director, but he was a senior director who kindly informed me of this and that without ignoring himself.

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Not only that, even when he turned into a film producer, Jean Dumont laid the foundation for establishing a full-fledged position within the company by entrusting the production of works such as [Image Game] and [The Fallen Saint of Montmartre].

So, even if it wasn’t a benefactor in life, there was a perception of someone who had to repay the favor someday.

“Once you meet, you will know.”


next day.

“Five! Seniors! How long has this really been…”

Lucien was also aware of the tragedy that had happened to Jean Dumont.

The appearance of Jean Dumont, whom he faces after 20 years, is senile enough to guess the hardships of the past,

Only those eyes were as sharp as they were when they were full of blood.

“hahahahaha, how long has it been since this happened, Lucien? You are still there.”

“Sit down for now. We have a lot to talk about.”

Two people sitting on a black sofa in the middle of the office.

When the secretary brought me two cups of warm coffee beans, I solved the old clothes.

said Jean Dumont, staring at Lucien.

“I am preparing for a comeback. I came because I wanted you to take care of the production, if possible.”

Although he had guessed to some extent, Lucien swallowed his surprise at Jean Dumont’s words and asked.

“Finally… are you coming back? What kind of work is it?”

Jean Dumont took out a copy of the script from his old bag.

[The melody that dances with the waves]

Lucien was handed the scenario book.

“Can I read it for a minute?”

At Lucien’s question, Jean Dumont smiled and nodded.

how much time has passed


Lucien quietly put the scenario book on the wooden table.

“good. This work… Please join us, Europakov. Honestly… it won’t be easy to convince the executives, but I’ll do my best.”

Jean Dumont nodded his head as if it were natural to say that.

“Okay. Don’t do that. ah! And the male lead actor has already been decided, so please don’t interfere with that part. It doesn’t matter who the rest of the cast is.”

“Alain Station? You must be an Asian actor. Who were you thinking of?”

“I am a Korean actor. Say goodbye.”

“Song Gyu-ha… Song Gyu-ha… I’ve heard this name a lot…”

Lucien thought as he tapped the wooden table with his fingers.

“Recently, they say that he is famous for his work called Trium Over.”

Lucien exclaimed in admiration.

“ah! Peter! Is that the actor? This is amazing in a very different way. It is true that he is an actor with a lot of issues these days, but I don’t think the image fits with this work.”

At Lucien’s words, Jean Dumont said firmly.

“Prejudice. Only he can play Alain. In the first place, this work was also revised while thinking of him.”

“If you go that far, you mean you saw something. Okay. We will finalize production within the next week.”

“Thank you. I will wait for your contact.”

That’s how Jean Dumont passed away and Lucien, who was left alone in the office, deepened.

“Jean Dumont… Sing it…”

The comeback of forgotten master Jean Dumont after 20 years.

It will definitely become a hot topic.

To that extent, Jean Dumont had a profound influence on the French film industry, and ironically, his tragedy served as an opportunity to further increase his awareness among the public.

Moreover, Kyu-Ha Song was an actor whose acting in Triumph Over was so impressive that he was a candidate for casting even within Europakov.

“Of course, only for the action genre.”

The role of Alain in [The Melody Dancing with the Waves] brought by director Jean Dumont was the exact opposite of Peter in Triumph Over.

At first glance, it had to be so sickly that it looked skinny,

I had to be sensitive because of the musical inspiration,

The eyes looking at the world had to be pure.

“Certainly, the sensibility unique to French films is alive and well.”

[The Melody Dancing with the Waves] was a work with French artistic colors.

And if it’s done well, it seemed to have enough commercial potential.

“But… the proud French film industry puts an Asian actor in the lead role…”

Even at a cursory glance, it was obvious that the production cost of the previous generation had to be invested.

“Haa.. it won’t be easy. I’ll try throwing it tomorrow.”

Until late at night, the lights in Lucien’s office seemed unwilling to go out.


“Absolutely not! Oh my god! You want an Asian actor to play the lead role? Everyone will laugh at our French films.”

“That is my opinion as well. It is acknowledged that the actor Song Kyu-ha is a very successful actor in the United States. However, it is nonsensical to entrust a lead role simply because of topicality. Isn’t the image too different?”

Lucien rubbed his temple at the stronger-than-expected resistance.

“Still, director Jean Duang’s will to put Song Kyu-ha in the lead role is too strong. If he said he would replace him with another actor, he was in the mood to overturn the work. If not, I’ll go find another manufacturer. This work called [The Melody Dancing with the Waves]… Are you sure you won’t regret it even if you miss it?”

The executives who had vehemently objected to Lucien’s words, who were calm but cool, became dumb.

Even to them, it was because the scenario itself for [The Melody Dancing with the Waves] was very good.

Intoxicated with the former glory, obsessed with obstinacy and prejudice, they only cried out against it.

“Of course, I admit that the work itself is very good. I also acknowledge the excellent direction of director Jean Dumont. But the Asian lead actor is a different matter. And for a work like this, the budget would have to be invested at an all-time high… Even the French people won’t readily admit it. Do we really need to take that risk?”

“you’re right. It would be quicker to convince director Jean Dumont. You seem to have lost your senses because you are making a comeback after 20 years, but isn’t it an era where people say that they are stubborn like in the old days? To be honest, I am dubious about director Jean Dumont right now.”

At the words of an executive, Lucien’s expression frowned.

“Be careful with your words, Gustaf. Still, he was once called the godfather of French cinema. If it hadn’t been for the incident, he would have left a mark in the history of French cinema.”

“Who doesn’t know? I once dreamed of becoming a filmmaker after watching his work. But 20 years is by no means short. In the meantime, don’t you know better that everything has changed in terms of trends, directing, and shooting techniques?”

“Nope. Director Jean Dumont is different.”

Lucien, who was listening, said firmly.

“What’s the difference, CEO?”

“Nobody in this room knows more about him than I do. A time when he was in his prime. Do you know why every film you direct is a success?”

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No one gave a clear answer to Lucien’s question.

“It’s simple. Because he only works for success. He is a hard-nosed rationalist while pursuing a serious safety first. I thoroughly analyze and analyze whether or not the work will be successful.”

“That means…”

“Yeah. Director Jean Dumont analyzed that this work would be unconditional, so he pushed forward like this. If our Europakov refuses to make this film, he will not hesitate to go to our competitor, Gaumont.”

“Kkeuh… No matter how you think about it, the Asian lead actor is a bit…”

At that time, an executive who checked the message shouted in surprise.

“no! This… what? Ji, check out the news article right now!”

“no. Andre! What’s the news all of a sudden in the middle of the meeting?”

“Isn’t there the actor Gyu-Ha Song we just mentioned!? They say that actor is the hero of Bataclan…?”


A heavy silence fell in the conference room of the Europakov headquarters.

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