142. Nice to see you. the diary is right

A honey-like holiday amidst the arduous filming schedule.

Gyu-ha and Bong-gu were planning to visit Mont Saint-Michel, the castle in the sky.

“Brother, I’m going to a place like this for the first time! Are you looking forward to it!?”

Bong-gu, who is new to a foreign country, hummed without hiding his excitement.

“Like the manager said at the time, I have to see it with my own eyes to see if it really looks like a castle in the sky. ah! The museum also has a skull with a hole in its forehead on display, so you should definitely see it!”

“yes. I’m curious as to what it was pierced with. It’s not easy to pierce without touching the brain.”


Kyu-ha’s words were slightly different in focus, but the excited Bong-gu didn’t care and walked ahead alone.

After a long bus ride, the two arrived near Mont Saint Michel.

“First of all, this is a completely empty field, isn’t it? What do you want to see here…?”

Moving once more by shuttle bus revealed the majestic appearance of Mont Saint Michel, which had been shrouded in veil.


Originally, Mont Saint-Michel was an island, so there was a bridge connecting it to the mainland.

A medieval monastery in the middle of a rocky island.

As the sunset set, the true value of Mont Saint Michel was revealed.

As soon as the red light embraced the majestic Mont Saint Michel, its subtle beauty stood out even more.

The barrenness of not being able to feel even a single bit of the vitality of green.

The cloudy gray sky creates a gloomy atmosphere.

Even flocks of migratory birds covering the sky.

For some reason, it gave me a mysterious feeling.

Entering the village, there were all sorts of restaurants, souvenir shops, and post offices.

In front of the post office, a French man in his 30s greeted Kyu-ha and Bong-gu.

“hello. It’s called Liam, who is in charge of the guide. Welcome to Mont Saint Michel.”

Mont Saint Michel Abbey was only accessible with a local guide.

So, Liam guided me to the monastery.

“Does it really feel like you’re in the Middle Ages?”

Bong-gu looked around the village and burst into admiration.

Unlike the cleanly paved road, the building itself had a brick house and a distinctive medieval style.

Passing through the village, on the way up to the monastery.

All around was a thick, gray muddy field.

“Gyeongpodae in Korea and here and seagulls chirping for snacks is the same.”

Bong-gu said as he saw hundreds of seagulls roaming the sky, waiting for food thrown by tourists.

“Brother, why don’t you think we’re the only ones going up?”

Contrary to the three people going up to the monastery, most of the tourists were coming down.

Liam smiled and explained.

“You are lucky. It’s probably because there are many people who don’t know that today is the first day of night opening.”

There was a time when Mont Saint Michel was allowed to open at night for a short time limited to summer, and today was the first start.

Finally, the three of them arrived at the monastery entrance.

“Wow… this. I can’t speak well. It’s really cool, brother?”

Seeing the monastery in front of his eyes, Bong-gu felt overwhelmed.

It was because the tall gray buildings surrounded them as if they were looking down on them.

Maybe because it was the time when the sun was setting little by little, the inside of the monastery was illuminated by a soft blue light.

Bong-gu looked around and wrapped his arms around his body.

“But somehow it’s a bit spooky.”

Soft candlelights were fluttering everywhere, and Bong-gu, who saw them, clapped his hands.

“Harry Potter! It looks just like the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from Harry Potter. It’s similar.”

Bong-gu, who had discovered something at that time, raised his finger excitedly.

“uh!? brother! I think this is what the manager said? You punched a hole in your forehead?”

The place Bonggu pointed to was the inner wall of the building, and there was a sculpture engraved with a scene of Archangel Michael punching a hole in the head of Archbishop Obero.

“It was real. Miraculous.”

“You made a hole like that.”

The two of them looked at the sculpture and muttered their feelings.

“OMG. What is a giant cogwheel?”

“It says this monastery was once used as a prison, and it was used to pump food up for the inmates, Liam said.”

“ah! It was such a use. Thank you, brother.”

When I looked around and looked around intently.

The lofty main chapel, where you can only see the ceiling when you bend your neck completely, was revealed.

The light at the border of blue and purple was lighting up the main chapel.

“This is the real exhaust. If you pray here, you will naturally feel reverent, so it must be delicious to pray?”

It was Bong-gu’s impression of the tour of the main chapel.

It took about an hour to tour the entire monastery.

“ruler! At this point, you can assume that you’ve seen everything you can see. Let’s go to the last course.”

Following Liam to the top of the monastery, there was a place like an observatory where you could look down on the surroundings at a glance.

“Looking down from here, it is very empty… I can see why it was used as a fortress and a prison in the past. It is a place where the word isolated on a really remote island fits well.”

Gyu-ha and Bong-gu finished watching the last course like that.

“Well, it was a pretty fun sight anyway. How was your brother?”

“Yeah, I was fine too. It reminds me of old times.”

“An old idea? Have you ever been here before?”

It came to my mind suddenly, but this was a place where Gyuha had visited once when he lived the life of King Charles VII of Victory.

And a forgotten memory came to mind.

There is one hidden memory that only Kyuha knows.

Right now, I don’t think I can confirm it today, so I decided to promise later.

“Now go downstairs. There are hardly any people.”

“Yes, you are.”

So the three reversed the way they came and went down again.

“Uh huh, is it summer? At night it seems to be colder than before. Aren’t you cold?”

“me? Are you okay?”

It was then.

Gyuha suddenly turned his head to the right.

Far away, at the end of the dark hallway of the monastery, behind an old pillar.

An unknown figure in dark clothing caught Gyu-ha’s eyes.

He couldn’t see his face because he was wearing a robe that covered his entire body, but he could tell that he was staring at him.

Kyu-ha stopped on the spot.

“Brother, what are you doing?”

Bong-gu asked a puzzled question when Kyu-ha suddenly stopped.

Gyuha said while looking at Bonggu and Liam.

“Come to think of it, I left my hotel key at the main chapel. I’ll be running right away, so could you wait a minute?”

“Oops. Do you remember where you put it?”

“Yeah. Fortunately, I remember. There aren’t many people, so I’ll be back soon. Please go down first.”

“All right. Then I’ll be waiting for you at the entrance below.”

“Brother, I will come. Ah… You don’t know where you left it… Go home quickly. I’ll be waiting for you.”


Kyuha nodded and quickly headed for the hallway on the right.

The place he headed was where the unknown person he had seen earlier was standing.

A mysterious figure who continues to stare at Kyu-Ha in the same spot without moving.

As Kyu-ha approached, he turned around and started heading somewhere.

Gyuha, who had been silently staring at his back, followed him.

because it felt

that he is leading himself somewhere.

Because he was curious about the identity of the man, Gyu-ha silently followed him.

how long did it take

After passing through the maze-like corridors and stairs, the place we arrived at was a place full of spider webs and dust, as if to prove that no one had ever reached it.

The unidentified being was standing at the end of a hallway with nowhere else to go, looking at Gyuha with his back to a piece engraved on the wall.

Kyuha also stopped and stared at the man, but it was impossible to see his face because of the robe he was wearing.

That moment.

The unknown entity turned toward the wall and walked slowly toward the carved wall.

Kyuha’s eyebrows twitched.

It was very rare for Kyuha, who rarely changes her emotions.

But who wouldn’t be surprised to see a scene where a person passes through a wall and disappears right in front of them?

all over

Gyu-ha moved closer to the wall where the unknown being disappeared.

On the stone wall, which contains the traces of time, there is an image of a person who appears to be a religious figure crawling on his face toward an angel’s outstretched hand.

Gyu-ha carefully analyzes the pieces while touching them.

When I touched the angel’s wing, Gyu-ha felt a strange sense of discomfort.

Soon, I applied strong force to press that part, and little by little the wall of that part was pushed inside.


There was a sound like the wall hitting something.

Gyu-ha, pondering for a moment what this symptom was, pushed the entire wall with her shoulder.


Then, to my surprise, the walls began to turn little by little, like a revolving door in a building, with the sound of scratching the floor.


Pushing the wall all the way left a space barely big enough for an adult man to fit in.

Without hesitation, Gyu-ha squeezed his body through the gap.

It was very dark inside, but when I turned on my phone’s flashlight and illuminated it, a staircase leading to the basement came out.

all over

I slowly climbed the stairs while illuminating the surroundings with the flashlight of my cell phone.

As if to prove that the place had not been visited by people for a long time, you could feel the dust piled up on your clothes every time you walked, and there were spider webs everywhere.

how far did it go down?

A rusty iron door appeared.

Gyuha grabbed the handle of the iron door and pulled it slowly.

this is profit

The door opened with an annoying grinding sound, revealing what was inside.

What caught my eye was a bookshelf on one side of the empty space and a dusty glass tube in the center.

Kyuha stepped inside.


Surprisingly, when Kyu-ha entered, an old lantern hanging on the wall lit up.

A normal person would have collapsed on the spot or screamed in fear, but Gyu-ha looked at it casually and headed for the glass tube placed in the center without hesitation.

The size of the glass tube seen up close was about the size of an ordinary paper box.

smack smack

When the inside of the glass tube was difficult to see due to the accumulated dust, Gyuha swept away the dust with his hand.

Gyuha finally began to see the inside of the glass tube between the seats he had swept away.

“Well…? This…”

Placed inside the glass tube was a beautifully displayed bronze statue the size of a water bottle.

Gyu-ha turned around and headed towards the bookshelf in the corner.

There were about twenty old books on the rotten wooden bookshelf, and Gyuha took out one of them.

The title was not written separately, only the number was marked.

When I turned the page, I saw neat handwriting written on the paper, as if I had written it myself.

[It has been 10 years since the Archangel Michael’s temple was built. I, the foolish and arrogant I, Aubert, who ignored the words of the Archangel Michael three times, have been living asceticism in this monastery with a heart of atonement.]

“Looks like a diary.”

“Nice to see you. The weather is right.”

Kyu-ha’s head slowly turned at the unfamiliar voice from behind.

There stood a figure in a black robe who had passed through the wall and suddenly disappeared.

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