151. It’s the first time I’ve seen such subtle tear acting


Eyes hollowed out like puddles.

A boat with only the skin remaining.

A skinny body with ribs and vertebrae sticking out.

More than anything else, it was the madness in his eyes that caught Lorung’s gaze.

“Is it Rorung? long time no see.”

Alain smiled helplessly as if he was very happy to see Roreung after a long time.

“What are you doing here? Didn’t you hear that this ship is about to explode? Let’s get out of here right now.”

However, Alain, who was sitting on the piano chair, did not respond to Lauren’s urging.

“hahahahaha… Where am I going when I go? I’m not going anywhere.”

Lorong pounded his chest in frustration.

“Hey you idiot! didn’t you hear me? that this ship will explode If you stay here, you will die!”

Alain, whose expression did not change despite Lorung’s urging, raised his fingers like dry twigs and pressed the keys one by one.

Ding ding ding

“You know what? They say that the only word for ‘eternity’ is ‘eternity’. This is where I was born, this is my world, this is my beautiful history. Anything beautiful in this world has an ‘end’ somewhere. The baby’s clear eyes, the green youth, the love that seemed to last forever, and my melody… I will be with this piano until the end. I want to have a happy ending like that.”

Laureng was unable to say anything at the sight of Alain, who was so calm that he could not believe that he was facing death.

because it felt that he had everything sorted out.

In the end, after watching Alain play alone for a while, Lauren had no choice but to leave the boat alone.

Alain is left alone again.

If it was short, it was a short life, but it was a truly instrumental life.

His body was already in a state of disrepair and it was difficult to move any further.

Alain was just grateful to heaven for moving his arm at least.

“Piano… I want to play the piano.”

Alain forcibly lifted his arm, which did not move well, and managed to place it on the keyboard.

“Heh heh heh heh.”

Alain intuitively knew that this would be the last performance of his life.

That moment.

My trembling arms regained their stability like a lie,

Every moment, the pain that seemed to burn my body on fire gradually stopped.

Light began to shine in the pupils that were empty like a corpse.

It was like a miracle.

Like a butterfly fluttering its wings, Alain’s fingers slipped and began to dance.

‘rest in peace’

Alain’s last performance toward the ‘Ile de France’, his lifelong nest, and the vast sea that embraced him without prejudice began.

It is a lyrical and heartbreaking melody, as if a poem was written by melting Alain’s life.

The calm wave-like melody seemed to project Alain’s life as it is.

Perhaps, if someone had heard the performance, they would have felt like a dolphin swimming freely in the vast blue sea.

A whirlpool of emotions that could not fathom the depth rode the melody and resonated in the vast sea.

Was it a response to playing?

A huge swell hit and the hull of the ‘Ile de France’ swayed greatly.

The rusty piano fixing frame was pulled out and slid on one side of the piano.

However, Alain, who became one with the piano, closed his eyes and continued to play as it moved along the swell, unaware that the piano was slipping.

It was an amazing sight that anyone who saw it would have cried out as a miracle.

Tears flowed from Alain’s eyes.

They were tears of gratitude and relief for being able to finish the last performance safely.


Soon, 7.5 tons of dynamite installed on the ‘Ile de France’ exploded, and Alain’s performance, which seemed like an eternity, came to an end.

Looking at the burning ‘Ile de France’, Laurent’s eyes became moist.


All the staff on set held their breath and watched the final scene filming.

It was the most important moment to mark the hardships and efforts of the past.

The shooting went smoothly.

As expected, the smoke continued like water flowing without a single NG.


However, due to an unexpected whim of nature, the hull was shaken by a large swell,

The staff was flustered and staggered because they couldn’t keep their balance.

To make matters worse, an accident in which the piano fixing frame was pulled out caused the scene to be filled with only soundless clamor.

However, unexpectedly, director Jean Dumont looked at Kyu-ha more calmly and calmly than anyone else.

The staff, who regained their composure, looked straight ahead again and had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

It was because Kyu-ha, with her eyes closed, continued to play even in the situation of great shaking, shaken by the veil.

“mi. Crazy!”

It was like having a fantastic dream.

It was like a miracle given by God for a great musician who was on the verge of death.

All the staff watched Kyuha’s last performance as if possessed.

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No staff could take their mouths off the tears acting with complex and subtle emotions.


Cheers erupted from the scene along with a loud cut sign that did not fit their age.

“Waaa the best!!!”

“It’s a really fantastic performance. To see a scene like this with my own eyes all my life.”

“It is the best finish. I was able to be part of such a work.”

As if a dike burst, the staff’s rave reviews went to Kyuha like a flood.

“Now please eat some!”

“Ugh, it’s poisonous for a person who used to be muscular to lose this much.”

Kyuha, who lost 55kg for the shoot, was given crepes and waffles at random.

“I will enjoy this food.”

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Now that the filming is over, Kyuha can eat comfortably.

“By the way, what the hell is the tear smoke? I have 20 years of field experience, but I have never seen such a subtle tearful performance.”

well well

Kyuha pondered over what to answer to a staff member’s question.

It was impossible to say that the tears were shed by squeezing the lacrimal sac on the side of the eye using the fine facial muscles.

“Hey man. Let me eat some Song food. look at that body Where is that human body? I want it because I feel sorry for myself.”

“Large. I’m sorry for talking to you while you’re eating, Song. Eat whatever you ate.”

Gyu-ha nodded without saying anything and finished the crepe in his hand.

With this, the long 6-month long journey of [The Melody Dancing with the Waves] came to an end.


Office of Asia and the Pacific, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Deputy Director Raphael was fidgeting, biting his nails.

“Yvonne. Surely it was today?”

“Yes, Deputy Director. Director Cole also said that he would inform us of the analysis results within today, and Dr. Batender also said that he would notify us of the authenticity of the remains.”

“Oh but! Why don’t these guys have a phone like this? Are you going to call me after work?”

“Put. Also the deputy director. No, just a few days ago, he grumbled that it would be fake anyway, but why did it take so long, and now why are you so nervous?”

“That time, that time…! There is a saying that you are deceived even when you know it. I know I’ll be disappointed again, but every time I think, ‘Could it be?’ I must be a very simple person too.”

“In a way, it is natural. It’s not someone else, it’s the remains and remains of Joan of Arc. But since it hasn’t been released to the media, even if it’s fake, there won’t be any big ramifications.”

“So how lucky are you? Yvonne, you know all too well how uproar there was over the fake Joan of Arc remains found in a drugstore in the past. I just get tired of it.”

That time when the two of them were chatting nonsensically.


Raphael and Yvonne’s heads turned at the same time.

It was because the calls were ringing from each extension phone at the same time.


Raphael and Yvonne looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Two people with their own phones in their hands.

“Yes, this is Rafael, Deputy Director of Asia Pacific.”

“I received a call from Yvonne, the head of Asia Pacific.”

The two people focused on the phone call with a firm expression.

Soon, their eyes began to widen.

Soon, the two looked at each other with trembling pupils.


Rafael and Yvonne, who stopped by the Cultural Heritage Research Institute under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, went to the next destination, Raymond Poincaré University Hospital, where Dr. Batender is located, with mixed feelings.

For some reason, the two of them were lost in thought without a word of conversation in the car.

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No matter how much time had passed, Yvonne broke the silence and opened her mouth.

“That flag piece and ring are real… I still can’t believe it, Deputy Director.”

As if to agree with Yvonne’s blankly muttering words, Raphael gripped the steering wheel tightly and recalled his conversation with Cole, director of the Cultural Heritage Research Institute.

“Are you sure, Warden Cole? Are you sure it’s genuine?”

Warden Cole, who calmed the excited Raphael, could not hide his excited voice.

“I was really surprised too. what you brought. Where the hell did you get it from?”

“That’s what I’m going to tell you now…”

“Well, that’s not what’s important. First of all, as a result of the dating of the piece of flag cloth and ring, it is correct that Joan of Arc was active in the 15th century.”

“But that alone…”

“That’s right, you can’t really see that as a relic of Joan of Arc. First of all, that burning flag. As a result of detailed analysis of that flag, the material of the fabric was boccasin, which was the highest quality fabric at the time, and it was embroidered with platinum thread called Kopongne. What is most obvious is that the pattern that seems to symbolize the royal family of Valois is clearly visible.”

“That means…?”

Warden Cole nodded.

“It is genuine. From the fabric to the embroidery, it’s just as it appears in the literature. In particular, that fabric was only available to the royal family at the time, so not everyone can have it.”

“Then what about the ring? How about that ring?”

“First of all, in the case of that ring, I analyzed the crystals of the rusted part. As a result, it is absolutely melting that cannot be artificially created by humans. And above all!”

Warden Cole lifted the ring very carefully with a gloved hand.

“If you look here, you can see the very fine alphabet?”

Yvonne, who was staring at the ring with her eyes wide open, shouted.

“uh! I see you. Written with three crosses… JHS-MAR? What does this mean?”

“In a way, it can be said to be the most conclusive evidence. It’s spelled ‘Jesus-Mary’.”

“ah! Come to think of it…”

“If you look at the records of the Inquisition held in Rouen in 1431, you will find that the ring was given to you by your parents, and the description of the ring’s characteristics exactly matches the record of Joan of Arc’s statement.”

“Oh my gosh….”

“Didn’t you say that these artifacts were contained together with the supposed remains of Joan of Arc?”

“Yeah. It was in a wooden box together.”

“If…the remains turn out to be the real Joan of Arc, then all the puzzles will fit.”


Arriving at the forensic laboratory of Raymond Poincaré, the two urgently sought Dr. Batender.

“hehehe, Dr. Batender, where are you?”

When the two arrived, the atmosphere in the lab was quite chaotic, and it seemed that the researchers were having an argument.

“The team leader is in the office.”

A researcher led me to Batender’s office,

Batender sat the two of them on the black sofa in the center.

“I had a hard time coming.”

“The results…how did the results come out?”

At Raphael’s impatience, Batender’s mouth slowly opened.

“I can’t believe it… but it’s supposed to be the real Joan of Arc’s remains. Of course, we’ll have to do a little more detailed examination, but our research team actually sees it as the remains of the ‘real’ Joan of Arc.”


A deep sigh of astonishment erupted from Raphael’s lips.

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