155. Maybe Korea will turn upside down!

“You’re not an orphan and you’re not half-blood, so why are you that way?”

There was a moment of silence in the teachers’ room at the sudden unfamiliar voice.

Everyone’s heads turned toward the entrance to the teachers’ room.

He was a tall man with an extraordinary proportion.

He was wearing a black top and bottom, a hat, and even sunglasses, so it was difficult to guess the identity of the man.

Lee Sang-il, the homeroom teacher, asked the man.

“How did you get here?”

At that, the man in black trudged toward Lee Sang-il and his three parents.

“I will greet you first. He is the guardian and older brother of Son Kyung-soo in Class 2 of the 5th grade. I came instead because I had work.”

Lee Sang-il was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a man claiming to be Kyung-soo’s guardian.

“Kyungsoo hyung…? I know that Kyungsoo doesn’t have an older brother… but anyway, welcome.”

Lee Sang-il, who did not have the confidence to handle those three ajummas alone, welcomed the man.

The three parents who were listening from the side raised their eyes when a person claiming to be the guardian of Kyung-soo, the party to the incident, appeared.

“Ooh, are you a gangster-like gyeongsoo or something?”

“You don’t take good care of your child? Just looking at it, what’s that? Anyway, if the kid recklessly hits his friends, shouldn’t he be scolded by the older brother?”

“Make up for the damage right away, get down on your knees and apologize to the kids, and transfer to another school. If not, I will call the police and take care of it.”

Lee Sang-il, the homeroom teacher, was dizzy at the vicious remarks of the three women, who were fiercely stinging like poisonous snakes, but the person concerned just stood there silently without saying anything.

Lee Sang-il looked at him with concern.

‘Are you too shocked? Why are you still?’

“Hey! Are you ignoring us now? If a person speaks, do you have to reply?”

At that moment, the man’s mouth, which had been closed, finally opened.

“You can do it as is.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Hyung-seok’s mom, what did this person just say?”

“You can do it as it is. What does that mean…?”

The man adjusted his sunglasses with his fingers and said clearly.

“You just spoke well. You can compensate for the material damage right away, get on your knees in front of the children and apologize, then send them to another school. on that side.”

The three parents are stunned by the calm yet confident man’s words.

Soon, the heat started to rise, and he began to fan his face with his hands.

“under! I’m astounded. What did this person eat wrong? What the hell are you talking about?”

“I don’t think you know what the law is because you didn’t get a proper home education?”

“Hey. If you come out like this with your red flag, we have no choice but to obey the law.”

“Good for you. Do it according to the law. I have already put in a case request to Kim & Go Law Firm.”

At those words, the three women looked at each other and immediately laughed.

“Oh ho ho, this person has a knack for making people laugh with absurd things.”

“Kim and Go? I’m sorry, but are you saying you know how much the lawyer’s fees are?”

One of the three women openly sneering, raising one corner of her mouth to her cheekbones, looked at the man with suspicion.

“But take off your sunglasses. I can’t keep talking nonsense because it’s suspicious.”

“Yes. Is there any reason to wear sunglasses indoors? Do you have anything to hold on to?”

A man who maintained a calm attitude towards the three women who poisonously attacked him.

He raised his hand and took off his sunglasses.

The three women were expressionless and somehow met eyes with a cool feeling.

“huh! It looks fine.”

“Hyung-seok’s mom, but don’t you think you’ve seen that person somewhere?”

At that time, Lee Sang-il, the homeroom teacher, screamed in surprise.

“uh? Song, aren’t you Song Gyu-ha!?”

“Song-gyu… Ha?”

“Wait a minute, do you want me to sing? the famous actor? Why is he here…?”

The three parents panic when Kyu-ha suddenly appears.

Gyu-ha, who had been watching him dryly, turned to Lee Sang-il and bowed his head respectfully.

“I will formally greet you again. It is said to be Song Gyu, the guardian of Kyungsoo. I’m sorry to greet you now.”

Lee Sang-il waved his hand at Gyu-ha’s polite and dignified attitude, not knowing what to do.

“Oh, no. Is there anyone in Korea who doesn’t know how busy Song Gyu-ha is? Nice to meet you.”

Kyu-ha politely asked Lee Sang-il.

“Can we deal with that side first and talk to you again? It won’t be long.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Kyu-ha turned her head to the three parents who were looking at her with a dumbfounded expression.

“Shall we go back to what we were talking about earlier? First of all, the case has been requested to Kim & Go. As I said earlier, if compensation for damages, an official apology, and a transfer to another school are done quickly, consider dropping the complaint.”

The three parents came back to their senses at Kyuha’s calm words, as if they were talking about someone else, and asked questioningly.

Unlike before, the power in his voice was very low.

“Oh, no. We were beaten, but by what authority do you sue them? Is it okay to be a famous actor? If it keeps coming out like this, I won’t stay still, will I? There are many reporters who know us because our nobleman is a city council member.”

“Then are you saying that you have to stay still when there are kids bigger than you coming in and trying to hit you? And from what I’ve heard, your son-in-law wasn’t just bullying one or two kids. Shall I hire a private investigator and dig it up properly? I know a lot of journalists. Wouldn’t it be bad to go up to overseas topics to see the face of that precious son?”

“Oh no, what nonsense are you talking about?”

“Does it sound like bullshit? I’m not good at making jokes. Because of your pride, you don’t care about the future of your children at all. In a way, you’re great. I’ll admit it. Then let’s go to the end. ah! And you didn’t hesitate to make insulting remarks about Kyungsoo outside. I’ve recorded everything, so I’m going to sue you for a separate defamation charge. Well, at least it will stop at the line of paying a fine, but the articles will be very happy if someone like the wife of a city councilor is accused of defamation for insulting an elementary school student. Right?”

Gyu-ha shoots at three women to the extent that he wonders if he is someone he has never opened his mouth to.

The faces of the three parents gradually turned white.

It was a decision made in a brief moment.

The moment a child fight becomes an adult fight, who will suffer more damage.

The three parents met each other’s eyes and shook their heads briefly.

“Oh ho ho. Kids can grow up fighting. To be honest, I had no intention of making it big.”

“No, that’s right. It’s been a long time since I came to say hello to my homeroom teacher and also to have a good time. Isn’t that right, Hyung-seok’s mother?”

“Ah, of course. What kind of kids are fighting, and you’re a reporter? It’s all a joke. isn’t it?”

When the situation changed, the three parents tried to slip through the situation like squirrels.

But he didn’t blink an eye.

“I guess you didn’t hear me right. The complaint will proceed as is. And I will have an interview with reporters in the near future. The one whose husband is a city councilman? Could you tell me your husband’s name?”

The three women, whose faces turned red after not being eaten at all, had no choice but to bend first.

“sorry. We didn’t even properly grasp the situation and came here without a clue.”

“I will tell the child to apologize properly tomorrow. And as for the transfer… can you please take a look at it?”

He looked at Kyuha with a desperate expression, a 180 degree change from his energetic appearance a moment ago.

Kyu-ha put her hand on her chin as if thinking about it, not caring about it.

“Hmm… Then again, you shouldn’t come in groups and threaten our guards. Maybe I should transfer schools…”

“never! Absolutely! If that happens, I’ll come forward and send you a transfer. please give me one chance I will teach you properly even if you break the club.”

“Yes, that is correct. I’ll tell you firmly not to come anywhere near Kyungsoo. please.”

“Then I will trust you just once. Compensation has been made for the damage, so please apologize properly. To be clear, you will have to apologize in a loud voice and with sincerity in front of all the kids. If Kyungsoo says that he doesn’t feel sincerity in his apology, then I will just sue him. Definitely.”

Was the resolute will in the words conveyed?

The three parents frantically nodded and left the classroom as if they were running away.

Like the sea after a storm, a sense of silence returned to the classroom.

Lee Sang-il watched all this in a daze, as if possessed.

“It has calmed down a little now.”

“hahahahaha… You worked hard. Actually, it’s kind of hard to say this, but those three are especially extreme.. No, their love for children is unusual. Anyway, I’m glad it worked out.”

“I came to tell you that I wish you well, Kyungsoo. As you know, I am a lonely child. In order to grow up straight and not crooked at such a young age, you need good guidance from teachers. Even though he’s my younger brother, Kyungsoo is a decent kid.”

Lee Sang-il nodded as if in agreement.

“Certainly, he is always polite and positive, unlike his age. I should have paid more attention, but I’m really ashamed. Rather, I want to say that I am sorry.”

“No. How much Kyungsoo usually talks about teachers. I just want to thank you for taking good care of our Kyungsoo.”

Gyu-ha talked about Kyungsoo for quite some time in the teachers’ room, which was dyed red by the evening sunset, and went back.


next day.

“brother! Kyuha hyung!”

For some reason, Kyungsoo, who rarely shows his expression, couldn’t hide his excitement as soon as he returned from school and visited Kyuha.

“What’s going on, Kyungsoo?”

Kyungsoo said excitedly at the constant languorous and calm voice calling him.

“You know those 6th graders. You apologized to me in front of the kids today. You say you’re sorry that you couldn’t be older? hehehe. So we decided to be friends from now on.”

“Good. see Is my brother right? If you have the strength to protect anything, things will go well.”

Kyungsoo, now almost a fanatic of Kyuha, looked up at Kyuha with twinkling eyes.

“Your brother is right. So, I want to keep working out… but I can’t, right?”

Kyungsoo hesitated and looked at Kyuha.

It was because I knew how busy Kyu-ha was.

“You have talent. I have good eyes and flexibility. I signed up for a martial arts gym near your school, so come workout after school.”

“I, really? Oh yea!! Really? Can I exercise every day there now? Oh yeah!!”

Kyungsoo, who was so excited that he jumped and expressed his joy on the spot, was embraced by Gyuha.

“Brother, thank you so much. If I work hard and become famous later, I will definitely bring my mom to Korea.”

Since he was a 12-year-old Kyungsoo who acted on his own for the first time and tasted the sweet fruit of a sense of accomplishment, his will was even more burning.

Gyuha looked at him with a faint smile.

Just then, Kyu-ha’s cell phone rang.

“Yeah. manager.”

“Mr. Kyu-Ha, I contacted Secretary Mi-Joo Son, and he said that all negotiations have been completed. Thanks to Gyuha, 3,000 Jikjirang cultural assets in France are finally coming back to Korea! Tomorrow, maybe Korea will turn upside down!”

It was an excited call from team leader Han Jeong-hee.

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