197. What day is more meaningful than this?

Currently, President Linnsen’s reputation and public opinion in China are not very good.

The biggest problem was the forced passage of a constitutional amendment to abolish the limit on the president’s term of office.

Moreover, the foreign press also focused their attention on it with a negative gaze, saying, “You look good.”

“What do you think about the side effects of the abolishment of term limits on the president, which can excessively expand individual powers?”

The spokesperson of the National People’s Congress (NPC) denied the blonde foreign reporter’s question in a firm voice.

“As a result of reviewing it from various angles, no such problem arises. Moreover, this constitutional amendment is the result of the legitimate support of the people.”

Anyone would snort, but in a communist country, the party’s word was the law.

But there were also negative voices.

As President Linnensen, he needed propaganda to show off his achievements.

“So what do you have?”

When President Linnsen asked calmly, a heavy silence fell in the conference room of high-ranking Chinese officials.

At that time, He Sunping, head of the Culture and Leisure Department, who was watching, raised his hand.

“There is an ambitious movie prepared by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to commemorate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and China.”

“The film was made to commemorate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and China…”

Linnsen’s ears perked up.

“What movie is it?”

“It is a historical play of Yi Se-min, King Taejong of Tang Dynasty, and Yeon Gaeso-mun of Goguryeo.”

A slight disappointment appeared on the face of Chairman Linnsen.

“Isn’t that the history of our Chinese defeat? Would the people like that?”

“Could I have made it like that? This is a movie that properly shows why China is a great country.”

It was only then that President Linnsen showed interest.

“Ohhh… You seem to have made the movie scenario quite interesting. But would you like to stay still in Korea?”

“We’ve prepared for that too. We can’t blame ourselves for what we missed, can we? And no matter how much the small country on the outskirts barks, I won’t blink an eye.”

“Chief He Shunping… Now that I look at it, he’s a really smart guy, isn’t he?”

“Ha ha ha. It will be a gift from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to the Party and the President. No one will be able to ignore China after watching this movie.”

He didn’t really like He Shunping, who usually chattered unnecessarily, but today, it was Chairman Linnsen who looked pretty.

“So, how about going to see the movie with the President and all the people here on the opening day?

Linensen, lost in thought, twitched his chin.

‘Hmm… It won’t be bad.’

Didn’t you realize how destructive power the power of culture had by looking at Korea?

“hehehehe, if you use it well, you can inspire patriotism and nationalism.”

Linsensen thought it was a good opportunity to further solidify his position.

On the opening day of the ancient Tang Dynasty, Linnsen led all the party’s high-ranking officials to visit the Capital Theater.

He was annoyed by the constant chatter from the side, but Linensen tried to hide his feelings and smiled.

‘yes. Humans themselves are unlikable, but as long as they work well, it’s enough.’

In return for taking care of him, he even had He Shunping sit next to him.

And the movie started.

The intro was so absorbing that even I was drawn into it.

Linensen whispered to He Shunping.

“The actors are very good. It’s very funny.”

“hahahahaha. It’s a work that has been refined for almost 20 years only with the scenario. The actors are also top-notch.”

After an intermission, the two focused on the movie again.

However, as the movie progressed to the middle, the expressions of the viewers gradually wrinkled.

In the play, when Yeon Gaesomun got on a horse, he stepped on a person, which was intentional.

I intended to be seen as a person without respect for people, but it couldn’t have been more natural than this in the work.

Yeon Gaesomun’s strong charisma made even such an appearance look unconventional.


Chairman Linnensen’s face showed discomfort, but he did not show it.

But the further you go, the more bizarre the people’s expressions become.

“Don’t you think there are too many Chinese troops?”

“Jo, isn’t it natural that China has a lot of troops as the land mass is big? hahahaha”

At a glance, the Tang Dynasty army’s dispatch scene in the play seemed to be several times more than the Goguryeo army. In fact, looking at the record of Gudangseo (舊唐書), it is recorded that 100,000 troops were dispatched, but it was clearly a false record.

It was a fabricated record to show that Goguryeo fought on equal terms.

As the movie progressed towards the middle and latter half, He Shunping’s face turned white and his forehead was sweaty.

‘Where did the scene of Lee Se-min returning the Goguryeo captives go?’

The Tang Dynasty army won a great victory at the Battle of Jupil Mountain, and the Goguryeo army surrendered to them.

It’s nonsense, but according to the Gutangseo, there is a record that Lee Se-min released all 150,000 Goguryeo soldiers captured as prisoners, but that part was also edited out.

Hwaryongjeongjeom (畫龍點睛) was the scene of the last Ansi Fortress battle.

“Huh… Oh my God.”

Party dignitaries in the theater immersed themselves in the film with their hands sweating, as if they were going to enter the screen.

He was a general in the enemy army, but in the movie, except for ‘Yeon Gaesomun’, no one else came into sight.

The presence of Yeon Gaesomun, who swept across the battlefield scattering such an overwhelming presence, was a shock itself.

But the one who shocked me the most was, of course, He Sunping.

“Crazy. What is this again? Liao Fan should get attention. Why does Song Kyu-ha stand out more?”

Even from his own perspective, Liao Fan’s presence as Lee Se-min was weak compared to Song Kyu-ha.

The appearance of Lee Se-min shedding tears in resentment with the Tang Dynasty army defeated in the war was pathetic.

The film ended with Lee Se-min and the Tang Dynasty Army’s lonely back, who showed the epitome of a loser.

As if the air conditioner had been turned on, there was a cold atmosphere in the theater.

The lights were turned on in the darkened theater.

But no one got up from their seats.

Chairman Linnsen, who had been staring straight ahead with an expressionless expression, opened his mouth quietly.

“Director He Sunping.”

“Yes, yes! Chairman.”

He Sunping, who was white, answered while wiping the sweat from his brow.

“How much did it cost to make this movie?”

“Oh, it cost about 570 million yuan (about 110 billion won).”

“Did you say that you prepared this kind of movie as a gift for me and the party? Huh!?”

The sudden roar sent He Shunping into a state of confusion.

“Well, absolutely not. Something has gone wrong. Sue, I’ll fix it.”

“What are you going to do about it? Didn’t you say that this will be released worldwide at the same time?”

“That, that’s…”

I had nothing to say.

Already at the same time, theaters all over the world must be screening High Tang with great admiration.

It wasn’t a stage he could handle.

“Then, I will stop showing it right away, even in China.”

“Ha ha ha. I already instructed that. Now! So what are we going to do next?”

“All right, next…”

As if his head had become a drawing paper, He Sunping couldn’t think of anything.

I just desperately wanted to get out of this situation right away.

“No? Then you have nothing more to do? Can I clean it up then?”

“Oops! Linensen Note! Forgive me just once. It’s clear that someone is trying to harm me. I’ve never given such an order!”

“It doesn’t matter if you ordered it or not. The important thing is that this eeriely cool movie is already spreading around the world.”

“Uh, I’ll try to fix it somehow!”

At He Shunping’s earnest cry, Linensen burst into laughter.

“hahahaha. Like you said, no one would be able to ignore this movie if they had seen this movie. Not China, but Korea. If I had known you liked Korea this much, I would have sent you as a Korean ambassador. Well, that’s already over. .”

“My, please give me one more chance!!”

Linensen winked, and the bodyguards grabbed He Shunping’s arms.

“Forgive me just once! I’ve been working like a dog for the party all my life. Please…”

“Take them out and interrogate them properly. Find out all the people involved and when the investigation is over, send them to Qincheng.”

At the word Qincheng, He Sunping’s face turned pale.

Qincheng Prison is a political prison camp on the northern outskirts of Beijing.

Many big-time politicians ended their lives there, and in fact, it was a place that was hard to come out of once you went in.

“Please only Qincheng! No there. Linensen Tin! Linensen Tin!! Please say my word for once! No!!!”

The screams of He Shunping, who had been dragged along like a dog, resonated throughout the theater.


The Korean-Chinese co-production, Gaudang, was released simultaneously around the world.

It was also a ‘cold opening’ movie that was released without a preview, and the advance reservation rate was only around 15%, perhaps because of the successive failures of Korean-Chinese joint films.

Today was the day when all employees of Stellar Entertainment had a high party group viewing.

Han Jeong-hee, who got Jeong So-ra in the car, set off for the movie theater.

“The other employees left early, so we’re going too.”

Jung So-ra opened her mouth at the shadowy appearance of Han Jeong-hee.

“Don’t worry too much.

“Haa… I expected it, but the advance reservation rate is too low.”

“Well… In a way, I think it’s natural. The figure of 15% advance reservation rate was possible because it was Kyuha-san, but if it were another actor, it wouldn’t have been possible?”

“That’s… that’s right.”

“By the way, Gyuha-san is coming too?”

“Yes. He was so angry that he wanted to see the staff together. He said he would make all the popcorn and snacks? He said he’s coming in a barracks right now.”

“Anyway, they really like taking care of their own family. Gyu-ha or Han, the managing director.”

After having such a small chat, we arrived at a large movie theater in Sangam-dong before we knew it.

The theater, which was rented through a barrel, was already crowded with Stellar employees.

After a while, the lights went off and an advertisement started playing, and Kyu-ha appeared out of nowhere and quietly sat down next to Han Jeong-hee.

“Hello, Manager Han, Manager Jeong.”

“Oh, Gyuha-san, when did you come without any rumors? Hohoho”

Bong-gu, who has now become a manager, also sat down and said.

“Don’t even say that. He secretly warned me not to be late, but I felt a pressure today that I didn’t feel even when I was blocked on my way to the awards ceremony.”

At Bong-gu’s words, Han Jeong-hee and Jung So-ra burst into laughter.

“Poop. No. The person who was always relaxed even when he went to Cannes or the Oscars, why did he do that today?”

Gyuha smiled and said.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen it with all the members of my agency. That’s my work. What could be a more meaningful day than this?”

Gyuha’s sincere words made the three of them feel their hearts flutter.

Feeling embarrassed for nothing, Han Jeong-hee tic-tick-tick said.

“What kind of ment academy do you go to these days? Now you talk like that casually.”

“Still, it’s really touching? Ah~ It’s a pity. If I recorded that comment earlier and let the employees listen to it, it would have ranked first in job satisfaction.”

Whispering and chatting while advertisements played, the movie finally began.

how much time has passed

People’s mouths gradually opened, and their pupils began to dilate beyond measure.

There was an unknown silence in the auditorium.

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