Tennis: Buy Seigaku For One Dollar, Fire Coach

281: Breaking The Attack Of The Dead, Tanegashima’S Trump Card (Small Chapter)

Looking at Tanegashima Shuji's goal, everyone couldn't help but breathe quickly.

"Could it be that... it's going to disappear?"

Everyone was in a trance and felt confused.


But at this moment.

Lin Bei's body.

But it turned into a black afterimage.

Coupled with the white brilliance that has been tempered for thousands of years.

Appeared in front of tennis.


He lifted the racquet and threw it.


Even if it is hit casually, the tennis ball turns into a sharp white spear due to its refined offensive power, piercing the air and passing through the net, leaving a long trace.

"Fight back?!"

The people outside the venue shrank their pupils.

In court, the reaction was the same.

But he took one step forward, completely relying on instinct, and used Destruction Nothing again.



Fly to the other side of Lin Bei.

But this time.

Lin Bei is faster.

Like an arrow from a string, he turned back again to catch up with the ball.

And everyone can see it clearly.

His pace was also different than usual.

"This is....."

Tanegashima narrowed his eyes and felt familiar.

"My pace?"

Kaji Kazena's eyes widened: "Wait, how can he use my steps?"

Several people in Wugu were puzzled.

Logically speaking.

Lin Bei probably hasn't watched Kaji Kazena's game.

But Lin Bei originally had a hard-earned temperament.

He can almost catch up with Tanegashima's hitting.

But it would be better if there was a special pace.

It is clear.

Lin Bei has obtained the means to easily crack the first stage of Tanegashima Shuji's destruction.

But everyone is still puzzled.

Lin Bei, have you ever studied the game of high school students?

But some people.

For example, Atobe, Yukimura, Tezuka and others.

But he discovered something and took a deep look at Lin Bei.

"It's my reason.

Rikkai was bigger, and Maori said in a deep voice: "When I competed with him, I used the unique tricks of the previous seniors, and senior Kaji's extremely fast pace was one of them."

Hear the words.

A flash of realization flashed in everyone's eyes.

But I was a little surprised inside.

Lin Bei's golf IQ is too high.

Qian exclaimed: "It was the same in the game against Maori-senpai. Maori-senpai only used the external rotation serve of rotating the body once, and he mastered it. He even learned from one example and developed the storm external rotation serve!"

"What a monster..."

Including Tanegashima Irie.

Everyone is listening.

They couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling.

The people in Wugu were even more surprised than everyone else.

Because of what they saw Lin Bei.

Just in the video recording.

Very detailed.

But after all, it is not as detailed as what I saw with my own eyes.

Therefore, it is reasonable for them to be more shocked than junior high school students.

after all.

The junior high school students are a little numb.

But numb every time.

Lin Bei will do all kinds of things that make them... incredible!

Back to square one.

".々No, the first stage of my attack has been blocked by him..."

Tanegashima frowned.

Can block his first phase of attack.

Indeed it can.

But if it is easy to find a way to crack it.

If he continues to fight, it will just be a waste of energy.

Lin Bei, on the other hand, seems to be attacking fiercely, but his physical strength seems to be long. This is another one-goal victory, which is difficult to deal with.

"The only option is to use...the trump card!"

A chill flashed in Tanegashima Shuji's eyes. .

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