0042 Although the blind spot is hard to find, it must exist!

As the fourth game started again.

Onijujiro’s attack was still swift.

After Beijiang opened the self-observation, he did not continue to fight with the opponent in terms of strength and sweet spot technology.

Instead, he played a spinning ball that mobilized Onijujiro’s footsteps again and again.

The advantage of the Chengying Sword in terms of technical agility and swing speed brought to Beijiang was brought to the extreme at this moment.

Although it was inevitable that the opponent could not play the advantage in strength, the limitation of the receiving distance made Onijujiro have fewer opportunities to play the black battle axe.





In the last ball of the fourth inning, after more than 20 rounds of fighting, Gui Jujiro suddenly burst out with a speed beyond the previous one.

He hit another black battle axe on the right side of the midfield.

The terrifying impact force penetrated the court where Beijiang was located.

“Kijujiro scores! End of the game! Score 2-2! Switch!”

When Tanejima Shuji announced the score, there was no trace of emotion on his face about Kijujiro’s victory.���On the contrary

, he felt something was wrong.

This was mainly because……

Compared to the previous game of Oni Jujiro’s serve, this game took much longer……..Half more!!

Sitting in the lounge watching the game, Irie Kanata’s eyes narrowed slightly under his glasses.

The two of them were bystanders who saw things more clearly.

Any special changes in a game must have their reasons behind them.

However, they couldn’t see too many problems in a short period of time.

Could it be that……

Is it just because Beijiang’s tactics in this round were more defensive?!…

In the monitoring room,

Kurobe Yukio and the other two looked at the latest analysis report in their hands, their brows slightly frowned.

Takushiroku Ryuji said in a deep voice:”There is a problem……The power of Oni Jujiro on Beijiang has actually decreased! Although the black battle axe can still score, it seems to be restricted!”

Saito Zhi shook his head:”Beijiang’s skill level is definitely beyond that of ordinary skill-type semi-world-class players! Every point he lands seems to be precisely calculated!”

“The extreme receiving distance prevented Oni Jujiro from freely displaying his black battle axe!”

Kurobe Yukio was staring at the data of the ball scored by Kitakami in the analysis report.

“This guy might have another trump card! He is observing!”

While speaking, he quickly tapped on the computer keyboard in front of him and pulled up the personal data of Kijujiro in the training camp.

“Although we cannot guide Onijujiro given his strength, we can still analyze his relatively weak defensive points in daily training!”

“Look, isn’t the scoring point of Beijiang’s goal too consistent with the defensive weakness of Onijujiro?”

Takushiro Ryuji and Saito Shi immediately made a comparison.

Soon, there was a flash of astonishment in their eyes.

“It must be a coincidence, right? After all, any kind of shot can be played in a game!”

“I also think it’s a coincidence! I saw the blind spots of world-class players in a few games……No matter how talented Beijiang is, he shouldn’t be able to do it, right?”

Kurobe Yukio sighed:”I hope I’m overthinking it!”…

In the game court. In the monitoring room, when Kurobe Yukio and the other two were analyzing the previous game, Beijiang had already scored three goals in a row with [Chengying Serve].


The sound of Beijiang casually hitting the tennis ball in his hand made Gui Jujiro look serious.


The sound of the ball hitting the ground exploded.

Kijujiro’s pupils shrank. For the first time, he vaguely caught the flight path of the [Chengying Serve].

Before he took a step, a tennis ball appeared behind him.

“Beijiang scores! End of the game! Score 3-2!”

Tanejima Shuji, sitting on the referee chair, naturally saw Oni Jujiro’s”little trick”.

However, even if the opponent has personally faced 12 [Chengying serves], there is still a big gap in the distance to return. It is not that easy to combine physical reaction and visual ability in a short time to adapt to the ball speed of 290KM/H!

The ball was exchanged between the two teams.

Onijujiro was planning to defeat the defense of Beijiang with his strength and sweet spot skills as before.

“Oni Jujiro……”

“In this game, are you ready to be broken?”

Kitagi’s voice suddenly sounded.

Just as he was about to serve, Kijujiro looked across the court in surprise.

He saw unprecedented confidence on Kitagi’s face, who was posing a”weird” receiving posture but had a slight smile on his face…….

“If you have the ability, bring it all out!”

“I also want to see how you can make up for the difference in our strength!”

Kijujiro said coldly. He swung the racket in his hand and hit it out.

Beijiang’s expression was calm, and the smile did not disappear because of the strength of Kijujiro’s ball.

However, when he moved his feet, Tanejima Shuji and Irie Kanata, who were paying attention to him, were shocked to find……

Kitako’s eyes weren’t even on the ball!

Where was he looking?

Facing Kijujiro’s powerful serve……How dare they do that?!

Did they predict the return position of this ball?!

The next second,

Beijiang’s return gave them the answer.

“Fish gut thorn——”


If it hadn’t happened in front of their own eyes, Tanejima Shuji and Irie Kanata would have found it hard to believe.

Someone could return a world-class player’s serve in this way without even looking at the ball!!

But the dazzling golden light that burst out from the court was also an objective fact.

The ball rushed towards the court of Onijushirou at a high speed.

“It’s useless! Your sweet spot technique is not enough to compete with me!”

Kijujiro shouted and wanted to complete the counterattack head-on.

But when he took the first step in the direction of the ball landing point,


The imbalance in his body’s center of gravity made him open his eyes wide.

And at this moment


【The [fish intestine thorn] had hit the ground of the court and bounced through the court.

Oni Jujiro stared blankly at the hole in the ball made by the [fish intestine thorn].

He didn’t care about the power of this ball.

What he cared about was why he lost his balance just now…….



“Although world-class blind spots are hard to find, they are bound to exist!”

“The feeling of being able to fight back but being unable to do anything……Are you satisfied?”

After the words fell, whether it was Oni Jujiro and Tanejima Shuji who were at the scene, or Kurobe Yukio and the other two in the monitoring room, they could not hide the fear in their eyes…….

I actually found the blind spot in such a short time!

PS:New book, new book!! Please support me!! 10,000 words updated every day!! Please give me some free flowers and review tickets~~Please support me!! Thank you!!

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