That girl’s first bad ending-4

“Is this why you need hallucinogens?”

“Because I don’t have to kill you.”

YuRia, who was sitting in the chair, didn’t even show the slightest movement.

It was the result of magical power and Arwen’s hallucination, but looking at it this way, the effect is quite good.

Unfocused, blurry eyes stared into the void.

Since he didn’t respond even when I called his name, Arwen looked around and opened his mouth.

“Maybe one day I will wake up. No matter how powerful you make it, that’s how long hallucinogens can affect reality.”

“That’s enough. After all, it will be in your mind for a few years.”

“Perhaps. This should work well.”

Arwen glanced at me. I also hoped that Yuria would be completely destroyed through this medicine.

If possible, wouldn’t it be better to lose all memories and live like a disabled person?

Killing wasn’t good in many ways.

Some of YuRia’s sins would not disappear so easily, but like I said before, it was because there were many people who knew that she had gone to this place together.

It was better to show that it was different from the previous family members.

Rather than killing someone without hesitation, if necessary, keeping even a competitor alive.

The aristocrats will be relieved to follow you only when you show a completely reversed course.

Arwen doesn’t know, but this hallucinogen contained part of my magic.

What I realized after dying 100 times through Moonstone and living my 101st life is that this life is close to a certain singularity.

People around me were recalling memories from previous episodes.

Not sure if this method will work. It’s one of the things I guessed from seeing Theresia recall her memories, but if it works.

Through this method, it would be possible to make Yuria recall some of my memories.

Perhaps only Yuria herself knows about it.

Will you just accept it as a hallucination, or will you realize that it is not a hallucination but reality and collapse.

In that fantasy, I will always appear in the form of Gaju or Sogaju.

How will Yuria react when she sees me sitting in her seat, with everything she built crumbling down?

You have to wonder, but now was the time to care about other things.

Once YuRia became a wolf, shouldn’t the head of the house be organized?

Before Yuria woke up, the head of household was definitely going to take over.

If there’s a problem, it’s about how the father comes out.

Because Yuria was more of a problem than that. I don’t worry too much about it now.

After looking at Yuria for a while, she asked Arwen to watch over her and turned her back.

YuRia wondered what kind of memories she might be looking at.

Can you really tell if it’s a fantasy or a memory? He laughs a little and then shakes his head.

I didn’t want to imagine it.

If my predictions were correct, Yuria would be going through my death intact.

I don’t know if the mental state of the person who felt the time of 300 years in one day is intact.

I was sure. About the fact that by the time the sun rises tomorrow, Yuria will probably not be able to see her old self.


from any moment. I stopped counting how many times I died.

Did you count until you could spread all your fingers out? By the time a small smile was drawn, the sword pierced his chest and vomited blood.

My back is broken by the new pain, and my consciousness is clouded by the shattered vertebrae.

It’s been a while since my consciousness is blurred like that, because when I open my eyes again, I see my fucking room. Yuria wiped her face and let out a breath.

“Uh, hehehe.”

once? twice? I don’t know how many times I see this room.

It’s been years since I’ve been trapped in this hallucination. Even those few years have already been forgotten several times.

If you count years, you die again, and new years come, and if even that dies, a new time comes again.

At the end of that was her own painful death, so Yuria, who had just been stroking her chest, started pulling out her hair.


Even though blood flowed from the severely torn head, the hand did not stop.

The always cold eyes had long since blurred. I couldn’t think calmly, and my thinking, which judged more cunningly than anyone else, had hardened.

I had to get out of this hallucination as quickly as possible.

There are probably many things already happening outside the hallucination, but how long will he have to stay inside?

“I will kill you.”

If you go out of here, if you go out of here, your heart will be ripped out.

There was a woman who said that, burning with vengeance. Where did that woman disappear to?

YuRia’s lips twitched at the funny words even thinking about it herself. Yes, I will kill you if you leave.

I’m full of thoughts of killing more painfully than anyone else, but I can’t even find a way out.

As time passed, I realized that this was not just an illusion.

These were her own memories and Robert’s.

Because his own death was a death that Robert had already experienced once, and it was just a reversal of circumstances.

So, I had some idea of how I would die next.

Will it burn to death this time? He was caught on the absurd charge of treason, and the last thing he did was to be used as a throwaway card.

Isn’t it funny?

Being abandoned as if it was a planned deal in the first place.

Even if I thought I was in the opposite position, it was even more ridiculous because it was a natural choice.

He abandoned Robert. And Robert abandoned himself.

There was no difference between that and this situation, so no matter how much I struggled, nothing would change.

When I realized that, I felt despair.

It certainly was, but Yuria glared into the air with her teeth clenched.

I wasn’t sure if I was watching this vision.

However, it was intended to make you feel afraid if you were watching.

Somehow, I will get out of this hallucination intact.

With countless attempts, he could escape this death.

Robert couldn’t, but it was because he was Robert.

You can do it yourself. YuRia got up from the bed and looked at the mirror quietly.

He tore off the bloody hair and exhaled carefully.

It was the point where the 20th, 80th death was more ahead.

The more his memory revived, the clearer he saw his own death.

I twisted because I knew it was a direction I shouldn’t go, but rather, the twisted direction called for a more terrible death.

I thought as I burned to death. I’m sure it will work next time.

“It’s different this time.”

Having said that, Yuria was stabbed in the heart by her attendant and died.

I thought while dying. Next time, let’s deal with the attendants first.

However, this time he was assassinated by a nobleman he completely trusted, not an attendant, so he thought that next time he would only trust someone he could trust.

The Duke himself ordered Yuria to be killed.

YuRia was confined to the basement and starved to death, and that was her 23rd death.

I thought it was okay. Compared to what I’ve died so far, this is enough to endure.

There was still a long way to go to try if he was alive again.

This time, we headed north.

Yuria, who headed north, tried to become Adele’s lieutenant, but was caught and beheaded by Adele herself.

After that, I didn’t head north again.

“Damn it bitch.”

Twenty-nine times, thirty times.

I was so exhausted that I took my own life, but in the end I changed my mind after realizing that I couldn’t escape from the dream.

Only died a few more times.

In the end, wouldn’t it be better to get out of the fantasy first than Robert did?

I hardened my heart a little. It didn’t even take three years for that promise to end, though.

“…It’s my fault. Robert, I apologize.”

Locked in the basement, he was tortured to the point where he would not die for about a month.

Because every hour was painful, it was a time when I thought that I would rather die.

muttering in empty space where there is no one. The sunken eyes gave off only empty light.

The woman, who was weeping in the cloudy darkness, then collapsed and prayed on her knees.

I spread my hands and begged. Knees shattered and blood gushed, foreheads shattered until bones were visible.

Naturally, no answer came. Because Robert was already far away from Yuria.

There was only a scream that could not be heard and no answer was heard.

“If I become the head of household, I will not kill you. So let me out in this fantasy It’s enough for people to die 30 times… Huh? That’s right, Robert. Don’t you think so?”

While muttering such words, he was driven to death as a madman.

Since that was the 50th death, at some point, Yuria let go of her own consciousness and lived.

If someone kills you, you die; if someone lets you live, you live.

There were times when the homeless people rolled me like a prostitute, and there were also memories of living painfully for the rest of my life being caught by foreigners.

The confidence that he would do better than Robert had long since disappeared.

If you make up your mind and move on, you will die. Because no matter what I did, it didn’t change.

No matter how hard he struggled, the prince tried to kill himself, and no matter how hard he tried, Robert and his father turned away from him.

The funny thing was that it was a move he showed himself in his memory.

“…help me.”


said so and died. Later, even after spitting out the words to kill me, I couldn’t die.

This damn illusion made me feel the full pain of death and then brought it back to life in the room.

When the number of deaths exceeded 70, Yuria’s appearance was no longer human.

The attendants, who at first just ignored her, started avoiding Yuria.

There was no way he would like a woman who apologized alone in her room like a madman.

The duke frowned, and those who briefly considered her intelligent turned their backs.

said Robert. It’s useless now, so find a way to live and go outside.

So when she turned to the church, Berod, who guarded the church, regarded Yuria as an apostate and killed her with a mace.

Yuria, who could not even resist and turned to porridge, faced her 85th life like that.


I thought about it when I was dying by hanging.

Wouldn’t everything be easier if I gave up my position as family head?

It is to deny to oneself all the reasons why one has lived so far,

Yuria seemed capable of doing anything to escape this pain.

Should I give up everything?

YuRia, who had been thinking about it for a long time, opened her mouth that had been closed for a long time when her 90th life began.

All her hair was pulled out, and a thin voice leaked out between sunken cheeks and chewed up lips.

It’s been a long time since even that changed after howling, but Yuria cautiously spoke into the air.

“…I’ll give it up, Robert.”

I pondered a lot of time. 100 years? 200 years? Maybe it was even longer than that time.

He believed he could do better than Robert, but the world was moving too against him.

No matter what he did, he was completely blocked and had no choice but to die, so how could he survive?

There was no way he could survive this series of tragedies. No one could stand it.

These thoughts that come to mind like memories are probably fabricated.

How can a person survive even if he dies 100 times? It was only natural that he would become an asshole like himself. Yeah…that’s natural.

So I have no choice but to give up.

In the end, you have to survive to be able to do anything, so YuRia knelt down and continued to speak slowly.

“You will become the head of the household. You become the family head, and I will retreat to the outskirts and live quietly. you take everything What I built up, I give you.”

silence again. YuRia screamed at the still unanswered answer.

“help me! Robert, save me! I don’t want to die… I didn’t know you were in so much pain. Really. I sincerely apologize, so please get me out of here.”


“Please… uhhh, please. I’ll beg you like this Duke Robert, please. I… was wrong…”

YuRia, who prayed until her limbs were worn out and bleeding, guessed that this death would not end here.

The guillotine approaches.

Even when I climbed on the sharp chopping board that extended a death grip toward my neck, I was just as mad.


From a certain point on, Yuria didn’t say anything.

All those who defended him were killed by Robert, and even the person he loved was killed.

The broken mind didn’t even have time to spit out words.

Between the deaths that came again, Yuria, who received the poisoned vial, finally realized that this was the last death.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“…This, the last… 100th.”

The last time Robert died was the memory of being poisoned.

When I opened my mouth, Robert, who was standing in front of me, smiled.

I didn’t know what that smile meant, but it was true that I wanted death more than ever.

Even though no one told me to, I brushed the poison out of my mouth.

Yuria laughed even though she vomited blood and felt herself dying.

Because this is the last one. If you endure this death, you will surely be able to wake up from the illusion.

I felt my consciousness clouding as I closed my eyes. What would you do if you went out in this space?

In the hope that finally bloomed, Yuria remembered her first promise to get the position of head of household.

No matter how much I begged, he didn’t listen, so this time I will definitely kill him painfully.

The clouded consciousness did not become as clear as before.

As if waking up from a dream, YuRia’s eyes slowly opened, feeling refreshed and cool.

Now the hallucination is over. The cold feeling against her skin was more familiar than anything else.

Realizing that she was tied to a chair in the basement, Yuria cautiously opened her eyes.

“You are awake.”


YuRia’s eyes held poison again. Robert, standing in front of him, only changed his clothes.

While he suffers so much, he is waiting for himself alone.

Now I could be sure that no matter what kind of torture my mind would be broken.

“Now I’m thinking of releasing it, but how? Have you changed your mind a bit? I wonder if you know anything about sin.”

“…It’s my fault. Now, I think I know I was wrong.”

It’s all lies. If the string came loose here, I thought I would kill that thin neck as it is.

Yuria, suppressing her emotions as much as possible, replied quietly.

Then Robert came slowly and intended to line up.

After seeing the neck he was trying to strangle, he was in a very defenseless state.

“Then you can rest assured. I was actually a little worried. If you couldn’t repent, you should have been tied up for the rest of your life.”

“Yeah…it is.”

After a while, the line will come loose.

As I held my breath with that thought, Robert quietly smiled.

“Then I should greet you again. Now that the strings have been undone, let me introduce myself a bit.”

The words didn’t go well with the situation, but YuRia swallowed her saliva as she realized something she had seen.

eyes narrow The thing on Robert’s chest. So… if this is true.

“Robert Taylor, I was just a member before. As of today, I am leading Taylor.”

family coat of arms. It didn’t take long for YuRia’s eyes to blur again.

When the hope that I had for a while collapses, the despair I feel then is bigger than anything.

Yuria wanted to believe that this was an illusion.

“From now on, I want you to call me the Duke. Yuria.”

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