Because this is my first life-3

Mirazen knew that her feelings for Robert were not simple.

Unless you were an idiot, you had to know that much. A very kind attitude towards me

When you look at yourself, strangely, when you see that your expression becomes complicated. I knew that Robert’s feelings for me were special too.

Nevertheless, the line is strictly observed. It seems to reach, but in the end it does not reach.

There was a time when I frowned at the behavior that seemed to make fun of myself.

It’s not really a relationship at all, but at times I’ve gotten a little angry at that attitude. What kind of person do you consider yourself to be?

It was also true that, if asked what he knew about a man named Robert, he could not give a clear answer.

Didn’t they just show up out of nowhere one day and suddenly become pretty close friends?

It wasn’t for any other reason that he had a crush on him. I wasn’t sure when I felt like this.

If I don’t contact you for a long time, I feel sad, and if I don’t see you for a long time, I call you and grumble.

He didn’t know that he was the one who had permeated.

So, this time too, he thought that the reason he came to the imperial family was because of other work.

He called him, but the last time he called, he said it would be difficult to find.

So I was thinking that I would close my heart and do what I had to do, but I never imagined that it would come like this.

“I came to see Miragen.”

What kind of change of heart would it be to call her by a name she hadn’t called her last time?

I heard that he was with Adrian on the day he became a duke.

He knew that the two were close, but he kept thinking that he was not there.

I had no intention of being jealous of anyone. Just, I was just concerned.

Unlike the others, it must have bothered him that he and Robert were still awkward.

I was optimistic that one day it would come close.

I’ll come to you right away and call you by name.

When unexpected things happened one after another, Mirazen couldn’t bear to hide her feelings.

Her always mischievous face turned red, and in an instant heat leaked from her chest filled with shame.

Closing the gap seemed so natural to Robert.

Robert, who had come and brushed his hair before he knew it and put the brooch back on, smiled quietly.

It was a gap that no one could see that it was a couple who had been together for such a long time.

There was a lot to say, but Mirazen wanted to distance herself a bit.

Rather than hating it, it was because I felt like my heart would explode if I stayed close like this.

It was funny how my attitude was different from when I saw other men, but it was still Robert.

I asked if he had met a lot of girls last time because he was curious if that was really the case.

If he hadn’t met many women, he couldn’t have been this skilled.

I hoped it wasn’t like that, but Robert replied that he had it once in his life.

It was true that I doubted it again.

If it’s true, it’s a talent, but there’s no way he has a talent for bewitching women.

…is it really like that? Robert did not lose sight of the slightly darkened expression at the sudden thought.

As if he had waited, a soft voice flowed into Mirazen’s ear again, who had slightly opened his distance.

“I guess you didn’t like that I came. Are you too sudden?”

“It is not like that. Do you remember what I asked you last time?”

When asked if he remembered asking last time, Robert swallowed for a moment.

The last time probably refers to the time we met in the South.

If it was the question I asked then, there was only one question I could remember.

“Are you asking if you have a lot of experience with women?”

“Yes, that.”

“As I’ve said before, it’s all about meeting one person in my life.”

I didn’t want to put Theresia in that one person.

It was false love anyway, so even then, Robert thought of Mirazen and answered.

Of course, I don’t know who he is, but Robert smiled at the gaze that was still looking at him suspiciously.

Well, if I had to ask, it would be dozens of times.

What kind of expression would you make if you found out that those dozens of times were just one person?

Robert used to feel pleasure when he was with Mirajen.

Wouldn’t this reaction also belong to that axis?

Sometimes, he showed a childlike innocence, so I could easily forget other worries.


It’s something I always feel when I’m with Miragen, but it’s not that easy to hide my feelings.

What do you mean when you see me laughing when you just look at it?

Mirajan grumbled, saying not to make fun of him, but it was just ridiculous to see him spit out strange questions so well.

Even though she called herself a princess, her actions were more like a child than a princess.

“I guess you and Adrian got along well? I was surprised, I heard that you were together the day you became the family head.”

“I wanted to call if possible. It was a sure way to show that it was different from before.”

“…it would have been fine if you had called me.”

I’m sure it is.

It was undeniable that it was a force that was in conflict with the church, the imperial family, or the Taylor family.

But wouldn’t it be even more strange if the princess and the princess appeared on the day the new head of household appeared?

Mirazen himself must have realized that it was embarrassing, and fanned his lips with his hand.

“If Her Highness had been there, there would have been a scandal. Isn’t it?”

“I guess so. I’m not saying that because I don’t know. I was just surprised that Adrian was there. By the way…”

Mirazen, who was speechless, then glanced at me and pursed her lips.

“Why is Her Highness the princess again? I was just calling you by my first name.”

“It is a mistake. Wasn’t it always called that?”

I called once on purpose.

I wondered if he would remember what I called him by his first name, but did he remember?

Of course, calling it Miragen was more familiar.

Even though I laughed at the way I like to be called by name,

Looking at such Miragen, my feelings became a little complicated.

I wish I could treat you like before. If that happens, you won’t be able to afford it.

So I deliberately drew a line, but I couldn’t help but feel like I wanted to go further.

It’s true that I’m afraid when I see myself stepping over the line little by little.

still. Isn’t that the way the human heart is?

Several people were recalling memories of previous episodes.

Maybe the day will come when Miragen will also recall those memories. I’d rather not remember forever.

Because not all the memories that Mirazen will recall were good.

“What do you think? He said he didn’t like me earlier, but actually, he didn’t want Robert to come, did he?”

“What were you thinking…well.”

I look at Mirazen for a moment.

Whatever answer you give will be an excuse. He knew what kind of answer Mirazen would be taken aback by.

I always pretended to be calm, but when I stabbed myself, I was taken aback.

Seeing Mirazen staring at me, I smiled slightly, then answered quietly.

“If you think about the person in front of you, it will be the answer.”

It wasn’t a lie, so he smiled softly as he said that.

For an instant, Mirazen’s body stopped.

My trembling shoulders trembled, and the eyes that were staring at me trembled and eventually closed gently.

I could at least guess why Mirazen was asking me if I had a lot of experience with women.

Of course, it must be because he has already mastered dealing with Miragen.

“I see… I see.”

He tried to pretend to be calm, but that didn’t hide his blushing face.

Even though I covered my face with my palms and stood up in a triangle shape, there was visible blushing.

After laughing for a moment at the sight of him breathing heavily, he slowly stood up and held out his hand.

I had no intention of sitting here forever.

Besides, didn’t you say you had something to give me last time?

She stared at my hand through slightly open fingers, then carefully grabbed my hand and stood up.

“Shall I give you some advice?”

“If it’s advice, what are you talking about?”

Mirazen, who held her hand lightly, opened her mouth.

As she smiled slightly at her bright red face, Mirajen wrinkled her brow and answered.

“Don’t do this to other people. Are you thinking of killing someone by frightening them?”

“I didn’t mean to. You must have been very surprised.”

“It doesn’t sound like something I did without knowing.”

Is it still too early to notice this?

It may look like an escort to others, but Mirajen seemed to care quite a bit about holding my hand.

So I deliberately crossed my hands. Surprised, Mirazen’s shoulders trembled.

If I am surprised by this, I don’t know what to do next.

If all goes well, you’ll see more.

That would be later, but now I used to imagine after everything was perfectly finished.

The revenge against the crown prince has been successfully completed, and the return is over.

Even without the name of a traitor, the family is alive and well, and at the same time, you just have to wait for the day you die without any worries.

To be honest, the future is highly unlikely.

If so, wouldn’t I be able to seriously think about what is love?

If that day comes… I don’t know what kind of expression I’ll be making.

You might wonder if the situation was a dream.

In fact, I still couldn’t believe that I had become the family head.

Mirajen, who fixed her hand again, moved forward with a murmur.

As if reprimanding my thoughtful attitude, I hurried my steps at the sight of me moving alone.

Let’s focus on right now. There are still many things left to see with Miragen.

“Where are you going now?”

“Why would you ask me that?”

When I asked, Mirajen glanced at me dumbfounded.

I got up, but I think it’s better for her to decide where to go.

Either go to the imperial palace or head outside. Today, I made a deep decision to do so.

“You said you had something to show me, but are you going to the imperial palace?”

Mirazen, who was troubled by those words, shook her head before long.

She must have thought that it would be a waste to go to the imperial palace right away.

I thought so too, so our steps turned sideways instead of forward.

It might be a bit of a secretive outing, but as long as you don’t get caught, there won’t be any problems.

The Duke and Princess headed out like that.

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