Time goes back-4


“The church will have information about the dragons, and Adrian… he’ll probably be relaxed by now.”

It is true that he is the head of the church and does many things, but in the end, he mainly plays the symbolic role of the church.

Even if you do clerical work, in the end most of it is handled by the Pope.

Even if I call Adrian, I think there is a high possibility that he will come all the way to the north.

And didn’t Adrian also say that he’s relaxed for the time being?

It’s faster for Adrian to come to the north than to move to the center here.

The saintess staying at the Wall Tower was able to teleport to the northern church.

However, since we can’t go to the Wall Tower, we have no choice but to call Adrian because we have to settle things here after all.

He seemed to be interrogating somehow, but he seemed to be thinking deeply in his own way.

Can’t you help it?

As long as he had to stay here for a long time, he needed to get something certain, so Adrian’s help was indispensable.

“Are you calling to find out the information the church has? I did understand.”

Saying that, he glanced at me and added.

“It’s because I don’t want to accept it.”

“…Can I say I’m sorry?”

“No, do you think it will be just words like that? I hate verbal apologies the most in the world. If you know you’ve done something wrong, express it directly, with your actions.”

Adele patted my cheek with her finger, followed by a gentle sweep of her lips.

While I was aware of what the word “express” meant, I laughed bitterly at the fact that I couldn’t refuse it.

Since it was on the forehead the other time, should I kiss it on the cheek this time?

“Then I understand that you allow it.”

“I hate to say it so boldly. I thought there were two at most, but one more uninvited guest will increase.”

be an uninvited guest From Adele’s point of view, Adrian must feel like an uninvited guest.

Maybe we might look at each other that way.

In any case, in this situation, we can only expect each other to help each other.

Now that I think I’m in control, at least there won’t be any trouble.

When I got out of the room to make contact, I met eyes with Lotos.

It looked like he was having a hard time since he had a lot of work these days, but he met my eyes and started to complain as if he had waited.

Adele might have said something if she had seen it, but I tended to listen to these complaints.

…Anyway, if Lotos wasn’t in the north, nothing would work properly.

“You’d better kill me.”

“Did you hear?”

“No, just being in the same room made sense. Something else will happen, and maybe the Duke will stay here for another long time. Then the grand duke will only care about the duke, so naturally the accumulated things will be mine. Isn’t it?”

The price of understanding so much in such a short amount of time was devastating.

He rubbed his reddened eyes as if he was about to burst into tears at any moment, and let out a sigh while rubbing his wider forehead than before.

Maybe the next time you see it, your hair will reach the top of your head.

“My hair has started to fall out lately.”


“My wife asked. He asked why he didn’t come home, and why he didn’t do other things with work as an excuse. Recently, I cried a lot while looking at my face. After all, only my wife understands me.”

“I understand. It’s a problem that we can’t stop the Archduke’s actions.”

“That is a very grateful word. By the way… it looks like you’ve been staying for a long time?”

I thought about how to answer that question, then cautiously nodded and Lotos let out a blank laugh.

I felt apologetic for the expression that seemed to have given up now, but Lotos smiled calmly again and stroked the graying beard on his chin.

“okay. Are you staying for a month?”

“Maybe we can stay longer.”

“Hmm, one month. maybe stay longer. Hmm… good. I guess I’ll just have to accept it.”

“You seem to be less surprised than you think. I thought it was a little bit serious.”

“I haven’t been able to go home for about a month or three, so what’s the point of not being able to go home for another month or so. My subordinates are pitiful.”

four months. Hearing that, I couldn’t help but feel even more sorry.

Maybe it would be better to talk to Adele. If time permits, it might be a good idea to help Adele with the business.

As I smiled bitterly at the face that seemed to have let go now, Lotos smiled and turned his back with a thumbs up.

“Then I hope you have a good time. I guess… I think I need to go to the office.”

“If there is anything I can help with, I will help.”

“No, thanks.”

After turning his head for a moment, Lotos responded with a soft smile.

“I’ll just have to stay up all night.”

The back of Lotos, who disappeared like that, looked shabby above all else.

The head of household who can’t see his family, the old man whose hair falls out after months of work.

A lot of things have changed, but I felt sorry that it only had a bad effect on Lotos.


When Adrian received my call, he replied that he would be happy to come.

At the news, Lotos was once more frustrated, and Irona gave me a strange expression after glancing at me.

Buntaya, even after hearing this kind of news, I’m on the dark side.

Since the saintess talked a lot with me, Irona sneaked up to me and asked if I was okay.

“Are you okay? Our Grand Duke would hate it a lot.”

“I got permission. You come here out of necessity in the first place, so what’s the problem?”

“If that’s the case, I’m glad. It’s a bit unsettling for me to watch.”

Irona’s expression, which showed a unique languid smile, was clearly worried.

I know what you’re worried about However, I don’t think there is any need to worry in advance.

The last time we met in the South, there was no big difference in attitude.

Adrian’s personality is unlikely to cause any friction with Adele, and the awkwardness between them didn’t come out well when they met.

It will be fine. If there is any sign of a fight, you can just drop it, and you’ll be busy investigating anyway.

There would be no time for friction between them.

Since it came through teleportation, it didn’t take too long to get here.

Adele and I made preparations to greet the saintess in advance, and we did not bring other subordinates with us in order to proceed as quickly as possible.

“Did you say you were coming soon?”

Adele asked, riding a wolf. Although not lavishly dressed for informal occasions,

With her hair tied up over a thin coat, Adele had a different vibe than usual.

He nodded, swallowing his silence for a moment, then staring into space.

When Adrian comes, he may be accompanied by several paladins.

Since it was probably Berod, I was thinking in my heart that I should finish everything quickly in this meeting.

It wasn’t long before she rode the wolf for a while, realizing that the group of lights she saw in the distance was divine power and looked at Adele.

I asked for a sign to make it easier to recognize, and I thought he would create a pillar with holy power.

It was still a level I couldn’t even imitate.

It may be possible because it is a paladin who lives based on abundant divine power instead of magical power, but the fact that the power of Berod is still strong has not changed.

“…I felt it last time too, but that paladin is not easy.”

“Aren’t you called the pinnacle of Paladins? No wonder.”

“Still, I am stronger than that paladin. Don’t lean your shoulder on someone you’re not shy about.”

Adele laughed at the words out of context, but after uttering those words, Adele stepped forward and bowed her head toward the saintess.

Adrian, dressed in his usual white outfit, looked at me and smiled.

Surprisingly, Berod didn’t show any expression, but he smiled awkwardly when he saw the hammer he was holding shaking.

“Robert, I’m here to ask for help.”

“I am truly grateful to you for coming. Originally, we should have gone to the Wall Tower, but it’s not easy to move around.”

“it’s okay. It’s pretty easy to get from the center to the north. Anything good in the North? I’ve already heard that you two are together, but…”

As Adele sneaked up to me, Adrian felt the presence and added cautiously.

“Looks like you’ve become a little more intimate.”

“It makes sense, since I’ve spent a lot of time. I am sorry for not being able to respond splendidly to your arrival, but since the matter is urgent, I think we should return to our true nature.”

At Adele’s answer, Adrian nodded slightly.

I seemed to think for a moment about the fact that I had spent a lot of time, but only for a moment,

Adrian, who started moving again with Berod, was approaching me before I knew it.

When I was completely next to him, Adrian, who confirmed my presence with his hand, pursed his lips.

“How have you been?”


Adrian, who spoke in a small voice so that others could not hear, had a soft smile as always.

When I became the family head, I thought I should express my gratitude for the help I received, but I only thought so and didn’t express it properly.

As I was about to open my mouth, Adele, who dug into the middle, frowned at me.

She opened her mouth in a whisper that no one could hear, but she couldn’t help but laugh at the voice that followed.

“I never allowed myself to talk to anyone.”

“…isn’t it the saintess? Since it was helpful, I just wanted to show my gratitude. And it’s been a while, but I can’t even say hello. Maybe a little bit.”

“Please go in and say hello when I’m not looking.”

Having said that, Adele added, pulling the reins of the wolf I was riding on instead.

“Because if anyone other than me is with you, I get pretty upset.”

This was a voice loud enough for Adrian to hear, and Adrian’s expression also gradually began to change strangely.

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