In the name of disaster-1

“Why are you wearing a mask? If it’s a secret society, it’d be better to look normal.”

“That’s right.”

It was a fairly natural question for Adrian to ask.

It is a group led by Keitel, but in fact, this group, which has not yet been revealed, can be said to be an organization where all of them are wearing masks.

All I know is one man who called himself Cain.

And maybe it was to the extent that they were interested in the artifacts created by the dragons.

In the end, you have to find out. The wind from over there was cold.

As the unexplored land got closer, the energy felt in the body became stronger, and Berod and Adrian swallowed a small sound as if they felt it.

“Unexplored lands have been sealed off since ancient times. Without knowing what exists or what lives. It’s a place marked as if it were a land that didn’t exist in the first place.”

“It’s the same as saying I still don’t know anything.”

“After I got a call from Robert, I looked for it on my own. I did it because I thought that if something urgent happened, it might be an unexplored area… There are interesting points.”

As I listened to the interesting thing, Adrian, who calmly arranged the stray hair, continued.

“I think it’s clear that the unexplored territory wasn’t like that from the beginning. There are records about the unexplored areas, but the reason they were sealed and discarded—the records before that were unnaturally erased.”

“It sounds like someone deleted it.”

“I don’t know what they’re trying to hide, but I’m sure there’s something out there.”


A snowy field where you couldn’t even see an inch ahead, but this was not a place where a snowstorm raged in front.

There was a transparent curtain in the place where it looked like a blizzard if you stretched out your hand forward, so the place where you couldn’t see anything meant the inside of the unexplored land.

Adrian scanned the air with the palm of his hand, then carefully drew out his divine power.

However, that was only for a moment, and the energy that had been scattered in the sky was scattered in an instant and crumbled along with the snow.

“It is divine power. There is no power other than divine power that reacts like this.”

“You are outside. If so, it means that the moon god himself sealed it. What could be beyond that?”

“It’s something nobody knows. To go beyond this, an existence of the same rank will probably dismantle it, or a god will have to dismantle it himself.”

I tried drawing a barrier with my sword, but even with the magic sword, the barrier didn’t even budge.

It means I can’t touch it with my own power.

I don’t know if the level rises further. It’s probably not the strength I reached in my previous life.

“If they are of the same rank.”

“As expected, I don’t think there are any except for the dragons. That’s why I’m thinking, maybe the people wearing the masks know what lies beyond?”

“…That’s not to say there’s no point.”

I had to think about what information Keitel might know about the dragons.

Arwen said that the imperial family had information about the dragon, so

There is a possibility that it will be different from the church that has been completely abandoned.

If Adrian’s words were true… what the masked people were looking for might be something beyond this.

Resurrect the dragon in some way, and pass through the dragon to the other side.

The deeper he thought, the faster his heartbeat was, so he held on to his chest and slowly stabilized his breathing.

Moon-seok’s reaction is getting stronger day by day.

Although many things have changed in this 101st life, it is the first time that an artifact has reacted like this.

why do you react For some reason, is this moon stone really related to the four dragons?

Those questions will be resolved when Arwen comes. I couldn’t help but wonder.

“Then shall we look around again? Because this mission is to look around the entire area.”

When Adrian, who put the mask on again, spoke, I nodded, clearing my thoughts.

After thinking about it, it was enough. You should focus on patrolling now.

So, as I walked forward, I suddenly realized that Adrian was still beside me.

Berod was far away, but from the look on his face he seemed to be filled with displeasure.

What’s going on? It’s as if you’ve been asked to stay away,

Trembling at that gaze, he cautiously approached Adrian and opened his mouth.

“Sir Berod is in a pretty bad mood today. Did something happen?”

“Oh, if that’s the case, it’s probably because of me.”

“What do you mean…”

“Because I asked you to stay a little further away.”

Adrian laughed mischievously at the same time, then staggered, then grabbed my arm and barely managed to balance.

It’s good to laugh and joke around. I hope you care about what you can’t see.

Isn’t it hard to walk when you look at me?

When I asked if he was okay, Adrian smiled again saying he was okay and held my arm still.

“Has it been like this for a long time? I used to do this often.”

“To say it was in the past, I remember that it wasn’t even a year ago.”

“We got to know each other so much in that short amount of time. Isn’t it nice?”

“I wouldn’t say it’s bad.”

We met by chance, came to know all my memories by chance, and got closer by chance.

It’s a fate that happened to be together until here.

It may be too full to say that this is bad. It was good enough.

Maybe it’s good enough even if it’s cold and overflowing.

Because I was relying more than ever on the new relationship I met in this life.

Feeling the touch of the arm holding her, she would sometimes think of a life without Adrian.

It was the first time in one life that Adrian, Adele, and Mirazen all met and formed a relationship.

I don’t know how I lived so hard now.

Right now, just being together makes me feel at ease.

Didn’t you try to do everything alone in the past?

“Should I tell you something I couldn’t do before? The Archduke is very interested in Robert, so the two of you have never talked.”

“Did you ask what I was doing?”

“Well, I’ll ask a little differently this time.”

Adrian, who lifted the mask slightly, pondered the question for a long time, then smiled and pursed his lips.

It was so soft that I didn’t notice it.

That question is penetrating me quite sharply.

“What have you two been doing?”


“I feel like something happened while I was gone. You seem to have gotten along much better than the last time I saw you. I haven’t read emotions, but there is a thing called atmosphere.”

It was a face that was no different from usual.

The smiling face was still benevolent, and the voice that spoke to me was closer to the warm side than the cold one.

However, as time passed, the way he spoke changed, and Adrian stood still and looked at me.

There is also spring in the north. Although it may not be as warm as other places, it is definitely the season when a warm wind blows.

However, it was strangely creepy, and I continued to feel the cold while facing the smiling face.

It would be okay to just gloss over it, but it wasn’t always easy to confide in Adrian.

“…we drank together.”


Adrian, who seemed to accept it easily with a nod of his head, took off his stopped foot and started walking forward again.

I, who was grabbed by the arm, also walked along, but I was only looking at Adrian’s notice, who did not speak again.

There would be no reason to notice anything wrong.

“I was just asking. You two are much closer than before, so I was curious about what was going on.”


“I like to drink too.”

When I laughed lightly at the words I heard out of context, Adrian looked at me gently, saying he was not joking.

It was an expression that really didn’t seem like a joke, so I carefully managed my expression and opened my mouth.

She shouldn’t have forgotten that her status was that of a saint.

But alcohol, I laughed at the absurdity, and Adrian continued talking again.

“I am not kidding. If Robert wants it, I can have some too.”

“You speak as if you have ever drank?”

“Of course, I’ve never drank as a saint. Because it’s against the church’s rules. But if Robert wants…”

She pursed her lips slightly, then turned her head and looked straight ahead. While shrugging his shoulders, he said in a tone that said nothing was wrong.

“Adrian says he can give you something to drink.”

“I don’t know if it’s okay to say that since Sir Berod is there.”

If you’ve heard all of this conversation, it wouldn’t be strange if my head was hit with a blunt instrument, but I still felt rather awkward being in the back.

Hearing my words, Adrian laughed for a while, then sneaked up to my ear and whispered.

“That’s why I told you to stay away. If they get caught, Robert will probably get hurt.”

Is that why they widened the distance like this?

He looked at Adrian with a puzzled expression and sighed.

Adrian, who had been laughing for a long time, rested his head on my shoulder as if tired, then raised his head again and looked ahead.

“I hope everything ends well. This time, and everything Robert does from now on.”

“If my job goes well, it might be hard to meet each other.”

“Well, not necessarily. Although it would be difficult to meet her as a saint. It won’t be Adrian.”

Realizing the meaning of those words in an instant, I blankly stared at Adrian for a moment and smiled bitterly.

If Adrian, who is not a saint, comes to visit me, then I don’t know how to accept it.

I wouldn’t be able to deny it Wouldn’t it be better to run away so that no one can find it?

As I put on the mask to erase the complex expression, my vision, which had been dizzy due to my complicated thoughts, began to clear again.

And in the distance, a huge spire caught my eye.

Apparently, that was the place we were looking for, so Adrian also looked forward with a serious gaze.

“There you go.”

Speaking of a place that masked people are looking for, of course I couldn’t help but associate that place.

My eyes began to freeze little by little as I looked at the spire that stretched high toward the sky and the sharp tower.

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