In the boundless universe, a huge magic spaceship carved from trees is flying forward quickly.

This is the Ancient Boat of Life, and its destination is, of course, the Earth Source Continent.

Previously, it was because we had to visit various civilizations along the way, and everyone was basically not in the same straight line, so it was inevitable to make detours during the journey.

But if we go home now, we can return directly as quickly as possible.

"I've been feeling uneasy these past few days. Is something big going to happen? Or is there something wrong with the Geocontinent?"

The goddess of life attaches great importance to her intuition.

Lifeforms that have reached this level have the ability to predict danger to some extent.

"Keep going faster!"

"Yes! Your Majesty the Goddess."

The propulsion device behind the Ancient Boat of Life began to glow red, which was a sign of overload operation.

However, it can only be said that he truly deserves to be an advanced being.

The prediction of the goddess of life came true.

The Zerg are coming!

"Report to Your Majesty the Goddess! A large number of Zergs have been found at the tail!"

"Why are the Zerg here? Go check it out immediately!"

After investigation by investigators on the virtual network, these Zerg were confirmed to be the Zerg army from the God Emperor's continental front.

Because other civilizations retreating along the way discovered the junior master they had encountered on the battlefield.

"The Cult of Light! The Pope!"

By this time, if the goddess of life still doesn't know who is responsible, then her life will really be in vain.

"Goddess, I got the news from the virtual network that the Light Cult has given up more than half of the territory of the God Emperor Continent and allowed the Zerg to cross the border!"

"Now the virtual network is exploding. Several surrounding civilizations have issued condemnation orders against the Guangming Cult and have severed all ties with the Guangming Cult."

"All the civilized legions have also retreated, and now the Light Cult can only struggle to fight against the Zerg invasion in the last territory!"

"Moreover, other civilizations are also rushing here after learning what happened to our troops!"

Because Luo Luo was the one who invented the virtual network, the spread of the virtual network also spread from the civilization of the Earth Origin Continent to the surrounding areas.

The furthest they have reached is the Divine Emperor Continent.

This is also due to the exchange of civilizations.

As for the use of other civilizations after passing the God Emperor Continent, it has been declining.

The universe is simply too big. Before the virtual network existed, the speed of information transmission was very slow.

No one in those places knows about the existence of virtual networks.

People who use virtual networks are increasingly inseparable from it, especially major forces and civilizations.

They all have to purchase various materials and intelligence on the virtual network.

This has accelerated exchanges between civilizations.

At the same time, some breaking news quickly spread throughout the Cantilever Universe.

"After these Zerg crossed the God Emperor Continent, they did not go to other civilizations to plunder, but followed us closely. You, the Pope, are extremely vicious."

"Quick, keep accelerating! Turn right."

The Goddess of Life had just finished arranging the turn, when several huge meat balls appeared in the void ahead.

"Giant Void Viper!"

"It seems that the Zerg don't want us to leave. Those bastards from the Light God Sect must have revealed the previous information to the Zerg."

Although the Zerg were slightly better on the previous battlefield, don't forget that their casualties were not small.

The culprit responsible for all this is the Goddess of Life and her group.

The Zerg also knew that this was a trick by the Light Cult to divert the target, but he fell into it willingly.

After all, the previous loss was a bait deliberately abandoned for the sake of planning.

But with such a large number of casualties, no explanation can be justified.

And he is also very afraid of the mysterious weapon of the goddess of life.

At the same time, he also knew the content of the previous meeting and the promise made by the Goddess of Life to sell this weapon on the virtual network.

This is a big challenge for the Zerg. If the goddess of life is let go, the situation of the Zerg will become very difficult in the future.

With such important weapon information, doesn’t the Zerg master know that the Goddess of Life and the others cannot carry it with them?

Know! But so what? He didn't dare to gamble, or he was gambling.

It is an established fact that the goddess of life possesses weapons of mass destruction. It would be best if they could be strangled in the cradle.

At this time, the goddess of life also knew that the situation was critical. She summoned everyone on the flying boat to discuss countermeasures together, especially Luo Luo.

The goddess of life had already asked about the production of cobalt bombs before.

Because of the abundance of raw materials, the manufacturing of cobalt bombs has never stopped.

Not only that, Rollo has built several new production lines.

After so many years of accumulation in the Divine Realm, Luo Luo's possessions at this time are far greater than before.

But the most important thing now is that the Zerg sent out high-level combat forces. Maybe they saw the limitations of the cobalt bomb. After all, it was only an intermediate weapon with limited lethality for high-level units.

Of course, it is more likely that the Pope leaked the secret.

After all, although the goddess of life has never said this, everyone is not a fool. After a little analysis, they know the limits of the cobalt bomb.

Even if they know it, it does not affect their love for cobalt bombs.

Treating it as a conventional weapon to clean up low-level arms is what everyone is pursuing.

They don't even have such weapons, so why do they ask for so much?

"This is the situation. Although we have temporarily escaped the encirclement of the Zerg, it is still not optimistic now."

"Rollo, how many weapons have you produced now?"

"No more, no less, 400."

Although these cobalt bombs seem to be many, they are actually far from enough in the space war.

Because the encounter battle is different from the previous defensive battle. There was a line of defense before.

Weapons can all act on the enemy troops, but in this case, the Zerg will dodge, and it will not stand there stupidly waiting for you to attack.

Of course, this has an impact on the cobalt bomb, but it is not fatal, after all, the speed of cobalt bombs is fast.

Generally speaking, the enemy cannot react.

It is to prevent the enemy from exploding the cobalt bomb, which requires a lot of Shadow Dragon's blood.

Even if these don't work, Rollo has a backup.

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