Chapter 285 Eternal Fire

At the moment when this core disappeared, the head of the Titan giant’s eyes changed. A completely unstoppable force descended on Lin Xiao and lay directly on the ground. The Titan giant reached out and grabbed it. A cage made of lightning fell from the sky and trapped him in it. , The sound like thunder shook his spirits:

“Human, you are looking for a dead end!”

The lightning cage trapped him, but it didn’t do anything to him. Although the Titan giant watched him vigilantly, there was nothing else to do.

Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief when he returned to Shenhai, and saw that the huge good fortune Rubik’s Cube was slowly turning, and every time it turned, a hint of transparent air flow spouted from the cracks in the Rubik’s Cube.

Turning back and forth three times, Lin Xiao’s consciousness entered the good fortune cube, and at a glance he saw a group of ten times more abundant experience energy and good fortune energy than before, and a trace… he didn’t know how to describe it for a while. thing.

The strength of the monsters in this floating island is more than ten times that of the previous floating islands, and the transformed experience and good fortune energy are also ten times, that is, a full 10,000 experience and one-tenth of the good fortune energy.

In addition, there is a strange thing that looks like…the power of the law?

Above this strange thing, he felt a trace of the power of law.

That power was quite strange, he had never seen it before, and he didn’t know what law it came from.

He didn’t dare to try it himself, because he felt extremely dangerous from the power of this silk law.

First absorb the experience and good fortune energy, and then use the good fortune Rubik’s Cube to refine the power of the law that contains unknown danger.

There was no accident at this point. Although this thing was very tenacious, but in the good fortune Rubik’s Cube, no resistance was obliterated, and finally a trace of the power of the law that was pure and without a trace of Impurities appeared in front of him.

His consciousness penetrated into the power of this pure law, this thing instantly merged into his consciousness, and an illusion slipped in front of him in the next second.

“This is?”

Lin Xiao’s eyes were sharp instantly.

In the illusion that passed by just now, he seemed to see something extraordinary.

But it was just a flash of moment fragments, too short, he couldn’t be sure what he saw.

“Maybe more can be integrated.”

Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and instantly felt the gaze of the Titan Giant leader full of scrutiny, his gaze contained vigilance, accidents, and doubts, and he asked in a deep voice:

“Human, what do you see?”

He spread his hands and said:

“I have completely wiped it out.”

The Titan Giant shook his head and said:

“This evil is very cunning and difficult to eliminate. I am not sure whether your current state is affected. For the sake of safety, you cannot enter the sanctuary altar to take refuge.”


Lin Xiao understood this very well, and he would do the same if he replaced it. He said:

“It is impossible to prove that I was affected. Can I continue to eliminate them?”

The leader of the Titan giant silently watched his already altered face and was silent for a while, and said slowly:

“You can continue, but I will always observe you. If you find that you have a tendency to be affected, please forgive me for killing you.”


The vigilance is so high.

But he still nodded.

Anyway, there is a good fortune Rubik’s cube to be sure that the evil will can be completely wiped out, and there will be no problems.

Reaching out and touching the rough face, Lin Xiao was a little speechless, this change will not be able to retreat for a while, it is estimated that in the eyes of this Titan giant, he himself has been affected.

With the permission of the leader of the Titan giant, he was not polite afterwards, and after a while, he called a group of crystal puppets out, and began to take the initiative to confront the evil spirits nearby.

Not far from the altar, seduce these evil spirit bodies to let the Titan giant on the altar kill, and he picks up the dead fish.

If placed in some games, his behavior will definitely cause balance system penalties, such as inexperience, no explosion rate or BOSS runaway, but there is no such problem here, as long as you are careful not to die, you can use the power of the Titans to continue. Monster spawning.

It is a pity that there are not many of these things after all, and they are scattered in all directions. He can only hold one side. Only three or four will be encountered in an hour. He can’t keep guarding twenty-four hours, so he can accumulate five or six in one day. The unit’s good fortune energy and five to six hundred thousand experience are two or three times more than the previous floating island.

On the contrary, the power of the law slowly accumulates, accumulating less into more, and has slowly accumulated from a trace into a strand.

I can’t see much for the time being, but I believe that when it accumulates slowly, there will always be qualitative changes from quantitative changes.

After all, according to the previous rules, he might stay on this island for another month.

But only six or seven days later, a very serious problem lay in front of Lin Xiao, and there were no soldiers.

The monsters that appeared on this floating island were too powerful. The troops he had recruited had died seven or eight in the past few days. The barracks had accumulated a large number of troops for recruitment, but he had no money and could not recruit them.

Although the crystal puppets summoned in battle are sixth-level units and there are a lot of them, they are too bulky. The key is that their attack methods are purely physical, and there is no way to get these monsters.

Of course, this is not to say that there is no way to mix, even if there is no soldier, if there is a Titan on the altar to take action, he can completely pick up dead fish.

But this method is too inefficient. Without the help of the troops to seduce, the efficiency has dropped significantly. This is all experience and good fortune energy.

Lin Xiao thought about it, but there was only one way, and that was to open God’s Domain and summon God’s Domain family members to come.

This opportunity is great. Killing ten heads will steadily gain a unit of good fortune energy. The opportunity to accumulate a large amount of good fortune energy is too rare.

He didn’t like to hesitate, he gave birth to this idea and made a decision after careful consideration, summoning his family to come.

The method of summoning is very simple. Take out the barracks in the hero barracks slot, free up the slots, set the first slot as the Shura Naga Summoning Gate, the second slot is the Smart Goblin Summoning Gate, and the third slot is The fire element summoning door, the fourth slot is the air element summoning door.

The murloc and dwarf and the two elements of water and soil are not included in the summoning list.

Summoning the families of God’s Domain has an advantage over the units in the Vientiane Ruins, that is, it does not need to consume gold coins and resources, only occupy the population.

Lin Xiao is now the fourth-level hero and has a commandable population of 30,000.

The population occupancy of the families of God’s Territory is roughly the same as that of the troops. On a rough basis, it is slightly adjusted according to the size of the species. For example, there is one population for first-level creatures, two for second-level, and four for third-level. One occupies eight populations, but the same fifth-level intelligent goblin is far inferior to the Shura Naga, and only occupies four populations.

Lin Xiao summoned one thousand sixth-level Shura naga, twenty seventh-level Shura naga, two thousand official wisdom goblin mages, two thousand fire elements, and five hundred air elements.

The four portals connecting God’s Domain were opened, and a ferocious dragon head protruded from it. This was a seventh-level big naga.

“The supreme Lord of Truth is above!”

After coming out of it, he stood around Lin Xiao as a guard for the first time.

By default, his projection is the ambassador of the God of Truth.

The reason why I dare not say that it is the incarnation of the God of Truth is mainly because the incarnation is too weak. A seventh-level Shura Naga may not be able to beat him. If he tells the truth, it is easy to produce some unpredictable consequences.

These are all bloody lessons, and the experience accumulated by seniors over so many years in the Lord World allows them to avoid all kinds of mistakes.

After all, not all the family members of God’s Domain player are so pious, you dare to believe the whole race of pious and mad believers.

Based on the faithfulness of Lin Xiao’s family members, that kind of thing basically won’t happen, but it doesn’t mean that the family members of other gods’ domain players are also so pious.

As more and more Shura naga are summoned, the twenty seventh-level Shura naga are his devout priests and leaders in the realm of God. At this time, they are sorting out the summoned families.

Among them, Shura Naga is the front row, the main role is to block the enemy, the official output is the mage and the fire element and the air element.

Although their ordinary spells are not as powerful as strategic spells, they are more powerful than they are in a large number and variety. The combined power is still quite terrifying.

As soon as the family members came out, Lin Xiao immediately settled down.

Let the wizards and priests bless various BUFFs for the Shura Naga, including the sword of fire or the power of Sacred, etc., which can add elements and the power of Sacred to the weapon, which can hurt the spirit body. Let Shura Naga. It can also directly cause huge damage to these monsters.

It is worth mentioning that the family members he summoned are all real lives. The physique bonus in the hero’s strategic attribute is a real life essence bonus. Unlike the previous bonuses that only added defense and resistance to units, they could not add to the life essence. Success, because the arms are alchemy creations and have no life essence.

To put it simply, the bonus of heroic strategic attributes to family members is more effective than that of arms.

After a round of BUFF bonuses were completed, a Shura Naga excitedly rushed towards the evil spirit body not far away. The two giants slammed together, and a layer of white light on the surface of the Shura Naga body lit up the evil spirit body. The black liquid and breath repel away.

When the two sides collided head-on, the powerful evil spirit body was smashed and retreated. The big Naga picked up the knife and fell, and the sharp light of the more than ten-meter Daguan knife flashed, directly destroying the evil spirit that could not be blocked by the previous piles of crystal puppets. Cut the body in half with a knife.

If a knife misses the core, it won’t die. It’s also a matter of a few more knives.

As Shura Naga, who is a complete bloodline of the higher dragons, the same rank has almost no opponents in close combat. Even if a real dragon comes, they can’t handle them in frontal melee combat.

The same are sixth-level or seventh-level creatures, these alchemy creatures are not their opponents at all.

Well, in fact, these evil spirits are not weak. Strictly speaking, they are slightly inferior to supermodel creatures such as giant dragons and giants in terms of physical strength, but they are only not weak in size, not to mention strategic attribute bonuses and various buffs. The Shura Nagas, who have been in the ancient arena for years with combat experience, can throw their nine streets.

In the case of a full advantage, a face-to-face can easily tell the winner.

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