Chapter 476: The Son of the Void

Someone here again? ”

A vigorous man’s voice came from the stone hall, and another voice replied:

“I saw two, and I see if the direction of arrival is overseas.”

“Overseas? That has nothing to do with the two juniors?”

“It should be an accidental discovery of this world.”

“By the way, it was not the school leader who said hello before. The first big class of the freshman students this year was in this crystal wall system. It seems to be put in this void. This newcomer will not be a freshman, right? ?”

The other voice was silent for a while and said:

“It’s possible.”

The voice suddenly became relaxed as he said with a smile:

“If this is the case, it would be interesting. The school leaders greeted them and asked us to entertain them. Think about how Feng Shui took turns when we were entertained by seniors when we first enrolled, and it was our turn.”

“Pass the news to Senior Sister Chumo and Senior Yichen, I believe Senior Yichen will be very interested.”

“no problem.”

The same situation occurs in the northernmost part of the main continent. There are many tribes in the boundless virgin forest, and they live in the jungle by hunting.

Most of these tribes ruled under a large tribe, centered on a huge city nestled in the virgin forest. The name of the guardian of the dark night forest resounded throughout the forest.

On the top of the towering ancient tree stood two figures shrouded in divine power, one of which was painted with divine light camouflage all over the body, and the man with divine power on his body retracted his gaze to look into the distance, and said to his companion on the side. :

“So cautious, they should be newcomers. Go and drive them out.”

The companion on the side smiled slightly:

“No hurry, don’t you think it would be fun to add a few freshmen to us and the four sophomores? How boring to rush out now, wait for them to develop for a period of time and soon succeed in establishing a space beacon Come out again, I believe it will give you an unforgettable memory.”

“You are too bad.”

“To each other!”

In the endless sea, the Flying Snake is flying fast in the air more than 500 meters above the sea. In the distance of the flat sea, a huge silhouette is quickly approaching.

This is a large island with tens of thousands of square kilometers. It is the largest main island among the thousands of large and small islands in the vicinity. I previously observed that there is a tribe on the westernmost side of the island, but it is not very large. The corresponding tribal totem should not be very strong. They can cope.

The warship slowed down when it was more than ten kilometers away from the island, and chose to slowly fall down on a wide beach of dozens of kilometers on the easternmost side of the island.

“The first team is ready!”

Marine squadron captain Fei Snake looked at the soldiers in front of him, who were ready to go, giving orders, while Lin Xiao was observing the situation nearby.

There are no trees near this large flat sandy beach. It is all wasteland. It is very difficult to ambush at a glance. It is a good landing point.

As the hatch opened, a small landing capsule measuring only about ten meters from the Flying Snake floated towards the island.

With a muffled sound, the landing module fell on the wasteland, splashing a piece of gravel, and many snakes and insects were frightened and fled from behind the undulating gully and the stone. However, two lizards with brown and yellow skins were also seen. Is quietly lurking nearby.

The hatch opened, and the Marines wearing reinforced plate armor like interstellar warriors quickly rushed out. The deputy captain of the team jumped more than ten meters high to the top of the landing cabin, and pulled out a large finger from the mouth of the back of 1.5 meters thick. The left and right short javelins aimed at a certain fierce throw, the javelin flashed, the next second there was blood rushing out of the sand in the distance, and a sand lizard with an exhausted yellow body and a length of five or six meters was nailed to the ground crazy by the short javelin. Struggling, set off a large piece of rubble.

Restricted by foreign rules, their combat method is cold weapon combat. Each Marine has a superb combat skills and various combat experience, including close combat and long-range combat, and some simple spells.

Although these sand lizards hide well, they can’t escape their gaze at all, and you can find their hiding place by just scanning them.

Next, the team members took action to clear all the hidden creatures within a mile of the surrounding area, and then began to drop four teams one after another, leaving one stationed here, and the other four scattered in all directions to survey the surrounding situation.

At the same time, the Flying Snake also released four detectors to coordinate with the four teams to conduct coordinated reconnaissance on the ground and in the air.

Lin Xiao stayed in the Flying Snake with his girlfriend and waited for news.

After the team has explored, determined the surrounding conditions, and determined the location of the temporary base, the dependents will be summoned.

Fifty minutes later, the third team heading north sent a warning message. The Flying Snake who was in charge of the Flying Snake quickly ordered the warship to lift off and fly in that direction. After flying for about six kilometers, he saw the lush trees swaying violently in front of it. There was a huge roar, and the sound of cracking trees was endless.

When the Flying Snake flew over, I saw that the third team was fighting with a giant green lizard that was 20 meters long and covered with fists.

This thing was horribly brown and green, and its lumpy scales were very strong. The team members couldn’t shoot either javelins or crossbow arrows, and they didn’t dare to get close. Just because of this big guy’s size, no one could stand a hit.

The Flying Snake flew above, and the Flying Snake decisively ordered the guns to recharge. The fighting team members below quickly retreated.


When the energy of the naval gun’s muzzle contracted inward to the extreme, with a loud boom, a dazzling beam of energy sprayed out and hit the monitor lizard, and a gun exploded a large pit nearly two meters in diameter and half a meter in depth on its back. , The sky is bloodied and dark red and flesh and blood are flying.

The monitor lizard was hit hard immediately, and its huge body staggered and knocked down a big tree. He looked up at the flying snake hundreds of meters high in the sky and roared, opening his mouth with a jet of dark green venom.

The venom spraying distance is so long that it can be sprayed at a height of more than 500 meters. Unfortunately, the Flying Snake has already opened the defense circle to support the shield. The energy shield in the venom spray only emits a corrosive sound, and it is completely unable to corrode. Wearing a shield, a large amount of venom fell and corroded a large area of ​​trees.

Next, the Flying Snake chased the monitor lizard and bombarded it for several kilometers. A total of more than a dozen guns were fired to completely kill the behemoth with extremely tenacious vitality.

At the moment the monitor lizard died, Lin Xiao discovered that the soul of the monitor lizard had not dissipated, but was able to condense into an entity.

But it was just a tree without roots, and his body began to shake as soon as the mountain breeze blows.

Lin Xiao considered for a moment, and took the soul away.

In general, the Death soul of the creature on the alien plane will dissipate or enter the underworld of the current world. The soul of the creature on this plane can be recondensed when it is dead. This is considered an anomaly. Maybe take time to study it.

As for the corpse, the corpse of the monitor lizard was highly poisonous and could not be eaten, and was bombarded by dozens of naval artillery pieces equivalent to the nine-ring spell.

It took the next two days to kill all the magical beasts with a certain threat in the surrounding area of ​​more than ten kilometers, and then set a fire at a certain distance from the shore to burn the weeds, flying snakes The ship landed slowly, leaving the Marine Corps to leave the ship and begin construction of a temporary camp.

The wizard team headed by the vice-captain Feathered Snake used fossils as mud spells to turn a large number of stones into slime. The other team members excavated and shaped the slime into long clay tablets of two meters long and one meter high and thirty centimeters thick. The mud pillars several meters long are thicker than a human being, and the mud-to-stone magic is used to re-solidify them into hard rocks.

Then, the legendary mage Feather Snake used a spell to lift a piece of ground that was 100 meters by 100 meters, and pulled it up to a height of 20 meters before stopping.

Then transport these slate stone pillars to this high platform with a length of 100 meters and a height of 20 meters, and put them together to form a strong stone house.

In the following time, Feather Snake lifted a total of four such large platforms in four directions, and then gathered the power of all the wizards of the team to pull up a piece of two hundred meters by two hundred meters high and 30 meters in the center of the four high platforms. With stone bridges connecting the four high platforms together to form a whole.

Then, a stone wall ten meters high and five meters wide was used to enclose the five high platforms in a circle, with a total length of more than five kilometers. At this point, a large-scale temporary camp was formed.

Said it is a camp, in fact, it can be regarded as a city, and it only took less than a month.

This is the power of Faye, if there is no wizard team, don’t want to build a camp of this size at all.

Without the wizard squad, the remaining 90 Marines would not be able to build the five-kilometer stone wall outside of it in a year. This is still based on the fact that they are all soldiers of Tier 6 Transcendent and above.

If mortals come to build, few thousands of people will not be able to complete it after several years.

As soon as the base was established, Lin Xiao immediately began the follow-up action, which was to establish a space beacon and communicate with the outpost as soon as possible.

However, the base is easy to build, but it is not so easy to establish a space beacon.

Among them, the biggest problem is to manufacture the materials needed to build the space beacon, which is the most troublesome.

Although this thing is also a kind of magic circle, it is much more high-end than the general magic circle. The materials needed are very precious. They collected so many precious minerals and magic materials along the way, and only a few mithril can be used. Other materials such as magic sapphire are not used.

Although magic sapphire is one of the main materials for making magic ink, the requirements of the space beacon are too high. The magic ink made of this magic sapphire is not qualified. A better magic Treasures stone is needed to make special magic ink.

In other words, he now has to find materials that can build space beacons on this plane.

There are four main types of these materials. They are gemstones with spatial attributes as ink materials, which are mixed with the powerful creatures Blood Essence with Transcendent power at the lowest legendary level, such as dragons, Titans, and other super powerful Transcendent creatures.

Then use Mithril and Adamantite as the base. These two materials are considered popular materials among all treasured magic materials. There are many exotic planes, but they can’t stand a lot of them.

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