Chapter 594 Trading and the Law of Cycles

Of course, this is just a law comparable to going back in time, not really going back in time.

If it were a real time backward, Lin Xiao could not avoid being affected, but the fact was that the twisted space around and the chaotic power he summoned were affected, but he was not personally affected, indicating that this is not the real law of time.

But it’s still amazing.

Communicate with the chaos again, and the powerful force shatters the distorted and fragile space, but this space is affected by the power of an invisible law, and the power of chaos cannot come.

Unable to summon the power of chaos to form the real chaotic Realm, Lin Xiao simply gave up this trick, and the opened chaotic Realm reintegrated into his body, revealing his huge real body, and pressed his palm to the doll’s body.


Void’s sharp gaze bends, Lin Xiao’s huge body also shook back a step, lowered his head to look at the paw print on his chest, he showed a daze:

“It turned out to be so.”

This weird sealed artifact fragment does not master the law of time, but has a certain relationship with the law of time. It is difficult to find a word to describe this. If you insist on finding a word to describe it, it can be called the law of circulation.

Strictly speaking, this is a very small part of the law of time, or imitating the effect of the law of time, which can return anything to its original state.

For example, the effect that was similar to going back in time just now was to recycle the chaotic power he summoned back to the original point.

Just now, the Dou Zhuan Xingyi, which is similar to the other way, will return the attack to Lin Xiao himself, which is just another application of the law of circulation, the theory is the same.

Most of the Crystal Wall Universe does not have the underlying basic law of circulation. Obviously, it is the unique law of this Crystal Wall Universe. Lin Xiao has a lot of interest after learning about it.

He quickly closed his hands and said to Ragdoll:

“Your ability is amazing, I can’t break it, so now you can talk about how to trade.”

If his current strength reaches the level of Sequence One or Sequence Zero, or if his real body is here, he will definitely break the cycle at all costs. Unfortunately, the power of Sequence Two is still a lot worse. If he doesn’t have the ability to break, he will only have to cooperate.

Fortunately, this unknown sealed artifact had already said that he was allowed to attack once, and was not angry because of the action just now. The doll floated in front of him and said:

“I need you to take me out of this world and send me to the depths of the void to find my master.”

There is an infinite looping force field on this doll. If the force field cannot be broken, he will never be touched.

Stubbornly trying to reach out and touch the idea of ​​studying this circular force field, Lin Xiao retracted his mind and asked:

“Where is your master? How can I find your master?”

“I don’t know where my master is now, but as long as you take me out of this world, I will know where the master is.”

“Well, how can I take you away, if I complete the transaction, what can I get?”

Ragdoll said:

“I can see what you want, complete the transaction, and you will have the same power as me.”

“The law of circulation?”

“You have to think so.”

“Then I agree, what should I do?”

“Take me and just leave here.”

“Just hold you like this?”

Lin Xiao stretched out his hand to grab the doll while talking.

“Yes, just… wait a minute.”

His hands shook slightly, and he looked up with a puzzled expression.

The cold will from Ragdoll stared at Lin Xiao who was puzzled, and said for a long time:

“Can I feel your emotions agitated?”

Lin Xiao explained:

“You may not know that the cyclic law you master is very similar to the legendary law of time. If I can master it and greatly enhance my strength, maybe in the future I may use this to get a glimpse of the law of time. When I think of this, I will bear it I can’t help feeling agitated.”


The icy will was a little dubious.

Lin Xiao spread his hands and said:

“What are you afraid of? You master the law of circulation, and I don’t have the ability to break your cycle.”

The cold will was silent for a while, and said slowly:

“I warn you not to have any thoughts, otherwise I will change to a collaborator. There are many outsiders who come from the same place as you outside the door. The same is true when I ask them to cooperate.”

Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly:

“You think too much, you can ask them, my dragon emperor Wu Zhonglin has always had a reputation for honesty and reliability, how could there be any bad thoughts.”

“Huh, it’s better.”

The weird rag doll flew down on the huge dragon claw heart that stretched out in front of him, and the force field of the law of circulation slowly shrank into a thin light film covering the rag doll. The force field was compressed and the rag doll became smaller and smaller. , And soon it was only as big as a fist.

“What are you?”

After a while, the cold will replied:

“My identity in this world is a bit special. I need to become smaller. Then you swallow it in your belly and cover it with your own strength, and then you will leave this world without knowing it.”

“It turned out to be like this!”

The corner of Lin Xiao’s mouth was slightly tilted with a weird expression and said:

“Say it earlier, I have a good way to completely isolate the will of this world. Would you like to try it?”

“any solution?”

“I have an artifact that can isolate all breaths. I have tried many times before to isolate the prying eyes of the will of the world. Would you like to hide in?”

Cold Will was silent for a while and replied alertly:

“no need.”

“Forget it.”

Lin Xiao didn’t force it. He looked down at the beads that were only the size of ordinary people’s eyes and was isolated by the cyclic force field and asked:

“Just swallow it like this?”

“Just swallow it like this.”

Extend two fingers and gently pinch left and right to look around, and push it into your mouth.

“and many more!”

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Xiao quickly put away the fierce light in his eyes and asked impatiently.

“I always feel something is wrong!”

Lin Xiao was silent and asked in a deep voice:

“What’s wrong?”

“You want to eat me!”

Lin Xiao……..

After a while he said quietly:

“Didn’t you tell me to swallow you?”

“It’s not this.”

“You want to eat me, I can’t believe it…”

“Where is so much nonsense!”

Lin Xiao was completely impatient, and his palm cracked and turned into a black hole. The horrible attraction spread. The beads sank sharply between his fingers, and the cyclic force field quickly opened and settled on top of the black hole.

“Black hole!”

There was a scream that almost tore Lin Xiao’s eardrums:

“What is your relationship with the mystery?”

For the first time I heard the meaning of fear in his voice.

Lin Xiao didn’t mean to answer at all, and couldn’t answer. He didn’t recognize the mystery either.

With a light hum, the black smoke from the center of the dragon’s horns hovering above the head is like a volcanic eruption. The thick chaotic black flames swell into the sky, and the circles of chaotic air explode. The condensed chains flew to the dragon claws he held imaginary and entangled back and forth.

His hideous head lowered, his blood basin opened wide to reveal rows of sharp and sharp teeth, and his tone was gentle but cruelly comforting like thunder:

“Be good! Don’t resist, I’ll just take a breath, it will be very gentle!”

The five fingers surrounded by the chaotic airflow of golden dragon scales slowly pressed down, pressing down the light ball fixed in the palm by the power of the black hole.

But the power of this sealed object is too strong, or the power of the law of circulation is too magical, a bit similar to the law of balance, which can combine the force between the super gravitational force of the black hole and the force under Lin Xiao’s own pressure. The angle is turned, so that Lin Xiao’s own strength is wrestling with the black hole’s gravity. It can be said that he can resist the black hole’s attraction without much force.

Lin Xiao knew this very well, but he couldn’t withdraw his suppressing power. Once he did, he could force it out immediately.

But the more so, the more he likes this circular law, and the more he wants it.

It’s just that he’s in a deadlock now, he couldn’t swallow it into the black hole for a while, and the sealed artifact couldn’t escape for a while, and it seemed that he couldn’t tell the outcome for a while and remained frozen.

This is not very good for Lin Xiao. They have the advantage of numbers and entered the Sun Temple ahead of time. There are other children of God’s Domain outside. If they have not left for a long time, the more and more children of God’s Domain of other races will come in for a cup. Geng, when they are smashed by them, it will definitely destroy his good deeds. At that time…

There are, and more than one, ways to break the game.

Either find a strong person above Sequence Three to break the balance.

Either Lin Zhen descended an incarnation, or turned this projection into the incarnation of a god.

At this time, Lin Xiao’s true body had reached the sixth-level of the godhead, and it was already a weak divine power, and the incarnation of the gods related to the number of priesthoods could be separated.

Lin Xiao has eight clergy, truth, creation, life, Shura Naga, Little Naga, Protoss, and Aka Furnace tribe, but the highest and racial clergy cannot distinguish incarnations, except for truth. , Creation and Life, the three incarnations of gods.

The divine power incarnation of the divine rank level is third-level, which is equivalent to the rank one strong in this world, and it is still one of the best. It is not a problem to swallow this guy with the black hole of soaring power.

But if there are new problems in doing so, it is not easy to go back when the incarnation comes.

The True God-level existence cannot be ignored in any world. It can directly affect the entire Crystal Wall Universe, but only affects its size. The sudden arrival of his God’s incarnation will definitely be locked in by the world’s will.

More importantly, his current location is the temple of the sun god. Once the incarnation of the god descends, it is equivalent to appearing directly at the house of the sun god.

It can be described like this. At this time, two groups of different robbers broke into the house of the Sun God to rob and kill. The owner was resisting with a gun. An outsider with a gun suddenly broke in, and he would definitely attract the attention of the owner and the robbers. At this time, it is not easy to quit, and it is very likely to be involved.

Normally, Lin Xiao didn’t want to go deep into the world too much, but this cyclic law was too tempting. Although there was no evidence, he guessed that this cyclic law might be one of the predecessors of the legendary law of time.

Not to mention the extremely small possibility, even the slightest possibility is worth his fight.

Moreover, judging from the ability of this sealed artifact to display, the law of circulation alone is very powerful, and it is worth his risk.

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