The boat sailed hundreds of kilometers, Ye Huan stopped the boat.

It takes time to salvage, and it will be too late to move on.

"I'm going down this time! The bones are rusting!"

Ye Huan moved his body.

"Husband, I'll be with you!" Tan'er was eager to try.




The two jumped into the sea one after another and went to the bottom of the sea.

Not far from the sea, the light can still shine into the water.

The deeper you go, the worse the light becomes.

Fortunately, the cultivation base is different now.

Ordinary people can't see clearly when they enter the bottom of the sea. One can imagine how difficult it is to salvage treasures.

All the way down, the fish wandered around.

Soon after, I finally felt down-to-earth.

Ye Huan took Tan'er's hand and chose a direction at random.

After walking for half an hour, except for the seaweed and coral polyps on the bottom of the sea, I didn't see a single hair.

Ye Huan's face darkened, "I can't be so unlucky! Where's the promised child?"

He still doesn't believe in evil.

keep going.

Not to mention treasures, I didn't see a piece of gold or silver.

"Tan'er, you said I was lucky, where did my luck go?" Ye Huan's face was full of black lines.

Tan'er chuckled: "Husband, maybe you're holding back your big move!"

After following Ye Huan for so many days, I have learned 383 mantras from my previous life.

"What you said makes sense!"

Ye Huan comforted him like Tan'er.

"Husband, have you noticed that the further you go, the fewer creatures there are?"

"When I first came down, there were still some fish and shrimps, but now there are no corals!"

Tan'er found that something was wrong.

There may be no treasure at the bottom of the sea.

It is impossible that even the most primitive creatures do not exist.

She has salvaged so many times at the bottom of the sea, but she has never encountered such a situation.

"Hmm! What you said makes sense!"

"There is only one possibility. Those creatures are aware of the crisis and dare not stay here. Let's be careful."

Ye Huan also sensed that something was wrong here.

It is possible that a powerful siren is inhabiting this place.

He is fully aware.

Despite being suppressed by sea water, it's better than nothing.

Tan'er looked cautious.

Suddenly, Ye Huan caught an incompatible black aura in the sea water.

Tan'er came over.

This breath is very different from aura, and it contains energy similar to aura.

Ye Huan thought: "This is magic energy!", his face became more serious.

Where there is righteousness, there is evil.

The magic way here does not refer to people who practice the magic way.

It is a creature (cgeh) cultivated with magic energy.

There are yin and yang in heaven and earth, and aura and magic energy are equivalent to two sides of one body.

Those who use magic energy to improve their cultivation base are the real magic way.

"Is this magic energy? It's amazing!"

Both Ye Huan and Tan'er saw the magic energy for the first time.

"Aura and magic energy can be converted, but there will be some loss.

Ye Huan explained.

"Do the demonic people really kill like some materials say?"

Tan'er was a little worried. The appearance of traces of the demon way represented danger.

"Not necessarily. From an energy point of view, the aura is relatively mild, while the demonic energy is more violent."

"That's why people of the devil way practice faster."

"Once someone quickly grasps the strength beyond the state of mind, it is easy to do extreme things.

"This is the reason why people in the world are prejudiced against magic."

"Looking at it from another perspective, no matter whether it is aura or magic energy, it is essentially a kind of energy.

Ye Huan has read some materials analyzing the magic way, and agrees with these views.

The two continued to move forward in the direction of the demonic energy.

The magic is getting stronger

Finally, the two saw the source of the devilish energy, an extremely dark stone.

"Husband, it's the magic energy emitted by this stone!"

Ye Huan breathed a sigh of relief. He thought the trip would be dangerous, but he didn't expect it to be a false alarm.

"This is a magic stone! Similar to spirit stones and origin stones, they can be used for cultivation.

"Husband, is this magic stone very valuable?"

Tan'er cares about value.

"Well, it depends on the level of the magic stone. In short, this trip is very rewarding. I will check it carefully when I go back."

With a smile on his face, Ye Huan put the magic stone into the storage ring.

"Husband, your luck is too good!"

Tan'er took Ye Huan's arm and saw his luck again.

"Maybe this thing is destined for me!"

"Tan'er, let's go! Today's harvest is enough, it's getting late!"

Holding Tan'er's hand, the two headed for the sea.


Jump out of the water and onto the boat.

"Husband, seeing the smiles on your faces, you must have gained a lot!"

Yun Yun walked over.

Ye Huan directly took the magic stone out of the storage ring and put it on the deck.

"Such a big magic stone?" Yun Yun was surprised.

Feeling the energy contained in the magic stone, Ye Huan said with a smile: "This is the top grade magic stone, similar to the top grade spirit stone and the source of God.

"Will there be treasures sealed inside?" Ye Huan said, and everyone became interested.


The energy of the best magic stone is pure, except for cultivation.

It can also be used as a seal.

There are relatively few people cultivating with top-grade magic stones, and the gains outweigh the losses.

More used for arrays and sealed treasures.

"Ye Huan big brother, if we can cut out the treasure, we will make a lot of money!"

Little Phoenix jumped on Ye Huan's shoulder excitedly.

"Yes, this magic stone alone is worth hundreds of thousands of points. Moreover, there is a high chance that such a large top-quality magic stone will be used to seal treasures."

Yun Yun is quite confident in Ye Huan's luck.

"Why does sister think that the treasure will be cut out?" Tan'er was a little puzzled.

"There is another sister in the room, who was cut out from the source of the gods. The source of the gods was about the same size as this magic stone." Yun Yun explained the reason.

"Which sister was cut from the divine source?"

Tan'er knew that a sister was in a coma, but she didn't know its origin.

"That's right, because of this, I feel that treasures are sealed inside, or people are sealed!"

The ultimate magic stone, like Genichi, can isolate perception.

They can't find out what's inside, they can only know by cutting it open.

"Yun'er, do it!"

Among the few people, only Yun Yun is the one who uses the sword, and the others fight the enemy with bare hands.

Tan'er's supernatural powers are not suitable, and the flash in the pan is too terrifying.

Every magic stone is a point, and Ye Huan is reluctant to waste it.

"Husband, let me try!"

Yun Yun pulled out her long sword and started cutting from the corners.

In the sound of "Zi Zi", the magic stone began to fall off slowly from the corners.

Yunyun cuts stones and cuts out experience.

From the outside to the inside, don't worry about damaging the treasures inside.

Anyway, magic stones have to be exchanged in the end.

It's okay to shred.

With the cutting of Yun Yun, a sharp corner appeared in the magic stone.

"Husband, it's a long whip!"

A small long whip appeared in front of everyone.

The long whip is extremely flexible, exuding a faint magic energy, it is not known what material it is made of.

"Yun'er, keep cutting, the long whip appears on one side, there should be something on the other side."

Ye Huan ordered.


Yun Yun didn't neglect either, and continued to cut along the long whip.


What appeared in front of them was a white hand like jade holding a long whip...

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