The Almighty Little Chef
Chapter 1200: Cannibals with short mouths
Chapter 1200
Jiang Concubine blinked her eyes, "Sister Ying, what do you want to eat? May I help you get this? This dried apricot is so delicious."
Picked up the small plate with dried apricots, and graciously brought it to Sister Ying, who was short-mouthed.
"You are not afraid of getting fat, you are the first to come to me to eat so much!"
"I'm afraid, but I just exercise more." The scene of Jiang Xiaofei being dragged by Xie Jin to lose weight is still vivid. Losing weight...It's really not a good thing to do, it's very torturous.
"Aren't you afraid that I will wear shoes for you later? Look, you have eaten up all the snacks that I have treasured for a long time." Sister Ying pointed to Jiang Xiaofei with accusations in her eyes with a heartbroken look.
Concubine Jiang looked at the woman with a smile in her eyes, and she smiled without fear, "Don't be afraid! Didn't you say to be merciful to my subordinates later? You are not merciful. I have revenge anyway, and my heart is more balanced!" "
points to the small plate on the table.
"Okay, you are good."
Sister Ying handed over.
"Xiaofang! Quickly bring me the green plum fruit I bought before, and give Xiaofei a plate, as well as some dried apricots."
Sister Ying looked at what Jiang Xiaofei liked to eat, and said to stop, letting the assistant fill it up.
Sister Ying, like Concubine Jiang, joined the team of eating. The guests who came to be guests before were all eating something to make a sample. She didn't dare to be interested in what she said, or she would just make a roundabout. The set is almost.
Sister Ying sometimes lost her appetite. Looking at her baby snacks, she felt a pain in her heart.
This time, Xiaofei Jiang is with her appetite, but...still won't be merciful...hehehe.
The people behind and outside just watched the two eating for nearly half an hour, and from time to time they also shared their favorite snacks. Jiang Xiaofei’s favorite big spicy noodles and favorite potato chips are all the same. Sister shared.
"You actually like cucumber-flavored potato chips, this tastes super strange! I recommend you to try his barbecue flavor, it is very authentic, and there is another ZD potato chip, which is also super delicious!"
"Cucumber flavor is super delicious, there is also lime flavor, it is refreshing and delicious!" Jiang Xiaofei resolutely maintained her favorite taste and called them crazy.
The director just reminded the two of the headsets to be ready, ten minutes later it was the beginning, and it was quiet.
Jiang Concubine relaxes, keeps her good condition, and will be able to react accordingly later.
Sister Ying closed her eyes to rest up her mind, but in fact, she went through the question later.
Although it is said that they are all asked randomly and there is no desk book, there are still some questions to be asked.
"Hello everyone, welcome to today's "Please Answer", I believe everyone already knows our guests today."
【certainly! It's for the guests! Little concubine, little concubine, little concubine! 】
【Wow, my little concubine~ Dad is here! 】
【Come on, little concubine, little concubine is the best, little concubine is the most beautiful, little concubine...]
【Hello Sister Ying! Take care of our little concubine, please be merciful later, oh oh oh, sister Ying is too cruel, why can't our little baby think so much? I want to participate in this interview, oh oh ——]
[Sister Ying, see you again, you still feel like yesterday that makes people's ears shine, ah no! It seems to be a bit fatter than before, but it may be because Xiaofei is too skinny, looks like? ? 】
(End of this chapter)
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