The Almighty Little Chef

Chapter 1275: No one wants to let me go today

   Chapter 1275 No one wants to let me go today

   "The baby is okay, it's the baby's father who is in trouble, and the baby's father is about to die..." He hugged Concubine Jiang, held her hand and went down.

  Jiang Xiaofei blushed, don't open her face, she wanted to take her hand away.

   "You... let me go."

   "Don't let go, no one wants me to let you go today." Xu Yanxiu rubbed his head on Jiang Xiaofei's shoulder, bent down, and hugged her.

  "I haven't finished the shower yet, let's rub my back together."

   closed the bathroom door with a snap, isolating all outside sounds.


  Jiang Xiaofei and Xu Yanxiu are going to recognize the gate of the imperial capital today. Wen Renyou and Jiang Yiheng will go with them, and they need to take them with them.

  "Mom, Xu Yanxiu and I prepared my own medicinal liquor, purchased tonics, and tea for my grandparents. Do they have anything else they like?"

  Jiang Xiaofei counted the gifts they brought, and asked Wen Renyou for fear of omission.

I heard that the second elder and younger uncle were very kind to her. She didn’t formally recognize them. The second elder would often send her something today and tomorrow. In addition to herself, there are Xu Yanxiu, Bao Bao, and even the second elder of the Xu family. Some things will also be sent.

  Wen people’s grandpa and grandma are very kind. Both of them are engaged in art. They like to travel and travel. They are like friends to Concubine Jiang, and Concubine Jiang gets along with them very comfortably.

  I didn’t intend to give them their own medicinal liquor. After all, I did it myself, no matter how good I said, I was afraid that they would look down on that big brand.

  But her mother said, she just brought a handful of soil, and the second elders would also think that the soil is precious, so put it away.

  And it doesn’t matter what you send, the important thing is the person giving the things, Jiang Xiaofei just added the request.

"There are a lot of these. In fact, your grandpa and grandma are very happy. Your grandpa and grandma have photos of you when you were a kid. You are still the only junior in your family in your family. You are their darling baby. If you go to them, they will definitely not be a baby. "

Wenrenyou said with a smile.

   "Don't be nervous, grandpa and grandmother are very nice. Didn't you call and video with them often?" Jiang Yiheng patted Jiang Xiaofei on the shoulder.

Xiaofei Jiang nodded.

  Xu Yanxiu looked at Jiang Xiaofei like this, smiled and embraced her shoulders to give her strength.

  Going to Wenren’s house first was discussed by Jiang Yiheng and Wen Renyou. They first went to Wenren’s house for lunch, accompanied the two elderly people, went to Jiang’s house in the middle of the afternoon, and left after dinner. The two couples rushed back to Jiangzhou by plane.

  Jiang Xiaofei also prepared gifts for the Jiang family, but there are too many Jiang family, and she is very new to Jiang’s family now, and she has prepared gifts on the market, it is not too much to get it.

  The car drove into a large villa, the big iron door opened, and the car drove in.

  Jiang Xiaofei saw three people standing at the door in the car.

  That is Wen Ren's grandpa, grandma, and uncle.

   "Little Concubine!"

   "Grandma!" The two embraced.

  Wenren's grandfather and uncle looked at the two women hugging everything with admiration, wondering if they had this honor.

  Jiang Xiaofei let go of Wenren's grandmother, wondering if she saw what the two of them meant, and smiled and called grandpa and uncle to hug them.

  "Okay! Grown up! Alright!" Wenren's grandfather patted Jiang Xiaofei on the back, a little excited.

  His granddaughter, finally came back after so many years!

  (End of this chapter)

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